» Romance » This life..., Emily Zimmerman. [best books for 7th graders txt] 📗

Book online «This life..., Emily Zimmerman. [best books for 7th graders txt] 📗». Author Emily Zimmerman.

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a genuine smile. I smiled back “no problem, when someone is in need, I help them, its my code, my motto” I said teasingly. She laughed, it surprised me, her laugh was quiet, I mean her genuine laugh, it was like a shy laugh, but it still held confidence. I grabbed my clothes and changed quickly, then I packed my gym clothes into the bag. I walked out of the changing room, and, much to my surprise, Tiffany fell into step with me “hey, I wanted to ask you, I saw you singing in music, and I was wondering, if you would want to sing the anthem in the big football game this homecoming dance?” she asked me. Just like everything else she was saying and doing, this surprised me. I stared at her a second “sure. I mean, I don’t know how well I would do in front of all those people” I said. She laughed “from how many people you sang in front of, I don’t think that will be a problem” she assured. I chuckled nervously. She pat my back “your brother told me you were a great singer, and you proved it” she said. I snorted “did my brother put you up to this? Because he said something similar to me the other day” I muttered. “no, no, this is my own doing” she laughed. I nodded “good” I said. She really seemed nice, like how she used to be, we were about half way down the hall “hey Kaila” Kyle said coming up from behind me. I smiled up at him “hey” I said softly. He glanced pointedly at Tiffany, looking confused. I smiled and looked at Tiffany “Kyle, this is Tiffany, Tiffany, this is my boyfriend Kyle” I said. She smiled at him “nice to meet you” she said. He nodded and then turned to me “so I hear your going to be singing the anthem after all” he said. I stared at him incredulously “how in the world did you figure that out? We have only been talking about it for two minutes” I said, throwing my hands up in the air. Kyle raised an eyebrow “they have been talking about it since they heard you sing” he said. I nodded “makes sense” I said dryly. He chuckled “oh, I have to go, I have a date tonight with Gail” she said excitedly. She walked off with a wave, and I was left with Kyle, he grabbed my arm and led me out the doors to the school. A huge crowd was outside, everyone getting into their cars and talking, Kyle pulled me to my car and then went around to the other side “didn’t you come with Hail and Jake?” I asked with a smile. He nodded “yes, but they are idiots and I’d much rather ride with you” he said. I laughed “true that” I said. I got in the car and started it, he got in, taking my hand immediately. I caught site of Jared talking to the girl he was talking to earlier, I snorted “what?” Kyle asked. I shook my head and backed out of the parking spot, someone flew up behind me and I gasped and stopped quickly, “jack-ass!” I yelled. I looked back to see Hail and Jakes two buddy’s in the car smirking “no, two Jack-asses” I muttered. I waited for them to get out of the way before I backed completely out. We drove out of the parking lot, some waved, and some just looked, but I managed to keep from hitting any stupid brave souls who dare stand in my way. We drove home talking and laughing, him making remarks on how if my brothers-Jared not included- were left in the wilderness with nothing but flint, they would probably die of starvation just trying to figure out how to use it. When we pulled up to the house, there was a car there that I didn’t recognize. I looked at Kyle in confusion, he just shrugged. I got out of the car and pulled my key out to unlock the house. As I was unlocking the door I pondered at who was here, maybe its just some jerk who decided to use our driveway as his own personnel parking spot, or maybe its one of Jared’s friends or maybe… no. I opened the door and walked into the living room. Mom and dad were sitting there relaxing on the couch like they never left. “hi Sweetie!” mom squealed. She got up from the couch and hugged me tightly, I stood there, shocked, unable to move. Chapter Seven.

 Chapter seven. She hugged me tightly, not noticing my unyielding state. I pushed her away, backing away as I did it. She looked at me in confusion “why are you here?” I asked hesitantly. She laughed like it was the stupidest question ever “were here for parents day silly!” she said happily. She looked behind me “who is this Kaila?” she asked. I turned around, seeing Kyle standing there looking at them to me, then back to them. “this is Kyle, my boyfriend” I muttered. She smiled at me as if she didn’t ruin my life “that’s wonderful dear” she said. I snorted “you would have known if you didn’t leave, but apparently I was ‘ruining your rich life style‘” I said, mimicking her voice. She frowned “now Kaila, that is in the past, I came back to see you, please, just talk with me” she pleaded seriously. I threw my arms up in the air “why would I?” I laughed humorlessly. She crossed her arms “because I want to be in your life again, if we can just talk about this” she said. I crossed my arms. “you left because of me, how can you just come back into my life?” I yelled. Dad got in between me and mom “now Kaila” he said sternly. I glared at him “and you! You left too, you have no Wright to come in here and tell me or anyone else in this house what to do! You both left us, and it ruined me! My brothers hate me because of you! They hate me!” I screamed. I felt hands on my arms, Kyle tried to pull me away, I ripped my arms away “because of you two my life is a living hell! And because of you, I have had to live with my own brothers turning the whole school against me, and laughing! You don’t know how much that hurts!” I yelled, almost sobbing. I angrily wiped the tears away and ran out the front door to the house. I ran down the driveway, running down the hill to the park. I ran through it and sat down on one of the swings, putting my head in my hands. I sat for probably an hour, just thinking about what I said, then I heard footsteps coming my way. I didn’t look at who it was, I just stared into space “that’s not really the reunion me or your father wanted to have” mom said gently. I didn’t answer, I just swung slightly on the swing and stared into space “Kaila, please talk to me, I- I was greedy and naïve and stupid. I’m so sorry Kaila, I didn’t know this would change your life so much, your teacher called us a month ago telling us that they were worried about you, they thought you might have been depressed, I got so scared and it brought me back to when you were young and you got sick, that cold fear that was there because you were so sick, it made me think about what I have done, and I felt so guilty” she said, I could tell she was crying. I sighed, and a tear ran down my cheek. “Kaila I can’t tell you how horribly sorry I am, I don’t know what happened to me… when we got that money… I just changed, and I lost my mind into money, when I saw your face… my life had meaning again, it was never right living alone” she said. It was really hard trying to be mad at her now, now that she has told me this. I looked at her, she was staring at me with a broken and guilty expression. I looked away “fine, I forgive you” I mumbled inaudibly. In the corner of my eye I saw her face contort in confusion “what Kaila?” she asked. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair “I forgive you” I said a little louder. Suddenly arms were around me and she was hugging my tightly “oh thank you Kaila! I love you so much and I’ll never leave you again!” she sobbed. I hugged her back hesitantly, patting her back slightly. She stayed hugging me for a long time before pulling back and smiling at me. She sniffed and wiped under her eyes “I’m so glad Kaila, now lets go home” she said wetly. I smiled slightly and started walking along the path. We walked home in silence, until mom spoke up about Kyle “so, how long have you and Kyle been together?” she asked. I smirked “about two weeks” I said casually. Mom stared at me a second “two weeks?” she asked. I nodded, I knew she wouldn’t approve. She looked in front of her “oh….that’s…nice” she said very slowly. I snickered “yeah, he, uh, told me he loved me on our first date” I said quietly, smirk gone, a soft smile in its place. In the corner of my eye, I saw moms head snap in my direction. I didn’t look at her, I just stared at the ground in front of me as I walked “really?” she asked me. I nodded, blushing bright red “wow Kaila, what did he say?” she asked me. I blushed deeper, if possible “he told me that he love me since the day we met, and that it didn’t matter to him if I didn’t love him” I said gently. Joy filled me at the memory ‘he loves me’ I thought to myself. Mom didn’t answer and we lapsed into silence. We got to the house, inside, everyone was sitting in the living room, Hail, Jake and Jared were all sitting across from dad. Kyle was sitting on the Lazy Boy chair beside the couch. Hail and Jake seemed to be fuming, and Jared was smirking. I gave him a confused look “Hail and Jake are grounded for a month” he said. I pumped my fist “ha! Serves you right!” I said triumphantly. I heard the vacuum on “who’s room is Jean doing?” I asked in confusion, our rooms have been kept very clean, so she has been coming only on Thursdays. Jake smiled sheepishly “my room is a mess, so I called her to clean it up this morning, I had a date tomorrow, so I couldn’t let her see my room like it was” he said shrugging. I sighed and started up the stairs “you couldn’t have cleaned it yourself?” I asked dryly. I didn’t get an answer, I walked to Jakes room and opened the door. Jean was vacuuming around Jakes

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