» Romance » FOREVER SOULMATES, Lisa Ann [read book .txt] 📗

Book online «FOREVER SOULMATES, Lisa Ann [read book .txt] 📗». Author Lisa Ann

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sis out alone again.

To make things better for Dom, Marty told him that she would make sure that someone was with her if she went out. That made everyone feel better.

When school started on Monday Marty got her schedule and looked at it.

She noticed that she had at least one of the guys in each of her classes.

Jer couldn't take on more minute of this. All he wanted to do was rip Reece's face off.

The one thing that sucked was that Reece, Adam, and Caleb went to the same school as them.

The day had been going great, but then changed when Jer all of a sudden didn't show up to walk with her to lunch.

Marty looked up when she heard footsteps coming down the hall only to notice that it was Reece instead of Jer.

Marty turned on her heel and headed down the hall to get away from Reece.

Her heart was beating loudly in her ears. If only she could get to the lunch room then all would be fine.

Pulling out her phone she texted Dom quickly.

Marty: Dom I need you now! Reece is following me to the lunch room!

Dom: Where are you?

Marty: Standing by the Art room!

Dom: Ok I'm almost there!

Marty put her phone up and started towards the Art room just across the hall when she was caught around the waist and pushed hard against the wall.

Reece pinned her arms above her head and smirked, "Now to finish what I started at the mall and this time you won't be getting away."

"Leave me alone!" Marty yelled as she kneed him in the balls.

Reece slapped her before whispering in her ear, "You'll be mine one way or another and your Dad will be happy when you're back at home again."

Marty froze in fear. She didn't want to go back to her father.

Tears slide down her face as the thought of what her father would do.

Then Reece let go of her arms when he heard Dom calling for her and left before he saw him.

"Marty what happend?" Dom asked hugging his sister closely.

She told him everything that Reece had said only to notice that all the guys were standing behind him.

None of the guys looked happy. Especially Jer, who had his fists clenched down at his sides.

"I'm going to kill him," Jer growled louding.

Gaven grabbed Marty by the arm softly and pulled her towards the lunch room with Tanner following behind.

Bryce looked at Jer and noticed that if he, Noah, and Dom didn't calm Jer down now then he would surley shift.

"Guys we need to get Jer out of here now!" Bryce said.

Noah and Dom grabbed Jer by the arms and took him home.

As soon as they got their they put Jer in the spare room they use when they need space to cool down and not shift.

When you have found your mate your feelings become stronger. Jer knew that if he didn't calm down now then he would most likely shift.

"The only person that can calm him donw is Marty," Noah stated.

"Tanner and Gaven are on their way home right now," Bryce said.

Marty quickly ran into the house. "He is upstairs in the spare room. Just remember to open the door slowly and try not to upset him more. You're the only one that can calm him down besides Noah, but you have to do it not anyone else," Dom stated.

Marty nodded her head and went up the stairs to the spare room with Noah right behind her.

Noah stood outside the door just incase Jer got too out of hand. Right before Marty opened the door Noah stopped her.

"Before you go in there I just want to tell you that I'll be right outside the door if you need help. Normally when Jer gets like this I'm the one to calm him down, but right now I would only make things worse for him since he found his mate," Noah informed Marty.

She knew about them being wolves and the whole thing about finding your mate.

"So that's why I don't hear the voices when I'm around him?" Marty asked.

Noah smiled, "Yeah that's why. It's also why he got so much more angrier at school. Since you're his mate his feelings will be a lot stronger than before."

Marty now understood why she felt so safe, secure, protected, and drawn to him more easily.

It all made complete sense. Jer paced back and forth in the room. He had torn everything in the room apart, leaving holes in the wall.

Jer was glad that Marty was his mate, but he didn't want her to be the one to calm him down.

He knew that Noah couldn't do it. Maybe he could convince Noah to come help him instead of Marty.
CH. 6 Wanting Revenge

Slowly the door opened up and Marty popped her head in. Jer could smell her in the room. He didn't have to look up to know that it was her.

As soon as Marty walked in she could see Jer standing in the corner with his fists clenched at his side.

"Jer," Marty whispered softly.

Jer looked up to see Marty slowly walking to him. He took a deep breath trying to calm himself down.

Then he felt Marty standing in front of him. She slowly wrapped her arms around his waist holding him close.

Jer felt his heart rate slow down and his body relax. He looked down at Marty and wrapped his arms around her.

They stood there for a couple of minutes before Marty stood on her tiptoes grabbing Jer's face in her hands and kissed him.

He could feel what she was feeling just like that. Sparks shot through his body as he deepend the kiss pulling Marty as close as possible.

Marty felt the sparks also shoot through her body. She felt Jer's body heat wrap around her like a blanket.

As they were kissing Marty heard Jer growl loudly as he tightend his grip on her waist.

Downstairs she could hear yelling and then all of a sudden she felt the worst pain ever, build up in her body.

Marty let out a whimper before her legs became weak and she lost all her strength.

Jer caught Marty in his arms holder her close. He shouted for Noah who came running into the run looking pissed off.

"Jer we need your help downstairs now! It's Dom, he and Bryce went hunting and were attacked, but Dom got the worst of it!" Noah said.

"Dom!" Marty cried out as she could feel everything he felt.

Jer's anger came surging through him once again. They rushed downstairs quickly.

Dom was on the couch bleeding badly, but what hurt Marty the most was the pain.

When your a wolf your wounds heal faster, but they hurt a lot more.

Bryce was hurt too just not as bad. Tanner and Gaven took Bryce upstairs to look at his wounds while everyone else stayed downstairs.

Noah cleaned Dom's wounds best he could. After that Jer helped Noah carry Dom upstairs to rest.

Marty was curled in a ball on the couch crying.

Jer could feel how much pain she was in and tried his best to keep her calm.

"Dom will need several days rest, but he'll live," Noah said.

Marty breathed alittle better knowing that he was gonna live. Jer was rocking her back and forth on his lap soothing her.

Marty ended up falling asleep on Jer's lap while he, Noah and the others talked.

Jer soflty picked Marty up laying her down on the couch and headed for the door.

Jer knew who did this and he wasn't going to sit around and do nothing about it.

Noah and Gaven jumped in front of Jer to keep him from going anywhere.

Tanner had stayed upstairs with Bryce and Dom in case something happend.

"You need to think about what your doing Jer before you regret it," Gaven scolded him.

All he wanted to do was to kill Reece and his stupid little friends that had hurt his family.

"If you get yourself killed do you know what that's gonna do to Marty?" Noah questioned Jer shoving him into the wall.

Jer knew what would happen and he could feel his body scream in pain at the thought of Marty dying because she couldn't take the pain of her mate dying.

Noah gripped his shoulders roughly, "So help me God Jer, if you try and do anything stupid then I'll be forced to lock you up away from Marty until we know what's going on."

Gaven stood next to Noah and knew he would do what he said.

Jer couldn't think of ever being away from Marty like that.

Then they heard a small whimper. Jer turned his head towards Marty who was awake on the couch.

"Jer pleses don't leave me! What am I gonna do if you leave and get hurt? That means my father and Reece would have gotten what they wanted?" Marty cried out.

Tears streamed down her face. Noah let go of Jer so he could go to Marty.

Jer ran over to Marty and pulled her to him. "It's ok baby girl I'm never going to leave you," Jer told Marty wrapping his arms around her tightly.

As the night went on Jer took Marty to her room and put her to sleep.

The next morning Marty woke up and got ready for school. Dom was doing a little better so Tanner was going to stay home with him while the rest of them went to school.

Marty stayed close by Jer's side as they walked to school. Noah, Bryce, and Gaven followed behind them.

When they opened the door to go inside before school started there stood Reece with Caleb and Adam in the back.

From the way Jer growled next to Marty she knew something was going to happend. She could feel his grip on her waist tighten.

"You couldn't stay away could sweetheart?" Reece said looking at Marty.

Marty pressed herself closer to Jer's side trying to hide from Reece's view.

"Your going to

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