» Romance » True Love, Mackenzie Feit [different ereaders txt] 📗

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to run away from me?"

"Just please"

"Fine fine" I said and closed my eyes

I felt his hands on my wrist then something cold

"Your not putting on the braclete are you?"

"Nope" Again his voice up an octave and I assume he rubbed the back of his neck

"mmmhmm sure Ash, ok"

He finally let go of my hand

"You can open your eyes now"

I opened my eyes, looked down and immediately tried to take it off

"Please just wear it until after the football game"


"No but's just promise"

I looked into his eyes

"Ugh, fine"

I stopped trying and just looked at how beautiful it was

"Ash, I have to go, it's like 4 in the morning now"I said checking my phone

"Really but didn't I text you at 11:00?"

"You did, that's the problem"

"So you've spent 5 hours with me?"

"Yes that's how much I love you, I would honestly be there for you if you needed me to"

"But you still won't be with me until I prove my undying love for you?"

"Exactly... Anyway I have to go now"

"Ok but one more thing"


Before I could ask 'what', he pulled me to him and kissed me, I was way too shocked by how fast the movement was and I couldn't react but after a few minutes I came to my senses and melted into his warm body and matched his movements.

After what seemed like an eternity we finally broke apart

"Ok now I really have to go" I said dragging out the word 'really' 

"Ok and don't forget to ask Caleb"

"I won't I promise"

And with that I went back home but I couldn't sleep instead the kiss I had with Ashton was keeping me awake or should I say kisses.

*Clink* *Clink* *Clink*

I got out of bed to go see who was throwing things at my window, I opened my window and looked down only to see Caleb out there in the tree next to my window with a bunch of little pebbles in his hand. He crawled to my balcony leading to my room

"Caleb, what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to tell you something that was really urgent and I just couldn't wait"

"Caleb" I whined

"Please just let me say this"

O great, first Ashton, now Caleb... who could possibly be next?

"Ugh fine come in but I'm cold so I'm going to lay back down"

"That's totally fine"

We went back into my room and I layed back down in my warm bed that surprisingly was smelling a lot like Ashton

"What was so important you couldn't tell me over the phone or in the morning?"

"Well um I really don't know how to tell you this um..."

"Please just tell me so I can go back to sleep and not be tired for the football game tomorrow"

"It's sort of about the football game" 

Could Ashton actually be right about him?

"Um Emma I really really care about you, I love your laugh, I love your smile, I love you, I love your eyes, I even love your hair" He said all at once I almost missed what he said 

"You what?!?!?!?!?"

"I love everything about you"

"Yes yes but you love me?!?!?!?"

"Yes I really do"

Oh boy

"Ok just clarifying that"

"Yeah and because I love you I feel like I should tell you the truth"

"But when we first started dating you said you would be completely honest with me"

"And I was except I sorta kinda kept a tiny secret from you"

No no no no no no no this can not be happening

"Ok what's the tiny secret you kept from me?"

"Um it's that I sorta kinda made a bet with some guys that I could have a relationship with you for 6 months"

"O My God"

"Please don't hate me, I love you"

"Yeah Caleb well I DON'T LOVE YOU!!!!! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!"

"Please don't do this to me Em"


"Please Em"


I must have been a little too loud because next thing I know my brother burst through my door and is by my side in an instant

"Please Em...Emma"

"She said leave Caleb"


"No Caleb, she doesn't want you here so get out of our house before I call the police" 

I was already in tears, I didn't care if he saw me cry, he broke my heart and I hate him... I knew he made a bet when we first met but that's because he told me about it

He waited an extra minute probably to make sure he properly shattered my heart, then he left

"Emma what did he do?"

"H...He sa...said h...he l...lov...loved"

"Ems what else did he do?"

"H..he ma...made a... a"

"Yeah Em I know remember the one you told me about" He said sympathetically

" h..he m...made ano..another" I couldn't say anymore it hurt to much

"You don't have to tell me anymore if you don't want to tonight" He said knowing exactly what I wanted

He went to get up but I pulled him back

"You want me to sleep in here again with you?"

I nodded my head

"Ok just a sec, I have to put different pjs on" He said and got up

I waited patiently for him to come back

"Ok I'm back" He said 

He put pants on, I didn't even realize he wasn't wearing pants

He crawled into bed with me and I cried into his chest

"Shh, it's ok Em I'm right here, shhh"

His voice was so soothing soon my cry was just a small wimper

"Shhh I'm right here Ems, go to sleep I'll be right here when you wake up"

And with his words I fell asleep on his chest


(Isaiah's POV)


I was asleep in my room, which was right next to Emma's, when I heard her scream really loud


I thought it was really weird she would have a dream where she would scream something like that so I went to go check on her, but then I stopped in my tracks when I heard her swear


That's when I knew it wasn't a dream and that someone was in her room so I stayed just outside her door for a second longer just to make sure, but as soon as I heard he scream at this person yet again I knew she didn't want them there anymore so I went in to help her out before she lost her voice from all the screaming she was doing


I burst through her door and I was at her side in an instant, I looked up so I could see who the person was and it just had to be Caleb, although he seemed to be in pain and on the verge of tears

"Please Em...Emma" He tried to get her change her mind but I could tell she didn't want him here so I spoke for her

"She said leave Caleb"

"But-" He attempted at another sentence but I cut him off

"No Caleb, she doesn't want you here so get out of our house before I call the police" I didn't know how else to get him to leave my sister alone 

He stuck around a little longer, his eyes red but no tears yet, he just looked at my sister with longing and something that looked a lot like regret, after he stood there for a moment I saw a tear fall from his eye and then he left

"Emma what did he do?" I asked carefully 

"H...He sa...said h...he l...lov...loved" she sniffled out

"Ems what else did he do?" I asked a little more cautious 

"H..he ma...made a... a" she said still sniffling 

"Yeah Em I know remember the one you told me about" I said remembering her telling me about how sweet he was for telling her about the bet he made

" h..he m...made ano..another" she stopped I'm guessing because it was still fresh and it hurt her heart for her to tell me the whole story right now

"You don't have to tell me anymore if you don't want to tonight" I said guessing that's what she wanted me to say

I went to stand up but she pulled me back down

"You want me to sleep in here again with you?" I guessed again

She nodded her head

"Ok just a sec, I have to put different pjs on" I said and got up so I could put some pants on

"Ok I'm back" I said

I crawled into bed with her and she cried into my chest

"Shh, it's ok Em I'm right here, shhh" I said stroking her hair

My voice must have been soothing because soon her cry was just a small wimper

"Shhh I'm right here Ems, go to sleep I'll be right here when you wake up" I reassured her

And she fell asleep on my chest, I stayed up a little longer just to make sure she was sleeping, then I drifted off as well


The next morning


(Emma's POV)


I had the worst dream last night, I dreamt that Caleb made a bet wit hsome of his friends that he could keep a relationship with me for 6 months and he told me the truth and we had a big fight about it, then my brother came in and told him to leave and I wanted Isaiah to stay in my room because my heart was shattered into a million peices... But now I'm not so sure that was a dream because I am laying on a warm, hard chest right now so I'm guessing my dream was real.

"It's time to wake up Ems"

Yup it was real

"Are you ok?"


"Well if you want I can come to school with you today"

"No you have your football game Friday so you need to go to practice"

"Em, you do know that, today is Friday right?"

"Well I do now"

"All you have to do is make it through school and I'll pick you up after school"


"I cross my heart"

"Ok, what time is it?"


"Why do I have to go to school?"

"Because that's what Mom and Dad would've wanted"

"Ok fine"

"If you take a fast enough shower, I'll save you some of your favorite breakfast"

"Really you would do that for me?"

"Of course little sis"

"Ok but you kind of have to go to the kitchen if you want to make anything" I said with a smirk and ran to my bathroom

"I bet you, you won't be able to take less than 40 minutes"

"O, it's on"

I heard him go down the stairs 

I came out of my bathroom and went to my closet

"Hmm what should I wear today?" I said aloud "Oooo this is cute and this oh and those, perfect"

I went back to my bathroom got in the shower, I did my hair and everything else then I was done, I got out and wrapped a towel around my body and my hair, then I walked back into my room

What I had picked out was my black skinny jeans, my cute white tube top with my black leather jacket, my black bra and panties. For accessories I picked out my black snapback that says bad betch, my white DC shoes, and my white choker and necklace that says rebel, then I put on my black eye shadow and black lip gloss, plus of course the bracelete Ashton gave me. 

"Perfect, and it only took me 36 minutes"

After I was done getting ready I went down stairs and was met with the delicious smell of pancakes, eggs, maple syrup, bacon, sausage, freshly made brownies and my favorite of all time birthday cake muffins.

"I win" We both said at the same time then burst out laughing 

After what seemed like forever we finally calmed down and sat at the table to eat

"Em can I ask you something?"

"Mmhmm" I couldn't say anything else cause I was too busy stuffing my face

"Why are you wearing such depressing colors?"

"Mmmm, because I'm going to prove a point"

"To who?"


"At school?"


"And what's that point?"

"That I'm not easy"

"But you aren't easy"

"I know that but everyone at schol thinks I am so I'm going to prove a major point"

"Ok just as long as you don't get in any trouble you can't fix, by the way, where did you get that bracelete?"

"Cross my heart, from Ashton"


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