» Romance » Another Life, JenniferNewman [short story to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Another Life, JenniferNewman [short story to read .TXT] 📗». Author JenniferNewman

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Honey, are you awake?” Huh. I couldn’t see anything and started to panic again. Was I being strangled? Please don’t make me go back to the field! I realized then that I had my eyes closed and that was the reason I couldn’t see. Well it was an easy mistake to make. Sometimes….
I tried opening my eyes but they felt like I was trying to lift a pile of brinks with my little finger. Again with the weird definitions! I tried again and again till I finally managed to lift my left eyelid just enough to see Mum’s worried face hovering above me. I was lying down on the living room settee with my face looking up at the ceiling.
How had I gotten here?
I closed my eyes again slowly tried to lift my arms to that I cloud rub my eyes. Again it felt like I was lifting dead weights. Ouch. I’m not sure but I think I said that out laud. Oops…..
I opened my eyes again this time with more progress and managed to open both my eyes fully. Well that was normal….. How had I gotten on the settee? And why?
I was making no sense so gave up trying to understand what my ragged thoughts were trying to tell me and just concentrated on lifting my head and opening my mouth to ask the stupid questions I wanted answered. I seceded in lifting my head but regretted it almost straight away since I could have sworn I could see double of everything.
I lifted my arms again and succeeded in moving them to my neck which was hurting like hell! Mum past me a glass of water and helped me lift my head slowly as to not get dizzy again and I didn’t chock on the water.
I could feel the heavenly liquid going down my thought as it freed me from my pain. Drama queen……
When I had finished drinking the cold water I plopped my head back down on the soft pillow behind my head. Well fainting was just great huh. You get to fall on the ground and then wake up with what I could have sworn was more like a hangover than anything else. I squeezed my eyes shut and rolled onto my side which just happened to be off the settee leaving me lying on the carpet covered floor again. I groaned and raised my head to see my Mums worried face leaning down and helping me up. Ouch ouch and more ouch.
Sitting up with Mums help was easier than before this time my head didn’t spin so much. I breathed in slowly and put my feet under me to lift me up. I got up with quick quivering movements.
I gripped the settee for support before taking a few steps forwards. The move I walked the less my head span. Well all I gotta do is keep this up and hope I dreamed it all.
For sure I was just going to wake up any minute and laugh at how stupid I am for acting so much like the girls in my collage that over reacted at the slightest things. Well given that this would REALLY not come under the category ‘slightest things’. All though I really didn’t understand this much and I swear if I didn’t get Parker to explain in a more detailed way I was going to explode!
And there I go again. Just think about it and stop freaking walking in circales! I swear this is the reason I am so dizzy! I look at Mum and saw that she was freaking out. The look on her face was so obviously a question of my sanity. Hell did I believe I was going insane or soon to be with all of what was going on!
A thought accrued to me then. I had thought it before but had never realized how much it might mean if it was true. How much it would hurt.
Did my Mum really know what I had found out? If she had known from the start and decided to just not tell me? I was getting myself worked up and I hadn’t even found out if she knew or not.
I was still considering since there was that chance that she didn’t know and it would hurt her to hell and back if I just told her now. I really couldn’t be that selfish!
No later was better. I would keep this to myself until I was more curtain she knew. I closed my eyes tired suddenly and walked back other to the settee where I collapsed back down and waved for Mum to do the same.
When she did I shook my head to attempt one cleave thought before apologizing and asking what had happened. My mind was still too muddled up to take in the exact words but I got the gist.
She had come down stairs to find me lying on the floor passed out. She had then half dragged half carried me into the living room where she had somehow managed to get me on the settee. That part I still didn’t really understand but carried on half listening anyway. She was till totally shaken up about finding her daughter lying on the floor unconscious and kept wanting to call an ambulance. And here I was thinking I was the drama queen… no were near.
I told her I was fine again and again and insisted I was just okay to be heading up the stairs on my own and finally escaped out the door to the stairs leaving my Mum panicking again for my sanity. Well so was I!
When I reached my room I could see from my window that the time had passed it was now light outside and the sun was blazing in from on my once again open window. I shivered to think that Cody could be anywhere and sat down on my bed again. Putting my hands over my face and shifting around so that I was no longer facing my closed door.
I breathed out and then in again before pulling my clammy hands away from my face and looking once again around my room. I remembered the hand I had seen not so long ago just over there by my wall and the earlier dream. I also remembered the reason for my dream, but quickly blocked that out since my through was already hurting enough thank you!
I looked back to the wall I had seen the pale hand and glanced at the ground where I could have been sure I had seen a piece of paper fall just before the hand had disappeared.
Sure enough there it was. Crumpled and going slightly yellow in contrast to my gleaming white and black patch carpet. I got up off of my bed and bent down so I could pick up the paper realizing that it was the very same bus ticket I had found before. What the hell? What was it about this freaking ticket that was so important?!? Argh. I really could not be bothered with stupid tickets right now and simple through it across the room till it hit the far wall and slid down behind my computer desk. Well that was hopefully the last time I see that.
Why scare me nearly to death so that I could simple see a bus ticket from what was it now? Two, three weeks ago?
I got up and walked over to my wardrobe pulling out a navy shirt which was long enough that I could get away with just wearing it with leggings. Now to find the leggings….

When I was dressed I went back down stairs to find my Mum in the kitchen cooking sausages and bacon two of the many things we had bought yesterday. I smiled at her when I entered the room. Mum hardly cooked at all it was usually down to me and I was gratefully now for her attempt at helpfulness. My smile widen when I sat down and saw that she had also made two cups of coffee.
I felt bad for being so horrid to her and not paying enough attention she was really trying to help now and I was gratefully.
The phone rang then and I was quickly reminded about my earlier call with Megan. Oh! Great please tell me Mum hadn’t just left her hanging on the phone or worse yet told her I had fainted or something!?! I got up and walked over to the phone that was held in the kitchen.
“Hello?” well at least I wasn’t sounding so posh now. That was a bright side right?
“Rose? What the hell why aren’t you picking up your fucking mobile?” well ouch. I held the receiver away from my ear and hoped Mum hadn’t heard.
“Parker what are you on about? My phones in the other room. Stop freaking out.” Okay should I be freaking out here?
I heard Parker breath in and out loudly and say. “Sorry. I just wish you would answer your phone. I though. Well never mind now.” Well could he really be any more confusing? I sighed and nodded to my Mum who I realized had just asked if I was okay and walked into the other room rolling my eyes at Mum hopefully she took that as a sine I was still fine. Well it was worth a try….
“You are okay right?” he asked. Well I would be if you cared to explain what the hell was happening in my life. Instead I said,
“sure I’m fine just tired….” How many time had I said I was fine this morning? Five six…. Ten?
“Good. So you wanna come round the park today? It’s really sunny.” My heart did little flips at the idea and I swear I nearly blushed.
“Sure. What time?” well that was my try at normality and there it goes, down the drain and far far away. I closed my eyes and groaned when I heard Parker’s faint laughter on the other end of the phone. Just great…
“Cool I’ll pick you up on twenty?” twenty minutes? Was that enough time to one: eat food two: convince my Mum that I really was fine and free: convince her I was just fine to go out with Parker. Well it could be as long as it was a very long twenty minutes.
“Yeah that’s fine see you then.” I heard Parker say something that resembled ‘bye’ but really if you ask me it could have been anything. Then the beeping tone came on and I lowered the phone from my ear.
Well okay then. First thing to do: Eat.
I reentered the kitchen to find Mum just putting the food on the plate and looked up when I entered raising her eyebrows. She still hadn’t got how I managed to just raise one at a time.
Well maybe second thing first: talk her into let me go out.
“That was Parker. He asked if I could go round the park with his.” I paused to sit down and glance up to see what Mum’s expression looked like. Ouch that really didn’t look promising.
“Mum don’t look at me like that. I’m not crazy its totally safe for me to go out I just hadn’t had anything to drink today so I fainted happens all the time to people. Really” I tried to sound convincing but really was it safe to go out with Cody being nearly everywhere I went? Well who knew but I was not going to be stuck inside all the time until he killed me or I died from boredom
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