» Romance » Another Life, JenniferNewman [short story to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Another Life, JenniferNewman [short story to read .TXT] 📗». Author JenniferNewman

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here nothing else is quenching my thirst! This heat is driving me crazy. I mean it never used to be this hot when we were like five!” I laughed at Megan who just hated anything that didn’t have the word healthy or cold in it somewhere.
“What bout you two? Same as these losers and there water?” I turned to look at Kat and Stacy who were smiling at Sophie and Megan’s expressions well not our fault they were so freaking gullible.
After a couple of minutes we all had our drinks and were heading out the front door in the general direction of the park.
We walked in a straight-ish line going down the street till we arrived at a corner and the path became shorter and we had to take a more appropriate take and go in twos well twos and frees sorta.
When we arrived at the park and court sight of the large domed café with its large glass doors that when I had been a lot younger I could have sworn this place looked like a castle to me. Now it just looked like a dingy café that in my book could really do with a new roof and doors and well pretty much a whole lot of work done on the place.
As we came even nearer to the oddly shaped building I could just a bout make out the tall figure of a boy around our age. Parker. Oh god well this was going to be fun…..
Do you think it is possible to think that both the people you were about to meet were basically concentrating on, one: embarrassing me, two: embarrassing me. Well at least they were going to have fun. We crossed the road that was really the only entrance to the open park leaving no choice but to walk into the trap and get humiliated fun fun fun!
Approaching nearer still no way I could think of to get out of this confrontation. Closing my eyes and hoping that nothing happened that would make me have to explain. Explain the sordid experience that I was only just learning about.
The other day before Parker had left he had started to once again explain in more detail what was going on. Thinking back to theses moments I could literally feel my heart swelling and shrinking at the thought of what my father had done and in doing so had coursed me and my mother’s death wishes. Parker had told me that my dad, Henry as ever one outside the family had called him and to anyone inside well I'm not really going to repeat….. I thought that the car ad just goner of the road and the tree had just come out of nowhere. He had had no time to react. Well that had been what the police and my Mum both had told me while I had waited impatiently outside the theater waiting for some kind of news. Well Parker had soon proved that theory wrong by telling me what he believed was the truth. Well thinking this after hearing what was believed possible and what was really going on you could really not confuse them together.
If you had asked me say two years ago before my Dad had died I would have laughed at anyone who told me that they were being haunted by ghosts. Not only ghosts but ghosts of someone their Father had killed and not to mention the art where the only reason they knew all this was because the ghost’s brother was trying to save their life. Well who would not have laughed? It sounded crazy even thinking about it and I was the one living it!
Shaking my head to attempt to clear it I continued walking to where my friends had somehow seen Parker who was now waving in our direction. I could see from here that he already had an amused look. Wow that really was starting to annoy me. Did everything make him amused? I remembered him being court punching a wall last night and canceled that thought.
Getting closer I realized Parker was not on his own and was talking to another boy around our age. I could not be sure if I knew him since he was facing towards Parker but as we neared I was sure I had seen him before. That light brown hair with pointy spicks coming out from all directions. Oh!
Brendon…. You have got to be kidding me! My walked slowed to a pace that was more like a snails than anything else. Kat noticed this and glanced round from the point they had got to without me. I groaned and started walking again so I could catch back up with them. We were still a good two minutes away from Parker and his new buddy so I still had time to persuade my friends to just make this painless and get me out of here as soon as possible. Well here comes miss drama queen again so what if Parker knew my ex. Who he had met the other day. Glaring at him. Well I was screwed….
“Please do not make me stay here.” I pleaded to my friends attempting to give them the puppy dog eyes to no success.
“Why? Don’t you want to see you gorgeous boyfriend?” Megan laughed.
“Yeah funny. I thinking more about the person he is talking to!” as I said this Soph turned round and look in the direction of the café where Parker and Brendon were standing waiting for us. Brendon had now turned around to face us as we got near and nearer to them.
“Oh ouch. What is your Ex doing here?” nice question why didn’t I think of that…… I groaned again and willed myself to just sink into the dry grass and not have to go through with this…… well hell. I might be a drama queen but I swear this was really going to be crazy. Utterly crazy……
“Help……” I muttered under my breath so only Kat and Stacy could hear since we had now got in range of the two boys.
“Well this should be fun to watch….” Kat trailed of when she saw my expression. Well ya know thanks. I closed my eyes quickly and when I opened them again I forced myself into a expression that could be resembled as a smile. Well I hoped anyway. Let’s just get this over with as soon as possible and less painless.
Yeah right!
Finally we reached the two boys with my pathetic excuse for a smile still plastered over my face. Fun fun fun……….
I had two pockets in my dress wear I had stuffed my phone and purse since as I had guessed Megan did not agree with my bag. I could feel my phone vibrating just before the tune of one favorite song came on. Shooting star by air traffic. As I pulled out my phone nearly dropping in on the grass and glancing at the caller ID. I could swear that the number was from a pay phone but answered it anyway with a frown creeping its way across my smooth features.
No answer.
“Hello?” I said again into the speaker.
No answer.
I lifted the phone away from my ear and looked down at the screen sure enough the call was still going. Well it was fine with me if this person wanted to waist their money on calling me and then not talking. I thought I would try once more and lifted the phone back up to my ear.
“Hello? Anyone there?”
Breathing. Deep breathing. Like someone running. Well okay…..
“Or not…..” I muttered as I once again took the phone away from my ear and hanging up. I placed it back in my pocket before looking up at the faces that had turned to me with questioning eyes.
“Hey.” Was it just me or had it just started to feel like the air was being twisted this way and that around us. Were we in a tornado or something? Oh wait I'm just crazy great……. And that is so reassuring….
I blinked and waited again for someone else to speak. God were they really trying to make this anymore awkward I had just said hello to them and they were all just still staring at me like I was crazy. Well that’s not the point.
I started to shift from foot to foot uncomfortable. Why were they still staring? Well this is just great.
I looked around me and realized that no one else was moving. No let me rephrase that no one else was around I could not see anyone else. Okay talk about weird. I could have sworn there had been a big group of twelve year olds just off to our right and what about the boys playing foot ball two seconds ago behind us.
When I looked back at my friends i noticed that they were not moving. No blinking, breathing, not anything!
What the hell?!?!?!
I reached out and tapped Kats shoulder since she was the closest to me. Nothing. I tapped again. Nothing. No movement. Nothing at all!
I moved over to Megan who was next to her. The same.
I moved around our circle again and again trying and trying to get a response. Nothing. I stumbled back to where I had been standing before. My hair had come out of its loose bun and was now spilling around my shoulders in wild spirals. It was like time has frozen apart from the wind. It was blowing wildly from what seemed like every direction. Every way I turned a new spert of air rushed heavily into my face.
I closed my eyes and just waited to wake up. This was a dream that’s what it was. Just like the other night. Reopening my eyes I realized that the wind had stopped blowing and the sun was once again shining down on us. Us? I looked round at were my friends hard figures had stood less that a second ago. Nothing. I whirled around and around again. Okay weird. i took two long breaths and then sat down and closed my eyes. Better to think.
Okay so only two seconds ago I had been standing with my friends about to walk into a very embarrassing scene with my boyfriend and my ex. Well what the hell had happened? I thought calmly. Calm yeah right!
So what had happened? The phone call? Was that it? One phone call with no on one the other end apart from some freak that wanted to waste money on freaking me out? Freaking me out? How do I even know that’s what they had intended to do? It could have just been the wrong number. I was just becoming a suspicious idiot. Wait no I take that back I have every right! What is going on?
“Well it looks like I have succeed in confusing you.” I nearly jumped right off the ground and back on my feet with the surprise the voice had on me. Oh for god’s sake what the hell? I opened my eyes to see nothing. Well this was really starting to get old. If something was going to happen in this stupid dream thing I wish it would be over and done with all ready!
I looked around me again. Nothing. The voice was still ringing in the silence echoing around all the buildings that surrounded the park where I was still sat. I put my hand down on the ground and pushed myself up to my feet steadily. For once I did not feel like I was going to fall. Well that was a bright side.
I still had no idea
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