» Romance » True Love, Mackenzie Feit [different ereaders txt] 📗

Book online «True Love, Mackenzie Feit [different ereaders txt] 📗». Author Mackenzie Feit

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important why?" Caleb asked

"He was talking about Emma"

"What about her????" I asked urgently

"I only heard the last part but he said something about her being so easy, and he also said something about skipping to the last step"

"Last step of what?"

"I'm guessing they have some kind of plan that revovles around Emma"

"What else did he say?"

"He said that if either one of you guys get in the way..."

"He sounded serious"

"Adam if this is one of your sick jokes it's not funny at all"

"It's not a joke, he's outside waiting for Emma"

"Why is he waiting for Emma?"

"I'm guessing because they have some sort of date, type thing"

"But Emma is supposed to be mine" I said in a whisper but both of them heard it

"Actually dude, she's supposed to be mine"

"Whatever, that's not important" Adam said

"You're right, I'm going to go and spy on him" I said

"But you aren't supposed to get in the way"

"That's why I'm just going to spy from my car and not go and walk up to him"

"I'm coming with" Caleb said

"No you're not"

"Yes I am"

"Fine but if you even think about talking to her before me, I'll kill you"

"Haha ok fine whatever"

"Good luck" Adam said



After School


(Emma's POV)


I wonder why Tyler has a sudden interest in me, I can't do this to Allison, she may not be my friend anymore but I'm not the kind of person to steal a person's boyfriend away, besides I think I might like one of the football players.

I couldn't help but smile at the thought of possibly likeing one of the football players

"What's that gorgeous smile for?"

"Nothing" I said and turned toward the 6 foot person standing next to me

"Well it must be about something" he said and smiled

"Um, if I may ask, who are you?"

"Oh sorry Emma, I'm Adam Mckinley, I'm on the football team with your brother"

"Are you a high schooler?"


"May I ask why you're at my locker?" I said looking into my locker for my book

"Well because I wanted to tell you something really important"

I turned and looked at him, shocked "What is that important thing?"

He didn't say anything instead he leaned down so he was eye level with me "This"

He put his lips on mine and I immediatly realized he was kissing me, his lip were so warm. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance, I gave it to him. I had to go on my tip toes to fully reach his lips, he tried to pull back but I pulled him harder down. After what felt like an hour I finally let him go.

"WOW" He said looking down at me

"Haha what?" I said looking up at his amazing brown eyes

"I was just hoping you wouldn't kick me in the balls for doing that, but I wasn't expecting you to respond so quickly"

"Yeah well you seem pretty nice, so why not, and besides you're pretty cute"

"I have a question"

"What's that?"

"Will you go to diner with me?"


"Right now"


"Because I want to get to know you"

"What about my clothes?"

"What about them?"

"If I say yes can we quick go to my house so I can change into something else?"

"Sure, but that's if you say yes"

"Then yes"

"Really?" He said surprised

"Haha yeah, really" I said and shut my locker

"Ok, well if you're ready we can go"

"I'm ready"




Chapter 12- Interesting Friday Night

(Isaiah's POV)


I got a text from my sister saying she got a ride home from my buddy Adam and that he is taking her to eat so I shouldn't worry about her for supper. I texted Adam just to make sure everything she said was true and he said it was. I still have to make sure I eat but I have no idea what to eat. Just then my phone went off with a text from my sister 'I made a surprise for you, it's in the microwave', I went and looked... she made my favorite, pea casserole, I quick texted her back and said she was the best sister in the world. She texted back 'there's dessert in the fridge', I looked and she made a giant bowl of dirtcake, oh my god, I'm in heaven. But before I could even dig into my casserole someone knocked on the door, I went and opened it.

"Where is she?" Ashton asked


"Is she here?" Caleb asked

"No sh-"

"Well then where the hell is she?" Ashton asked

"If you guys would let me fucking finish my goddamn sentence you would know" I said irritated

"Well where is she then?"

"She's with my buddy Adam"



"Why is she with him?"

"Because he offered to take her to eat"

"Like a date?"

"No like friends"

"God dammit Isaiah, guys don't just take girls out to diner just as friends"

"Yeah actually they do"

"If you say so"

"Where did he take her?" Caleb asked

"I don't know"

"How do you not know?"

I walked back to my food


"Because I didn't ask" I said and started eating

"Why not?"

"Because Adam is my best friend so I trust him"


"Because he hasnt broken my sister's heart" I glared at them both

"Well, it was an accident"

"Yeah and you having a broken jaw will be an accident to if you don't shut the hell up"

That shut them both up, I went back to eating.

"Why are you still here" I said when I was done

"Because we wanted to see her"

"Yeah well she's not here so"

"Can we stay, just until you have to leave for football"

"Fine but don't bother me"


I took out a bowl and the dirtcake

"What's that?"

"Something Em made"

"Can I have some?"


"Why not you have that giant bowl"

"Because it's not for you"


"Shut up and go watch tv"


 They went to the living room and started watching tv.

"I'm going to take a quick shower, if you guys want some of Ems cake it's in the fridge, just don't eat it all" I said then walked upstairs.


10 minutes later


I'm all packed for football, and I'm dressed so I guess I should probably get going. But what am I supposed to do with-, my phone started ringing


"Hey bro"

"Em? Where are you?"

"I'm with Adam"


"Yeah, why is that bad?"

"I just thought you would be home by now"

"Oh yeah, I'm coming home to change but I called to ask you if Adam could take me to the game"

"I thought you were going with one of your friends"

"What friends" she said with an irritated tone

"Oh right sorry, yeah that's fine just make sure to tell Caleb and Ashton to leave, I would do it but I actually have to go right now"

"Doesn't that mean Adam has to go to?"

"No I'm the captain so I have some planning to do and make some plays for tonight"

"Oh right, ok well I'll see you at the game then"

"See you then lil sis"

"Bye big bro"

I hung up and went downstairs

"Yo guys, I have to go right now but my sister will be here shortly" I said to the two stupid boys sitting on my couch with giant bowls of cake

"Ok bro, we'll see you at the game"

"Ok and hey don't eat on the couch with that stuff unless you're going to clean it up"

"Ugh.. ok, see ya later"

"Bye" I said then walked out the door


20 minutes later


(Emma's POV)


I finally got home after what should have only taken 5 mintues, but Adam insisted we take the long way twice before I go home, I guess that wasnt all bad, after all I have two people I hate at my house anyway. Adam walked me to my door and  since he's my ride to the game I invited him in.

"I'll just be a few minutes"

"Take your time"

I smiled at him and went upstairs

"Ok what am I going to wear red, purple, blue, black or white?" I said looking at my clothes in my closet

Well I should probably take a shower first before I do anything, I don't think I'll need to lock my bedroom door because the guys will be busy. I went to my bathroom and got undressed, then I hoped into my shower and decided I wanted to smell like strawberries and watermelon, so I used my strawberry watermelon body wash, shampoo and conditioner. After I was done in the shower I wrapped myself in a towel and went back to my room.


"Eeek" I screamed and almost dropped my towel

"Haha sorry"

"You can't scare me like that Adam"

"Sorry, I was getting bored down there"

"So you just decided to hang in my room?" I smirked at him

"yup" He said smiling

"Ok then, but could you at least turn around or something while I get dressed?"

"Of course" He said then closed his eyes

"That's not turning around"

"If I can't see you it's close enough" He said smiling again

"Ugh fine but no peeking"


I still have to figure out what to wear though, ugh, I have so many choices, I guess I could ask Adam for his opinion

"Hey, can you do me a favor?"

"Sure what can I do?"

"Can you help me pick out what to wear, I know you're a guy and all but I have to many choices"

"Sure I can do that, are you trying them on or am I just supposed to guess what you would look like in them?"

"If you think trying them on would be better I could do that"

"Please could you?"

"Sure, which one should I start with first?"


"Red, Purple, Blue, Black or White"

"hmm how about the Blue one first"

I pulled out the blue outfit first and went to the bathroom, once I was changed I came out and walked over to him.

"You look great in that"

"Do you think it's to cold out for a sweater and leggings though?"

"If you get to cold I could always give you my jacket"

"Aww thanks"

"Yup, ok next, I think white"

I pulled out the white one and went to the bathroom, then I came out and showed him

"Nope not that one"

"Why not?"

"Because that is more of a clubbing dress than a football game dress, besides it's a dress and you're going to a football game"


"Next, Black"

I did the same thing again

"I don't think so"


"You're more of the preppy girl, and this is just too black for you, I mean you look great just not the right outfit for tonight"


"Next, Purple"

I didn't feel like going all the way back and forth again so I just stayed in my closet and got undressed

"What are you doing?"


"Why are you doing it right there?"

"Because I'm tired of going back and forth"

"Ok" he said then closed his eyes

I got changed into the purple outfit

"Open your eyes"

"I love it"

"So I should go with this off the shoulder top, with jeans?"

"Yes, wait don't you have one more?"

"Yes, the red one"

"Try that one"


I got undressed again and changed

"I like that one, wear it"

"You really like my red leather jacket, with my skinny jeans?"

"Yes, please wear it, if you do I'll be able to pick you out in the crowd" he said with a smile  

"Ok, I will but only because I want to not because you said that"

I took off everything again because I had to change into my red underwear set so I completely match. I went into the bathroom just to change into my bra and underwear then I came back out to get completely dressed.

"I like red on you"



I heard a knock on my door

"Come in" I said from my closet, I heard the door open so I just stayed in my closet and got my clothes

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