» Romance » Love Thy Neighbour, Annecia Ellies [readict txt] 📗

Book online «Love Thy Neighbour, Annecia Ellies [readict txt] 📗». Author Annecia Ellies

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so he can be closer to you?

Morgan: Auri, you’re breathing too much into him, he’s not into me like that.

Saurelle: You did not see how he was looking at you in TGI’s. Pure lust girlfriend.

Morgan: Stop it. We are friends, nothing else.

Saurelle: If you say so ma Cherie, but I’d keep an eye on him. Anyways, how’s the wedding plans coming along?

Morgan: That’s what I called you about. I’m about ready for you to come in with your part. I got the swatches today.

Saurelle: Ok, I will pass by your office tomorrow. Everything else ok? How is Flynn?

Morgan: I have to give him a call after I speak with you, but yes, everything is ok. What about Kwassi? Have you two met since the Mall?

Saurelle: Oh, we’re meeting tonight. Dinner and a movie or something.

Morgan: Ok, have fun.


Saurelle: Good. Love yer bad girl, go call your honey.

Morgan: Ok, love you too babe, sister from another mother.

They both laughed at that comment then said their goodbyes. Morgan sat down on her bed and thought about what Auri told her about Filipe. She must admit that she does find him attractive but she is already in a relationship and she wasn’t the type of person to leave someone because she found someone better looking. She stripped down to her underwear and lay back on her bed. Flynn should be out of class by now so she gave him a call, she needed his help to organize the move into the new apartment. She planned to walk over to the nearby Supermarket on Saturday morning to get some boxes so she can pack up her things. Flynn’s phone was busy so she gave up and went to take a shower.


Meanwhile Filipe was having no luck with the Real Estate business guide he was checking out. Pancho gave him a few tips but nothing positive turned up. He sat looking at a program on the Food Network when his cell phone rang. It was Pancho.

“Hello Pancho”

“Hello my boy, I have something to run by you.”


“Share with you. You need to keep up with the local slangs my boy.” He said laughing. “If you’re as interested as I think you are in that little beauty you need to understand how we folks speak eh.”

Filipe laughed then said, “Sure what is that?”

“You know driving around today my mind was so caught up in the places you had to go that when you asked about the Real Estate I wasn’t thinking clearly.”

“Go on”, Filipe urged

“When we first met Morgan in Barataria, do you know that is a Real Estate agency she was at? I believe they are currently doing some construction close to where she lives, if I remember correctly.”

‘Which area is that?”

“Belmont, that’s more or less practically in Port of Spain. I guess it will depend on what you want the space to do. I know they specialize in housing. But if you intend to open a Café I’m sure they will be able to point you in the right direction.”

“Really? This is great. See Pancho, I knew you were good for something besides driving.” They both laughed. Filipe’s afternoon just got much brighter.

“Thanks for the heads up Pancho, I will call her now. Je Vous remercie.”

Filipe cut off his call with Pancho and sat to think for a moment. He needed to call Morgan and was actually looking for a good reason all day. He smiled as he checked his call log for her number.

He went to his computer to see if she was online, she should be off work by now.

He sent her a smiley face when he saw that she was online.

Morgan: Hey, I was calling you earlier…

Filipe: You were?

Morgan, caught off guard when she realized it was Filipe on the other side and not Flynn as she thought. She was chatting with Flynn earlier. She could have sworn she saw Flynn’s name on the display.

Morgan: Filipe! I thought you were someone else. How are you?

Filipe: I’m well, how are you?

Morgan: Great. What did you do today?

Filipe: I visited the Museum in Port of Spain. Saw some past Carnival costumes and was thinking I really need to visit for Carnival next year. Pancho then took me to a Look out and we went for lunch at the same restaurant we had dinner at.

Morgan: ok, that’s good. Have you been to the beach as yet?

Filipe: No, I was hoping you and Saurelle will go with me to the beach sometime.

Morgan; Will see what we can arrange then.

Filipe: Did you have a good day today?

Morgan: I did, was busy though, but it was a successful day.

Filipe: Good, I wanted to ask you about the Real Estate agency you were at when we first met. I need some information on what they have available as I’m seriously thinking about opening a Café here.

Morgan: Are you serious? A Café?

Filipe: Sure, why not?

Morgan: Great, um. I’m taking an Apartment from them for housing, I will actually be moving into it soon. I have their telephone number which I can send to you so you can call them and they will answer all your questions. I’m sure they have or know of something they can show you.

Filipe: Thanks Morgan. That will help a lot.

Filipe awoke early the next morning and went downstairs to Bois Cano restaurant for Breakfast. He heard the breakfast menu there is to die for. He sat waiting for the waitress to return to let him know when the breakfast buffet will open. After ordering coffee he opened his cell phone and called the telephone number Morgan gave him for Ludwig Enterprises. The phone was answered by a Miss Thumbs who put him on hold when he told her he was calling to get some information on available buildings they may have for sale. She came back after exactly two minutes and transferred him to Mrs. Spinner. He had an appointment for two in the afternoon of the same day.

Afterwards he proceeded towards the breakfast buffet when the waitress came and told him it was ready. The vast array of food had his mouth watering. He wondered what Morgan was having for breakfast. This looks like something that ought to be shared. He filled his plate then returned to his table and sat to partake of the hearty meal. While eating, he called Pancho to organize the running for the day. After seeing a lot of the places from the travel brochure he decided for the next few days he will look into acquiring some real estate in the country. Maybe he can ask Morgan if she has someone who can help him see about things when he leaves, just until he can return and make the necessary arrangements for himself.

Pancho had an appointment this morning so he told him he will pick him up at one o’ clock to take him to the appointment at Ludwig’s. He went up to his hotel room to change his footwear from slippers to sneakers since he decided to take a stroll. He needed better footwear if he was about to go walking the streets. He crossed the busy road in front the Hotel and proceeded west along the sidewalk. He stopped at a place called Ellerslie Plaza, it looked like a Mall. He walked around a bit doing some window shopping, until he came to a jewelry store where he went inside. He browsed around, looking at the variety of studded earrings on display. He thought about getting something not too personal for both girls. The attendant approached him with a smile on her pretty face.

“Can I help you sir?

“Oh, sure, I’m interested in your studded earrings here on display. Can I see this diamond cut pair?”

“Sure, let me get them for you. Is it for a present?” She asked, still smiling

“Yes it is for a friend actually.”

She took out the card of studded earrings and placed it on the counter. He went through the lot of them and chose two pairs, one was a teardrop hanging on a tiny chain, this will be nice for Morgan, and it will go well with the bracelet he brought for her from France. The other was a square diamond stud, he thought Saurelle will love it. He made the purchase and headed out of the store.

He contemplated going further up the street but decided against it as the sun was starting to make him feel rather uncomfortable. He crossed the street and headed back into the Hotel. Once there, he showered and changed his clothes and went downstairs to relax until lunch was served, after which he will be picked up by Pancho and they will go to the Real Estate agency.





Chapter Nine



Morgan and Saurelle sat in the latter’s office watching Neilesse, Saurelle’s assistant, put together a package filled with different designs, for Morgan to take to Ms. Boyd. She had yet to choose the design for the altar and requested some photos that she could choose from. Morgan was waiting to collect it to take it to her. They had one more month before the wedding day and almost everything was organized. Adlei was quite happy because due to their involvement and organizing of the Boyd’s wedding, they were contacted by Mr. Boyd himself and he is very pleased with the way they are handling the preparations. He offered to use them as a reference for all his parties and events. That bit of news had Adlei singing and walking with a spring in his step all week.

“Morgs, so when are we seeing Mr. Le mar again?” Auri asked winking.

It’s no secret that she would prefer if her friend will be interested in Filipe instead of Flynn, whom she labelled ‘Boring Flynn’.

“Soon I believe, actually I gave him the contact number for Ludwig’s. I’m sure he will be calling me to let me know what happened.” Morgan replied.

“Oh, ok, good.”

“Ask him if he wants to hang out this weekend, maybe we can do a beach lime, us with Flynn and Kwassi, hey maybe we can even ask Zoe. That will even out the numbers a bit. Then there’s Mr. Pancho, he can bring someone and we can buss ah lime.”

“Hey, not a bad idea you know. Will see what he says.” Morgan replied after thinking for a minute. “Maybe then he will see for himself that I do have a boyfriend so he shouldn’t be getting any ideas.”

“Ah, not my intention, but true.” Auri said rolling her eyeballs.

“We all know what your intention is madam. What I can’t understand is the why part.”

“You know I always tell you Flynn is cute, but that’s about all he has going for him. The guy is boring.”

“But weren’t you the one always telling me do not trust people you meet online, because you never know what they hiding?”

“Yes, but you’ve met Filipe, we both have. He is sweet, drop dead gorgeous, sexy, interested in you, and rich, don’t forget he lives in a City we always dream of visiting since we were kids.”

Morgan sighed loudly and gave Auri a defeated look before replying.

“Don’t Auri, yes I know it all. Forget not though that we just met this guy. All you say is true but we still don’t know him. Suppose he has a dark side huh? I already have someone in my life, why spoil something that’s working to dive into the unknown? Just for the thrill? I don’t think so.”

Saurelle shrugged then said “You are my friend, my sister even, know that I love and respect you and I will always look out for you ok. I was just voicing my opinion.”

She came across and threw her arms around Morgan’s neck just as Neilesse walked over and put the file with the photos on the desk.

“Great take this to her and let me know which one she chooses so I can start putting it together ok.” Saurelle said to Morgan. “What are you doing after work?” she asked her

“I got some

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