» Romance » beauty and the edward, bella&edward [nonfiction book recommendations TXT] 📗

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were so high and people were walking everywhere. The cool fall air floated around her and moved through her hair. She pulled up the zip in her white hoodie to stay warm. Alfred walked towards a stretch limo.

"He has a limo?" She asked, sounding shocked.

"Yes he does. Let me take your bag and put it into the trunk. Unless you would like to do that?'

"I don't mind. Open it up please."

Alfred and Bella walked to the trunk. He opened it up and Bella put her bag inside.

"What are you doing?" An angry musical voice asked.

Bella turned around to face the angry voice. Edward looked much better in person, his emerald eyes were blazing with anger and his pale skin almost glistened under the moonlight. She bit on her bottom lip, suddenly she felt afraid of him.

"I was just putting my bag in the trunk." She said.

"Excuse me Isabella, but that is why we have Alfred. It's his job to do that. I don't pay him for nothing. Now get in the car." He said rudely.

Bella felt like crying, first she had went through that awful cross country bus ride, she almost missed her train to New York, she had lost his address and now Edward was so rude to her. She nodded her head and looked down at her worn out black converse sneakers. She felt so out of place next to Edward, he was wearing expensive black, shiny shoes and a designer coat, she felt childish and poor. Alfred quickly came over to open the door for them and kept apologizing to Edward. She hated how he treated poor Alfred. She slid into the limo. She had never been in one before and it looked exactly like the ones she saw in movies. Black leather seats, a place for champagne and a divider between the driver and the passengers. It was beautiful.

The limo began to pull away from Grand Central Station. Bella avoided Edward's gaze and looked out of the window, taking in all the sky scrapers and the hustle and bustle of the city. Everything felt so alive.

"How old are you?" Edward asked.

She turned away from the window and looked into his beautiful, emerald eyes.

"I'm 19 and you?."

"So young. I'm 29." He said.

He had a smirk on his face, it was hard to tell what he was thinking.

"You're 10 years older than me. I just wanted to thank you for letting me stay with you. I know it's probably the last thing you would have wanted, but I really am thankful."

"Do you think I'm old? You're welcome. I couldn't say no to my mother…"

Bella looked at him curiously. He was asking a trick question.

"No I don't think you're old."

"Now that's the correct answer."

The rest of the limo ride was uneventful and filled with an uncomfortable silence. The limo pulled up next to a brown, ivy covered town house, that had more than 4 floors. It was a pre war house, which had a very old Victorian feel to it. Edward wasn't expecting the girl to be beautiful, but Isabella lived up to her name. She was a very beautiful girl, her red, tender looking lips looked kissable. Not that he would want to kiss her.. she was only 19 a child and besides, he wasn't that cruel because if he ever took her to be his, he would destroy her. Alfred opened the door and Edward stepped out waiting for Isabella to join him. He walked up the stairs and rang the doorbell. A petite woman opened the door. She was wearing a maid's outfit. She seemed to be in her late 30s.

"Hello Mr Cullen and Ms Swan? " She asked questioningly in an Eastern European accent.

"Yes, it's Ms Swan, but please call me Bella." She said kindly.

Edward looked at her, she was kind to the help - how odd.

"You will not call her Bella, Adrianna. You will call her Ms Swan." He said angrily.

Bella looked up at him with a shocked expression on her little face.

"Edward, I said it was fine. I prefer to be called Bella over Ms Swan."

Adrianna looked afraid. Edward glared at Bella and tried his best not to lash out at her.

"Are you challenging my authority? I suggest you knock it off. " He said.

She shook her head and looked down at her shoes. He heard her sniffling, but refused to think that he could make her cry that easily.

"No." She said softly.

"I think we should go over a few rules." He said as he walked into the house.

Bella walked inside, she looked around. There were paintings from the Victorian era hung up around the entrance. To the right of her was a huge grandfather clock. The floors were made out of solid wood. However, it saddened Bella when she realized that house had a completely life less and cold atmosphere.

"Adrianna, take Bella's bag to her room. Bella follow me." Edward instructed.

Bella glared at him, he was controlling and dominating. It was starting to get to her. She did as she was told and followed him into a study. There was a bookcase to the side of the door and a mahogany desk in the center. There were papers stacked up into a neat pile on the table and there was a gold pen laying on top of it. Edward walked behind the desk and took a seat. She walked over to the stiff looking, black chair. It looked like one of those chairs they use to have at Forks High School. She sat down on the plastic chair and looked at a picture on Edward's desk, it was a huge family picture, so she could hardly make anyone out.

"I have written out a contract for you. I have listed the number of rules I would like you to follow while you stay here. Please sign it, if you don't abide by my rules, I'll kick you out." He said sounding very serious.

She wanted to throw the stupid rules in his face and run away, but she couldn't because she was stuck here with him.

He handed her a piece of paper, she took it from him and read it.

Rules for Isabella Swan

1: Curfew is at 12 pm on weekends and 10pm on weekdays.

2: No boys are allowed over.

3: You must get permission first before inviting any friends over.

4: No loud music.

5: You are not allowed to go to the study on the 4th floor. You are FORBIDDEN from entering that room.

If I ever catch you anywhere near the 4th floor I will throw you out onto the street.

Ms Isabella Swan Mr Edward Cullen

Signature Signature

Bella was completely shocked, these rules were so unnecessary. Not even her parents would ever make her abide by these rules. He even gave her a curfew! She was very curious about the 4th floor, she wondered what was so special about that particular study. He should have known girls love crossing the boundaries when it comes to anything forbidden. He gave her the gold pen and she signed the paper. She gave it back to him and he signed it. Then he put it into a folder and put it inside his desk.

"I hope we can sort of our living arrangement. You stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours." He said.

"Ms Bella, I can show you your room now." Adrianna said from the door way.

Bella nodded at Edward, she couldn't speak because if she did she was sure she would burst into tears. She got up from the chair and walked towards Adrianna.

"Goodnight Ms Swan." He said.

"Goodnight." She said very, very softly.

She followed Adrianna up 2 flights of stairs, she could feel the tears threatening to spill out of her eyes. The stairs made creepy, creaking sounds as they walked onto it. Adrianna opened the door to a room and Bella walked inside. It was a beautiful room, the walls were painted lavender. There was a desk near the window and a queen sized bed in the center of the room. There was a flat screen TV hanging on the wall in front of the bed and there was a purple rug on the floor. The room had a huge east facing window. That had white decorative moldings all around it, in shapes of flowers. Beats sharing a small dorm room with a creepy room mate.

"Ms Bella. I am so very sorry for Edward's behavior. He may seem very rude, but inside he is just hurting." Adrianna said.

Bella was confused, Edward had treated Adrianna so badly, yet she was defending him.

"I don't understand, why is he hurting?"

"I can't not say why Ms Bella, but he has been through too much. You are kind girl, maybe he needs kind girl to help him. Give him a chance, please? That's all I ask for." She said.

"I will see what I can do. " She said softly.

"Thank you. I be going now! Speak soon to you Ms Bella." She said in broken English.

She walked out of the room, leaving Bella by herself. She sat down on the bed and the tears started pouring down her pale cheeks. She kicked off her sneakers and laid down on her stomach. She couldn't stop crying. She missed her warm house, she missed her father and she was so sad that Edward treated her so poorly. She was stuck here. She was always paying for other people's mistakes, first she had to pay for her father's financial problems and now she was probably paying for some girl who broke Edward's heart and subsequently turned him into a monster. He had everything, she found it very hard to believe that he could be hurting about anything else. She sobbed into the lavender pillow and prayed for a better tomorrow.

Edward had finished some work on his laptop in his study, he walked past Bella's room. The door was creaked open a little bit and he could hear heart wrenching sobs. He walked over to the door quietly and looked into the room. She was emotional.. or maybe he had been too hard on her. He knocked on her door.

"Can I come in?" He asked.

"Just a minute!" She said.

He watched as she raced around the room looking for something to wipe away her tears. He decided to just walk in.

"No need to hide, I heard you sobbing."

She looked at him with a sad expression on her face and her big, brown eyes were watery. The sight of her in pain and in tears, pulled at his heart. Nobody not even a beast, could not feel something for her.

"You did? I'm sorry. I'm just overwhelmed."

"There's no need to apologize. I'm sorry for being rude. You must be hungry. Do you want to get some Chinese with me?" He asked.
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