» Romance » The Broken Rule, Kazia M. [leveled readers txt] 📗

Book online «The Broken Rule, Kazia M. [leveled readers txt] 📗». Author Kazia M.

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I retorted



"It was not an option Lauren."



Not willing to argue with Khalil I did as I was told. He took my seat next to Vance. Vance kept his attention on the board. Julissa and Lilah both gave a sympathetic look and began their assignment. Avoiding Logan, I kept my eyes buried in my text book. He did the same. I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned to see Quinton. He slid a folded piece of paper from under his notebook.  Cautiously I took it. Opening it read:




So is that yes on the date?






A smile formed on my face. I responded with a smiley face and sent it back to him. Three minutes later Quinton tapped me again. This time I grabbed the note without hesitation. It read:



It's a date! I'll pick you up tonight at 6 pm.




I tucked the letter into my folder and continued my assignment. It was hard to focus on it. Vance constantly ran through my mind. I know we flirted a lot but I didn't think he liked me enough to ask me out. The bell rung an hour later dismissing class. Lilah and Julissa said they would wait for me at the my locker while I collected my things. Walking towards the door, I felt someone yank my folder. Whirling around I seen Logan throwing my papers out. We where the only two in the class. I tried reaching for it but he backed away. 




"Can I help you?!"I asked annoyed by his constant searching. Ignoring my question he pulled out my note."Give it!"




"Are you seriously going on a date with Vance?!"




"What do you care?"




"I don't."he retorted harshly.




"Fine then leave me alone." I shouted ripping my note from his hand and walking out.



As promised Lilah and Julissa were at my locker waiting. Lilah's actually at her locker ,next to mine, putting on eye shadow. I never understood why she wears make up. She beautiful without it.



"What took you so long?"Julissa asked.



"Someone held me up."



"Was it Vance?"Lilah asked tossing her compact mirror back into her locker.



"I wish."I murmured 



"Oh get real Lilah, after what Khalil, did he'll never talk to her again." Julissa said.



"You are such a negative bitch sometimes." Lilah spat.




"And you're just a bitch all the time."Julissa retorted. 




"CAN YOU TWO STOP IT !" I yelled.




"Lilah started it."




"No, I did not you did Julissa." 




"If you two don't stop arguing I want invite you over to help me prepare for my date tonight with Vance." I said cutting into their argument. They both paused. Screaming and jumping up and down they pulled me in to join. Everyone in the hallway watched us as they passed.



"What are we celebrating?"Khalil asked joining in with us. I broke apart from our now ruined moment. Julissa and Lilah did as well. Khalil knew I wasn't forgiving him anytime soon. Pushing pass him I put my books away. "Lauren don't act like that."he said.


"I'll see you girls at my place after school."I said walking away. 



"Lauren!"Khalil shouted but I ignored him.






My fifth period is an AP science class ,filled with seniors, including Logan. To make matters worse all his groupies are in this class. A lot of girls desire him but these girls are ruthless. They wear skimpy clothing and tons of make up to get his attention. Their shirts are so tight their breast pop out. Their skirts are so short it reveals their panties. I like him but I'd never turn into a tight clothes, heavy make up wearing, bimbo. That goes for any guy. I don't care if he was the last man on earth. Greeting Mr.Hamlet ,my instructor, I took my seat. Today we have to take notes from a video.The late bell rang and there was no sign of Him.


Fifteen minutes into the video Logan came into the class. Esmeralda Sanchez , the new forgiven student from Peru, came staggering in after him fixing her clothing. Giving me a wicked grin he took his seat in the front. I refused to show him any attention. I know he just had sex with Esmeralda and he's rubbing it in. It hurt but what did I care he's not my boyfriend. Sucking it up I continued taking my notes.



"From this day forth he's nothing to me."I muttered to myself.






















Chapter 4



" I'm home." I yelled coming through the kitchen door.



My house is a normal two story home. It's a six bedroom ,four bathroom, with a pool in back. The pool is hardly used by me because we leave near the beach. I go there instead of the pool. My younger brother Tyra uses the pool the most. He's on the swim team at school and likes practice four times a week. 



"Hey sweetheart."my dad greeted through a thick Jamaican accent that I adore. 



"Hi daddy."



"How was school?"



"Okay. I got asked on a date." My dad's eyes widen. My dad didn't approve of me dating at all. Every date I've had he's chaperoned.



"Who is he and what time are we leaving?"



"Daddy no!"I whined.



"What's going on?" my mom asked entering the kitchen with Tyra and Wesley. The boys were bringing in groceries.



"Our daughter and I are going on a date with one of her friends."



"Mom please make him stay please."I begged.



"Laurence,"mom said calling dad by his first name."she's seventeen for Christ sakes."



"I don't care if she's seventy she's still my baby."dad fussed. The boys snickered.



"She is my baby too and I trust her."mom replied.



"I trust her too but she not going anywhere alone." 



"Momma!"I cried hoping she'll save me.



"Laurence what if Khalil goes with her?"mom suggested.



"No!"I shrieked.



"Fine. If Khalil agrees to go I'll stay home."dad agreed.



"If I agree to go where?"Khalil asked walking in. Oh great he brought Logan ! It's Thursday meaning he's sleeping over. It's like a routine. Saturday's Khalil stays at his place and Thursday's and Friday's Logan stays over at ours. No one knows their reason for this. All I know is it started in the middle school.



"Your dad would like to know if you would accompany your sister on her date?"mom answered.



"Sure. Who are you going out with?" 



"None of your business."I replied.



"I already know it's Vance." 



"How did you know?" Only my best friends knew about my date. They wouldn't tell him but jerk face Logan would. 



"Don't worry about it. What time should we be ready?"



"We ?"I asked confused.



"Yes, if I go Logan know.. encase  we have to murder your boyfriend. If it's a problem dad can go with you."




 "Uuuugggghhhh",I groaned."be ready before six."







 "Why does Logan have to go again?" Lilah asked putting on my make up. It's nothing but a little blush and eye shadow. The girls came over an hour after I got home.



"Because Khalil invited him."I answered trying to sit still.




"Well everyone knows that Khalil and Logan are like glue. You can't get one without the other. And why is it bothering you that Logan is going? I thought you two got along."Julissa said rambling through my closet for the perfect outfit.



I haven't mentioned my sexual encounters with Him to my girls. I guess now is better than ever. Removing Lilah's hand, I stood up and closed my ,slightly opened, door. Julissa and Lilah sat on my bed and looked at each other confused. I walked and stood in front of them both.




"Last Friday I let Logan....... deflower me." Their eyes widen and so did their mouths. Then came the loud shrieking of excitement.



"You little tramp"Julissa joked."why didn't you tell us at least me?"she asked.



"Don't start and I didn't know how to tell you guys?"



"It's okay we forgive you."Lilah said. "Now tell us everything."she demanded.



" Like I said it happened last Friday."





Last Friday......




Logan came over kind of late ,with his duffle bag, to spend the night as usual. Everyone was sleep except for me. I'd been up all night completing my history project that I'd avoided for two weeks.  Logan went straight to his room. Mom turned the guess room into his own room. Minutes later he joined me in the living room. I worked on my project whilr he flicked through countless channels trying to find something of interest to watch.




"Dammit."I fussed frustrated. Glitter had wasted all over me and my project. 



"I'll fix it you go clean up fairy princess Tinkerbell."he chuckled.



I'd laugh to if I seen someone covered in glitter like a two year old. Taking his advice I ran to my room and changed. I threw my shorts and tank top into the hamper. Since I hadn't done laundry I put on one of Khalil shirts I stole from his room. The shirt stopped low enough and had the name of some rock band on it. At first I was going to put on some shorts but decided against it. No one could see under my shirt. Running downstairs to finish my project, I seen Logan covered in glitter.



"Care to explain Tinkerbell?"I laughed.



"Your project barfed on me."he joked.



"You know that golden glitter looks good on you."



"My shirt looks great on you."  I blushed.


That figures. I didn't take Khalil as the rock band type. Honestly Logan didn't seem like the type either. But on the other hand he does play the guitar. Come to think of it the name on the shirt is his old band. I hated that band. Logan was good but the others stunk.



"Give me my shirt."he said breaking my thoughts.



"What?!"I asked shocked.



"I'm going to have to put something on."he said pointing at his now bare chest. I hadn't notice him take off his shirt. Now that I did I couldn't  stop gawking. His abs were toned into an eight pack and he looked good. Trying to hide my new fascination for his body, I turned to my project and put it away. "So can I have my shirt?"he asked.



"No go to your room and grab one."



"Why should I have to go up stairs when you brought one down for me."



"Since you put it that"



"Fine I guess I have to remove it myself."he said stepping closer to me.


I found that to be a challenge. If he thought he was getting my new nightshirt he's sadly mistaken. I backed away with each step he took. Giving him a little smirk, I began to run around the living room. He chased me but couldn't catch me. Rearranging the furniture as I ran, Logan attacked me with pillows. They all missed. Thank God they did because one hit would've knocked me. He threw the pillows with a lot of force. Tiring him out, I kept running. Unfortunately I tripped and so did he. Damn that stupid rug! I fell on my back and he landed on top of me. We starred at each other for a moment.



"Ummm...k-keep the s-s-shirt...I-I'm going to b-b-bed."he stuttered nervously, removing himself from off top of me. He helped me up avoiding eye contact. "Good night."he said placing a long kiss on my forehead.



I pulled away and cuffed his face into my hands. Before I could kiss him, he lips smashed into mine. I ran my finger through his hair as he trailed kisses down my neck. Picking me up and carrying me to the couch, he positioned himself on top of me. We kissed none stop attacking each others

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