» Romance » Love Thy Neighbour, Annecia Ellies [readict txt] 📗

Book online «Love Thy Neighbour, Annecia Ellies [readict txt] 📗». Author Annecia Ellies

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“EEEEEKKKKK! Exclaimed Adlei, this is just what we need, OMG this is so big. We need to start working on it, what’s the location?”

“They want a beach wedding, looking at Maracas Bay”.

“Oh, well that won’t be too much decorations then”, he replied. “Says who?” said Morgan, “We can still give them the full works, as a matter of fact, seeing that it’s sand we’re working with, it will make things a bit tougher but I already have an idea. I just need to put a few things together and I’ll drop something on your desk.”

“Great darling, see why I love you, I’ll be waiting” he said, then headed in the direction of his office. Morgan winked at Zoe and disappeared into hers.



Morgan awoke with a start. Something was moving up the back of her left leg, she smiled when she realized what it was. Flynn was moving his fingers up and down her leg. ”hmm she groaned, I can stay here with you all day but I promised Auri we’ll go to West Mall to shop for shoes”.

“Gosh babe, just when I thought I’d have you all to myself”, he pouted. “You had me all to yourself last night honey” she replied.

“I know” he said smiling.

She is always apprehensive about him spending the night.

“My mother wouldn’t approve”, she’d say.

“Your mother isn’t here Morgan”, he’d reply.

Flynn is Mr. Wonderful himself, an aspiring architect at twenty six; he is reliable, comes from a respectable family and obviously adores her. For the seven months he has been with her, she saw nothing in him to dislike and that scares her.

“No two people can be so perfect together”, Saurelle once said to her. “I’m sure he has a dark side”, the words echo in her head.

Saurelle had asked her to join a social website Full Circle, to expand her social life but she declined. “Those things are for desperate people”, she’d told her.



Filipe Le Mar stood at the window of his apartment overlooking the Northern side of the city of Chantilly, France. His eyes sullen and red from the tears he has been shedding for the past few days. His thoughts return to the reason he has been crying, Genevieve Lauren. He thought they would be together forever but that was short lived when he found out she had other plans, and that he was not included in them.

“I thought we were good, that things were great between us, don’t we enjoy each other, don’t you love me Genny, what happened?” “What went wrong?” he had asked.

“I don’t know Filipe; I guess I fell out of love with you”. She replied.

“Well, we can work on it honey, please, this is no reason to give up on us.”

“Filipe, you don’t understand, there is no us anymore, I don’t want to be with you.”

“Why Genny, what did I do? Is it something I said or did that hurt you? Please, tell me, please”. He begged.

But Genevieve shook her head then turned and walked through the door. He did not understand where he went wrong. When he turned around he saw the folded paper on the table. It was in her handwriting; he picked it up and began reading.



I don’t know how to explain this to you, but I can’t be with you anymore.

The two years we spent together were wonderful but I want more out of life. I met someone, don’t try to ask me who or where, It just happened. I want to be with him, please understand. It’s not that I don’t love you; it’s just that I’d rather be with him.

I am leaving; please don’t try to stop me. If I stay with you I’d turn out to be someone who I’m not. With all the changes taking place in your life, I can’t keep up. I don’t want to hinder you from touring the world and pursuing your dreams, it’s just that they are not my dreams. Don’t try to follow me, just be happy we were able to be together for the time we were.

Take care of yourself,



The tears stopped and the self-pity turned into anger. How can she do this to me? I love her. Gave her everything she ever asked for.

Coming from a wealthy background, Filipe Le Mar never went a day without something he needed or wanted, the proverbial ‘silver spoon’ was his own. Companies bank accounts were passed onto him through the death of his father last year. He soon gave up his job as an Editor in the magazine he worked for, spending most of his time travelling instead and chasing hobbies. He also does Real Estate, mainly as a hobby with Caleth, his best friend, ever since he can remember. The Cafes also run without much intervention from him.

Genevieve left him because she felt a change in him. He began to get lost pursuing his dreams and she felt as though they were slipping apart. She was not the type of girl to chase after wealth; she preferred the chase for love.

Filipe stood looking out the window but he saw nothing, his mind blank. Life is suddenly like an empty sheet of paper.

He turned and went towards the table, picking up the letter he read it one more time. He then crushed it and threw it into the bin. She was gone, gone forever out of his life. After the death of his wife Eliza, he met Genny through an acquaintance. They hit it off immediately and began dating. Although she, to him, can never match up to Eliza’s standards, he enjoyed her company, and well, the sex. She was adventurous and exciting, something he never had in one woman as Eliza was shy. My beautiful, shy Eliza, he called her, but she fit him well. The cancer that took her away from also took his life source away. It left him looking, searching for a replacement to fill the hole in his heart. Genny filled it for a while, but now the aching and emptiness had returned.

“She doesn’t deserve my love!” he screamed at no one in particular. He then went to his bed and crawled in, curling up like a fetus, he fell asleep, and there he stayed for the next three days.


“Let me go! Let me go!” he screamed, as he tossed and turned.

“Come on you little twit!” said the gruff voice of the man dragging him.

He was scared, one minute he was walking home from the ice cream shop, the next he was being dragged into a car with something over his head. Next thing he was aware of is being handled by rough hands, pulling, dragging. When he came to, he was in a moving vehicle, now he was being shoved and pushed while he walked. The sound of other voices around him got his attention; apparently the rough man had company. Then he heard the sound of someone whimpering. He is unable to see where the sound is coming from but guess it’s right next to him also he cannot see where he’s going because of a blindfold of some sort, he stumbles and falls to the ground. The pain made him scream out; soon the rough hands grabbed him and pulled him back onto his feet.

“Walk properly you piece of shit!” said the gruff voice.

He was walking up some stairs, he knew because his toe bumped into the first rung. He was pushed onto a seat. This is an airplane, he said to himself. He can hear the engine right beside his head. He was scared.

Filipe cried out. “Where are you taking me?”

Whack! A slap resounded on his cheek.

“I told you to keep quiet you little piece ah shit! That isn’t yer business but yer fathers”

At twelve years old Filipe was very brave. Already almost five foot in height he was taller than most boys around his age. Being an only child has given him the advantage of being in the company of adults’ more than that of kids, he was also home schooled. His mind went back to his home, Linda, his nanny and Tutor was probably wondering here he went to. She probably called his dad by now, he silently hoped. His dad was a very arrogant, hard headed man, his mother will lovingly say, but a good father. He began to cry, something he didn’t usually do.

“Hey, shut yer stupid mouth!” the gruff voice shouted in his direction. He kept whimpering softly. My dad will find me; he comforted himself with the thought. Soon he fell into a troubled sleep.

A few hours later he awoke with a start. He looked around the room and saw darkness. His hands were bound in front of him. He stood to his feet and stepped forward bumping into something.

‘Where are you going?” a small voice asked.

“Who’s there?” he replied

“My name is Jayme”. The voice answered.

He moved towards the sound of the voice and stretched out his hands hoping to touch something. Jayme stood and reached out her hands but only felt the bars surrounding her.

“My name is Filipe.”

“How old are you?”

“Thirteen”, Jayme replied.

“Are you a boy? I can’t tell by your name or voice.”

“No, I’m a girl”.

“Do you know why we’re here?”

“No, I don’t, but whatever they are doing they already did with the other boy who was here.”

“Were there many others?”

“Just one boy a couple days ago”.

“How long have you been here, do you know?”

“I try to keep track by the light I see, but I think I’ve lost track” she replied sounding confused.

“Don’t worry Jayme, we will get out of here, I’m sure its money they’re after. My dad has a lot, I’ll ask him to give them some for you also ok”.

Jayme began to cry.

“I don’t think its money they’re after”, she said softly.

“Why, what do you mean? Did they hurt you?”

Jayme sniffled and continued in a low voice.

“Yes they hurt me, they hurt me badly, and they did things to me, bad things” She broke off crying softly. Filipe wanted to go to her but couldn’t because he was chained to a cot and the chain only reached so far. “Where are you?” he asked.

“I don’t know how far from you but I’m in a cage attached to the wall. They put me in since they brought me here and I only come out when…” Her voice trailed off and she started to cry.

“I think it’s the Black Traders,” she whispered between sobs.

“The Black Traders, who are they?” he asked, something about it sounded familiar.

“It’s said that they kidnap people for the sex trade in the Middle East, they also sell people to work as slaves.” she whispered softly.

Filipe’s eyes opened wide, an avid reader of the Daily Newspapers, courtesy his Dad, he read of that sex trade thing but refused to believe it had reached his neighborhood. He leaned back onto the cot he was lying on. He’s sure it’s been almost twenty four hours since he was missing, so dad would be looking for him by now.

He doesn’t know how long he has been asleep, but was awakened when the door was unlocked and pushed open from the outside. The room was a bit lighter so it must be the next day. A burly man in an overall approached him; he glanced around looking for Jayme and realized no one was there. With the little light in the room he saw the cage and gasped. The man placed a waiter in front of him.

“Eat this!”

Filipe realized by the sound of the voice that it was the gruff man. He was short and fat with a round stomach protruding at his front. He was wearing oversized reading glasses, which Filipe was sure is just used as a disguise. He turned and made to leave.

“Why am I here? And where is Jayme?” Filipe asked.

“Who the hell is Jayme?”

“The girl who was here last night”, he replied as he glanced around.

“I don’t know what yer talking about”, the man replied.

“Shut yer face and eat, we want

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