» Romance » beauty and the edward, bella&edward [nonfiction book recommendations TXT] 📗

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said kindly.

He made her place her arms around his neck while he wrapped his arms around her waist. The sudden contact with him made Bella feel flustered. She didn't understand why being so close to him would make her feel this way. His scent, his personality, everything about him was enough to make her feel delirious, like she had some sort of illness and there was no cure for it. She looked up into his green eyes.

"I'm going to step on your feet." She said nervously.

"You're not. Just look into my eyes and focus on what we're doing." He instructed.

"Look into your eyes? Shouldn't I be watching my feet?" She questioned.

"No, just let the music take over. Don't think about anything else." He said.

"I'll try my best."

He started to sway her across the room. Bella let the sad sound of the music and the instruments take over, she found that her feet started following the beat. Without over thinking the next step she was able to stay in sync with Edward who was a pro at this. She stared into his eyes the whole time, which was strange for the naturally shy and timid girl. Edward spun her around and she fell against him when he brought her closer to him. Her breath became heavier, she bit down on her lower lip. Edward held her in his arms for a few seconds and buried his nose in her neck, taking in her natural scent. She closed her eyes wanting him to keep on kissing her. She wanted to turn around and make out with him passionately and then demand that he took her up to his room.

"You smell like strawberries mixed with vanilla." He whispered into her ear.

"It's my shampoo." She said softly.

He turned her around so she was facing him.

"Bella.." He said, sounding like his voice was caught with emotion.

He stared deeply into her chocolate brown eyes, as if he was staring at the beautiful girl for the first time. Bella bit her lip, she didn't know what caused him to act this way. He suddenly let her go, she almost lost her balance and felt saddened to be away from him. She took a small step back and looked at him with a confused expression on her face.

"You should forget about what I said earlier. I'm not good for you Bella. I was wrong to try to bring you into my world." He said bitterly.

She felt like he had just slapped her across the face. Didn't he feel how electric it was between them? How could he just take back what he said? It made no sense to her.

"You can't ask me to just forget it. Not good for me? Let me decide that." She pleaded.

He shook his head and looked away from her, his gaze directed towards the flames.

"You would choose wrong because you don't know all the details Bella." He said firmly.

She blinked back tears, he was rejecting her and it felt like he had thrown a piece of heart into the blazing flames that was next to them. He couldn't tell her that he was bad for her and then just tell her to forget about what he said earlier.

"I don't care what I choose, as long as it's my own choice, but if that's really what you want Edward then there's not much I can do." She said quietly.

He looked upset, but he refused to say anything. She took one last long look at him. There was too much darkness and dramaticness to him, it would be foolish for her to fall for him. She knew this now and already he was starting to hurt her, so why did she feel like this was just the beginning and that it was far from over?

Edward and Bella had been back from their trip for a week now. Edward was sitting in his office at home drinking some scotch. His plan was falling into place and he ruined it all by taking one look at Bella. They were dancing, it was like they were made for each other. He looked into her deep, brown and loving eyes, eyes that were free from hate and evil. Her pureness was so tangible that he knew then that he could never use her the way he planned to. The deadline still loomed over his head like an ominous cloud, Bella had been ignoring him ever since they came back. He would just have to find someone else, she deserved more than that. It was fair enough to say that he was miserable. He was consumed by his pain on most days and drank his sorrows away. He knew that she was undoing him in some way and he didn't understand why. He took a sip from his scotch as he read an article for his magazine. There was a soft knock on the door, he looked up from the article.

"Who is it?" He said, sounding angry.

"It's Bella." She said,sounding annoyed.

A small smile crept onto his face, but he quickly concealed it when she pulled the door open and walked inside. She was wearing a tight fitting black knit sweater which showed off her curves perfectly, paired with purple skinny jeans. She was wearing makeup and her brown hair was wavy and down. She took his breath away. She pulled the black, plastic chair out and sat down on it.

"I need your permission for something."

"What is it?" He asked.

"I need you to temporarily lift one of your rules just for tonight."

"Which one?" He asked stiffly.

"The one about having boys over. My friend Jake is here and we need to study." She said.

Edward immediately felt enraged by her request. Study was just code for hooking up, he had been young once and he knew how that worked.

"I don't want you screwing some kid in my house." He said angrily.

Bella blinked her eyes and shook her head.

"I will be doing no such thing! He's just a friend and I need to study for this test or I'll fall behind in class. Anyways there was somebody I was interested in, but he's way too bad for me." She said stubbornly.

Edward smirked, he didn't want anyone else to touch her. She was too pure for that, it would disgust him if she was defiled by some stupid college frat boy.

"You better mean that Bella or I'll kick you out in an instant. Now about this other person, maybe he was just being idiotic..."

Bella rolled her eyes at him and laughed dryly.

"Yes Mr. Cullen I understand that. I'll be sure to just study. Well has he come to his senses yet?"

He smirked.

"He will never be in the right frame of mind.."

"I don't care."

"Don't be rude."

"I mean I don't care if he will never be in the right frame of mind. He thinks he's worse than he truly is."

Edward laughed and took a sip of his scotch.

"Can we please stop referring to me in the third person? My head is spinning." He said.

Bella watched him curiously, he appeared to be intoxicated and out of it.

"Your head is probably spinning because of that." She said pointing to the drink in his hand.

"No it's not." He slurred a little.

She pushed her chair back and walked over to where Edward was sitting. She reached for the glass to pull it away from him, but he refused to let it go. How much had he been drinking? Surely it was more than just this one glass.

"Edward, how much have you drank?" She asked.

"I was at the bar, they sent me home for drinking too much and now here I am drinking this scotch. Don't worry so much, beautiful." He said sounding flirty and drunk.

She shook her head and tried pulling the glass in his hand away again.

"You need to stop, please for me?" She asked.

He looked into her eyes and smiled, he put the glass down on the desk and pushed it away.

"Now you do something for me. Give me a kiss." He said.

Bella rolled her eyes.

"No Edward. If you feel weird or something just shout for me. I'm going to go study now." She said.

She didn't want to leave him alone, but she was sure if she stayed there she would end up kissing him and she would just want to do it again and again afterwards. She grabbed the glass of scotch and walked out of the office with it. She went to the kitchen and dumped the liquid in the sink and then she left the glass there.

Jake and Bella were sitting in her room. She was glad that she had someone to hang out with, without the added drama of confusing feelings. Jake was handsome and he wasn't confusing or complicated like Edward, it was a nice change. Jake was sitting on the other side of the bed.

"This place is really nice. I can't believe Cullen lets you stay here for free." He commented.

Bella looked around at her room, it was really nice. She smiled slightly.

"Oh trust me I'm paying to live here." She said cryptically.

Jake looked very surprised and taken back.

"Does he make you.." He said.

Bella gasped and shook her head, shaking her hand out in front of her.

"No! It's not like that. Sorry I made it sound so bad. I meant I'm paying for it because Edward can be a little rough around the edges at times." She said honestly.

Jake nodded his head in understanding.

"I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. I know you're not like that. It sucks that he's such a dick though. If you need to escape him, you're welcome to hang out with me." He said kindly.

Bella smiled, she was glad Jake was her friend.

"It's okay. Thanks Jake, I might have to take you up on that offer."

"Anytime. Anna Karenina is so depressing. Why does love have to be all complicated in these books? They call it great literature, yet these people are miserable. I don't get it, love should be simple, no complications." He said.

Bella tilted her head to the side, Jake made some sense about love being simple, but simple love was never epic. People wrote things about the type of love that could pull your heart out and then at the same time make you more alive than you had ever been, it explored more human emotion and pain, which made for an interesting and torrid love affair.

"It is depressing. I hate it when people don't get their happy endings. I guess literature likes exploring epic love you know? The kind of love that rips your heart out and saves you at the same time. Maybe these books are warnings. Like I'm reading The Age of Innocence and it's so obvious that
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