» Romance » beauty and the edward, bella&edward [nonfiction book recommendations TXT] 📗

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He placed his brief case on top of it and stared at everyone. He winked at Angela and then cleared his throat, getting everyone's attention.

"Today we will discuss Tolstoy's classic Anna Karenina."

Bella tried paying attention to his lecture and took out her notebook, ready to take down notes.

Edward had been stuck in meetings all day long, and had a fight with one of his employees, it was fair enough to say he was in a very bad mood. It was 8 pm and he had just arrived back home. He was cold, grumpy and pissed off. Isn't he always? He swung the door open and threw his coat at Adrianna. She knew it was best to make herself scarce and disappear immediately. He walked straight to the kitchen and located his liquor cabinet. He pulled out a bottle of Jack Daniels and looked through the ornate, oak cabinet for a glass. He placed it onto the granite counter top and poured some into it. The brownish liquid dangled around the glass. He heard foot steps behind him, he spun around and had a menacing look on his ruggedly, handsome face. He was about to tell the person to leave him alone, when he realized it was Bella, he sighed and turned around.

"I won't be great company right now." He said in a low voice.

"That's okay, I just came down here to get something to drink.. Are you okay?" She asked with caution.

She walked over to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of Evian water. She closed the stainless steel fridge door and proceed to sit down at the table that was by the window. The table was made out of oak and was bare. She looked at Edward carefully and wondered why he was so pissed off. He walked over to the table, he dragged the chair a few inches away from the table and took a seat. He pushed his chair in, and looked at the young girl carefully, she was actually very attractive. He took a sip of his whiskey and decided that if he got very drunk, he wouldn't be able to resist her and that would be wrong, so very wrong.

"I had a bad day at work, that's all. How was your day?" He asked.

He wasn't use to talking about his day to anyone, in fact he was a bit of a loner. He never really talked to anyone about anything. He took another sip and smirked, the burn from the alcohol felt so good.

"I'm sorry to hear that, want me to cook for you? I can make something that you like. Maybe it will make you feel better. My day was good, I met an old friend! He's from Forks like me. My lit professor seems alright I guess."

He smiled at her, how kind, how naive.

"It's okay little girl, but thanks for the offer. Glad your day was good. Who is your Lit professor?"He asked sounding curious.

He didn't like how happy she sounded about that boy from Forks. He did not know why he felt that way.

"Professor Avery, do you know him?"

She was glad he seemed to have calmed down, but the alcohol made her feel uneasy, she didn't like drunks. Edward sat up straighter and his eyes seemed furious. She looked at him like a deer stuck in the headlights.

"You stay away from him okay? He's a very bad person. Don't stay alone with him after class. Promise me you will do that Bella?" He asked, sounding frantic.

"I promise, but what did he do Edward? I'm scared now."

He shook his head, and gulped down the rest of his drink. He put the glass down with a thud.

"I can't say what, but you need to trust me on this one. The world isn't rainbows and butterflies Bella. You are too young to understand that, but there are evil people out there and they look for people like you to use and abuse. You need to be very careful." He said.

She moved back with her chair. Edward had frightened her and upset her. Did he think she was 5 years old? She wasn't a child. She was 19 years old and he was talking to her like she was his precious baby girl, who he was protective of. She stood up and pushed her chair in.

"Thanks for the warning Edward, but I'm not a baby. I can take care of myself just fine. I know he likes sleeping with his students, I'm not that naive. I know about sex, so you can actually be frank about that. I'm going to go now. Goodnight."

She shook her head, turned on her heel and exited the kitchen. He was in shock, did she really just tell him off and did he just let her get away with it? He got up from his chair and walked back to the liquor cabinet. He grabbed the bottle of Jack, pulled the cap off and began to drink from it. "To hell with her, and everyone else. That's what you get for trying to help people." He thought bitterly to himself.

He was prepared to call the Dean and expose Avery if he had to. He wouldn't let him harm another young girl, especially not Bella. Nobody could hurt her, she was too fragile and he felt the need to protect her, but he did not know why. For it was impossible for a man like him to care, it was not in his nature.

Chapter 3

Edward was sitting behind his desk at the GQ offices. He was reading an article someone had wrote about one of the best restaurants in the city, the 21 club. He had been there a few times and decided maybe he would take Bella there, she had been avoiding him all week and it was getting on his last nerve. He would buy her an expensive meal and she would forgive him. People could be bought off right? He looked up when he heard his door creak open, he was about to go off at the person, when he realized it was his father. He stared at him blankly.

"What do you want?" Edward asked rudely.

His father looked like an older version on him, but with brown hair and soul less eyes. His father smirked and walked towards the front of Edward's desk.

"Nice set up you have here. I just came to give you some good news." He said.

Edward folded his arms and stared at the man who was supposedly his father, the man he hated. The one who had made him make so many mistakes.

"What news? You're getting married to a 21 year old model?" He said.

"No, I'm not getting married for the 4th time. I bought Conde Nast Publications, so that makes me your boss." He said smugly.

He froze and stared at the smug bastard. He felt like he was in a glass box and the walls just crashed down all around him. He had finally worked hard to get to where he was, to free himself from his father but now he was controlled by him again.

"Good for you, but let me do my job without any interruptions from you." He said firmly.

His father shook his head and laughed, sounding very sinister.

"On one condition, find some girl that loves you before spring and you can keep your job."

Edward laughed and glared at him.

"You're kidding me right? Do you not remember what happened the last time you forced me to do something like that?" He said angrily.

His father's expression turned blanked.

"Sometimes people have to suffer for others to gain wealth and power.. "

"I will not do that again. Why does it matter if I find someone to love me or not?"

His father shook his head and sighed.

"We're an old money family Edward. Your grandfather left some silly rules in his will about how his descendants would get money. If you are not married by the time you turn 30, then we will not get the $200 million that is rightfully ours. My brother Edwin will get the money and he will destroy everything we worked so hard for. Not only will we not get the money, we will also lose our trust funds. Which means you will have no house and I will fire you." His father explained.

"You can not do this to me! Don't place this on me. You expect me to find some innocent girl and use her just so we can get money?"

"I'm stating the facts. Oh Edward don't be dramatic. I'm sure you can find some girl, you know you care more about money and status than you would care to admit."

Edward was stuck, it was true he enjoyed having money, status and power. It upset him that he would have to use another woman to help him attain more wealth. The last time it ended badly, very, very badly and he was never the same again. This time he would find someone that was not his friend, a girl he barely knew.

"Fine, I'll do it."

His father smiled and clapped his hands together.

"Maybe I can finally be proud of you. Try to find an innocent girl, maybe one from a small town. Make sure she's naive and that she won't suspect a thing. We want the media to like our family again, so she should also be kind."

Edward gulped, someone fitted that description perfectly and he instantly hated himself for thinking about her that way.

"I'll find someone, now excuse me I have a deadline to meet."

Bella was in her Literature class, it had just ended and she had dropped her pen and notebook on the floor. She bent down to pick it up, she was feeling tired so she took her time retrieving the fallen items and then placed them back in her brown bag. It was starting to tear at the seams, she realized she would have to buy a new bag soon. She looked around and realized she was the only student left. Professor Avery had a smirk on his face and his eyes never left her small frame She bit her lip and was determined to get out of there and fast. She quickly walked down the stairs, only to have him block her exit.

"You're Isabella Swan right?" He asked.

"Yes." She said softly.

"I read your paper about the themes of Anna Karenina, I was very impressed. You're very smart and you have in depth knowledge about the subject matter, that most students can't seem to grasp yet. I can give you your paper now, if you want."

He smiled at her charmingly, she blushed slightly. It was flattering that he thought she was smart. She suddenly remembered Edward's warning. She figured that she should be careful, but maybe Edward was just being judgmental.

"Thank you so much Professor Avery. I love reading, I've read Anna Karenina at least twice. Oh yes I would love to see my paper."

He smiled at her, she was innocent and he liked hunting for innocence.

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