» Romance » Another Life, JenniferNewman [short story to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Another Life, JenniferNewman [short story to read .TXT] 📗». Author JenniferNewman

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moving round coming closer until I felt like I was blacked in. I tried to open my eyes but they felt unnatural heavy and quickly closed them again once I had seen the once again worried faces of my friends. I sat up slowly and help the others pull me up.
Somehow they managed to get me up the stairs and into my room without me having to move that much well I hadn’t realized how strong they are. I collapsed on my bed and rolled over. Soooooooooo tired!

When I woke in the morning I could hear whispers it sounded like they were all around the room. Darting back and forth as I slowly came to the world of the living. Like I said I could be a drama queen sometimes………
It was a Tuesday morning and I was still recovering from my non-sleeping yesterday morning/night. 10:54am well that should have been enough sleep for anyone but somehow I was still tired. And what had happened last night why had I been so tired?
I lifted my head slowly and opened my eyes at the same time. I was in my bed with like a dozed covers over me. Well that would explain why I was feeling really over heated but why had I put so many covers on? I looked around the room carefully and came across four faces on the end of my bed. so that was where the whispers had been coming from. None of them were talking now and looked at me with questing eyes.
“Morning…. ” I sat up even more so that my back was resting against border of my bed. For a change I could sit up without my head spinning and being able to actually keep my eyes open. Well close enough.
“Hey Rose, is this your boyfriend?” Stacy asked handing me her phone that was now on facebook. The first thing I noticed was the words ‘Parker Temp’ going right across the top and then looked down to see a picture of Parker in a blue shirt leaning against a wall.
I nodded at Stacy and handed the phone back to her she was also holding the card Parker had given me with his number on it. Not even going to ask…..
“Well I swear I have seen him before….. I just dunno where…….” her forehead was creased where she was thinking.
“Oh that’s it I saw him on the way down here hitting wall or something! Wait why the hell was he hitting a wall is he like mentally ill?” I laughed at this but then groaned when I realized she had just told me she had seen Parker hitting a wall. Well that’s great. I just hope that it was a wall he was hitting and not his freaking brother! I realized that I was slightly freaking out so I got up and looked around my room for my phone that I could have swore I had brought up here last night. Just where had I put it……
My friends were once again looking at me as if I was crazy. Well whatever. I found my phone lying next to my pillow and quickly snatched it up and flipped it open.
I went on to text messages and hurriedly typed:

Why the hell were u seen hitting a wall? Explain! x

I flipped my phone shut again and looked at my friend’s mad looks. I shrugged and flopped back down on the bed with my head on the border.
My phone was by my head and sounded like a parsing train when Parker text back saying:

How the hell did u find out about that? x

Way to answer my question…..
“Well looks like someone’s boyfriend is in trouble……” I heard Sophie say before I throw a pillow at her and had free more coming in my direction in the space of two seconds.
“Ahhhh stop stop” I laughed putting my hands up to defend myself.
“Well its true you look like you could kill. In a really pathetic way.” Well thanks!
“Wow you’re so kind!” I said while picking up another pillow in hope of defending myself from the many pillows coming in my direction!
“Okay stop let her text his back any way I would like to know to why he was having a fight with a wall. You know he did act kind of weird at my house I mean what the hell was up with the window? Oh yeah I forgot to ask you that…..” she trained off as I looked down at the now unmoving pillows in front of me. Well Parker how the hell could you explain that?
To distract myself I text Parker back saying

That’s 4 me 2 know and u 2 not find out. Now why was u punching a wall? Tell! x

I put my phone back down next to my head again forgetting about the train noise I had heard last time. I lay my head back against the head bored and closed my eyes waiting for my friends to say something…..
Sophie started off by asking. So why don’t you know his age? Do you really know anything about him?” oh well that was awkward!
“Never asked I’ve been going out with him a day Soph its’ not my fault.” I reopened my eyes and looked at Sophie apologetically.
“Sorry I need more sleep. I'm grumpy as always….” My phone went again and I looked down at it and then slowly picked it back up flipped it open.
“He’s eighteen just so you know.” I looked back up at Sophie with my eyebrow raised. How the hell did she know that…? “it was on his facebook.” I closed my eyes and laughed.
I gave up trying to reply so looked back down at my phone and pressed on Parker’s text.

Well….. Can I not explain over a text? I was just mad ok? x

Oh! Please tell me it was not because of the thing I had told him about his brother. He had seemed fine when I had told him.

Sorry x

One word that really did not explain much but I was still hoping that the reason he had been seen punching a wall was not really because he was angry or because of his brother I really hoped it was neither of them!
I looked up at my friends who had started talking again and were asking me if it was okay for me to go out for lunch and if I could invite Parker since Stacy hadn’t met him yet and the other first impressions where not so great.
I nodded and slowly got out of bed again and walked over to my wardrobe.
“Oh please let me pick something out for you Rose. You know it would really help with mu course! Please” I rolled my eyes at Megan who was already rummaging through my packed wardrobe. Well it would help her since she was doing fashion for her course and I had always let her before since she had begged.
I sat back down on the bed and Kat handed me my phone telling me to call/ text Parker asking him to come down the park.
I took the phone and saw I had a message from him saying,

Why r u apologizing? Wat have u done? I'm the 1 b’in a ass n should b sayin sorry x

Crap. I text him back asking him if he could come and then put my phone in the bag I had just pulled out from under my bed. A gray string bag with black stitches.
I looked up at Megan who was now holding two outfits out to me and asking me to try them both on and she would tell me which one I had to wear. I slipped of the bed taking the outfits and smiling at Megan before entering the bathroom that led off of my room to change into the first top with a large picture of a tiger on it and jeggings that weren’t really jeggings since they were made out of the same material as jeans. I slipped them both on and quickly brushed my head and pulled half of it into a pony tail/ bun type thing and putting a white bow in the side of my hair.
I walked back out of the room just in time to hear my phone beep from inside my bag as Parker text back. I let Megan think about if this outfit went before stumbling in the heels she had just made me put on over to my bag and my phone.

Sure this should be fun x

Oh god…… I told the other that Parker said he could come and the smiled in a kind of freaky knowing way before letting Megan push me back into the bathroom to start changing again.
The next outfit was less simple, a white and blue polka dot dress that was tight at the waist and flows down straight-ish to around my knees. She had told me to wear the same heels which I could swear she had been there and had made me buy since they were at least free inches high and I was not that stupid as to wear them knowing how clumsy I am. There was also a blue jacket with white buttons and was fitted once again at the waist. Well if she made me wear this then I was going to have to change my bag to prevent her killing me!
I walked or rather staggered back out of the room and back into the bedroom to find Megan nodding enthusiastically at me and yelping,
“Yes that one that one!” I laughed she really did look like a five year old who had just been given an ice cream. My explanation made me laugh more and soon we were all laughing our heads off and stumbling down that stairs since the others had somehow managed to get dressed to the time it had taken me to just try on two outfits. They amazed me sometimes.
We landed at the bottom of the stairs still laughing about…. Well pretty much nothing. We entered the kitchen and picked up the mugs from the night before and stumbled our way over to the dishwasher to put them away.
“Drinks?” I asked them as I headed in the general direction of the fridge which of course was no were near and I fell straight into the kitchen table and bounced back into Kat how tried to steady me. When I had my balance back I raised my eye brows with a sheepish expression spreading across my long face.
“You sure you don’t want us to get them? I swear you are getting more clumsy the older you get!” and of course Stacy would pick up on my clumsiness straight away. The only problem was that I didn’t know if it was my clumsiness anymore or….. Something else.
“Well you know. Things just appear in front of me….. Or behind.” I laughed walked once again over to the real fridge this time looking forward.
“So what does everyone want it gunna be hot out there and if you ask me the drinks in the café are way to over prized.” In truth I just didn’t want to go to the café and I knew full well what drink I would be buying. It would not help me figure out my mind at all.
“Just water for me please.” Of course Sophie was still obsessed with her stupid diet thing she was as skinny as anything!
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