» Romance » Cunning Love, Mel Rayne [acx book reading txt] 📗

Book online «Cunning Love, Mel Rayne [acx book reading txt] 📗». Author Mel Rayne

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said Liex. "Thanks, bye," I said. He's such a grump like grumpy from the seven dwarfs, gosh, Now she's picturing dog man in chibi style which is a small baby looking fox. "Hahaha cute," I said walking in the bathroom. Ah, all freshening up mmmm good. "Wait what do I wear?" I asked. "Here you go, Putting it on her," said Cyerra. "What the heck is this? No, maybe this is a blanket?" I asked. "No no no moving her finger back and forth this is a formal kimono Japanese dress okay," said Cyerra. "It's kinda cute, And tight C..Cyerra I can't b..breath STOP!" I said. Holy cheese she almost killed me, Now I know kimono dresses are dangerous and so is Cyerra with clothes I thought. Leaving Cyerra walking around with this tight dress. All of sudden a small hand touches me. "Hey Ellexa come follow me let's play," said a little girl with cat ears, Pulling my hand to what seems to be a garden. "It's beautiful here, Who are you?" I asked. "I am Delina the cat remember Ellexa," she said. "No I don't, But somehow I do feel like I saw you before," I said. "Come Ellexa let's prank Liex like we did before okay," she said. That's weird everything I am seeing It's getting blurry. I went with Delina to Liex's room. Ten minutes later. "Ellexa stop Arggg..." said Liex tapping on her arms to let go. "Uh...hhhh oh my god getting off of Liex and letting go from strangling him, I Am so sorry Liex I don't know what got over me," I said. "In one moment I was talking to Delina the cat a little girl and it seem like she knew you and me and that we used to prank you," I said. "Stop okay your too loud," said liex , Putting his hand on her mouth to make her quiet. "That was a memory, There's no Delina the cat in this realm She disappeared a long time ago and that's all am saying," said Liex. "Can you take your hand off my mouth now," I said. "Whatever," said Liex. "If anything like that happens again can you give me a warning next time okay lifeless," said Liex. Jerk I thought. "Hey I have more questions," I said. "Great he walked away, He's fast," I said. "Don't worry Ellexa you will find out everything soon," said Cyerra. "Cyerra! stop scaring me next time I am gonna punch you" I said. "You won't come, close human," said Cyerra. Well find out soon I thought. "Hey, Cyerra there's a garden here right?" I asked. "Yes but it's been destroyed when Delina disappeared Liex does not like to talk about it, she was like a little sister to him," said Cyerra. "Well can I still see it I would love to give it life again," I said. "okay it's on the left down this hallway turn right and then you will find it, But don't stay to long Liex does not like anybody over there okay," said Cyerra. Wow, it's really destroyed I thought. Bang! Bang! "Master!" said a servant passing by. "What now I can never have my warm slumber, What do you want maid? asked Liex. "Master I saw a black winged thing carry away your human," said the servant girl. "Where is Cyerra? asked Liex. "I am here sir I got hit sorry," said Cyerra. "This better be a joke Cyerra why was she in the garden when I said I want no one here," said liex. "I am sorry sir she was curious," said Cyerra. "Well I know you don't do anything on purpose and you have never failed me before so it's okay this time," said Liex. "I know who has her, pack my things we are going to the mountain territory". Stupid bird brain I will surely kill you this time what Liex was thinking.




Koda The Raven


"Oh man my head, the last thing I remember is looking at Cyerra. Damn did she knock me out" I said to myself trying to process everything?

"Hi no not really, I am Koda Barnes Young the raven leader of the mountain territory. The king of the skies. And you human I came to take you as my prize" said Koda with a very friendly face.

"Oh wow cool," I said running towards him to touch his big black wings.

"Wow I know I am good looking and all. But hey! I kidnapped you from your loving husband why are you not sad or scared" said Koda flustered and very shocked.

"Look here bird boy your not the first monster who tried to kidnap me okay," I said pointing at him with an I will eat your face.

"What do you mean master? asked Koda getting weak around me.

"The dog man is not my husband, he kidnapped me from my world saying we have to marry. He's crazy" I said with a take pity for me face.

"Oh dear, crap! I wasn't first. Does he treat you bad?" asked Koda with a sad face.

I start to lie."Yes, he does" I said with droopy eyes.

"Ummm enough of this where are we?" I asked.

"We are in my nest home," said Koda.

"Meaning we are up high in the sky. Oh shit, I am dead now" I said looking down and shaking at the same time.

"What's wrong human?" asked Koda.

"I am afraid of heights even though one time I almost did fall from a high building, but that's not the point right now okay take me out of here," I said terrified.

"Okay wait," said Koda.

"Aw snap," I said I tripped over the little sticks in the nest.

So this is how skydiving feels like I thought. Going down to my death once again. I am not even surprised I'm I meant to die or something I thought while falling.

That's weird my body stopped from falling I thought. I am so scared I wish Liex was here to save me again I thought. Weirdly I open my eyes and see Liex holding me.

"Liex! where were you?" I asked happy to see my dog man.

"You stupid lifeless human how are you gonna let yourself get kidnapped?" asked Liex really mad.

"Hey!, human are you okay?" asked Koda after landing on the ground very worried.

"You bastard bird brain!, how dare you touch my mate?" asked Liex so mad all up in Koda's face.

"Birdbrain oh yeah well stupid rat!" screamed back Koda.

"Sir," said Cyerra.

"You need to get punished for trying to commit murder," said Liex.

"I was not trying to kill the human," said Koda.

"Ah hey yeah my name is Ellexa okay," I said getting tired of being called human.

"Calm down dog man okay I tripped in his home so it's kinda my fault that I almost died," I said.

"You're an embarrassment!" screamed Liex right at me and then vanishing.

"Wow your right he does treat you bad," said Koda worried for me.

"Don't worry give him some space he was worried sick about you. We started searching for you since the day you disappeared" said Cyerra.

"Dogman was worried about me?" I asked myself.

"Lord of the skies would you like some tea in our territory?" asked Cyerra.

"Sure, but how do you know if I am innocent or not?" asked Koda.

"She can literally see the future it's so cool but creepy at the same time," I said getting hyped.

"And sir you only kidnapped her for one day that's not bad so," said Cyerra with a spooky straight face.

"Okay yes sure," said Koda.

"Do you guys want me to fly you back to your territory?" asked Koda.

"Yes please," said Cyerra.

"Okay but don't drop me or you will be my black chicken soup okay," I said warning him.

And so we flew back.


Publication Date: 05-10-2017

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