» Romance » This life..., Emily Zimmerman. [best books for 7th graders txt] 📗

Book online «This life..., Emily Zimmerman. [best books for 7th graders txt] 📗». Author Emily Zimmerman.

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or bark like a dog? I didn't think so!" I said to him, frustration and anger getting the best of me. Ben looked utterly confused "what?" he asked. I sighed "like I said stupid" I muttered. "okay, both of you, calm down, and Jared, get that murderous look off your face" mom said sternly. I looked at Jared and almost laughed, but was too frustrated, he looked a little angry, but not murderous"Way over dramatized mom" I said flatly. She shrugged, winking at me. "Um, is there some bad chemistry between you two? Because it seems that you two don't really like each other" Jana said. I raised an eyebrow, the 'yah think?' clearly on my face. "Yeah, we haven't gotten along in a very long time" I said. I squeezed Kyle's hand, and he instantly relaxed. Ben frowned "maybe I should go" he said. I shook my head "no, me and Kyle were planning to go out anyway, so were just going to be on our way now" I said, getting up, and dragging Kyle with me "we didn't-" I cut Kyle off by shushing him. I pushed him out the door, catching a glimpse of Jared's warning glare at me, I rolled my eyes at him. I pulled my keys out of my pocket and pushed Kyle into the car, getting into the drivers seat. "where are we going?" he asked. I smiled brightly at him "were going to meet your parents" I said. he gave me a look that asked my sanity, he told me all about his stuck up snobby parents. "don't give me that look, you met my parents, so its time I meet yours" I told him. He laughed, shaking his head "fine, but I wont way I told you so" he warned me. I just rolled my eyes at him "you are so beautiful" he said abruptly. I raised an eyebrow at him, he was looking at me with that disarming smile I loved so much. "and you are too in love with me, it can't be healthy" I said, smiling teasingly at him. he leaned over and kissed my cheek, "when we get out of the car, i'm going to kiss you, i don't care who is watching" he said. I rolled my eyes again "yep, too in love" I smiled. He rolled his eyes "now how do you get to your parents house?" I asked, punching his shoulder lightly. He rubbed his shoulder, acting hurt "okay meany, get on the freeway, and exit onto Haywood street" He informed me. I nodded, taking the on ramp to the freeway, I turned on the radio, and smiled when my favorite song came on, -Bluebird- by Christina perri. I sang along with the song, turning it up, I knew the words by heart, and sang as I looked out at the road. when the song ended, I looked at Kyle, and he was staring at me, mouth agape "you have to sing the anthem" he said. I blushed and looked back out at the road, "crap" I said, I almost missed the exit. I saw it just in time to exit and not endanger lives by swerving over at the last second. Kyle laughed "so, tomorrow, is the big game, and everyone in school is wanting you to sing the anthem, even the principal, so... are you going to do it?" he asked. I stared at the road, contemplating for a long time. and finally nodded "i guess, but if i forget the words, i'm blaming you" I said.And all the way there we joked about how I would forget the lines, and just sing the same two lines over and over again, we sang together "oh say can you see, by the dawns early light" over and over again until the song was finished, laughing at the stupidity of it. "turn left at this light, and then were there" Kyle said, stroking my hand with his thumb. I nodded, following his instructions. each house we passed seemed to get bigger, and I would ask if it was the one, Kyle would laugh and shake his head. we finally pulled up to the last house on the street house, it was probably three stories high, and huge! I gaped at it and looked at Kyle for confirmation that this is his parents house, he nodded at me. I gulped and pulled into the long driveway, that circled around a large concrete fountain. I parked and pulled out my keys, looking at Kyle with nervousness "umm, maybe we should have called" I said, ringing my hands together nervously. Kyle shrugged "well, this was your idea, and were sticking with your plan" he said, getting out of the car. I unbuckled, and took a deep breath, staring at the house for another second. Kyle opened my door for me, holding his hand out for me. I grabbed his hand, smiling in thanks as I stepped out of the car. He pulled me to him, kissing me passionately, tingles shot through my like shocks of lightning, and i wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling myself closer to him and deepening the kiss. He pulled away staring into my brown eyes with his hypnotic amazing blue eyes. "I told you I would kiss you when we got out of the car" he said, smiling softly. I smiled and stroked his soft cheek with the hand that wasn't clasped tightly with his. "lets go meet your parents" I said. He nodded but kept his arm around me, walking me to the door, he walked me up the stone steps to the front door -it was more like a gate- I looked at him nervously as he rang the doorbell, the pleasant "ding dong" rang through the house, I heard the faint sound of echoing footsteps, the door opened, revealing a woman with sandy blonde hair, and the same amazing blue eyes Kyle had, i knew this had to be Mrs. Miller. she looked at Kyle, then me, she suddenly smiled brightly "Kyle! how are you dear?" she asked Kyle excitedly. she hugged him, an awkward hug since he didn't let go of me. "and who might this be?" you could tell she was trying hard to keep that smiled on her face as she looked at me. "mom, this is my girlfriend, Kaila, Kaila, this is my mom, Marianne" he said. I smiled and held out my hand "hi, its so nice to meet you, you have a beautiful name by the way" I said. she took my hand lightly in hers and shook it "thank you dear, its a pleasure to meet you too" she said, still trying to keep that smile on her face. "well come in, come in! i'm sure Daniel will love to meet you" she said, pulling us in. When she turned her back on us, walking down the hall, I looked up at Kyle with a frown. He tightened his arm around me and kissed my hand. "They act like this with everyone, I once brought Lacy over and they shunned her from the house" he chuckled. I nodded, laying my head on his shoulder "so your saying that they usually hate everyone you bring for them to meet?" I asked. He nodded, "yes, but don't worry, just because my mother doesn't like you, doesn't mean my father wont love you, he has actually always wanted a daughter, a strong and respectful daughter, and you are strong and respectful" he said. I smiled at the thought "thank you Kyle" I murmured. He kissed my forehead "my pleasure, I love you" he said softly. "I love you too" I said to him. We finally got to a door, and Marianne turned to us, "wait here a second" she said to us. we nodded, and she entered the room, we heard mumbling from inside the room, but I didn't hear anything else. she poked her head out the door and gestured for us to come in, opening the door. we both stepped in, not sure what we would find, "hello Kyle" his dad said to him. his dad seemed older then Marianne by allot, he had graying hair, and a bald spot, his eyes were dull brown, not the amazing blue that Kyle's is. He walked over and shook Kyle's hand, and then turned to me, I smiled at him and held out my hand "hello, my name is Kaila highlander" I said. He took my hand and shook it firmly in his "its very nice to meet you, I'm Daniel Miller, you have a firm hand shake, that shows confidence, I like that" He said. He turned to Marianne, and I smiled at Kyle, he smiled at me and kissed my forehead. "Marianne, this is the girl you told me was not right for Kyle?" Mr. Miller asked his wife. She blushed and looked away "well, that's not exactly-" he cut her off. "go get dinner started" he dismissed her. she nodded, but hesitated, looking at Kyle, "Kyle, can I speak to you privately? You can help me in the kitchen" she said, Kyle nodded, squeezing my hand and letting me go. "I'll be right back Kaila" he said to me. I nodded, and he kissed my forehead and left the room with his mother, leaving me with his father, "have a seat Kaila" he said to me, gesturing to the the couch, he sat in a chair across from me. "now, Kaila, tell me a little about yourself" Dan said. I sat back on the couch, entwining my hands in my lap "well, where do I start? my name is Kaila, i'm seventeen years old, I live with my three brothers, Jake, Hail and Jared, my mother and father are visiting right now-" he interrupted me. "wait, wait, you say your parents are visiting? you mean you only live with your brothers? why are your parents not there?" he asked. I sighed "well, when I was fifteen, they started a business, and started getting large amounts of money from that business, they changed after that, and left to live a life without us, in Hawaii, this is the first time they have come back since they left" I said calmly. Mr. Miller stared at me thoughtfully for a second, then something clicked in his eyes "Kaila Highlander, your the one who rammed a gas station!" he exclaimed. I pinched the bridge of my nose between my thumb and forefinger "ugh! if I had known that this would make me a celebrity I would have skipped the gas station" I muttered. to my surprise, Mr. Miller laughed "that reminded me of when I was a teenager, I would do crazy stuff like that, and not care what anyone said" He chuckled. I stared at him in disbelief "so you don't hate me" I amended. Mr. Miller shook his head "what has Kyle told you about me Kaila?" he asked. I thought for a second "well, he told me that his mother wasn't the friendliest to everyone he brought to the house, and he told me that when he brought his previous girlfriend, Lacy for you to meet, you "shunned" her from the house" I said. Mr. Miller chuckled "we only did that because we knew she wasn't right for him, sure, he was mad at us, but he found out soon enough that she really wasn't right for him" he said. I nodded "and he told me that you have always wanted a strong and respectful daughter" I said. Mr. Miller nodded, "yes, I have" he said. "you seem rather nice Mr. Miller, but I have a question, do you think Mrs. Miller will like me?" I asked, I just had to know. He smiled and nodded "yes, I think she will, you see, she is very...protective of Kyle, and doesn't want him to get hurt" he told me. I nodded "i understand"
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