» Romance » Love Thy Neighbour, Annecia Ellies [readict txt] 📗

Book online «Love Thy Neighbour, Annecia Ellies [readict txt] 📗». Author Annecia Ellies

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face, Pancho was a good man, he can see them being good friends. Then there’s Morgan, hmmm, who knows what tomorrow will bring.



Chapter Seven


Morgan was at work when she received a telephone call from Mrs. Spinner at Ludwig Enterprises. The apartment will be ready soon, if she was still interested in it she needed to come to the office at Barataria urgently so some final payments and other arrangements can be made. She had some time on her hands so she decided to head up there while she can. Arriving there she met with Mrs. Spinner and they spoke about some legal matters concerning the rental of the apartment. Afterwards she was given a set of keys and told she will be able to begin moving her things into the apartment in two weeks’ time. This excited her greatly, the thought of a bigger, fancy place to live. She may even get herself some new furniture. While getting ready to leave the premises of Ludwig Enterprises her cell phone rang so she put the car back in park and answered it.

“Hello?” she said holding it between her ear and shoulder.

“Hello, is this Morgan?” Someone said with a heavy French accent.


“Qui c`est moi” the Person replies.

She smiled, she was actually excited to hear from him.

“I hope it is not a bad time for you?” he then said

“No, not at all” she replied.

“How is it going today and where are you?” she asked him.

“Pancho is taking me for a Tour, a little one he says. I’m just calling to see if you would like to meet somewhere, sometime if you have some extra time.”

“Oh, maybe later, I was about to head back to the Office. I’m at a place called Ludwig Enterprises seeing about something at the moment.”

“Ludwig? Which area is that in?”

Morgan can hear someone talking in the background while Filipe was on the phone.

Can I call you back on this number?” she asked him

“Sure you can, oh wait a minute, Pancho said we just passed there, where you’re at, can we come back there to see you?”

“Um, I haven’t left the car park as yet so I guess you can.”

“Ok, we can be there in about,” he paused and she heard him speaking with someone, “a minute” he says.”

“Ok, see you then, I’m in the red Corolla under the tree.”

After hanging up she wondered if she did the right thing in agreeing to meet him so soon. He is with someone so they wouldn’t be alone, she thought to herself. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to meet him as yet but before she could think of anything else a silver grey Wing road wagon pulled up in the parking lot. Excitement fluttered in her stomach, more nervousness than excitement actually. The passenger side of the vehicle opened and up stood Filipe, he looked directly over at her car. Morgan held her breath as he began walking towards her car, she sat very still gawking at him. When she realized she had not moved, she quickly opened her door and stood up. Filipe flashed a brilliant smile when he saw her, crossed the few feet separating them quickly and enveloped her in a tight hug. She was caught by surprise but she did hug him back. He then pulled away and held her by her shoulders looking at her.

“Wow, Morgan, vous êtes vraiment belle, your photos do not do you a bit of justice.” He said in his cute French accent.

“English please.” She said nervously, I need to know what you are saying.

“Oh, forgive me, I said you’re very beautiful, it’s so good to finally meet you.”

“Pleased to meet you too Filipe” she said

She couldn’t take her stare away from his vibrant blue eyes. He is drop dead gorgeous, she thought, and couldn’t believe she was actually staring but yet it was difficult to drag her eyes away. When she finally did look away, after feeling like she was making a fool of herself, she realize he himself was staring at her.

“Are you ok? Sorry, I didn’t mean to hug you it’s just that I’m so excited to meet you…” Filipe was saying when she cut him off.

“Yes it’s ok, it’s just that you are, wow, are you sure you’re single?” She blushed and cringed slightly when she realized she said that aloud.

“It’s a long story,” he replied, “Actually I’m recently single, about three months.”

“Oh, I can understand that,”

After giving them a few minutes to meet Pancho approached them.

“Pancho?” Morgan asked recognizing the older gentleman.

“Yes, it is, I thought I know your face from somewhere that’s why I came out.”

“It’s Morgan. Dawn’s daughter. You remember Dawn? You drove her around when she came to stay with me for a few days, before I got my car, which was about a year ago.”

“Yes, yes I now remember you, how are you my dear?” He asked, taking her hand.

“I’m good. So you’re taking Filipe touring?”

“Yes, that’s the plan. Maybe we can meet up and do something together while he’s here eh? He seems to be a good guy, and he knows nothing about the country.”

They both laughed while Filipe looked from one to the other amused.

“Small country,” Pancho said and smiled at him.

Filipe took Morgan’s hands, “Can you have dinner with me?”

“I will like to but I promised a friend to have dinner with her tonight.” She lied.

“Bring your friend, I’d love to meet more local folks.”

“Are you sure?” she asked

“It’s no problem at all, the more the merrier.” Filipe smiled as he spoke.

Morgan resumed her staring when she saw the dimples and perfectly white teeth.

“Oh ok well how about TGI Friday’s?” That’s not too far from where you’re staying.” She said, without taking her eyes off his.

“Sure”, he said looking at Pancho.

“Can Pancho dine with us? Will you or your friend mind?” He then asked Morgan.

“Not one bit, it will be fun, and also I’m sure Auri remembers him.”

“Well its set then, see you later ma Cherie.”

He kissed both her hands then turned to follow Pancho back to their car. Morgan rubbed the spot he kissed as she went back into her car. She sat down and watched them drive off.

This could be a problem, she said to herself. She was hoping Filipe was just a simple ordinary guy not some drop dead gorgeous hunk with a French accent. She sighed long and rested her head back on the headrest. This she got to forewarn Auri about because she can be a bit of a flirt. Tonight should be fun, she smiled as she drove off.

Morgan arrived in the office just before twelve noon. She pulled out her phone and dialed Saurelle’s number. She answered on the third ring...

“Hi babe, what’s up?”

“Girl, you wouldn’t believe what just happened.”

“Tell me”, Auri said impatiently.

“I met Filipe.”

“Wait, what? Where? When?” Auri said excitedly

“Firstly, do you remember Pancho? The guy who drove mom around when she came and I didn’t have my car as yet?” Morgan asked Saurelle hoping that she did remember.

“Ah oldish red skinned, dougla guy right?”

“Yes, that’s him, he ain’t so old girl, and anyway he is taking Filipe around, what a coincidence huh?”

“Ok, but how did you meet them up?”

“Filipe called me to touch base and it so happened they had just passed where was, I went to see Mrs. Skinner. They turned around and came because he wanted to meet me.”

“And…” Saurelle tapped her feet impatiently where she stood in her Office.

“Oh my God Auri, the man is drop dead gorgeous!” Morgan said in a high pitched voice. “How the hell is he single?”

“Wow, now I can’t wait to meet him.”

“Um, that’s where it gets interesting, you will tonight.” Morgan said softly.

“Wait, what? Tonight you said?”

“Yes he wants us to join him for dinner.”

“And how did ‘us’ come in there miss Morgan? What scheme you putting my name in now?”

“When he asked I told him I had plans with my girlfriend. He said to bring you. Then Pancho remembered you when I described you and Filipe asked him to come along.”

“Oh dear, well ok, Pancho must remember me, you can’t remember I was harassing him all the time? I told him for an older man he was sure cute. The man tell me have he wife already and put mih in mih place.”

“So, what time and where?” Saurelle continued

“TGI’s tonight at seven.”

“Ok, I will come, anything for you darling.”

“Great, I will pick you up at six thirty ok.”

“Sure and I can’t wait to meet this guy of yours.”

“He’s not my guy Auri.”

“Aah, we’ll see” she said chuckling… “Later babe, I got to go finish up something I started here”

“Ok, later.”



Later that evening Morgan was busy wondering what to wear when Flynn walked in.

“Hi babe, heading out?”

“Yes, Auri and I having dinner with a couple of friends.” She answered.

“Ok, where to?”

“TGI’s, want to come?”

“Nah, would like to but I can’t, I have to do some stuff for my mom.” He answered as he threw himself on the bed.

Morgan finally decided on a simple dark blue floral dress with matching dark blue flats. The outfit was nice, not too casual but not too dressed either, she then went to take a shower. Flynn stayed on the bed and flipped on the TV. He knew Morgan and Saurelle was always up to some girly stuff so he didn’t bother to question her about it any further.

“Hey babe?” He said opening the bathroom door

Morgan stopped the flow of the water to listen to him.

“I’m heading out, will see you tomorrow ok.”

“Sure Flynn” she replied and wasn’t surprised when his head poked into the shower. He kissed her longingly and squeezed her left nipple.

“Naughty!” she said, breaking the kiss. I have to hurry, I told Auri six thirty.

“Ok honey, later.” He said pulling back the shower curtain into position.

Morgan stepped out of the shower and got dressed. She left her hair down, it fell in soft curls and waves down her back a little under her slim waist. She decided she will wear little to no makeup. Just a touch of eye shadow, some mascara and lip gloss will do.

She called Auri and put her on speaker.

“Hey I’m almost out the house, what are you wearing?”

“A light brown slacks with a white halter back.” She replied.

“Great, I’m in the blue dress you like so much.”

“Oh, I’m wondering if Mr. Filipe will like that a little too much.” She laughed

They both laughed, then Morgan hung up the call, picked up her keys and left the apartment.



The drive to TGI’s was short. The girls walked inside and were not too surprised to see Filipe and Pancho seated waiting for them in the lobby area as they were a few minutes late. They stood up when the girls approached escorted them inside after introductions were said. The attendant led them to a table for four at the back of the restaurant.

“I will be with you shortly.” She said and left them to settle in.

Saurelle couldn’t stop gawking at Filipe. She squeezed Morgan’s hands so hard that Morgan had to stifle a little scream that had the two gentlemen looking at her with worried glances. She coolly smiled it off and gave Auri a playful slap. Morgan sat between Filipe and Auri, which put Pancho opposite to her. He started a conversation about her mother when he realized the air around the table was a bit tense.

“She’s doing well”, Morgan was saying. “She still runs her Book store and gets a lot of orders for Wedding cakes especially. The catering business is booming over there.

Morgan can feel Filipe’s eyes on her and its making the butterflies in her stomach dance. The man seem to have no qualms about staring. Auri wasn’t helping the matter either by touching her feet with hers all the time, causing her to jump once or twice. The mood lightened eventually with the constant chatter between Morgan and Pancho, eventually they were discussing cars and movies. Saurelle kept asking Filipe questions about France, and the

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