» Romance » beauty and the edward, bella&edward [nonfiction book recommendations TXT] 📗

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She smiled a little and nodded her head.

"It's okay. Yes I'm starving, I love Chinese food."

"Me too. You know New York has the best Chinese food in the whole world, well except for China." He said, attempting to make a joke.

Bella giggled, it sounded like heaven to him.

"That's true. So, what are you going to order?"

"Orange chicken and fried rice. Do you like that?"

"It's my favorite."

He looked at her curiously and smirked because it was his favorite too. He pulled out his I-phone and ordered the Chinese food for delivery. He ended the call and sat down on her bed sort of awkwardly.

"What are you going to study at NYU?" He asked.

"Literature. I love writing and reading."

He smiled, he studied literature and journalism at Yale.

"That's a very interesting subject. I studied that and journalism at Yale."

"I know you did, I read that in your first publication of GQ, under the notes from the Editor section." She said.

"So, you've been stalking me?" He asked jokingly.

"Um no! I just happened to come across it and now here I am talking to you. Fate had a weird sense of humor huh?"

"I'd say so."

They both sat there awkwardly and looked at each other. There was something different here and they both could feel it. It was that unknown feeling, something you feel when something great or horrible is going to happen. Adrianna walked into the room with a paper bag of Chinese food in her hand and two glasses full of coke. She placed it onto the dresser table and then quickly left. Edward reached over and gave her some food. He handed her a fork. She opened the box up and began to eat the food. He was right, it really was the best Chinese food she had ever had. She began to eat very quickly and savored every morsel of the Orange Chicken. He chuckled a little, he hadn't found anything to be humorous in the longest time, in fact he hadn't remembered the last time he laughed.

"What's so funny?" She asked.

"You have Orange Chicken sauce all over your face." He said.

He reached inside the paper bag, grabbed a napkin and began to wipe the sauce off her ruby, red lips. His fingers gently grazed across her lower lip by mistake. He felt a spark of electricity at the skin on skin contact and quickly recoiled his hand away as if he had been electrocuted.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Isabella I need to go finish some work of mine. I'll see you in the morning okay? Have a goodnight." He lied.

She nodded her head and waved goodbye to him.

"Goodnight Edward! Thanks for the food." She said kindly.

He smiled a little, took the food with him and walked up 2 floors to the 4th floor. He walked into his private study. It always made him feel somber when he went in there, nobody was ever allowed up there. He walked over to the big oak desk, left the food on the desk and sat behind it. There was a picture of a beautiful, blond in a black picture frame on his desk. He looked longingly at the picture.

"I wish you could tell me what to do right now. I miss you Tanya, I really do. Bella is kind, she's like an angel, maybe you sent her to me? What am I doing? You can't talk back to me." He spoke loudly to the picture.

He grabbed the picture frame and hurled it across the room, it broke into pieces. Next to about 10 other broken picture frames. He walked over to it and picked the picture up and he shouted out in anguish. He was a broken man, a beast with no love and nobody to hold. For who could ever learn to love a beast?

Chapter 2

The last few days had been a blur for Bella, she did some sightseeing and she hardly saw Edward, she somehow felt disappointed that she hadn't seen him. The last time they talked, he had seemed kind and charming. She was starting to become very curious about him. Today was the first day of classes at NYU, she was feeling nervous to some extent. She had tried straightening her hair today with her flat iron and put on some make up. She was wearing blood red lipstick, it suited her. She walked down to the kitchen and started looking through the fridge for something to eat before she made her way to class.

"So, your classes start today?" A beautiful, manly voice said from behind her.

She spun around and was surprised to see him standing there. He was wearing a long black coat and his green eyes seemed to be a bit friendly today, but only a little bit. He was still intimidating standing at over 6 feet tall, she felt very tiny compared to him, the power trip just wasn't fair. He stood there staring at her as if she was an alien who had just decided to make itself comfortable in his kitchen.

"Yes I do. I'm a bit nervous."

She bit her lower lip, she didn't want to admit that to him. She was sure he already thought she was an idiot. He walked over to the fridge and pulled out 2 iced starbucks coffees and handed one to her.

"The caffeine will keep you awake. You look like you haven't had a goodnight's rest in days." He said.

She took it from him and she instantly felt the skin under her eyes with her free hand. She didn't think she had bags under her eyes, but clearly he noticed that.

"I can't sleep sometimes, especially when I'm stressed."

"I'm the same. Have a good day. Alfred can take you to class."

He was about to turn around and leave.

"Edward, wait. Where have you been for these past few days? I haven't seen you around."

He smirked a little and looked at her with a bemused expression on his handsome face.

"I was at my estate in Albany, I had to solve a few.. problems." He said.

"And is everything okay now?"

"Why do you care?"

He didn't mean to sound so rude, he was so use to speaking to people that way, it didn't occur to him that it probably wasn't the best way to speak to an impressionable 19 year old. So, for the first time in 10 years, Edward Cullen was about to apologize for his rudeness. Talk about being a hard ass.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound so rude. It's just surprising to me that you would care."

She looked down at her sneakers, and then looked at him with a surprised expression. She wasn't expecting him to apologize.

"It's okay, I guess I care about people a lot and I just wanted to know if everything was okay."

"Yeah it's okay now. I'll talk to you later." He said.

He smiled at her and then walked away. She watched him walk away and wondered how on earth she had ended up living with him, life was strange.. too strange at times. She picked up her brown, bag and swung it over her shoulder. Today was going to be a very long day.

Bella was sitting in her literature class, she had arrived early and was waiting for class to start. A girl with black hair and glasses walked up to Bella. She had a small face and she seemed kind. Bella smiled . as the girl sat down next to her.

"Hey I'm Angela!" She said, sounding sweet.

"I'm Bella."

"Professor Avery, is really sexy." She said.

Bella giggled, Professor Avery was teaching the class they were in.

"I've never seen him before." She said.

"You must be new, well all the girls have a crush on him! And rumor has it he doesn't mind hooking up with students." She said softly.

Bella laughed, she definetly wasn't the type of girl who would randomly hook up with any guy.

"Do you have a crush on him?" Bella teased.

Angela's cheeks turned a pinkish color and she giggled like a school girl.

"Yes! But don't tell anyone." She said.

"Your secret is safe with me."

Bella wondered if Angela was wise to want to be with an older man, the whole power trip, always annoyed Bella. She thought about this morning and how she had felt so small compared to Edward, she felt powerless as if he could consume her whenever he wanted. Just then, a handsome looking, tanned young man walked through the doors and towards Bella and Angela. He smiled widely at Angela and then took a seat next to her.

"Jake! This is Bella, Bella this is Jake." She said.

He smiled warmly at Bella, his whole demeanor was bright and shiny, so different compared to someone else Bella knew.

"Hey Bella, are you new here?" He asked.

"Yes I am new here."

"Where are you from?" He asked.

"Forks, Washington and you?"

"No way, Bella Swan? Your dad told my dad that you were moving here and that I should keep an eye on you. It's Jacob Black by the way."

Bella's eyes opened up wide, Jacob looked so different now from when they were use to spend time together before she moved, but when Bella moved back to Forks from Phoenix they never re connected. He had changed so much, she barely recognized him.

"Jake! You look so different. I didn't even recognize you. I'm sure you won't need to keep an eye on me, I'm so boring. I doubt I'd do anything wild."

Jake and Angela swapped seats, so that he could talk to Bella. He was surprised to see how beautiful she had turned out.

"It's only been, what? 8 years. You look great. Ah, you're not living, if you're not doing anything dangerous. Maybe I can help with that."

Bella smiled, it was nice to see someone familiar. Maybe this year would be fun for her, she would do adventurous things in New York.

"It's been forever. Oh I will be looking forward to that." She said, sounding a bit flirty.

She bit her lip and blushed slightly, had she really tried sounding flirty?It's always the shy ones..

Professor Avery walked into the lecture hall. All heads turned to look him. He was about 6 feet tall, he had brown hair and handsome features. Bella understood why Angela had a crush on him, but he seemed almost dangerous and it scared Bella. Edward intimidated her but Professor Avery made her skin crawl. He was an amazingly beautiful man, but he looked sinister. "Snap out of it Bella, he's your professor, he isn't that scary."Bella thought, mentally scolding herself.

Professor Avery's hazel eyes landed on Bella, it was as if he could smell fear. He smirked in her direction and walked over to the front of his desk.
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