» Romance » Forbidden, Samantha Page [reading comprehension books TXT] 📗

Book online «Forbidden, Samantha Page [reading comprehension books TXT] 📗». Author Samantha Page


Burton stood on the top of the Tower, gazing at the site of the lake and the city. He smirked, enjoying himself from where he was. His snow white hair was being picked up in the breeze now and then, his wings moving from the way in which he had placed them.

It was nighttime and the city was still somewhat alive: Bright lights, cars and city noises.

He looked like he had all the time in the world to just wait and sight see, but he was waiting for someone to get here.

He looked at the bottom of the tower, seeing people pass by now and then, maybe the occasional couple or even hobo.

He found this world so much more interesting than his own, that and also the human race. It amazed him to see how they've grown, through technology and evolution. Most of his own race stuck to some traditional practices: eating flesh, raping humans, possession in ones body and soul. He didn't follow to these rules; he wanted to study them instead of harming them.

He noticed a figure at the ground, his eyes trying to recognize who it was. He paused and contemplated on jumping down, if he was wrong and it was a mere human down there, he would be screwed. He watched the figure still and saw as it moved quickly, somehow making its way to where he stood. Burton raised his eyebrows, fascinated.

The figures hands grabbed the edge and pulled himself up in a simple, quick movement. He now knew who it was. His wings have spread slightly behind them and felt the leathery fabric against his skin. If he had to take off for any reason at all, he'd be able too easily. Only needing to jump and spread his wings.

"So what took you so long?" Burton spoke roughly; he stayed a fair distance apart still.

"I had gotten…sidetracked…" Burton listened to his voice, and faintly heard his Irish Accent. He looked at his face more, seeing blood dripping down his chin. He knew why he had been late; he had just finished feeding. He wasn't looking for a fight, it didn't want it to come to one either.

"Why did you want me here Cayden? Do you want me to deliver anything?" Burton stood carefully, his hands were balled into fists and they were by his side.

"Yes…I do…I would like you to relay a message to Shane…you know him. Shane Sullivan, vampire with long brown hair and brown eyes?" Cayden turned to the side, gazing at the city lights.

"Of course I know him. What Creature of the Night doesn't? But get to the damn point, what is it you want me to tell him?" He knew he wasn't going to get in a fight now and relaxed somewhat, but also tried to stay on guard, just in case.

Cayden turned his head and looked at him, a plain look on his face. "Let him know I'm here…"

Burton raised his eyebrows, curious. "That's it?" Such a simple, almost pointless message. Would it even be worth the time to deliver it?

"Yes…that's it." Cayden stretched slightly and yawned, exposing his sharp fangs. "Need anything else?"

"Just a gist on location…" He might as well do this; he didn't need a clan coming after him. He didn't want blood on his hands.

"Either here in Toronto…or just somewhere in southern Ontario…you'll find him…" His eyes flicked over to him, looking murderous. He would be attacked if he complained, if he didn't deliver the message he'd have a clan on his trail. He would have to do this almost pointless task.

"Alright…I'll do it…" He walked to the other side of the tower spreading his wings he was going to jump then Cayden's voice stopped him.

"Oh and Burton…get it to him within the next 72 hours…and let me know he got the message…" Cayden smirked and turned back to the city scene.

Burton faced him for a second to tell him he would and then started to tip back, slowly falling over the edge. He smiled at this familiar rushing feeling, his wings picking up the air. He flipped himself over, opening his wings and flew away.

As he flew away he thought in his head how much of a pain in the ass this would be. He needed to find him and get back to Cayden within the next 72 hours. He knew what would happen if he didn't and a fight is something he wouldn't like to see or be in…

He sighed and growled slightly. 'I may as well do this…' he thought to himself.


Cayden sat down at the tower, his feet dangling off. He very well knew that demons power but had no fear of him because he would never need to fight him. He was in control of the most bloodthirsty, destructive coven and had a large number of Night Creatures to do his bidding.

He chuckled and pushed himself off from the tower, flipping a few times and feeling the wind rush around him. He felt the surge of an adrenaline rush and smirked.

He had landed perfectly and when he did, it was right near a young woman. She was only a few feet away and she had screamed when she saw him.

Cayden tipped his head and his smirk widened even more. These things were only food now. Nothing more, nothing less.

He lunged forward grabbing her neck and squeezed as hard as he could, watching life escape from her eyes. They were weak, and delicate just like a doll, but absolutely full of the life giving liquid.

She wasn't alive anymore. Her mouth was still hung open gasping for air, and her now lifeless and dead eyes were slowly becoming more and more glassy. He chuckled darkly and bit her neck, feeling the smooth liquid pour into his mouth. He drank her dry and when it was all gone, he left the body there.

Why leave a body where someone will find it? Well first off, he didn't give a shit. Second of all, He would never be found. He can keep himself concealed using his clan and the darkness together as a cloak.

Devin himself has a cloak...however, hes easier to spot in the darkness..


Publication Date: 12-11-2011

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