» Romance » beauty and the edward, bella&edward [nonfiction book recommendations TXT] 📗

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change soon?" She asked.

He smirked, and wondered why she cared about this.

"Maybe, with the right woman who knows?" He said mysteriously.

She bit her lip.

"I'm sure many girls would die to marry you."

"Are you one of them?"

She gasped and blushed deeply.

"I'm just kidding sweetheart." He said jokingly.

She giggled and playfully poked his hand, there was an electric spark when she touched him and they immediately pulled their hands away. "How strange, that never happens." She thought to herself.

"Do you miss your father?" He asked.

"Yes I do, I'm worried about him. He's probably living off pizza and beer now, without me."

"Doesn't your mom cook?"

"My parents are divorced, my mom lives in Florida with her new husband. My dad is all alone. I feel so bad for leaving him." She said honestly.

She hadn't expressed how she had been feeling about everything and it felt good just to let that go. She was surprised at how natural she felt talking to Edward, like she didn't have to pretend to be anyone but herself. He looked at her with understanding and nodded his head.

"That's tough, but your dad will be okay. I bet he's proud of you for going after your dreams. I'm glad my parents are divorced though, because my dad is a dick." He said.

He laughed and drank more of his wine. It was so unusual to say that to someone, he wasn't use to it.

"Thanks Edward. I hope he will be okay. He's that bad?"

"Yes he is that bad. Have you ever been in love?" He asked randomly.

She looked down at her wine glass, and started to trace her finger around the rim of it. She bit her lip and blinked her eyes.

"N-n-no." She stuttered.

He looked at her very curiously, "What a strange reaction" He thought.

"I see, no guy has ever been good enough for you?" He asked playfully.

She shook her head and it seemed like there were tears in her big, brown eyes.

"No, it's me that's not good enough for them, Edward." She said very softly.

He was completely shocked. She was smart, kind and beautiful, a very rare combination. Nobody would ever deserve a goddess like her.

"Don't ever say that. Bella, you are a very rare type of girl. The idiots are intimidated by that. You deserve a man that knows how lucky.. I mean you know you'll find someone better."

He was about to tell her she would find her soul mate, but he wasn't sure if that was true for he did not want to give her false hope. She smiled at him for his kind words and nodded her head.

"Thank you Edward, but I don't believe in love."

"Neither do I." He said honestly.

Somehow, he didn't want to believe her. She was innocent and it seemed to him that she had a kind heart, full of love. How he wished he had met her 10 years ago, when he was almost as innocent as she was . They could have fallen in love, got married and live together in Forks, but he was a dangerous monster and he was afraid he was going to hurt her. He feared that it was too late to stay away from her now, his father's words echoed in his ears " Try to find an innocent girl, maybe one from a small town. Make sure she's naive and that she won't suspect a thing" He was too selfish at times and he knew what he was going to do, but there was no stopping him now.

A/N: So what do you think about Edward's decision? It's pretty crazy. This story is going to be a bit darker than other ones I wrote but I hope everyone sticks around and sees what happens. Thank you to everyone who reviewed earlier.

Chapter 4

Bella had just come home from her classes, it had been a long day and she was exhausted. She collapsed onto her bed and stared at the ceiling, she had never felt so tired or hungry before. She groaned and rolled off the bed and onto her feet. She pulled the door open and headed downstairs to get some food. She wondered if she would see Edward, she always liked talking to him after a lo
ng day, lately they had actually been friendlier towards each other. She wondered why Edward had a change of heart lately but she wasn't going to argue with it. She jumped down the last stair and walked into the kitchen, there was a tall Brazilian looking model type sitting on top of the counter while Edward was pouring some Chardonnay into two wine glasses. She had waist length black hair and vivid brown eyes, she was blessed with high cheek bones and full red lips. Bella instantly felt insecure in her t shirt and jeans, she rolled her eyes and walked over to the fridge. She wanted to quickly get a snack and then leave Edward and his model alone. Edward watched her carefully, she could feel his eyes on her. She instantly turned to look at him, the model glared at Bella and then at Edward.

"Is this a joke?" She shouted angrily at him.

He sighed and took a sip of his wine, he placed the glass down and shook his head.

"No?" He said casually and shrugged.

"You, who are you?" She demanded as she stared at Bella.

Bella was tired, hungry and now she was annoyed. She glared at the idiotic woman in front of her.

"I'm Bella, I'm a house guest of Edward's." She said.

For some reason she didn't feel like explaining her situation with Edward, the model could come up with her own theories as to why Bella was really here. Edward looked at Bella and shook his head. The model jumped off the counter top and shook her head and started swearing in Portuguese.

"You are so pathetic Edward, you and your girlfriend deserve each other." She shouted angrily.

She grabbed the wine glass and threw it near where Edward was sitting, the glass shattered against the wall and she stormed out of the kitchen. Bella heard the front door slam shut and looked at Edward in shock.

"You sure know how to pick them." Bella said carefully.

She walked to the fridge and pulled out a container filled with strawberries, she shut the fridge and placed the strawberries on the oak table. Edward quickly drank the rest of his wine.

"She's crazy, jealous and delusional. Thanks for ruining my night." He said.

"Ruining your night? I'm sorry about that, you know her throwing a wine glass at you is so normal. I seem to have saved you from a crazy person."

He smirked and walked over to where she was, he walked behind her. She could smell the alcohol in his breath, she was staring to think he was an alcoholic. She suddenly felt the air around her thicken like she couldn't breathe. He moved her hair away from her neck and moved his head closer to her bare skin. He smelled her and gently rubbed his nose against her neck.

"You should take her place, you owe me that much." He whispered seductively into her ear.

She quickly moved away from him, a part of her was deeply aroused and she knew if she wasn't a virgin she would probably let him do whatever he wanted to her. It was hard to resist a man like him, but she wondered if she would ever want someone like Edward to be the first man she ever had sex with. She didn't know if she wanted to remember him forever.

"You're drunk or whatever it is you are, but you know I won't do that with you." She said stubbornly.

"Why not?" He demanded stubbornly and crossed his arms.

She rolled her eyes and walked up to him. She wanted to show him that she wasn't afraid to stand up to him. She stared directly into his emerald eyes.

"Because I'm not someone you hook up with randomly and it would make things between us awkward." She said firmly.

He was surprised at her sudden boldness, he suddenly felt at a loss for words.

"Fair enough." He said dumbly.

Bella picked up the container with the strawberries and went up to her room to eat them. Edward was the most confusing man she had ever met, so why did she feel like she was starting to develop some sort of feelings for him? "It's not fair, he's the worst man for me, I can't care about him." She thought to herself miserably.

It has been 5 days since Bella and Edward had last talked, he had been avoiding her after the awkward conversation in the kitchen. Edward was mad at himself because if he was being honest, he wasn't as drunk as he made himself out to be. There was just something about Bella that night that made him feel as if he was unable to resist her, her boldness had only turned him on more. He was starting to think that Bella wasn't as shy as she let on to be, she just had her boldness buried away, but sometimes it made it's rare appearances. He was suppose to take another trip to Rochester to sort out a few of his affairs there. He wondered if maybe Bella would like to get out of the city for a bit. He had to still put his plan into action, he would have to make her fall in love with him. It wouldn't be too hard, most woman that he met instantly fell in love with him. Bella was a shy, insecure young girl, all he had to do was pay her enough attention and he would be able to manipulate her into doing anything. It was almost too easy, she would be very easy to catch he was sure of it. He pulled out his phone and sent Bella a text.

Meet me in my office when you come home, I have something I'd like to discuss with you Miss Swan

He heard the sound of footsteps and wondered if maybe she was already home. He heard the doorknob turn and his suspicions were right, Bella was standing at the door. He let his eyes wash over her as he took in her appearance, she was wearing a purple and black checkered shirt, pale blue jeans that were tattered at the bottom which carelessly touched the ground, paired with Chuck Taylor high tops or what appeared to be them. The shirt hung tightly to her body, he could see the curves of her breasts and wondered why she would hide her body, he wanted to see it, he wanted to free her.

Bella arched a thin, brown eyebrow at him, he leaned forward and folded his hands as he placed them on his desk. He smiled at her charmingly, he had been blatantly checking her out but he decided to continue like that never happened, she would just have to play along. He doubted she had it in her right now to
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