» Romance » This life..., Emily Zimmerman. [best books for 7th graders txt] 📗

Book online «This life..., Emily Zimmerman. [best books for 7th graders txt] 📗». Author Emily Zimmerman.

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Chapter Ten.

 Chapter ten. I awoke to my alarm; I groaned and pressed the button to turn it off. I looked around to find that Kyle had left the room; I assumed he woke up and decided to get ready for school. So I got up and stumbled into the bathroom, grabbing a towel and a razor. I jumped in the shower when it got hot and rinsed myself off, grabbing my shampoo; I lathered my hair and scrubbed my scalp. After that I conditioned my hair and shaved my legs and underarms. I jumped out of the shower and wrapped my towel around me, drying my hair with my towel and brushing my teeth. I walked out of the bathroom and into my closet. Dressing in the best pair of skinny jeans I have and a pretty blue shirt, today is the day I sing the anthem, so I want to look my best. I grabbed a pair of underwear and a bra and slipped them on. Slipping on my Jeans and my shirt, I walked out of my closet and sat down at my vanity, putting on some eyeliner with a light coat of blue eye shadow, I put on some lip gloss and called it good, I then turned my hairdryer on and started brushing through my tangled hair while drying it. After I dried it I curled my hair in tight curls, brushing them out so they looked natural. I got up from my vanity, satisfied with my appearance. I walked out of my room and down the stairs, Mom and Dad were up, they were making eggs, bacon and pancakes. “Hey Sweetie! Want some pancakes?” mom asked me. I shook my head “I would, but I don’t have time, I have to go in a few minutes” I said. Mom nodded in understanding “okay, well remember that were coming for parents day today, we may come early to watch the game” she said, smiling. I nodded slightly “okay” I muttered. I grabbed my keys and waited for Kyle to come down. Kyle came bounding down the stairs and kissed me on the lips, “good morning” he said, smiling brightly. I smiled at him as we walked out to the car. “Aw, we aren’t using my poor car?” he asked, with a fake expression of sadness. I laughed “hell yeah we are!” I exclaimed. Kyle pumped his fist and pulled out his keys. I grabbed them from him and jumped into the driver’s seat. “Hey! This is my car!” he pouted. I laughed “well I get to drive it to school, you can drive it back home” I told him. He shrugged and jumped into the car, sliding into the middle seat and putting his arm around me. We sped to school with the top down, so my hair was a mess when we got there. I managed to fix it though. “Oh, and by the way, you look beautiful today” he murmured into my ear as we walked into school. I blushed and kissed him on the lips. We parted to go to our classes; I skipped to my English class, sitting at my desk. Jamie walked in and sat beside me. “Hey Kaila, you look beautiful today” he commented with a smile. I blushed and punched him playfully on the arm “well, you have to look your best to sing the anthem” I muttered. Jamie’s eyes brightened “you’re really going to do it?” he asked excitedly. I sighed and nodded “yes, apparently I have no choice” I told him jokingly. He laughed and Mr. Barnes shushed him. The day went by slowly as I waited for it to end, at the end of the day, I looked for Kyle, but I couldn’t find him. “Kaila! Looking for your boyfriend?” Sam asked, sneering at me. I turned around and looked at him blankly “I might be, why, do you have anything to do with his disappearance?” I asked a threat in my voice. He shook his head, holding up his hands “no, but Lacy might, we saw him leave the class with her, just so happens we saw them enter a certain janitors closet. My mouth dropped open, I broke into a run down the hall, I stopped in front of the closet and swung the door open. What I saw shocked and hurt me more than anything else. Kyle had his hands on Lacy’s arms, and Lacy had her lips locked with Kyle’s, they broke apart when I opened the door. Kyle immediately let go of Lacy and pushed her away. “Kaila, wait! It’s not what it looks like! Please let me explain” he begged. Lacy was smiling a smug smile “Kyle, I know exactly what is going on” I told him, backing away from him. Tears threatened to come, but I held them back. “You were still using me! After you promised not to hurt me anymore! I’m going to be sick, I actually believed you! I actually trusted you!” I shouted at him. He reached out a hand to wipe away the traitor tears that I couldn’t keep away, but I pushed his hand away. “I can’t believe I trusted you” I said, it was almost just a whisper now. Kyle looked pained, but my heart was shattered into a thousand pieces “Kaila if you just listen to-“ “No! I have already heard enough, and seen enough for that matter, it’s over Kyle” I told him. I grabbed his keys from my pocket and gave them to him “here, I can walk” I muttered. I started walking away from him, he called my name but I ignored him. I walked outside and broke into a run; I ran to the sidewalk outside the school and started walking again. Someone drove up beside me, calling my name, I looked up to find Jamie “oh, hi Jamie” I muttered, wiping the tears from my face. “Hi, are you alright?” he asked me worriedly. I nodded “yes, I’m fine” I lied. Jamie sighed “will you please get in the car and let me take you home?” he asked me. I thought about it for a second and then nodded “okay” I said, grabbing the handle to the door and opening it, and getting into the car. “So…what happened?” he asked me. I looked away out the window “Kyle and I are over” I whispered. I heard Jamie’s intake of breath “oh, I’m sorry” he sounded like he really was sorry. I shrugged “he was a Lying bastard anyway” I said. Jamie pat my hand “I know how much you love him Kaila” he said to me gently. I held back tears “apparently he didn’t return that love” I said, desperately trying to keep from crying. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t keep from crying, so I let it out, I cried quietly, sniffling and wiping tears from my eyes “if you ever want to talk, or just need some comfort, you can always call me, I’ll be there, okay?” he asked me softly. I nodded, smiling slightly at him “thank you Jamie, you have been a good friend to me” I murmured. He smiled as we pulled into my driveway. I got out and walked around to the door. “Kaila, I’m sorry about Kyle” he told me, grabbing me in a hug. I hugged him tightly back and then let him go. “Hey, Jamie? Will you pick me up tonight for the game?” I asked him. He looked at me in confusion “your still going to sing?” he asked. I nodded “yeah” I said. He nodded “okay, yeah I’ll pick you up” he said. I smiled in thanks and walked into the house “my Jamie” I muttered before closing the door. I walked up the stairs and into my room, going over to my mirror; I grabbed my makeup bag and re-did my smudged makeup. I decided to change into a dress, maybe wear my dark blue knee length dress with the lighter colored blue flower belt around it. I slipped some shoes on to go with it and then I slipped the dress on. A knock sounded at my door, I cleared my throat to speak “yes? Who is it?” I asked. “It’s, uh, it’s Kyle” Kyle’s voice sounded. I wasn’t all that sad anymore, just angry. I opened the door and smiled sweetly “yes? can I help you?” I asked him. He rubbed the back of his neck “Kaila, can I please explain what happened?” he asked me, his eyes pleading with mine. I kept my eyes hard “I know what happened Kyle, you were sucking Lacy’s face, bye, bye now” I said, about to close the door. “Wait, please! Just let me tell you!” he stopped me. I sighed and shook my head “maybe later when I don’t want to murder you” I said. Kyle sighed and nodded, slumping off to his room. I felt guilty for a second, but I pushed that feeling away, he was the one who lied to me. I sighed and grabbed my purse, walking down stairs. “You’re going to sing at the anthem!” Jared said excitedly. I rolled my eyes and nodded “Jamie is picking me up in a few minutes” I said. Jared looked confused “Kyle isn’t taking you?” he asked me. I looked away from “no, he…doesn’t feel very good” I muttered. Jared sat back in his chair and studied me suspiciously “you two broke up didn’t you?” he asked me. I looked down at my hands “no” I lied. Jared snorted “Kaila, I know you” he said. I sighed in frustration “yes okay? We broke up! So what?” I asked him. Jared shrugged “you just seemed off” he said. He got up from the couch “well, I should go, I have to get there before the coach does” he said with a smile. I got up and hugged him “good luck, I’ll be routing for you” I said. Jared hugged me back before walking out the door. I sat against the door with my head in my hands, shaking my head slowly “okay Kaila, you can do this, your only singing, it’s only a song, you have done this before” I told myself, not letting my nerves get to me. “Kaila?” Kyle hesitantly asked me. I looked up at his voice “what?” I asked sharply. He looked away “just making sure you’re alright” he murmured. I sighed and got up when Jamie knocked on the door. I opened it and smiled at Jamie “hey! Ready?” he asked, seeming happy that I was happy. I nodded and grabbed my purse from the ground. I glanced back to see that Kyle was gaping at the two of us “bye Kyle, see you after the game” I said. I walked out the door to Jamie’s…motorcycle? “Um, what happened to your car?” I asked, laughing slightly. Jamie shrugged “I thought you would want to ride to school in style” he said with a laugh. I looked down at my dress “Um, I would Jamie, but I’m wearing a dress” I laughed. He looked me over, a little too long if you asked me, and then smiled a roguish and playful grin “that’s alright” he said. I looked at him in confusion before he picked me up bridal style and set me on the motorcycle. I glared playfully at him as

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