» Romance » The Broken Rule, Kazia M. [leveled readers txt] 📗

Book online «The Broken Rule, Kazia M. [leveled readers txt] 📗». Author Kazia M.

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with our tongue. My moans went into his mouth.




"We ...can't"he said in between breaths.



"Why not?"



"Your my best friends sister and I can't take advantage of you."



"Logan please."I begged. "I've wanted this to happen since the ninth grade so you're not taking advantage of me."



"Lauren if we do this I can't promise you a relationship."



"I know and accept that. This is a one night stand nothing more."



"I -" my tongue cut in before he finished his sentence. With no more interruptions we finished making out. At the end of the night we had sex three times. Once in the living room ,on the steps, and in my room. That night he slept in my room and cuddled with me.




--------Flashback Ends--------







"Aaaawwww."they said in unison.




"It's not a big deal." I said slipping into my burgundy long sleeve baby doll dress.



 "Yes it is." Julissa said handing me my sandals.



"You're first time was so much better than mine."Lilah said pinning my hair into a bun. "Henry and I did it in the back of his parents car and it was uncomfortable."



"Also Monday we had sex again but at school in the locker room." Lilah dropped the hairpins on the floor.


"I thought it was suppose to be a one night?" Julissa asked bewildered picking up Lilah's hairpins.



"It was but he came back and after we were done one of his sluts called his phone. And today he slept with Esmeralda Sanchez." I said releasing tears.




Without knocking Khalil busted in with Logan behind him. I hate them both. They both were dressed really nice though. Khalil wore a blue button-down shirt ,with some black leather pants, and black leather jacket. Logan had on green button down ,with black skinny jeans, and a designer jean jacket. 




"Why are you crying Lauren?" Khalil asked worried.



"It's a girl thing."Julissa answered. Going along with her answer, I grabbed my sweater and pushes pass Logan. Downstairs I seen dad talking with Vance. Vance appeared to be nervous. So nervous he was shaking and sweating. I rushed downstairs and to save him.



"See you later daddy." I said kissing my dad on the jaw and running out the door with Vance. Dad yelled something but I didn't hear him. "Are you okay?"I asked stopping at Vance red mustang.




"Better now."he replied opening the passenger side door.



Getting into the car I saw Khalil and Logan get into Logan's all black hummer. I can't believe dad made him come and with Logan of all people. But I guess it's better than having dad himself. Dad wouldn't dare allow me to ride in the car alone with any guy. Right about now he'd be in the backseat interrogating poor Vance. As we pulled off they followed behind him. From the rearview mirror I could see Khalil driving and Logan in the passenger seat on his phone. 



"You look really pretty Lauren."Vance said keeping his eyes on the road.



"Thank you. You look very handsome." He did look good in his Polo Ralph Lauren purple V-neck , bermuda pants, and purple converse to match his shirt. His delightful cologne lingered the car. About to ask the name of his cologne my phone vibrated. Reaching into my clutch, I grabbed it and type the screen. I had a message from none other than the jerk face Logan.




_Text Conversation_




Logan : Is he tryn anything??



Me :  No but my date can try whtevr he wants. LOL!!



Logan :  I ddn't find that amusing



Me:  IDC! Y do u care wat we do



Logan : I don't hav fun acting like a hoe



Me :  A HOE ?!?!



Logan : Yep a hoe ! if he's lucky you'll hav a 1 night stand w/ him 2



Me: GO TO HELL!!!!





_End of Text Conversation_




Powering my phone off, I gazed out of my window. I cried silently as tears fell down my cheeks. Vance was to busy driving and listening to music to notice. I'm glad he didn't or I'd have to explain why I'm upset. Logan's text crushed me. I never thought myself as being a hoe until now. I wish I would've kept my virginity to myself.


After twenty more long minutes we arrived at a carnival. Colorful bright lights lit the nigh sky. Hordes of people were scattered everywhere enjoying themselves. Unfortunately the winds were high as we waited in line for our tickets. I should've wore pants because my dress kept blowing up. I a group of twelve year old boys saw my pink lace panties. Snuggling into Vance for warmth, I rested my head on his solid chest and inhaled his scent. I could stay in his arms forever. Khalil and Logan growled but who cares. Using their charms they cut in the front of the line. A pretty leggy Asian girl with black and orange hair let Khalil in front with her. The girls friend took Logan. She's pretty too with her golden blonde hair and green eyes. 























Chapter 5


Logan's POV




Waiting in line became to much for me. That and seeing Lauren cuddled up with Vance instead of me. Cutting in front of the line Khalil and I put our charms to work. He got with a cute tall Asian chick name Fara and I got with her sexy friend Kelly. They were around our age and next in line. Kelly's hot but I couldn't keep my eyes off of Lauren and Vance. I admit I envy him. He's got one of the prettiest girls in school wrapped in his arms. She looks beautiful tonight not that she doesn't always look beautiful. Khalil to busy with Fara didn't see Vance and Lauren making out. 




"Hey Khalil you see that?"I asked pointing my head towards the end of the line at Lauren. He's eyes left Fara's and traveled to his sister.




"I'll let her have fun tonight. It's not like he's going to get any." Khalil said.



Purchasing our tickets we entered. Khalil and Fara went their separate ways. Kelly and I went to the food court near the entrance and sat down. I wasn't hungry and neither was she. I chose over here to see when Vance and Lauren would come in. I bought us both a funnel cake to not look so suspicious. Kelly told me about her life and school. I couldn't repeat anything to her because all my attention went to Laura. I don't know how she had this control over me but she did. It didn't happen when we had sex either.



I have had a thing for her since I first laid eyes on her in the sixth grade. I wanted to make her my girlfriend but Khalil had a rule about his friends and sister. I respected his rule because he's my best friend and cares for his baby sister. Also I have two younger sisters and would protect them from guys like me and my friends too. We prey on girls, get their feelings involved, get what we want, and leave. My intentions for Lauren were different of course. But I never thought I'd get with her let alone sleep with her until that night. I don't know if she noticed but I didn't just taking her virginity. I made love too her. I didn't make love to other girls but then again I didn't love them.



At first it was hard for me to believe that I loved Lauren Kirby. I thought it was lust and tried to stay away from her after what we did. But I went insane not seeing her hence sex in the locker room. She's the only person who gets me aroused now. Today I made an attempt to distract myself from her by getting with Esmeralda. Little me couldn't get up for the life of me. Esmeralda kissed him, licked him, and sucked him. Nothing worked for him. To keep my sex reputation up, I fingered her and left. Girls like Esmeralda are happy to say I touched them at all.



Lauren and Vance finally came in. Chatter box Kelly and I followed them in the distance. The first place they stopped was at a ring toss stand. I watched as Vance hopelessly tried to win a giant panda bear for Lauren. Being the arrogant bastard I am, I showed him how it's really done. Paying for three rings, I began to toss them. All of them landed where they were suppose to. This game is easy even my little sisters could win it. Picking my prize, I chose the panda. I was going to give it to Lauren but Kelly's sorta my date tonight. Rolling her eyes Lauren stormed off with Vance. My night wasn't going as expected. 



"How long have you two been separated?"Kelly asked.



"We've never been together."






"We haven't she's my best friends sister."



"She's you're best friends sister that you obviously have feeling for. It's okay if you would've given her the panda."said Kelly.



"You're my date tonight it's only fair that you got it."



"Hmm... I guess I can't argue with that. What did you do to hurt her anyway?"she questioned.



"Where do I start?"




"Try from the beginning."




As the night went on I told Kelly everything. I confessed my love for Lauren to someone other than myself. She listened without interruping. I appreciated Kelly and resented ignoring her at first. I made it up to her by buying her three more funnel cakes. She also talked me into winning Lauren a stuffed animal. I agreed. After several games and rides I took Kelly home. Fara was her ride but her and Khalil had other plans tonight. We exchanged numbers and that was it. Arriving back at the Kirby's I seen Vance car parked. Him and Lauren were on the porch making out. They broke apart when they saw my truck pulling into the driveway.





Lauren's POV




"I should get going." Vance said trembling. I think he got scared my brother would beat him up for kissing me when the hummer pulled up. I watched him run to his car and drive off.



I wasn't running from Khalil if he had anything to say he could shove it. To my surprise Logan got out of the car alone. He went to his backseat for something but I went into the house before I could see what it was. I ran to my room. I didn't want to see or talk to the dick head.



Pulling my dress over my head my door swung open. Talk about perfect timing. I put my dress back down and locked eyes with Logan. He held a giant stuffed kangaroo in his left hand with his free hand he shut my door.



"Did your new groupie forget her toy?"I asked.



"No, I won this for you."he said tossing it to me. I caught it by the tail.



"Thanks but no thanks."I said throwing the kangaroo on the floor. "And by toy I meant you."



"Lauren we need to talk."



"Are you sure you want to conversation with a hoe?"



"I'm sorry I said that to you."



"You don't have to apologize for how you feel."



"But I don't feel that way. Lauren I -"



"You what huh?" I asked cutting him off.



"I love you." 



Those three word blew me away and I almost believed them. Almost. He's probably told every girl at school that. He's a player and players lie. They lie all the time.


"You can't love a hoe."



"Stops calling yourself that. You're not a hoe." Cuffing my face into his

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