» Romance » This life..., Emily Zimmerman. [best books for 7th graders txt] 📗

Book online «This life..., Emily Zimmerman. [best books for 7th graders txt] 📗». Author Emily Zimmerman.

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mine But I think that’s the truth And I don’t like bein’ used And I’m tired’a waiting! Its too much pain to have to bare To love a man you have to share! Why don’t you stay? I’m down on my knees I’m so tired of bein’ lonely don’t I give you what you need? When she calls you to go There is one you should know We don’t have to live this way Baby why don’t you stay? I can’t take it any longer! But my will is getting stronger And I think I know just what I have to do I can’t waist another minute After all that I put in it! I’ve given you my best Why does she get the best of you? So the next time you find You wanna’ leave her bed for mine Why don’t you stay? I’m up off my knees I’m so tired of bein’ lonely You can’t give me what I need! When she begs you not to go There is one thing you should know I don’t have to live this way Baby why don’t you stay, yeah. I ended the song, conscious of the whole class staring at me. I looked up and set the guitar down beside me “Hello Miss. Jera!” I said loudly, completely ignoring the shocked stares I was being given. Miss. Jera was even staring at me shocked “hello Kaila, good to see you this morning” she said, recovering from her shock faster than the others. I smiled and nodded. She smiled back and then started the class “okay class, this segment is about melody, please pull out your text books and go to page thirty five, where you’ll read about how melody became…” I tuned her out. I’ve already read this chapter, hell, I’ve read the whole book. Boredom is an ugly thing. I sat staring at the front of the class until I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned to see Jamie. He gave me a look of disbelief, “I didn’t know you could sing like that! Let alone play the guitar like that” he whispered incredulously. I laughed silently and nodded “yes, but I haven’t played in a while, my brother made me take this class” I whispered back. He chuckled “sounds like you didn’t want to” he said. I nodded “I didn’t at first” I said quietly. “Why?” he seemed confused. “it’s a long story” “I have got time” this made me snort a little too loud. “I’ll tell you after class” “okay” and that was the end of conversation. We sat for thirty minutes learning about melody, then we finally got to practice our instruments. I grabbed my guitar and set it on my lap, everyone paused what they were doing to watch me. I paid them no mind, playing around with the guitar. I did a full bar note, then some Eagles songs without lyrics. “Kaila, how long have you played the guitar?” Miss. Jera suddenly asked. I was aware of all eyes on me “uh, since I was six years old, why?” I asked. She studied me a second “it makes sense, you are a very skilled guitarist” this made me snort “I’m no better than anybody else, I just know allot more songs” I muttered. “who taught you?” she questioned. “my father” the word was enlaced with venom. She seemed confused as to why I would say his name that way “oh, I presume he’ll be very proud when he comes to visit for parents day” she said. I sat up straight in my chair “umm, did he say he was coming?” I asked, hiding the anger that threatened rising. She nodded, oblivious to my inner turmoil. I sat stewing for the rest of the class, not feeling like playing my guitar anymore. Jamie sat looking at me confused. When the bell rang I was out of my seat before all the others, completely forgetting about my backpack. I walked out of class, not paying attention to anyone, looking for Jared. I didn’t notice when Jamie had caught up with me until I felt his hand on my shoulder, I snapped out of my little anger-trance and looked at him “here’s your backpack, Kaila, what is going on?” he asked. I sighed “I’ll tell you later” I said. I started walking again when I caught sight of Kyle “hey” I said. He smiled at me “hi, what’s going on? You seem a little mad” he said. I chuckled “yeah, where is Jared, do you know?” I asked. Kyle nodded, seeming a little confused. He led me to the cafeteria, all the while looking confused at my stewing expression. We found him sitting and talking to a cheerleader. “Jared, I need to talk to you a second” I said, grabbing his arm and dragging him away from the girl. He spluttered “hey! What? Kaila wait, ugh! I’ll call you later babe!” he called as I drug him away. I drug him to the other side of the cafeteria “Jared, dad and probably mom are coming here for parents day” I said seriously. He stared at me for a second, completely shocked “what… what do you mean?” he asked. I sighed at his stupid question “Dad, and/or mom are coming to parents day” I said slowly, as if he was a baby. He glared at me “I got that” he said dryly. “then why did you ask?” I snapped. “I don’t know!” he snapped back. The anger was just getting to me, the stress of my anger was probably getting to Jared. I sighed in frustration “I swear Jared, I will not be able to keep from punching him” I said in a deathly calm voice. He sighed with me “you’ll just have to restrain yourself” he said seriously. I slowly shook my head “parents day is tomorrow, they didn’t even call” I said, anger and frustration fighting to win for the dominate emotion flowing through me. The school bell rang and everyone piled into the lunch room. I sighed and sat down at my usual seat “I can’t believe they have the nerve to show up here, after all they put us through, after what she said to me” I growled. Jamie and Kyle sat at our table, Kyle sitting beside me “Kay, what’s going on?” he asked, rubbing my back soothingly. I calmed down at his touched “my dad and mom are coming for parents day” I said, leaning into him. He put an arm around me “hmm, well, should I get my shot gun?” he asked, nudging me teasingly. I chuckled, in a better mood now that he was here “maybe, I might need it” I said, as if seriously considering it. He laughed “or maybe you should just punch their lights out” he said, I couldn’t see his face, but I hear the smirk in his voice “yes, that would be satisfying” I said, smirking myself. Jared shot me a warning look, and I glared at him. “Should we call them?” Jared asked. I shook my head “No” “Why not?” “Because I don’t want to hear her voice” I put emphasis on the word “her”. “Oh, well I can talk to her” Jared suggested. “No” the tone of my voice was final, but Jared challenged it. “Why can’t I talk to them? Do you want them to come?” the challenge was clear in his voice. “No, besides, there probably already on their way, if they want to be here by tomorrow” “That’s true” “Good, then were not calling them” my voice was final again. We sat in silence, not having any food to eat. And I hadn’t realized Jamie was staring at Kyle’s arm around my shoulder, or that he was looking at me at all. I raised an eyebrow at him and he looked away quickly, ‘okay’ I thought slowly, a little confused. I was really not hungry, and all of us were lost in thought. I jumped when the bell rang. I got up and grabbed my backpack, followed by Kyle, Jared, and Jamie. “Do you think we should tell Hail and Jake?” Jared asked. I stared at him a second, then glanced at Hail and Jake “good luck” I said walking away. Kyle caught up to me, and Jamie. “See you after class” he said after we walked out of the cafeteria. I waved at him as he walked to his next class. “What do you have next?” he asked. I sighed in discomfort “gym” I said bitterly. Kyle chuckled “I guess by the tone of your voice you don’t like that class” he said. I nodded “you got it” I said with a smile. We walked hand in hand to my class, “okay, I have English, so I’ll see you after class” he said, pecking my lips. I smiled slightly and nodded “okay, bye love” I said softly. He smiled one last time and walked back down the hall. I turned to the gym doors and sighed, worst class ever! I walked the doors and sat on the first bleacher by all the other girls “okay class, I have a new assignment for you, see this rope? Climb it” Coach Jackson said. There were groans throughout the class, but I stayed silent. “now go get changed and then we’ll start!” Coach said sternly, as he always is. I got up, grabbing my bag, we all walked into the changing room, got quickly changed, and then went back out. My outfit was a tank top and shorts, the shorts were a little short for my liking, but it’s all I had as far as shorts go. I had skirts, long skirts, short skirts, but I don’t have many shorts. I sat down on the bleacher and watched as he called Tiffany, she looked like she was about to hyperventilate from being so scared. I sniggered and sat back for a good show. She looked up the rope, and then started really hyperventilating, she had been nice to me, but that changed after the roomers, I felt kind of bad for her “you can do it Tiffany!” I called in encouragement. She looked at me in confusion “yeah Tiffany! You can do it!” one of her friends said. I started clapping “comes one Tiffany!” I shouted. She kind of smiled at me, and kind of frowned, it was a little weird. She grabbed on to the rope and started climbing, without any effort it seemed, everyone was clapping. She got to the top of the rope and then half slid half climbed down. She smiled brightly at everyone, including me, she actually smiled kind of a smile of thanks at me, and I smiled back. Coach called me the after the third girl went. I stood up and walked up to the rope. I grabbed it and gripped the rope between my feet, then I started climbing up, I am strong, I can take down two brutes easily, so this is child’s play to me. I got to the top and looked down, “wow, what a view” I mused. The girls all started clapping and cheering, I climbed down and let go of the rope when I was close enough to the ground, landing on my feet. I turned to Coach with a smile “good Highlander, now go sit down” he said sternly. I snorted and walked back to the bleachers. I watched as everyone went up the rope, some needed a little encouragement, and some just braved it. When everyone was done, the Coach called the class and told us to go clean ourselves up. I walked into the changing room, Tiffany caught up with me “hey, uh, thanks, for the encouragement I mean, its nice that you don’t hate me enough to just let me freak out, your really nice, and I like your attitude. Your confident, now I know that those roomers aren’t true” she said with
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