» Romance » Love Thy Neighbour, Annecia Ellies [readict txt] 📗

Book online «Love Thy Neighbour, Annecia Ellies [readict txt] 📗». Author Annecia Ellies

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a library, or if possible an entire dining set can be placed here. The bedrooms were in a separate section after you enter a small corridor. The master bedroom was huge with one entire side of the wall in tinted glass. He smiled at the view he got of the City from in there. It also consisted of a huge walk in closet and an equally huge bathroom in separate areas of the room. They went on to check the other bedrooms. They were smaller than the Master bedroom, but still of a good size. He wondered if he would need all this space, then his mind ran on Morgan and he thought why not.

“What about the staircase? Where does that lead to?” Filipe asked

“Oh, that is a smaller room than can be used as a bedroom or an office. Those are at the very top of the building, all four penthouses have one.”

Caesar then headed towards the staircase and Filipe followed him.

Once upstairs Filipe looked around at the smaller but yet neat room. It consisted of bay windows and had enough space for a complete bedroom set. The bathroom even had a tub and a shower. He went to the window and realized it can be quite private. Although you can see a lot of what’s happening outside, no one can really see you all the way up there. He turned and followed Caesar down the steps.

“So, what do you think, are you taking it then?” He asked Filipe.

“Actually, I love it. It is very spacious I must say, the other apartments, are they much smaller than this?”

“Yes they are. The two bedrooms are good enough for two persons to share but even better for one person who loves their space. The three bedrooms are bigger than the two, but not as big as these. They are all taken though. There aren’t any more available here. We are building also in the Chaguanas area if you want to wait for one of those, it depends on if you like the location.” Caesar said looking at Filipe trying to read the expression on his face.

“I like this one so I’ll be taking it.” He said to Caesar

“Ok, I will let Mrs. Spinner know that’s a positive and you can go to her and make your arrangements. You are a lucky man, you got the last two places we had left” he said grinning.

They went outside and headed towards the elevator.




Morgan and Saurelle were chatting on Full Circle busy organizing the beach lime for tomorrow. They discussed the drinks and called around so they all knew who had to bring which drink, who was bringing ice and so on. They decided everyone was responsible for their own travel and that they will be meeting in front of Richards for ten o’ clock. Zoe was anxious to meet this French guy Morgan and Saurelle both spoke about. The girls chatted online and on speaker phone until Flynn walked into Morgan’s bedroom. She excused herself and flung herself in his arms.

“Hey babe.” She kissed him and he responded with eagerness.

“What you up to my beauty?” he asked when she pulled away.

“We are going to the beach tomorrow.”

“We are? Ok”

“Yep, it’s a group of us, mixed group so it should be fun.”

“Ok, so what’s for dinner? Should we go out?”

“Yes, after this” and she kissed him again. Flynn grabbed her and pushed her towards the bed.

Flynn always took his time making love to Morgan, but this evening she approached him with a passion that had him wondering what fueled it. He matched her aggression in her kisses and when he entered her she moved with a passion he had not yet seen in her. They made love again and again until they were both tired. He got his phone and ordered them a pizza for dinner that evening so they wouldn’t have to leave the apartment. They could pass by his house in the morning to get his things for the beach.

Early the next morning Saurelle called Morgan’s cell phone to ask if they can pick her up. Kwassi had an unexpected change of shift and wouldn’t get off until eleven. He will meet her at the beach, she didn’t want to take her car because it was easier to save space for one car instead of two. Morgan and Flynn both agreed to get her after they pass to collect his clothes and the cooler for ice, they will then drive up to Maracas.

When they arrived on the beach Saurelle spotted Zoe sitting with Pancho by Natalie’s. They joined them and soon after they were joined by Filipe, whom Morgan introduced to Flynn. The two eyed each other a bit and shook hands then sat on either side of Morgan. The ladies chattered happily about everything while the guys just sat and listened. Pancho then arose and asked the guys to follow him to the beach with a ball. As soon as they left, Gemma and Dick arrived, now that they were all there they looked around for a spot for to settle on.

“Hey, why not let us head to the area where the wedding will be Morgan, that way we can have a better look at the place and who knows, some more ideas will pop into our heads.” Zoe said grinning.

“Sure, Zoe, what a great idea.” Morgan said patting her shoulder.

They headed to their spot and settled in. Meanwhile between kicks, Filipe was scrutinizing Flynn. He wondered exactly what Morgan saw in him and intended to find out.

“Hey, so you’re Morgan’s Flynn right?” Filipe asked Flynn

“Yeah, I haven’t heard much about you though, where are you from?” he replied

“France, my first time here actually, I love to travel and took the opportunity to come as I have some time on my hands. I’m also always looking to do some expansion in my business in one or two Caribbean Islands. Heard about Trinidad and Tobago, so here I am.”

“Ok, so how do you know these ladies? Are you related to Pancho?”

“Oh, Pancho, no. I knew Morgan for a little while, got to know Saurelle recently and I’m just meeting Zoe and the other girl today. Pancho is driving me around while I’m here. Although I was amazed to find out that he already knew Morgan from some previous encounter. Guess the entire trip is just pure coincidence.”

“Ok. Well glad to meet you.” Flynn said distantly

He wondered if Filipe is the same guy he heard Morgs and Auri speaking about, from online. He seemed cool enough, he thought.

“Why are you opening a Café here though? Do you think that will make?” He asked.

“Make what?” Filipe questioned, not understanding Flynn’s use of the word.

“I mean do you think it will bring a profit, we have a lot of Bakeries here already. A café is just a place to sit and have the baked stuff.”

“Well I’m sure it will, it does great in France.” Filipe said finally understanding.

“People here are different you know, different cultures even.”

“Yes, but they do eat don’t they? Also, something from a foreign country is always appreciated, gives the islanders a chance to learn about a different culture.”

Pancho came strolling up then cutting the conversation to announce that it was lunch time. The girls went to purchase Bake and Shark and wanted to make sure they get enough for everyone. They both followed him, meeting up with Dick who was telling a story that had three men entertained from the amused look on their faces. The day was proceeding nicely as far as everyone was concerned. The sun was hot, the beach was not too crowded and the water was cold. When they got back to their spot, Filipe suddenly remembered he still had the presents he brought for Morgan and Saurelle. He should ask them to accompany him to the car so he can give them in private after they all ate, he thought to himself. He smiled as he looked at Morgan and Flynn eating while leaning on each other’s shoulders. They all agreed to relax and eat, after which they will go into the water. All except Gemma of course, she had been bathing since she came.

Filipe’s eyes kept straying towards Morgan and Flynn. He could understand what Flynn saw in her. She was simply gorgeous, looking like a model as she sat there with her waist length dark brown hair flowing down her back, blowing often as the wind keep nipping some strands that will fly in her face and had her brushing it away all the time. Eventually she put it in a colored rubber band. She had on a pink and black leopard print bikini with a long white sarong tied securely to her hips. Her lightly tanned skin glowed in the little sunlight peeping through the trees. He noticed her every move and smiled to himself when he realized she herself kept glancing his way. He liked her. He know they discussed being friends but his attraction to her is getting the better of him. Her friend Saurelle got up and left them and headed towards the cars. She was a bit darker than Morgan, with short relaxed hair which was cut into a side bob. She was pretty but Morgan had cupped the price.

Their friend Zoe is of East Indian descent, a bit shorter than the other two as both Morgan and Saurelle were at least five foot six and five foot eight inches he averaged. Zoe doesn’t hold his interest, although he caught her sneaking glances at him when she thought he was not looking. When he smiled at her she turned her face and blushed. Saurelle returned with a tall, dark brown skinned African Rasta fellow whom she introduced as Kwassi. He apologized for being late and joined in the group, as Saurelle handed him a box with a Bake and Shark.

Filipe enjoyed his stay in Trinidad, the two weeks to him, went by too quickly. He was thankful for Pancho who did a great job as a tour guide. He decided to do a small feature of the business aspect of the country in his May Issue of their Business magazine.

He already asked Pancho if he will be his driver every time he came so they exchanged all their contact information. He had hoped to spend some more alone time with Morgan and he hinted as much and she promised him she will see what she can organize. Everyone finished eating and started removing their clothing as they headed into the water. When he removed his shirt, Morgan looked at him long and hard. He caught her stare before she dropped her eyes and couldn’t help but wonder what the expression on her face meant. He walked up to Saurelle and helped her hold down the towel that flew up as she removed her bag from where it was, since Kwassi and Flynn had already walked off towards the water’s edge.

“Can you and Morgan follow me to the car? I have something for you both.” He looked at her and wondered what is it with these girls, you say two words to them and they blush.

“Sure,” she said, and grabbed at Morgan as she passed by.

“You guys go ahead, we’ll be back in a bit.” She said to Flynn as he turned to look at them while raising his eyebrows at her. The three of them then headed towards the parked cars.

“Where are we going?” Morgan asked

“To the car, Filipe has something for us.”

Filipe simply turned to look at her, then turned around again. When they got to Pancho’s car Filipe opened it and removed a small parcel.

“This is something I got for you girls to thank you for the welcome and the entertainment, a little something from a friend.” He said as he gave each girl a small gift box. They opened them at the same time and looked at each other wide eyed, then looked at Filipe.

“Wow, these

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