» Romance » Alex & Sam, Jeniffer M [best novels in english .TXT] 📗

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Alex and Sam

“A cheerful heart is good medicine,
But a broken spirit saps a persons’ strength” –Prov. 17:22

Chapter 1 Alex’s Memories

“Hey Alex!! Wow, it has been a long time, hasn’t it?”

“Hi Georges, yea, it has been a while, but what are you doing here? Weren’t you in England?”

“Yea, we came back a few weeks ago”


“Yea, Samuel and me... actually, I’m waiting for him”

In that instant, that very instant, I felt my whole world shattered. Samuel was back and he didn’t call at all, He didn’t sent mails or text messages about it. I didn’t understood what was going on, and didn’t either listened what Georges was saying because I was staring at Samuel, walking towards us. His face was different, didn’t radiant happiness and his eyes were empty. His hair was a little long and messy and looked like he didn’t shave in a week and his cloths were a little messy too. This was not my Samuel!

“Oh, hey bro, remember Alex right?”

“Hello Samuel! Welcome back?” <I could not move! I could not give him a hug, or a Kiss, nothing. I didn’t know why, but I just couldn’t make myself to move.>

“Hi Alex, thanks. Umm... Georges, it’s late, let’s go. Nice to see you Alex.”

“Ok, see you around Alex! Take care! Say Hi to Alice from me!”

“Bye Georges, Bye Samuel, see you around.”

And that was how my dreams and hopes of my prince charming went down to hell, crashing in a million tiny pieces. I could still not believe that Samuel was back, and not in my life, not the way I was dreaming to. Why didn’t he look for me? Why didn’t he call? Why looks like he didn’t even care?
I was rooted at the bank entrance. Tears were forming in my eyes and when finally, my brain started to work, I called my first-aid-BBF number: Yamilet.

“What’s up babe?”


“OooKeey! Tell me everything! What’s going on?” <I hear a little alarm in her voice. She knows me so well!>

“Um... is Samuel Yami” <My voice was breaking a little.> “He is... well... I’m in a shock because ... he has come back Yami!!” < By now the tears were falling down. >


“Two weeks ago, a just met them Yami.”

“And? What did he tell you?’

“Nothing Yami! He said Nothing! Just hi and good bye.” <I couldn’t even breathe properly. 10 min ago I was normal, happy, and now I was such a mess, so sad, so... heartbroken!!>

“Ok Alex, calm dawn, just breath in, come on, breath!!” <I did.>

“Ok honey, my break is finishing, but I will pass by your house and we’ll talk ok? Just calm dawn –“

“Noo! Yami, not at my house... can I go to yours? I don’t want my mom see me crying, please!”

“Deal! I’ll be at the station at 4:00pm. Meet me there and will talk while walking.”

“ok... Thank you Yami”

“Don’t worry babe, see you at four.”


I stood there 10 more minutes just trying to breathe normally. Then, lake a zombie, went to the bank, Pay my cell phone’s bill and walked out of it. It was 1:30pm. I planned to do some spring shopping before my unexpected encounter with the Campbell brothers, but now, I was in zombie mode ON. I started to walk to the station. Usually, takes 15min to get there, but it took me 15min to get there today. I look around for a place to wait for Yami, and find some empty chairs closed to the mechanical stairs. I sit there like a potato bulk and the memories of the last summer started to flash back to me like if they were yesterday’s memories and not almost a year ago memories.

10 Months Ago.

“ALEXANDRA JONES!!! Will you pleaseee hurry up?” < My sister was desperate to get out of the house before mom came back, because then, the good bye with mom will take like 20 more minutes. “Coming! Coming!” <I was running down the stairs with my bag on the right hand and my sandals on the left. I was wearing a gray summer dress and my hair in a nice pony tail. We were going to the Eric’s Summer House in Santa Monica with my sister’s boyfriend Georges Campbell. >

“You don’t even have your shoes on Alex!”

“Will you calm down Alice?! Georges is not even here!”
<Now that I was at the door I started to tie my sandals on. >

“Yea but I don’t want to be inside the house, mom will be here any minute now and I don’t want to give her any reason to back down!”

My sister Alice turned 18 years on last February, and I was going to be 17 on December. There were only 10 months of different between us because I was premature. We were like twin sisters, we both were a little short, with dark brown hair and eyes, fear skin and normal weight, not fat, not skinny either. But the main different was that her hair was short and straight and mine was long and curly. She was finishing her senior year of high school and I was going to begin mine on September. We share almost everything. She was very worry because mom didn’t approve Georges. He was in his first year of college and mom was sure He wasn’t taking Alice serious. So, I was supposed to take care of Alice in this trip, as well she was supposed to take care of me.

“Don’t Worry Alice, She won’t do that, she already say yes you know, have a little faith.”

“Not taking chances! Did you call Yami?”

“Yes, she is ready and waiting.” <We were getting out of the house to wait at the door for Georges.>

“Oh great, mom is here. Here we go!”

My mom was returning for work first, and my dad will be at home a couple of hours later. She was the General of the house, every day decision she made it, and only the financial decisions were made by Dad. My Mom, Amelia Cortez, was a Colombian immigrant that fell in Love with Anthony Jones at the tender age of 18. My dad was 24 back then, and they got married after only a year. He was an account and was working for a very important law office. My Mom didn’t went to college, instead she chose to be a housewife and by the time we stared school she made a secretary training curse and started to work part time for a business company. After we stared high school, she decided to work full time.

“Hello, girls!” < Mom said with a little worry in her voice.>

“Hi Mom!!” <Alice and I said at the same time like in chorus.>

“Did you plan to leave without having supper?”

“Mom, it will take 4 hours by car to get there, and we want to be early. I don’t want George to drive at night”. <Alice made the perfect excuse, trying to look mature and responsible. HA!! >

“And who else confirm, apart from Yami?” <Yami was her adopted daughter, because since I was 8years old, we were the best friends. Inseparables on Vacations, Holydays and, of course, school. >

“Um... Well, Erika and Kate are going with Erick. Mmm I think Johnny is going with Gabriel, Mark and Lily, and George, his brother, Yami, Alex... “

“Georges has a Brother?”

Mom made out loud the question that I made in my mind. I didn’t know he has one, and that was rear because Alice tormented me talking about Georges here, George there, so annoying. She told us that his Father was from England and came like 30 year ago to California. His wife didn’t like it and after a few years they broke up, singed the divorce and she went back to England. Georges chose to stay with his father here, end of the story. Now he has a Brother?!

“Yes, I think is Sam... Um... not sure now, anyway, He is just visiting for the summer vacation.” <So, Alice didn’t know him either?!>

When the X5 BMW parked in front of the house, Alice was blushing. I chuckle a little. When people are in love, they are so funny. Georges got out of the car, said Hi to my Mom and me and started to pick my sister’s bag when another person got out of the car.

I think the three of us, Alice, Mom and me, stare at the boy walking toward us. I was almost drooling. Georges was a very handsome tall guy, but he wasn’t the athletic type. He was more the skinny type. Blond hair, blue eyes, Californian tan and very conceited. But the guy walking toward us was tall, athletic like an Olympic gladiator, dark blond hair, eyes like honey color, Fair skin and an amazing smile that flashed across the neighbourhood. But it was the way he looked at me what made me blush instantly.

“Oh, Mrs. Amelia, Girls, This is my brother Samuel, he is visiting me for a couple of weeks so we are taking him to meet Mr. Sun, and also celebrate his birthday, which was two days ago!!”

“Oh! Congratulations! Nice to meet you Samuel, I’m Alice, this is my Mom Amelia and this is my sister Alexandra”.

“Alex. Nice to meet you Samuel!” <I cut Alice right away. Alexandra was too long for me, and I really didn’t like people calling me for the long name. Only teachers and my mom when she is in the bad mood called me that way, I like Alex instead. The nick name was warm.>

“Sam. Nice to meet you too Alex. Alice, Mrs. Amelia.” < My mom didn’t say anything, just gave him her hand like a greeting. Samuel said “Sam” looking at me so intense that I felt like sweating. Was I dreaming?! Gorgeous people don’t really look at me! He was such a handsome guy with a funny accent!>

My Mom gave us kisses and hugs, say bye to the boys and went to the house’s entrance to wait for us to leave. Georges took Alice bags, and Sam took mine. When he picking up my bag got really close to me and I could smell his fragrance... and OMG!! Did he smell nice?! I was intoxicated already with the smell coming from him. Very macho-men but still sweat fragrance. And I was about to be four hours in the same car with him! No wait... It will be a whole week with him!!! I couldn’t be happier!

We all got in the car and wave bye to my mom. Georges was driven and Alice was next to him. I was behind Alice and Sam behind Georges. When we pick Yami up 5min later, she bomb me to the meddle seat, next

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