» Romance » beauty and the edward, bella&edward [nonfiction book recommendations TXT] 📗

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she could trust what he was saying so easily.

"I don't want to forget about what happened, last night was really intense, I wasn't acting like myself Edward. I told you I don't believe in love and you told me you didn't either. We won't be having sex any time soon, so I really don't know if I can give you anything." She said honestly.

He looked directly into her eyes, he had the same angry look from last night in his eyes now and she felt really scared.

"Didn't last night prove that I wanted more than just that with you? You don't really believe that Bella, you're just saying that to sound stronger. Look I don't know what this is, but we shouldn't ignore it."

She looked at him and this time she thought he did sound sincere, he was right about that. It wasn't like she truly believed there was no love in the world, she was just insecure that nobody would love her. Maybe Edward could show her what was missing in her life.

"You're right. I guess I'm just scared. So then are we going to see what this is?" She asked.

He smirked, she wondered why he smirked that way, it was as if he was playing poker and he had just won.

"Yes we are, you won't regret your decisionMs Swan." He said.

She giggled and nodded her head.

"I don't think I will, Mr Cullen."

Edward's phone began to ring, he quickly answered it and his facial expression grew serious.

"Yes? Okay I'll be there in 30 minutes. Sorry I'm late, okay I'll bring that for you.I can't talk now Elena, I will talk to you later." He said and then hung up.

"Elena? Who the hell was Elena?" Bella thought to herself.

"I really have to go, lets order some food to go and then you can eat back at the house. I'm sorry I have to do this. I promise I'll be free when I get back and we can do something together." He said.

Bella closed her menu and nodded her head. She had no idea what was going on.

"That's okay. I'm sure whatever you have to do is important."

He smiled at her.

Chapter 6

Edward promised he wouldn't leave Bella for too long, but he had a lot to do and found himself at Elena's house longer than he expected to be. Bella appeared to be jealous, but if she really knew the truth then she wouldn't feel that way because Elena was Tanya's mother. Ever since Tanya's death all those years ago Edward tried his best to help her out and make sure that she had everyth
ing she needed. It was something that Tanya use to do for her mother and he felt as if it was his responsibility to take over, after all he blamed himself for her death. She was his best friend and if it wasn't for him then she would still be alive. Edward took a sip from his coffee cup and settled back into the black sofa. The house was average sized and inside it was decorated with all sorts of vintage and antique items. It felt very homely, something Edward wasn't use to anymore. Elena was sitting on the sofa opposite of him; she was about 55 with graying hair and inviting, warm blue eyes. She had slight wrinkles at the corners of her eyes and her forehead was sprinkled with a few freckles. No parent should have to lose their child, yet somehow she never let her heart grow cold, it was something Edward wished he could learn. Guilt was like poison and eventually it would kill you, or in Edward's case it killed his heart, or so he thought.

"You know you don't have to always come here. I know you are very busy." She commented.

Edward shook his head, he wouldn't hear it.

"I'm never too busy for you, besides you love having me over here." He said charmingly.

"You've always been a charmer young man. Now who is this girl you are here with?" She asked cautiously.

Edward felt awkward all of a sudden; he would have to lie to Elena. He couldn't tell her that he was about to repeat history. He cleared his throat and crossed his long leg over his knee. He placed the cup of coffee down on the oak coffee table and shrugged his shoulders."

"It's not serious. Her name is Bella." He said in a low voice.

He wasn't willing to give Elena more information. He felt like a monster, who would take advantage of such sweet innocence, but a monster? Bella deserved more than that and he knew it. Elena shook her head, she was a very insightful woman.

"You haven't appeared to be this happy in years. If you care about this girl make it work. You do deserve to be happy Edward, she would have wanted that for you. You were her closest friend."

"I don't deserve anything. Tanya should be here now if it wasn't for me and my father." He said angrily.

Elena glared at Edward, in a way that a mother would do when she is about to correct her child out of love.

"You were young. If anyone is to blame for all of this it would be your father and my ex husband all they cared about was protecting their money together and then they hatched that stupid plan for you and Tanya to get married. Neither of you really had a choice, you cared about each other as friends and did what you needed to do. That was a long time ago Edward, you need to come to terms with it. You can't blame yourself forever." She said strongly.

He hung his head in shame; he seldom talked about what happened with Tanya and about what made him such a monster. He could have stood up to his father before, he could have changed everything, but his greed for money took over all rational thinking.

Then there was the accident that ended her life. He was driving that night; she was talking about how she was in love with Avery and how she wanted a divorce. Edward knew that if she bailed on him before a year had passed he would lose a lot of money and the scandal would have looked bad for his family. They were in Rochester driving back home from a Christmas party, there was ice on the road and the two of them were arguing. Edward got so upset that he wasn't paying attention to where he was going and the car swerved over the black ice, the car flipped several times leaving Tanya and Edward severely injured. A few minutes after the crash Tanya died from her injuries, Edward never stopped blaming himself for what happened. It changed his life forever and he was never truly the same.

"I didn't have to go through with it. I'm dealing with it the best way I can Elena. I have to leave now." He said quickly.

He took out a $100 note from his leather wallet and placed it onto the coffee table. He smiled at her.

"There you go."

Edward had promised her that he wouldn't be that long, but hours had went by and Bella was still alone. It gave her a lot of time to clear her thoughts. She was sitting by the stone fireplace in the lounge. She was lounging on the red sofa, reading The Age of Innocence. She knew that there was something strange about the sudden change in Edward's behavior towards her and she knew it should raise a few red flags. The truth was Bella wasn't use to somebody wanting to be with her, she had become somewhat content with being by herself. She didn't hate herself or have severe self esteem problems, it was simply the fact that she had never met a man that she felt like she could love nor had she ever had anyone fight for her. For once she didn't want to think of the consequences, she wanted to know how it felt to have someone actually pay attention towards her. Edward was messed up and he had many dark secrets, she was sure of that much. She stopped reading her book and looked at the bright, orange flames that were swirling in the fireplace. "I wonder where he is, maybe he's not that interested in me after all." She thought to herself. She was deep in her thoughts when she heard footsteps approach her, she looked in the direction of the sound and saw Edward standing near her. She tried to suppress a smile, she was glad that he was back now. He smirked slightly at her and walked over to where she was. He took a seat, quickly engulfing her with the scent of his Armani cologne.

"I'm sorry I was gone for so long. I had to deal with something." He said, not giving too much away.

"It's okay. Is everything alright?" She asked sounding concerned.

He nodded his head and stared into the blazing flames, he seemed to be somewhere else.

"Edward, look at me. Did something happen? You can tell me you know." She said stubbornly.

He turned his head slightly to look at her, she had a look of pureness in her eyes, the type that he didn't even know existed anymore.

"Let's just say that I had to deal with something from my past and it's always difficult." He said.

She was surprised that he told her a little about what was happening, but she knew that was all he would offer for now. She took in his appearance, he looked so put together on the outside. Perfect hair, good looks and his clothes always looked like perfection, but when she looked into his eyes it was that of a beast, like he had been through so much, so much that he could never be repaired or fixed. The sadness in his green eyes was almost too much to bare. Bella quickly looked away.

"I don't know what you're dealing with, but the best thing to do is to let go of the past."

He smiled slightly at her, like she had made some sense.

"You're the second person to tell me that today. It's easier said than done." He said quietly.

He got off the sofa and walked towards a CD player to the right of the fireplace. It was in a glass cupboard. He pulled the door open and pressed a few buttons. The soft sounds of soft music started to fill the room, Bella recognized the song it was Echo by Jason Walker . He walked back over to her and placed his hand out to take her hand into his. She looked at his hand carefully, realizing that he wanted her to dance with him. She shook her head, Bella didn't dance, she was clumsy and it always lead to someone being injured.

"May I have this dance?" He asked.

"I don't dance. I'm incapable of dancing." She said.

He laughed and shook his head. He grabbed her hand, pulling her onto her feet so she was standing in front of him.

"I doubt that Bella. I can teach you." He
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