» Romance » FOREVER SOULMATES, Lisa Ann [read book .txt] 📗

Book online «FOREVER SOULMATES, Lisa Ann [read book .txt] 📗». Author Lisa Ann

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Ch. 1 Family Reunion

Marty dialed a number belonging to her older brother Dominic that she had found in her father's wallet. Marty just hoped that it was actually his.

Her father Tom had kicked her out because he didn't want to put up with Marty after he had kicked out Dominic.

Tom had become very abusive to her and it was only because Dominic wasn't there to stop him.

When Tom father had told him to leave, Dom tried to take Marty with him, but Tom told Dominic that if he didn't leave than bad things would happen to Marty.

The thing was that that they both believed him. At first Tom didn't do anything to her, but then that's when things changed.

So when Marty got her chance to leave she took it. But how was she going to explain this to Dom.

Dialing the number she heard it ring and prayed that he would pick up.

Jericho was in the kitchen when he heard Dominic's phone ring.

"Hey, Jer can you get that I'm in the shower!" Dom yelled from his room.

Picking it up he said, "Hello." Marty smiled when she heard a voice, but she knew it wasn't Dom's.

"Hello? Is Dominic there?" she replied.

Jer was wondering who would be calling early in the morning. "Yah he's here. Who wants to know?" Jer stated.

"It's his sister Marty. Please may I talk to him it's really important." Before he could say anything Dom walked out the bathroom.

"Hey Dom, do you have a sister named Marty?" Jer asked holding out the phone.

Then all of a sudden he grabbed the phone out of Jer's hand. "Marty is that you? What happend? Are you ok?" he panicked.

She felt so happy when she heard her brother's voice. "Can you please come get me now?"

"Where are you?" Dominic asked.

"I'm at dad's house. Please hurry before he gets home," she pleaded.

Hanging up Doninic quickly got dressed and ran out the room with Jericho on his heels.

They pulled up and saw Marty sitting on the steps with her things packed.

Marty ran to her brother when she saw him getting out of the car with someone who had to be the guy that answered the phone.

Dominic wrapped his arms around his sister tightly.

"Let's get you out of here," Dominic said.

But then another car pulled up and Marty knew it was their father Tom.

With only exchanging glances with one another, Jericho knew what Dominic wanted him to do.

He sat her things down and stepped in front of Marty, shielding her with his body as if there was going to be a fight.

"If I'm not back in five minutes, then I want you to take my sister home. You got that Jericho?" Dominic commanded.

"Don't worry I won't let anything happen to her."

Jericho turned around and looked at her from head to toe and frowned when he saw Marty's busted lip and a bruise under her left eye.

"It's not as bad as it looks," Marty tried telling him.

Jericho grabbed Marty's things then her hand and pulled towards the car. "Come on, we can wait for Dom in the car where it's safe."

As Marty sat in the car she kept trying to figure out why she couldn't read Jericho's emotions or anything. It was just blank for some strange reason.

Finally, after ten minutes of waiting Marty saw Dominic come around to the driver's side and get in.

"What happend?" Marty whispered. Dominic turned around in his seat to face Marty and Jericho, who had concerned looks on their faces.

"Well, all I'm gonna say is that I don't think father will be bothering us anytime soon," Dominic smiled.

Ch. 2 Meeting The Pack

Dominic turned the car on and headed back home. Marty looked out the window and noticed a huge mansion as Dominic pulled up to park in the driveway.

Marty could tell from the way Dom was smiling that he was happy to have his lil' sis home.

As they got out the car Dominic turned to Marty and said, "I'm going to go ahead inside and let the guys know that you're here while Jericho can help you with your things."

When Dominic was in the house, Jericho grabbed Marty's things from the back.

Marty was watching Jericho get her things when she bumped into him and tripped over her feet.

Before she hit the ground Marty felt a strong arm wrap around her waist pulling her back to her feet. They stood there starring at each other.

Jericho noticed that Marty had long curly brown hair with bright blue eyes and her brother Dominic had short curly brown hair with dark brown eyes and was 6'3 while Marty was 5'6.

Just looking at Marty you could tell that her and Dominic were related.

"Well I see someone is having a little fun," a voice said.

Jericho let go of Marty to see Noah standing there with a big smile on his face.

Marty looked up at him and noticed three other guys coming out the house along with Dominic.

"Marty, this is Noah and on his right are Gaven and Tanner and next to Dom is Bryce," Jericho said with his arm around Marty's waist.

"Hey, it's nice to finally meet everyone," Marty smiled.

After saying hi to the rest of the guys Dominic showed Marty to her new room that was already prepared.

When Marty saw how huge the room was she started jumping up and down with excitment.

Dominic smiled saying, "Well I'm glad you like it. Your room and Jer's are the biggest rooms in the house. Even though we all have master rooms."

Marty just starred at her room in amazment. "Why do I have extra doors?" she asked.

Dom saw her point to the two doors. "The one on the left is your master bath and the other one to the right is a small empty room that conjoins with Jericho's room," Dominic replied.

Marty started unpacking after her brother left to go get something to eat.

The one thing she kept thinking about was how she couldn't seem to read anything from Jericho.

There must be some reason why and she was going to find out.

Then Marty heard a knock on her door. "Hey I was wondering if you would like to ride with me and Noah to the mall?" a voice asked.

Marty turned around to see Jericho standing in her doorway.

He had long straight black hair that came just passed his ears with bangs that hung over his amazing forest green eyes and he was 6'3 also.

"Um...sure. What about everyone else?" Marty asked not able to look away.

"The rest of the guys are riding with Dom. So you and Noah can ride with me," Jericho smiled, then kissed Marty on the cheek.

As Jericho turned and walked away leaving Marty to get dressed she thought about how easy it was to be around him.

Marty was wearing a black tank top, skinny jeans, pink and green jacket, and black combat boots.

Letting her hair hang around her shoulders Marty grabbed her purse and headed downstairs.

When Marty got to the living room she saw Jericho and Noah waiting for her and noticed that they looked alike.

Noah had short wavy black hair with grey eyes and was 6'4. Jericho came to stand next to Marty, putting his arm around her waist. Marty looked at Noah and read his emotions.

"So you are Jericho's older brother?" she smiled happily.

Noah smiled, "Yes, but only his half brother. Also I've never had a lil' sister. So would you mind if I considered you mine because I consider Dominic my brother?"

Marty thought how great it would be to have another brother. "Yes I would love that only if I get to consider you my brother?"

Marty gave him a big huge when he shook his head yes and with that they left the house.

CH. 3 Hanging with the Pack

When they got to the mall they all kept arguing where to go first.

Marty just wanted to wonder around the mall and look at all the stores until she found someone.

Gaven, Tanner, and Bryce wanted to do what guys do best; scope out girls.

Gaven had short straight red hair with light green eyes and was 6'1. Tanner had wavy dirty blond hair with brown eyes and was 6'2. Bryce had short straight blond hair with blue eyes and was aslo 6'2.

So Jericho, Dominic and Noah went with Marty to show her around. All around Marty could feel what people were thinking.

At first she thought coming to the mall would be fun, but now she doesn't know.

Then Jer grabbed Marty's hand and squeezed

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