» Romance » beauty and the edward, bella&edward [nonfiction book recommendations TXT] 📗

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me." He said.

For a second she paused, Edward's words were ringing in her ears. She shook her head and followed Professor Avery to his office. He walked in and turned on the lights. It was a medium sized office, with a small bay window. His desk was a mess with papers thrown everywhere, some were even on the floor. It was a far cry from Edward's neat and orderly desk. He looked through the mess and handed Bella her paper. He had given her an A, she smiled brightly.

"You're so beautiful Ms Swan." He said.

Bella looked at him weirdly, that was a very inappropriate thing to say to a student.

"Um thanks Professor Avery." She said, emphasizing on the professor part.

Run girl, run

He laughed and leaned back against his desk.

"You can call me James." He said.

"I prefer Professor Avery, it's more professional." She said firmly.

"Of course Ms Swan, whatever suits you. Do you want to stay and have some coffee with me?"

She stared at him in shock, it was like he said, "Do you want to lay down on my desk so I can rape you?"

"I have to go. Edward Cullen is waiting for me." She said.

She knew that maybe dropping Edward's name would give her some protection. James Avery looked like he had seen a ghost. He walked around to his desk and sat down.

"Eh you can leave." He said.

Bella walked out the door and smirked, when she was sure he couldn't see her. There were some perks to having Edward in her life. She walked out of the campus and onto the busy street. To her surprise there was a black limo parked by the curb and Edward was leaning against it. He seemed to be angry, as usual. She walked towards him. The city was bustling and there were cars rushing down the street. It was so alive compared to Forks.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"My meeting ran late, Alfred told me he was suppose to pick you up, so I decided that we would come pick you up first and then go home.. Why are you so late? We've been here for 10 mintues."

She sighed and looked at his handsome face. She was standing close enough to him, to smell his expensive Armani cologne, he smelled really good.

"One of my professors wanted to speak to me after class. Sorry about that."

He glared at her, as he opened the door. She got in and he slid onto the seat after her. The limo started pulling up into traffic.

"Which professor?" He asked.

"Avery." She said softly.

He slammed his hand against the car door, the noise frightened her.

"What did I tell you about him? You need to stay away, please don't forget that."

"Maybe I will if you tell me what happened."

"It's too personal and it's not my story to tell. He hurt someone I care about okay? I don't want you to get hurt."

"Why do you care if he hurts me? You hate me don't you?"

He looked at her in disbelief, because he thought she was the one who hated him.

"I don't hate you Bella. Do you hate me?" He asked, ignoring her first question.

"Of course not! You have been kind enough to let me stay with you. I'm forever grateful to you." She said kindly.

He smiled at her, it was good to know someone thought there was some good left inside of him.

"It's my pleasure. Tonight would you like to go to dinner with me? It's an expensive place, so wear something nice."

She looked outside and at the busy city. She wondered if maybe he was trying to buy her off. He had to add in that it was an expensive place. She hated pretentiousness.

"I think I'll pass tonight. I have to write 2 essays and I'm so tired."

Edward glared at her and looked away. He decided to ignore her for the rest of the ride home. He was not use to rejection and it irked him.

Edward and Bella had both arrived back home. He was in a bad mood and she was upset that he was sulking like a baby because he couldn't get his way. She was about to walk upstairs, when she heard him shout for Adrianna, who came running into the entrance hall to see what he wanted.

"What is it Mr Edward?" She asked.

"Make sure Isabella stays out of the kitchen tonight. She's ungrateful." He said spitefully.

"But what if Ms Bella gets hungry? She spend all day at school, she need food."

Bella stormed up the stairs and shut her down firmly. He was being so cruel! Edward was furious at her behavior and ran up the stairs, with Adrianna close behind him.

"Mr Edward, she is just young girl! Don't shout at her, please she is too nice!" Adrianna pleaded.

He banged loudly on her door.

"Either you join me for dinner tonight or you don't eat at all." He said angrily.

Adrianna shook her head.

"You no get girl with that attitude." She said.

She shook her head and walked away. Edward stared at her, "Why would she think that I'd want Bella?" He thought to himself. Maybe because in a twisted way you do?

"You're lucky I love food! I'll get ready and meet you downstairs later." She shouted, sounding stubborn.

"Fine, be down in an hour."

She shook her head and flipped him off from behind the door. It was a good thing he didn't see it because she was scared he would throw her out the window. He wanted her to have dinner with him, she wouldn't mind staying at home and having a simple dinner with him, one that she would cook. It was the way she was brought up, she wasn't use to going to fancy, expensive restaurants for dinner. That made her a bit nervous and she didn't feel like having people stare at her. They would all think why was a man like Edward taking a plain, teenager out to dinner?

She walked over to her closest and looked for something pretty to wear. She found a black, strapless dress. It hugged her body in all the right places, she had bought it at a boutique in Seattle, she didn't have a special occasion to buy it for ,but it was so beautiful she simply could not resist. She took her black sweater off and pulled her jeans off. She was in her black Victoria's Secret bra and panty set. Little did she know Edward was watching her, he was sitting in his room and had knocked his pen onto the floor, he walked over to where it fell, it was on top of a very old vent, which had holes in it so you could see the room on the next level. He almost fainted, when he saw Bella in only her under garments. Her body was amazing, he knew he shouldn't look, but he had never been so tempted in his whole entire life. She had round, full breasts and a nice ass. He gulped and continued to stare, as she pulled a pretty looking dress onto her body. She looked like a little, pale, gothic princess. He quickly stood up and walked back to his bed. He didn't want to feel like a pervert. He didn't know whether he should try to make Bella fall in love with him, or maybe if they got closer he could ask her to marry him. After all, if he lost his money and house, she would have no place to stay either. It would help both of them out. His father always had a way of messing up his life no matter what.

An hour later, they found themselves seated at 21 Club. It was a restaurant that was one of the speakeasies during the roaring 20s, during the prohibition era. Edward liked the black and red décor and the historic vibes it gave off. The food was good and he didn't mind spending a lot of money for it. Bella hardly talked to him, and he was starting to feel like a fool for forcing her to come along with him. She was seated opposite of him and looked around the fancy restaurant. She felt so out of place.

"So you're not going to talk to me?" He asked.

"Are you going to give me ultimatums? Because if you are, then I'm not going to speak to you."

He laughed, he liked that she was showing some signs of fierceness.

"I'm sorry, that was stupid of me. You know some guys do much crazier things to get a beautiful woman, like you to have dinner with them." He said.

She blushed, leaving her cheeks a bright pink color. She giggled slightly.

"Was that a compliment? I'll forgive you this time." She said playfully.

"Yes it was. I promise to behave better." He said.

They looked into each others' eyes and smiled. Bella bit her lip, when she realized how attractive he really was, his playfulness made him more appealing. His strict, serious demeanor took away from his attractiveness, it didn't matter how good looking he was. A bad personality was like poison to Bella, but she was starting to see that Edward wasn't that bad, life had just turned him sour.

"I'll believe it when I see it. Your mom says you never come home to Forks, why is that?" She asked.

He took a sip of his Chardonnay and sighed. He had to admit, it was a bit nice to have someone to talk to.

"She has her new family. They don't really like me."

"I don't think that's true. Whenever I see them they always talk about you." She said.

Bella had met Emmett Cullen a few times at fundraisers for Forks High and at the local diner. He always said his half brother who lived in New York was cool. She had never met Alice, because she moved away years ago, but she knew Emmett and his wife Rosalie.

"My step dad is a good man. They have a nice, non-dysfunctional family. I rather keep my darkness away from that. They don't need to see me and my mother doesn't need to be reminded of her past."

Bella looked at him with concern, he was keeping himself away from people who cared about him. It hurt to know that he would think so badly of himself. She wanted to let him see that he deserved to be around kind people.

"You're not as bad as you think you are. Do you prefer being on your own? I mean you're not married or anything.." She said cautiously.

"You don't really know me Bella, I'm not a good person. Yes I do, that way I can't hurt anyone." He said.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" She asked.

"I have many.. lovers. No girlfriend and I have to keep it that way for now."

"So, that might
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