» Romance » The Broken Rule, Kazia M. [leveled readers txt] 📗

Book online «The Broken Rule, Kazia M. [leveled readers txt] 📗». Author Kazia M.

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Chapter 1




About Me



My name is Lauren Kirby and I am seventeen years old. I stand at approximately five six, with brown hair, and dark brown eyes. Six years ago my family moved from Dallas, Texas to Los Angeles, California. The move was a part of my parents promotion. They are both well known architects. My dad is Jamaican and my mom is African American. I'm the second child out of four children and the only girl.





I have a great relationship with my family. My older brother Khalil and I are stair steppers. We attend Ferris Private School, the school is K-12. He is a senior and I'm a junior. My younger brothers Tyra and Wesley also attend school with us. Tyra is in the seventh grade and Wesley is in the third. At school Khalil and I both run track. He's the better athlete and runs the 400 meter. I can only run the 200 which is half of the track. Though he is faster I love to challenge him. 




Living in California I've made only two real friends. I meet my first best friend ,Julissa Vasquez, in the sixth grade. She's from Argentina and a bit one the shy side when it comes to interacting with boys. The only time her shyness fades is when she's cheering. She's the co-captian. I meet my second best friend ,Lilah Forester, freshman year. She's Caucasian and a can be a party animal at times. She's also an insanely smart brainiac. Julissa and Lilah buttheads a lot but nonetheless we understand each other. Khalil has the biggest crush on Julissa but due to our rule he can't date her.





The Rule * Me & Khalil's Rule*







This is our biggest rule. We made it after Khalil broke one of my old friends heart. I didn't talk to him for three months because of what he did. Khalil deflowered her and then dated her cousin. My friend avoided me and even transferred schools. The only reason he agreed to my rule was to make sure none of his friends does the same to me. He threatened to kill them if they tried. Our rule held up until a two days ago.




Friday I had sex with ,Logan Michaels, my brothers best friend. Khalil has a wide circle of friends but one best friend. Logan is practically his twin with the exception of him being caucasian. They act so much alike it's freaky. He obtains the same player social status as my brother. How they get around with different girls is no secret to anyone. But I liked Logan in spite of it all. I knew him personally since he's always around and over my house. The first time I saw him I knew he was the one I'd give my virginity to. It was a one night stand as I planned. I wasn't trying to get my feelings involved because I knew how it would turn out.



My desires for him grew stronger in the ninth grade. I knew at that time I'd only get hurt by him. I couldn't accept him deflowering me and not being my boyfriend. After a year and a half of installing ,that I all I wanted him to do was take my virginity, everything else kind of took it's own course. No one knows about what we did and I haven't seen Logan around since Friday. Today's Sunday and he didn't come over for dinner.

Chapter 2


Monday *End of track practice*






"Lauren your the last one in here so you lock up today."Coach Trish said handing me the keys to the girls locker room.



I waited for her to leave before undressing. Removing my track practice outfit, I turned on the shower. Letting the water run I removed my green bra and tossed it onto my gym bag. About to slide my panties off, I heard the door open. Pulling my panties back up, I go to check it out. Seeing that no one was in here but me I returned back to what I was doing. 



"Coach probably forgot something in her office." I said aloud, reassuring myself that everything's fine. 



Suddenly I got bum rushed into the cold yellow lockers. Before I could grasp onto what's going on a soft pair of delicious lips molded against mine. My stomach filled with butterflies. Even with just a one night stand I knew these lips very well. 




"L-L-Logan what are you doing?!" I asked breaking the kiss, I was trapped between him and the lockers. I examined his six foot frame. I'm surprised to see him. I thought he didn't come to school today because he missed two of the classes we share.




"I needed to see you."he answered starring intensely at me with his big blue eyes.




"See me for what?" 




"Ever since Friday I haven't been able to get you off my mind."




"Logan it's called a one night stand for a reason."




"I know what it's called but I want more than a night."




"I have to shower."




Logan eyes began to roam my body when I said that. I blushed uncontrollably when he smiled biting his bottom lip. I noticed a bulge coming from his jeans. Curious about what got him aroused, I followed his gaze. Quickly I covered my bare breast. I forgot I only had on my panties. Lifting me up, he pulled my hands down to my side. Like instinct my legs weaved around his waist. Lowering his head he placed light kisses on my breast. I felt the heat of his breath on my nipples as he began to suck on them. If he wasn't holding me up I would've fainted. The way his tongue caressed my breast was mind blowing. Unable to resist I moaned.





"I love to hear you moan."he said and continued to pleasure my breast.



My moans filled the locker room. Conjuring up enough strength ,I got an arm free, and pushed his head further onto my nipple. His messy blonde hair smelled like lavender. With in second we were both naked and having sex. With each thrust ,my soaking vagina, desired more. Like a mind reader he went deeper. His long thick manhood filled my core. My moans turned into cries of pleasure and so did his. It felt so good a tear trickled down my right cheek.




"OH FUCK LAUREN!!"he cried aloud.




"LOGAN!!"I screamed. Both of our bodies shook viciously as we came together. Removing himself from in between my thighs, he lowered me down. We were about to kiss again until his phone rang. Aggravated by the interruption he released a deep growl.




"I have to get that."he said looking over at his pants.




"Go ahead it's your phone." Sauntering over to his phone, he answered.




- Phone Conversation-







"Logan where are you? You promised to come straight over after school."




"I'll be over later."



"Why? Is everything okay?"



"Everything is fine Leigh Ann. I'm in the middle of something right now and will be over later."




"Fine but don't be all day."




-End of Conversation-



Logan turned to face me after he hung up his phone. "It's not what you think Lauren."he said walking closer to me. I put my hand up mid air to stop him. I didn't want him near me. 




"Do you know how many times my brother has told a girl 'It's not what you think' and it be exactly that." I said trying to hold back my tears. 




"But  it really isn't what you think."




"Just leave one of your sluts is waiting for your man whore service."




"Lauren-" I cut him off.




"LEAVE!"I shouted.




As demanded he gathered his clothes and left. I felt stupid to believe that  the passionate moment we previously shared was more than sex. Logan is a player and always will be. He's trained to toy with girls emotions. Last Friday I felt great about having sex with him. Now I just felt used and disguised and wanted to be buried under a rock. Stepping into the shower, cold droplets consumed me. During my lustful moment, I let all the hot water run out. Nonetheless I took my shower and cried. The guy that was having sex with me is now with some other girl pleasuring her.






















Chapter 3







Tuesday and Wednesday my classes were blocked and I only had three classes. None of which I took with Logan. Today all my classes are on normal schedule. I'll have two classes with him. On the bright side I'll have classes with my best friends. 




First and second period went by quickly. Now I have to go to history classes and see the devil. Entering my class, I saw Logan and Khalil surrounded by a flock of girls. Khalil must be cutting class again not that my teacher cares. I haven't seen my brother since Monday. He's been sleeping over at his new tramps house. Ignoring them both I took my regular seat. Julissa and Lilah were already seated at the table behind me. I sit next to Vance Taylor. Vance is a pretty hot with his low hair cut ,hazel eyes, and stunning smile. On several occasions we flirt during class.




"LAUREN!"my bestfriends screamed.



"HEY GUYS!" I screamed engulfing them into a hug. "I haven't seen you two in an enternity."I joked. They laughed and pulled away.



"Lauren we hung out yesterday."said Julissa.



"I know but hours without my bff's is to long."



"I thought I only felt that way."Lilah joked.



"I hope I get a hug too."a well known velvet voice said from behind me. Turning on the heel of my shoe, my eyes locked on Vance. Stepping to him his cologne flooded my nostrils. Damn he smells really good today. Snaking my arms around his neck, I engulfed him into a tight hug. He hugged back wrapping his hands around my waist.



"Look at our baby."Lilah cooed.



"They grow up so fast." Julissa said wiping away her pretend tears.



"Go out with me this weekend." Vance whispered into my ear. Tingles raced through me when he gently bit my earlobe. Khalil must have seen him because he snatched me away.



"Let me go." I said pulling from his tight grip.



"Please don't make me catch a body." he said starring ferociously at Vance. Vance put he's hands up in defeat and took his seat. Bringing his gaze back to me he spoke roughly. "I'm taking your seat and you'll sit next to Logan."



"No way."

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