» Romance » The Promise, Mahlatse Mokone [best color ereader TXT] 📗

Book online «The Promise, Mahlatse Mokone [best color ereader TXT] 📗». Author Mahlatse Mokone

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his hairline. He definitely had an athlete’s body but he was not bulky. He also looked slightly older, 17, 18 maybe? I was pretty sure he was new here, with his looks; I would’ve noticed him before. I had a new definition for ‘hot guy’ now and for a moment I caught myself ogling him like most of the girls in this class.

What the hell! I chastised myself, forcing my gaze down again. Mr. Anderson introduced him as Brandon Carter; I stole a peek at him again and tried to make quick observations about him. From the way he dressed, he’s from a well-to-do family. His expression gave off a sense of confidence, maybe a little cockiness?

He also looked like he had a wild streak…trouble; he was trouble.

Just my crappy luck! The one guy I felt slight attraction to had to possibly be a total prick.

Mr. Anderson instructed him to take an empty desk, that’s when I realized the only empty one was right behind me. I didn’t know weather to be glad or pissed off, all I knew for sure was that I couldn’t afford to be crushing on the new hot guy who was obviously trouble.

He walked over with leisurely strides and our gazes met for a second; he had beautiful grey eyes, they were sharp, intense and mischievous. I broke the connection when I felt my pulse pick up a little, besides I was positive he was used to girls being starry-eyed around him. He certainly didn’t need me to add to that tally.

Mr. Anderson started the class and I felt a weird feeling come over me, it felt a little electric and warm. The feeling was not unpleasant; it just caused uneasiness and tension. I shook my head, trying to get rid of whatever it was but nothing worked. Was I getting sick? Was I imagining it? What the hell was it anyway?

A sharp breath escaped me when the feeling disappeared.

I wondered what had caused it in the first place, or if it was all in my head. Then I thought maybe the Brandon guy caused it. I quickly dismissed that silly thought and tried to focus on the lesson.


After the bell rang for lunch break I went out of the class, not daring to look in Brandon’s direction. I made my way to my locker staking my books in and closed it. I rested my forehead against it for a second and Tess showed up

“Whoa, you look flushed. Are you okay?” She said and I managed a smile for her, I didn’t know why I felt so drained. “I’m fine.” I said.

“Well did you hear?” she said opening her locker, I raised my eyebrows at her

“There’s a new hot guy in school.” She said and I swallowed hard

“Yeah, I heard.” I said leaving it at that.

“I got a load of him on my way to music class, damn that boy is fine. Well not JT Gilbert hot, but hot nonetheless.” She said and I frowned.

Tess has had a crush on my brother for as long as I can remember, she thinks he doesn’t know she exists but she’s my best friend and she’s been to my house a couple of times, of course he knows her.

“Ew Tess, you know how I get when you fangirl over my brother.” I said and she rolled her eyes. “Come on, lunch’s on me.” she said.

We went to the cafeteria and like any other high school; everyone sat in their respective cliques or inner circles. Everyone knew who I was, but I wasn’t your conventional popular girl. My normally wary nature didn’t make me bubbly or easy to hang out with.

Tess and I grabbed a tray and took turns filling it with food; I turned only to bump into Adrianna. I tried to still my tray, but a small portion of my food spilled onto her cheerleading shirt. I unconsciously apologized, she gasped

“Watch where you’re going you little twit!” she hissed and the little remorse I felt vanished. I was about to make a snappy retort when JT appeared out of nowhere

“Is there a problem?” He asked nonchalantly, his blue eyes looking between the two of us.

Adrianna plastered a fake smile, “No, just a mistake.” She said and I rolled my eyes. She at leased knew JT well enough to know that their relationship would be over if he thought she was mean to me. But I knew my brother well enough to know that he wasn’t easily manipulated, a part of me knew that he could see through her. What I couldn’t understand was why he was still with her.

“Let’s go sit down Ade.” He said to her then gave me a smile that I didn’t return, I looked back to see them walk over to their table. Adrianna looked back too and shot me an icy glare that I definitely returned.

I started towards Tess when I noticed a pair of grey eyes watching me, my stride faltered a little. Brandon turned his attention back to his new set of friends whom were mostly girls, and I didn’t like the fact that it bothered me.

I sat down on my table, it was on the far corner and only Tess and I sat there, we both loved it because it allowed more privacy.

“Are you okay?” Tess asked, referring to my near fight with Adrianna “Yeah.” I said monotonously. She looked at the pair

“She’s all wrong for him.” She said, “What does he see in her?” she added, and I also glanced at them. “Beats me too.” I muttered then flinched. Realizing that I asked myself that question out of annoyance and she did so out of hurt. I sometimes forget the feelings Tess has for my brother and I knew his relationship with Adrianna hurt her. Even thought she downplayed it most of the time. I didn’t want to be in a position where I have to take sides, especially if it’s between my brother and best friend.

“Anyway.” She said in a dismissive tone, classic “I saw the hot new guy staring at you, he looked at you like he knows you.” She said and I sighed.

“I didn’t mention? He sits behind me in art class and his name is Brandon.” I said unenthusiastically as I started picking on my food. She gave me an incredulous look

“No miss I-don’t-care, you left out that piece of information.” She said and I smiled apologetically “Sorry miss know-it-all.” I said.

“And…?” she probed, with a mischievous look in her eyes “And what?” I asked and she groaned, “What are you going to do with him?” she asked.

“What? Nothing.” I replied quicker than I would’ve wanted. She shook her head, “Come on Katelyn don’t tell me you don’t like him, because I know you do.” She said, as a matter of fact.

“What do you mean I like him? I don’t even know the dude.” I said and peeked at him, still talking to the group of girls who laughed and smiled at whatever he was telling them.

“But I bet you want to change that.” She said suggestively, and I turned my gaze back to her “No.” I said decisively. I had to remember that he was trouble.

“No? Come on Katelyn. You are ridiculously beautiful, even that Adrianna chick hates you for it. Brandon doesn’t stand a chance if you go after him full throttle.” She said, and I snorted. I was more afraid that I wouldn’t stand a chance.

“Look at him Tess; that guy is bad news. You really want me to get mixed up with that?” I asked and she thought about it for a moment.

“But then you would’ve gotten a taste of him, aren’t you curious?” she asked, wasn’t everybody? “The taste wouldn’t be worth it when I’m poisoned.” I said without thinking and she stared at me for a while.

“Wow, you just went lyrical on me right now.” She teased and I chuckled

“I know right? Lets just let it go, okay?” I asked and she nodded. Our conversation shifted into comfortable spheres until the bell rang. I hoped the last remaining periods in the day passed without any events.
































I parked on Tess’ driveway and checked my watch, she asked me to give her a ride to school today. A few minutes later she came out the front door, and got in the car. We air kissed each other then I drove out.

“I had fun yesterday, Janie is cooler than I thought.” She said and I smiled nodding “I know, you and me both.” I said.

Janie liked the idea of hanging out at Tess’ place even better.

We pulled up at school and got out, Tess chuckled grabbing a flyer

“Girls’ choice dance.” She said and I took it from her looking at it. They mentioned it at the beginning of the semester but I didn’t think they’d actually go through with the idea. The last function similar to this one was the spring dance last year, which I found an excuse not to attend.

“Its three weeks from now, this is going to be fun.” Tess said and I simply nodded, she rose her eyebrow at me “You’re not going to bail again, are you?” she asked and I shrugged.

“Well it’s a girls’ choice dance Tess, I don’t even know who I’m going to ask.” I said, and she chuckled as we walked into the building.

“Why don’t you ask that Brandon guy? I’m sure he’d love to take you up on your offer.” She said nudging my shoulder and I gave her a hard look.

“Okay, okay I know I said I’ll never mention him. Geez.” She said and I gave her a brief smile. I didn’t dare mention that I dreamt about him last night; I was still embarrassed I did. My smile fell when Adrianna and three of her minions came up behind Tess. She pivoted to face her but Adrianna’s cold gaze was fixed on me

“Your stupid clumsiness yesterday better not happen again.” She spat then got a little closer “For your sake, you better stay out of my way or we’re going to have a serious problem.” She added.

I looked at her silently, I wasn’t in the mood for this, I really wasn’t. Tess snorted

“Oh it was just a mistake Adrianna, get over it and go crawl back into the hole you came from.” She said, I slightly smiled at my best friend; she always stepped in when I wasn’t prepared to fight my own battles.

Adrianna slowly looked at her “I don’t remember ever talking to a pathetic side-kick, who are you again?” she asked then chuckled darkly “Oh yes, you’re the chick with the hots for my boyfriend, I saw the way you look at him. It’s a shame really, given that he never spares you a second look.” She spat and her minions giggled, she leaned towards Tess “He’s mine, get over that.” She whispered.

Without another word Tess turned and walked away, leaving the group of mean girls with satisfied smirks. She and her minions didn’t fully understand how vulnerable of a spot they just attacked, but I did.

“What is wrong with you Adrianna? Why do you keep following us around like you’re obsessed or something? Leave us the hell alone!” I barked, slamming my locker shut and went to go find Tess.

I went into the girl’s bathroom “Tess?” I called out and she came out of one of the stalls. “Hey. I’m fine.” She said, “Don’t give me that look.” She added going over to the counter basins. I leaned against them looking at her closely, but her expression didn’t give much away.

“Are you sure?” I asked and she nodded running her hand through her red hair

“I realized two things.” She said taking out her lip gloss, applying it lightly “One, I refuse to cry because of her. Two, what’s the point of crying over reality?” she said then looked at me when the bell rang. “Let’s go.” She said and I followed her out.

We came

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