» Romance » This life..., Emily Zimmerman. [best books for 7th graders txt] 📗

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with your ex” I accused. I regretted the words as soon as they were out, Kyle shut his emotions off from me completely, I knew I had hurt him. “Kyle…I’m sorry, I know it wasn’t your fault, I didn’t mean it” I said, looking down at the ground. I watched Kyle’s feet as he took a step toward me, he put a hand under my chin and made me look at him, “you mean…you believe me...? That I didn’t…mean to kiss her?” he asked. I nodded “yes, I believe you” I murmured. “Does that mean were okay?” he asked me, hope rising in his eyes. The image of my heart shattering into a million pieces again popped into my mind and I shook my head, the fear of being hurt overpowering everything else. Kyle looked confused and hurt “I don’t understand” he said. I looked into his eyes “I-I….I’m not…I’m afraid that-“ I sighed and looked away. I walked over and sat down on the couch, staring out the window at the backyard. “Afraid of what?” he asked me, sitting beside me and taking my hand. Can I tell him that I’m afraid he’ll hurt me again? That my heart was already holding together by a string? I had to, what else do I tell him? I decided to tell him the truth, he was looking at me with gentle eyes, and his hands were clasping both of mine tightly in his. I looked into his hypnotizing blue eyes and sighed “I’m afraid that….that I’ll…” I groaned- this was way too hard to say to this man. “What? Please tell me Kaila!” he begged me. I put my head in my hands “I’m afraid that you will hurt me again!” I blurted, trying to keep tears from my eyes. Kyle was silent, and I was afraid to look at him. He gently touched my hair and tucked it behind my ear; he then gently put his hand on my wrist and moved it down from my face. He did the same with my other hand and made me look at him by putting his hand under my chin. Tears were flowing down my cheeks without my permission. Kyle pulled me into a hug and tucked my head under his chin. I cried silently into his chest “Kaila, I can’t promise that you won’t get hurt, but I can promise that I will never hurt you again, we will get through anything together, okay? I love you” he said to me softly. The truth in his voice and eyes was undeniable; I stared into his eyes as he leaned in and kissed my tear stained cheek. His lips lingered on my cheek; I closed my eyes as he pulled away. “How do I believe you?” I whispered. Something deep down knew that he was telling the truth, but the fear was still there. He slid his hand in my hair and cupped my chin with his other, he pulled me close to him, so close that our lips were just inches apart; I closed my eyes as our lips touched and a fire exploded inside me, I ran my hands through his hair, and he wrapped his arm around me, while holding my lips securely on his –not that, if he let me go, I would pull away- I was now sitting on his lap with my legs wrapped around him, we broke apart to breathe. I laid my forehead on his chest and tried to breathe. “I believe you” I gasped. He chuckled, breathless himself. He cupped my chin and made me look at him, his face was sober: his eyes pleading with mine “will you please forgive me?” he begged me. I stared into his eyes a little longer, still searching for something, anything that would give away to me being hurt again, but I didn’t find anything. The truth was, I had already forgiven him, I just hadn’t admitted it to myself “I forgive you” I whispered. He smiled a smile so bright that it seemed to light up the darkened room and kissed me again, this kiss was a joyful and happy.  Chapter Eleven.

Chapter eleven. I woke up in Kyle’s bed this time, me and him were up almost half the night until I fell asleep, we were talking again, just talking about different things of unimportance. I opened my eyes to find Kyle’s beautiful blue eyes staring at me. I smiled softly at him “good morning” I murmured sleepily. He smiled “good morning, were going to be tired all day today at school you know that right?” he asked me softly. I shrugged “who cares” I muttered. He laughed quietly, still staring at my face, his eyes were loving and happy “god, you’re so beautiful” he murmured, stroking my cheek softly. I blushed “you see? I love it when you blush, and that I can be the one to make you blush” he said, kissing my cheek. I blushed deeper at that, making him laugh. He kissed me softly, putting his hand on my cheek. “What time is it?” I asked softly. He glanced at his clock behind him “its six eighteen” he said. I groaned and put my head in his chest. “I hate Tuesdays” I muttered. Kyle’s chest shook as he chuckled “Hey! What did Tuesday ever do to you?” he asked teasingly. I smiled, keeping my face buried in his chest “It wakes me up in the morning and makes me go to school!” I pouted. Kyle laughed and kissed my hair, I looked into his eyes, his beautiful aqua blue eyes, the strangest yet most beautiful color of blue in his eyes; I stared at his eyes in wonder as a familiar twinkle brightened his eyes. “What?” he asked softly. I smiled innocently “Nothing” I said innocently. He narrowed his eyes teasingly and leaned in to where his lips were just inches from mine; my breathing became shallow as his eyes stared into mine, my eyes drifted down to his lips, his sweet, soft, kissable lips. I watched as they slowly stretched up into a grin “now what was it you were staring at me like that for?” he asked softly, his sweet breath blowing hot air onto my face. I sucked in a breath and looked back up into his hypnotizing eyes; does he know what he is doing to me? My train of thought was going off its tracks. He raised an eyebrow, reminding me that he asked me a question “uh…umm…right…that...” I trailed off, trying to make a coherent sentence. This has never happened before! He completely made my mind go haywire and my stomach was full of butterflies, His grin got wider, disarming me even more then I was “yes?” he asked in anticipation. I swallowed quietly, trying to bring the words to my lips “well…it would help if I could think” I said pointedly. He laughed and pulled away slightly, but still keeping our faces inches apart. It helped a small bit, at least I could think without the heat of his lips inches from mine. “I was looking at your eyes, they are the most beautiful color, the aqua color they have is like nothing I have ever seen before” I said, blushing deep red. He stroked my cheek where the blush was, making me go redder. His eyes seemed to glow, the room was darkened by his curtains, just a small bit of light came in, but his eyes seemed to glow brighter than the light that came in. His aqua eyes pierced my light brown ones, he put his arms around my waist and pulled me to him, I cuddled into him, my hands on his bare chest, and my arms in between us. “I love you” he sighed, kissing me softly. We kissed for what seemed like hours, just enjoying each other’s warmth. The kiss was soft and sweet at first, but passion took over the both of us and the kiss changed. He ran his hands up and down the length of my back, stroking it softly, I felt along his chest and stomach, feeling and tracing the muscles there. Our tongues danced together in a fiery dance, and with every single touch he sent shockwaves through my body. We broke apart to breath, he kissed me softly down my neck, kissing and nibbling on it, making me moan. “Kaila, I love you with all my heart” he said, looking deeply into my eyes. “I love you too” I gasped, still breathless. “I wanted to do this a little better, but I can’t wait until Saturday” he told me seriously. He sat me up on the bed and sighed, opening a small droor and grabbing something from inside it. He sat me on the edge of the bed and got down on one knee. It hit me what he was doing, I sat there shocked, he was proposing? “Kaila Evans Highlander, I love you with all my heart and soul, will you do me the wonderful honor of marrying me?” he asked me softly. I sat there shocked as he opened a small satin box, revealing a ring with diamonds lining the band, the main diamond being my birthstone, aqua marine. I looked into his eyes and nodded “yes” was all I could manage to whisper. His smile was dazzling, more dazzling then the ring itself, it was happier then when I first said I loved him, happier then when his father told him that he liked me, happier then when I told him I forgave him last night. He pulled me down on the floor and hugged me, kissing me passionately. “I promise to love you with all my heart” he murmured softly. He put the ring on my hand and kissed me one last time. “Does everyone know?” I asked him curiously. He shook his head “no, just your mother and father, and my mother and father” he said. I nodded “how long were you planning on asking me?” I asked him. “Since you met my parents, remember when I told you that me and my mother had talked about what had happened to you?” he asked. I nodded “she gave me this ring, a family heirloom I had it sized for you, and I took the main stone out and put your birthstone in” he said softly. I stroked his cheek softly and sighed happily. “Well, the hard part will be telling Jared” I said with a chuckle. Kyle laughed “yes, I have been dreading that part as well” he joked.

Chapter Twelve.
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