» Romance » Love Thy Neighbour, Annecia Ellies [readict txt] 📗

Book online «Love Thy Neighbour, Annecia Ellies [readict txt] 📗». Author Annecia Ellies

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place. Reserving the spot is the last thing she had on schedule for today. Afterwards she should be heading to Long Circular Mall to spy on Auri and her new guy. They sat in the Facility Manager’s Office looking out at the waves as they rolled in. Zoe walked with a swimsuit and a change of clothes “just in case” she had time to take a dip. She said she always does that whenever she will be close enough to a beach, she likes to prepare for all possibilities. The Manager, Mrs. King came in and signaled them to follow her.

They walked along the shore happily chatting and planning out the décor for the tables. Soon Mrs. King stopped and turned towards them.

“What do you think?” She asked looking at Morgan and smiling. She had stopped between some trees, the spot was shady but not too windy.

Morgan looked around while Zoe walked a bit further down assessing the area. From where she stood, she can see a gorgeous mountain scenery up ahead, lines and lines of huts at her back selling bake and shark, and other local delicacies. The beach with waves rolling and tumbling was at her right. The spot was a bit grassy where the shade of the palm trees fell on the shore. The rest was sandy she observed as she wiggled her toes in the sandals she wore.

“If the wedding is carded to begin at two thirty, there will be more shade under here” Mrs. King was saying as she walked ahead a bit and stopped.” “The tide never comes up here but if you want to get closer to the water quickly for photos there is a short cut behind that bank there.” “This area is calm, the wind is good and it’s a little private, perfect for the one hundred and fifty guest you have on the list. The Party Hall is just a short walk away. The reception can be kept there where you won’t be disturbed by onlookers.

Zoe and Morgan looked on amused as Mrs. King animatedly explained the advantages and disadvantages of putting the bridal arch on the sand as opposed to on the grassy area. The entire area was perfect. They decided to rent the plywood from Mrs. King so they wouldn’t have to search around looking for that.

After a while with plans in their mind and excitement in their voice, they slowly headed back to the Office. Zoe however didn’t get to take her dip as Morgan had to leave.


A little less than an hour later Morgan pulled into the car park at the Mall. She opened her car door and knocked her sandals on the outside trying to rid it of the sand she picked up at the beach. Looking at her watch she realized it was just a few minutes before three o’ clock. She listened to the alarm on the car chirp as she walked towards the entrance. The Dining area was not crowded, she was sort of hoping it wouldn’t be. She went to Royal Castle and ordered two pieces of chicken with potato salad and a drink. Taking her meal she went towards a table at the back, close to Rituals and sat down pulling out a novel from her handbag. Auri said they will be there by half three, so she waited. She watched every guy that walked in and wondered if he was Kwassi. Auri didn’t really give her a description besides that he’s supposed to be tall, dark and good looking.


Filipe lay on his bed looking up at the ceiling. Music was blasting through a small speaker attached to his laptop on the dresser. With his eyes closed and feet tapping to the beat of the music, he goes over most of what Dr. Stephen told him about the dreams and panic attacks coming whenever he feels stressed. In his mind, he has to avoid such situations in the future. He longs for true love. He wants to be loved, unconditionally. He has to find the right person because he has so much to give. Morgan flashed across his mind again as he thought about his plans for the next couple of weeks. She was simply gorgeous. He thought about a photo she has on the site at a beach, one she claimed was her favorite. Damn she is sexy too. How can I get her to notice me? She said she had a boyfriend, but how come she is on a Dating Site, maybe they are not serious, he thought. He realized his attention was set on her for the past few days, it’s as if he couldn’t get her off his mind.

He wanted to go to Trinidad and Tobago to see the Country firstly but also to meet her, to see if she is as she said because a lot of women on the site have fake profiles up. He hoped she would be able to spend some time with him, he won’t push her but he can still hope. He has been chatting with her for almost two months and liked what he knew about her so far. Interacting with her, he realized she is a sweet, humble person and he will be glad to have her in his life. He wants to get some new friends, to go out there and meet some new people. Dealing with his emotional problems had caused him to lock most of his usual friends and acquaintances out of his life. Well, most of them though, but Caleth had stayed and supported him as always. Filipe and Caleth went a long way back. He was more of a brother to him than a friend. Always encouraging him and standing with him in full support. It was Caleth that suggested he go back to Doctor Stephens when he couldn’t function after Genny left. He remembered he did not tell Caleth that he was going to Trinidad and Tobago and he should do so, they would usually let each other know whenever they will be travelling.


Caleth Matthews Was just leaving his Real Estate Office when his cell phone rang. Looking at the number flashing across the screen he smiled when he realized it was Filipe.

“Hey man, what’s up? How you doing?”

“Hello brother, I’m doing well thanks,”

“Was just about to head home, what are you up to? Do you want to meet up” He asked Filipe.

“Oh, ok… I just wanted to let you know that I’m leaving the Country for a little while. I plan on visiting a friend, I will be back in about two weeks.”

“Where to bro?”

“Trinidad and Tobago”, Filipe replied with a grin on his face.

Caleth heard the smile in his voice, “Hmm, whom do you know there?” he questioned

“Someone I hope to get to know better actually.”

“Hey, does this have to do with that chick from the Website Filipe?”

“Actually, yes it does.” Filipe replied.

“I don’t know how I feel about you going half way across the world to chase a skirt man. Are you sure about this? Does she know you are coming? More important, are you taking me?”

Filipe laughed heartily.

“I told her I plan to take a trip but haven’t told her when.” He said. “I want to surprise her”.

“Ok, well then be cautious, don’t expect too much, go with an open mind and be careful. I hear the crime satiation over there is a little problem. How soon do you leave?”

“In two days.”

“And you’re now telling me? I could have gone with you man.”

“Thanks Cal, but I want to do this on my own.”

“Ok then, you have a good time. You should fill me in on the trip as soon as you get back though.”

“Sure thing man.”

They both hung up. Filipe got up from the bed and went across the room to his laptop. Several messages was showing on Full Circle. He clicked on the site’s Icon and began looking at them. He saw one from Morgan and smiled to himself. She was excited about the location of a Wedding she was planning. Such a simple happy person she seems to be, simple things made her happy, he’s hoping he would be simple enough. His heart leaped when he saw she added a new photo. It was of her and another young woman, someone she said is her best friend. He replied to her filling her in about how his day went, the magazines and some information about a new pastry the Chef invented that was making waves in the Cafe. He sat staring at her photos for a while longer then he got up and went to look for a suitcase to pack.



Morgan’s eyes kept sweeping the dining area for signs of Saurelle. Finally she saw her approaching with a tall, dark skinned handsome guy. She caught her eye and winked, Morgan smiled slightly and nodded once. Saurelle and Kwassi sat at a table just about three rows in front of Morgan with Kwassi’s back facing Morgan and Saurelle looking her way. Morgan smiled and continued to eat. Her novel was nearby so she can pretend to read while she kept a close eye on Saurelle and her company. Morgan gave Saurelle a thumbs up and signaled to Kwassi with pouted lips. Saurelle smiled and returned the signal, she then turned her attention back to Kwassi who was finishing a call he received as they walked in. She watched on as Kwassi apparently asked her friend what she was having before standing up and heading towards Beefeaters.

Ten minutes into her book Morgan looked up and saw Auri and Kwassi still happily chatting away. They seemed to be having a great time so she went back to her page. After a few minutes a shadow fell over her, glancing up she was momentarily surprised to see Flynn standing before her.

“Oh my God Flynn, what are you doing here?” She said as she stood.

He wrapped her in his arms and took a deep breath. “I love this scent on you, is it new?”

“Yes it is actually”, she said while sticking out her tongue playfully.

He then pulled a chair and sat down.

“Did you see Auri over there?”

“Um, yes I did, she is on a date and I’m watching out for her.”

“You? Watching out for her? Honey, you’re smaller than her in size.”

“Not like that Flynn, it’s a first date, I’m just her emotional support.”

“Oh, I see, so who’s watching out for you?”

She smiled and shook her head.

“How come you’re in the Mall today?”

“I had to drop off something at the Bank and I passed through here to get some pholurie. Didn’t know I’d happen upon my girlfriend playing body guard spy.” He teased.

They both looked over at Auri who seemed to be oblivious to their presence. Flynn grabbed Morgan’s hand and stood up.

“Let’s get out of here, she is more than ok.”

“Sure no problem” she replied.

They both walked off leaving Saurelle to her date.




Chapter Six


Filipe stared out of the window as the plane touched down on the runway at the Piarco International Airport. His mind going over all he read about the Island. The sun sure looked hot and he was anticipating the two weeks relaxing and having a great time on the Caribbean Island. Trinidad here I am, he thought, with a slight smile on his face. He had reservations at the Kapok Hotel, and they had already reserved a driver at his disposal by his request. The guy was picking him up at the Airport. It will be good to be chauffeured around for a while. This is turning out to be great, he just hoped that Morgan will welcome him and he will get to spend some time with her, he hoped that this could be the beginning of something wonderful. He shaded his eyes from the sun as he walked with the other passengers toward the Terminal. Although a brisk breeze was blowing, the sun still felt very hot on his skin, and the light t-shirt

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