» Romance » The Promise, Mahlatse Mokone [best color ereader TXT] 📗

Book online «The Promise, Mahlatse Mokone [best color ereader TXT] 📗». Author Mahlatse Mokone

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you know.” She added. I looked down at my empty bowl, feeling a little bad. I didn’t consider how she might feel about our ‘disconnection’; I guess it looked like I favored Dad over her. I silently vowed to change that.



I maneuvered through the pumped up crowed with a packet of snacks and two cans of cold drinks. I stopped in front of Tess and she grabbed our food from me so I could take a seat. “Has the match begun?” I asked and she shook her head.

Today was the first qualifier in the football regional championships; the stadium was grazed with our school’s gold and green colors. One thing our football team had going into this game was home ground advantage; the atmosphere here was electric.

The opponents where the first ones to come onto the field and soon enough our team came on too with our mascot leading the way.

“Go Gators! Woo!” Tess screamed along with hundreds of fans in attendance. The cheerleading squad did their routines followed by the school’s anthem and then the match was underway.

“Wait, is that Brandon?” Tess asked and I tried to ignore how my heart leaped at the mention of his name. I looked around the crowd “No silly, in the team.” She added and I looked towards the field baffled.

“Where?” I asked and I looked to where she pointed, “He’s the fullback.” She said and indeed I spotted him before he put on his helmet. He and I agreed to meet after the game to work on our project; I just didn’t think he was in the game.

“I didn’t know he was in the squad.” I said absently and she chuckled

“I didn’t even know he tried out, I must be losing touch.” She said.

The game was an exciting and tight one, but in the second half our team fell back a little and they found themselves 3 points short of winning with only 8 minutes on the clock. Unfortunately we were seated close to where the cheerleading squad was cheering. They started to sing JT’s song; it was a crowd favorite much to Adrianna’s delight. Who I’m pretty sure had the squad practice it more than any other routine. I remembered Tess once saying “Love the song, hate the people singing it”

I bit my nails as the timer counted down from 3 minutes, “Come on Gators!” Tess screamed after a nervous glance at the timer too; just then JT passed the ball to the fullback and the crowd went wild when Brandon tore through the linesmen to score a touchdown. Tess and I jumped out of our seats screaming along with everyone else.

The celebrations went on as the arena slowly emptied, Tess and I leaned against the railing as we watched the team below. I saw JT and Brandon have a celebratory handshake, I felt myself smile; it was their teamwork that won the game. They were interrupted by Adrianna who wrapped herself around JT laughing; I looked away from them before I started puking.

I turned my gaze back to Brandon who was now standing with Rhiannon, one of the cheerleaders. She was laughing and he was smiling at her, from where I was standing they were both flirting and enjoying it. The only sad part was that I didn’t enjoy watching it as much.

“You want to go?” Tess asked me and I looked at her, we were both up here and where we really wanted to be was down there with them. “Yeah.” I said pushing away from the railing, not bothering to look back down again as we walked to the exit.


I walked through the corridor, not sure which class Brandon said we should meet at. This part of the school was less occupied than the rest. It was quieter here, which was convenient for the drama club with the theater being just down the corridor.

“You look lost.” A deep voice came up behind me, startled I pivoted to face Brandon, and he smiled “Hi.” He said. I chuckled sheepishly at my jumpiness “Hey.” I replied and he motioned with his hand towards an empty class. I walked in suddenly nervous to be alone with him, then again if I was going to be working with him for the next two weeks I had to get used to it. Just like I had to get used to girls like Rhiannon being all over him, hey, he loved it, so what was my problem?

I placed my backpack on the table “Are you sure we can use this class?” I asked, taking out my stationary. I turned my gaze back to him; he settled onto a chair opening up his MacBook.

“Yeah, I heard these classes are hardly ever used.” He said sparing me a look,

“You’re settling in quite well for a new student.” I said and my voice sounded slightly begrudging and he chuckled. “Do I?” he said. That’s when I noticed his blonde hair was slightly damp; I was guessing he took a quick shower in the locker-room before meeting me here. My gaze slid over his frame, he wore a black V-neck tee with a pair of blue jeans. My eyes went over his muscular arms,

Damn that boy is fine Tess’ voice went through my head.

“Great game. You’re really fast.” I said to him and he looked surprised for a second “You were there?” he asked.

I nodded “As well as the entire student body.” I said and he chuckled

“I thought your brother was the star of the show.” He said, and then motioned with his hand for me to sit next to him.

“I thought you weren’t going to show up.” I said walking over to him, “Why would you think that?” he asked. I shrugged

“Well you won the game, I thought you’d be out celebrating with the rest of the team.” I said and he smiled tearing his grey gaze from the laptop

“I couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate than this.” He said softly and my heart picked up speed then I looked towards the screen of his computer.

“Um…what are you looking at?” I asked; this is going to be harder than I thought. “A couple of pictures I thought we could use.” He said

We scrolled though a couple of them, but there was one that he claimed was his favorite. It was of a man and a woman embracing, the emotion on both their faces was an intense blend of pain and happiness.

“I like it because a lot can be said to describe this, the bitter-sweetness of reconciliation.” He said and I looked at him before turning my gaze back to the picture. I got the sense that this picture held a special meaning to him personally, but I liked it too, it was very touching.

“I like it, lets use it,” I said.




































“I seriously hate gym class.” Tess wailed as she tied her kicks, I chuckled fastening my ponytail “Well we just have to suck it up.” I said when I knew I hated it just as much. I sat down on the bench tying my own shoes “So…” Tess started with a very suggestive voice “How has working with Mr. blonde and delicious been?” she asked and I chuckled.

“Come on Tess, he has a nickname now?” I said and she shrugged then gave me a hard look “Its been three days now and you haven’t dished about him yet, give it up.” She said and I sighed, “There’s really nothing to dish about, we work well together, that’s it.” I said.

It was true, Brandon and I made a great team, and it was almost crazy how in sync we were. Working on this project with him would’ve been easier if I didn’t also have to fight the attraction I had towards him. Taming my heart was a problem every time we got really close, accidentally touched or when he would playfully try to flirt with me. I knew that for him doing that was second nature, hell I’d even see him do it with other girls. Knowing it was just a game to him didn’t stop it from reeking havoc on my feelings.

Tess groaned, “Give me something to go on here Katie.” She said and I eyed her

“Well he’s not a jerk.” I said and she paused a little “You sound disappointed,” she said then chuckled “I see, you were hoping he was a total prick so it’ll be easier for you to hate him instead. Gee tough break.” She added sitting next to me.

“Tell me about it.” I said, unfortunately Brandon was nothing like I’d hoped. He was easy going, smart, funny and charming as hell. He was also very distant and wary; our conversations never went further than small talk and playful teasing. Which made it very hard to decipher the kind of person he really was, but one thing I knew for sure was that he’s a troublemaker.

Our couch blew her whistle and called us onto the court for a volleyball game. Towards the end of the game I jumped high trying to reach for the ball and I bumped into someone, falling down only to land hard on my ankle.

Everyone stopped playing and rushed to my aid, I grunted as pain shot through it. Our couch had Tess and a few others help me to the nurse’s office.

She examined my ankle, and then she said it wasn’t sprained, much to my relief. She said I just exerted too much force onto it, thus causing the pain. She advised that I take it easy and not apply too much pressure to it.

She went out of the examination room for a while

“Are you okay?” Tess asked with a frown and I grimaced “Yeah, I’m fine.” I said then winced and she shot me a sympathetic smile before she let out a low curse. “I totally forgot I have musical practice this afternoon, I have to go.” She said grabbing her bag “Will you be okay?” she quickly asked and I nodded.

“Yeah, go, see you tomorrow.” I said and she gave me a brief hug before going out of the room. I sat up from the small bed and sighed, minutes later I was surprised to see Brandon walk through the open door. “Hey you.” He said with a gorgeous smile, I let out an incredulous chuckle “Hi yourself.” How on earth did he find me? He revealed a white lotus flower and handed it to me “I thought this might cheer up the patient.” He said and I blushed but smiled taking it, knowing he picked it up from the bush of flowers outside the building. I tried not to read too much into the sweet gesture.

“Aw you shouldn’t have.” I said with tease, taking a small whiff of the flower and he chuckled settling onto the chair by the bedside.

“I didn’t have time to get a proper bouquet.” He said and I nodded “I figured.” I said then remembered my question “How did you know where I was?” I asked and he shrugged “Word travels fast.” He said and I gave him a knowing look.

“If I didn’t know any better I would say you’re following me Mr. Carter.” I said with mock disapproval. He didn’t confirm nor deny my theory, he just gave me a sly smile but the look in his eyes clearly said ‘are you sure about that?’

I blushed; of course he didn’t, ugh! What was I thinking?

“How are you feeling?” He asked, “Better.” I said, glad for the change of topic. Just then the nurse came back and gave me a prescription list.

“Just some painkillers and muscle rub creams. You can pick them up from a local pharmacy on your way home.” She said “Just put some ice on it for a while and you should be good.” She added with a smile.

“Thank you.” I said and she nodded then walked out. I looked at Brandon

“Sorry we couldn’t work on the project today.” I said and he shook

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