» Romance » Mates forever......Or Maybe Not, Jas Reyes [best books to read in your 20s txt] 📗

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their scent and your inner wolf would tell you" he stopped and continued.

"The second way is by the touch of the skin that would trigger possessive desires towards protecting their mate. You will both know if you are at the same place. When you find each other then you would have to mark each other in order for other wolfs to know that the two of you have already mates, then both of you would become stronger and much more powerful in every single skill that you have inherited."

Wow that is a lot to take in at once. He just stared at me watching what my reaction would be but I just tried to be as strong as possible.

"The only thing that I don't get is what do I have to in all this?" it was true I never asked to become a supernatural being and when I meant that I wanted to be different I didn't mean it literally!

"Huh Do you know what a hybrid is?" I nodded my head for him to continue.

"Well your a hybrid that is genetically combined with the blood of the vampires, werewolves, and saiyans which makes you just like one of my sons" so the kids in the picture were his sons and his wife.

" well you will be training every morning and during the night, do I make myself clear?" I gathered courage to speak up.

"Does that mean that I won't be able to see my family or have my normal life?" his face showed no emotion as he thought of his decision.

" You will act like your usual self except that you will come here for your morning training for just an hour and then you go directly to school and when you go to sleep, you will come back at 2:00 am every day. My sons will leave you at school and they will be waiting for you during the night" without even noticing that I was holding my breath, I let it out. 

" Thank you but why do I have to train?" it was true I didn't know why I had to even train.

" You are the pack's Huntress but instead of killing the supernatural like other hunters you will protect the pack and the supernatural" WOW!! I can't even take care of my own goldfish and  now have to be responsible of a  population of supernatural. 

"My son's will wait for  you at night and they will give you a signal so you know they're there" I nodded my head. He stood up and started towards the door nodding his head for me to follow and I did.

Chapter 1: Mate

(jean's POV)

Great. It's Monday at 3:00 am and I'm stuck at an empty hotel with a nest full of vampires chasing me.

" Get over here!" A booming voice said at the back. You must be wondering why I'm in a hotel full of vampires. Well here's the thing I received a message from my old alpha telling me that he needed a tiny favor and told me that there is a group of rogues that are trying to destroy every pack in the country and that they are looking for new recruits that specialize in hunting. Pain erupted as my face hit the floor.

"What are you going to do kill all four hundred of us huh?" The guy on top of me said I couldn't see him but from him being on top of me I bet he was about 230 lb.It would be easy to push him off. what I didn't expect was for him to grab my throat.

"Yup" I answered with his hand in my throat. Putting both my hands in his knee to try and release me but I only made him laugh. I shut my eyes close and started to think of a way to get away when shattering glass was falling on top of us. From the sound of it four figures fell from the roof making the man on top of me furious.

"What are you waiting for? Kill them!" Now was my chance to escape, I grabbed the guy's arm that was holding my throat and with my other hand I grabbed his left leg and threw him across the room. Four men that wore black clothes and covered only their lower face up to their noses observed my every move as I slowly stood up.

"Who are you?" was the only thing that I managed to say while massaging my throat. the guy in the middle walked towards me and slowly reached to take of the cloth when the three other guys took their weapons out. the guy in front of me reached towards me and pulled me towards him.

"Stay back for your own safety." He commanded as he took out his weapon.

"No. this is my job and I'm not going to let you just boss me around !" One thing that infuriated me was being bossed around and I'm not going to let some guy with a excellent built order me around. Wait why did I just say that?

"You don't have any weapons." the vampires started to surround us and We both took a few steps back where the other guys were. They then created a circle and of course I had to be in the center. Ugh guys.

" I can defend myself thank you very much besides what are you doing here?"I asked the same guy.

" Yeah right, I saw how you defended yourself back there. And trust me I don't want you to get hurt." OK now that pushed my buttons. I bend down and reached to grab my gun and started shooting.



"10!" what on earth are they shouting. As if reading my mind the guy next to me answered.

"They're counting how many they killed and choose the top killer of the night." Not removing his eyes off the moving targets.

"How many did you kill already?" Why am I having a conversation with this jerk?

"20" Huh, are you serious he killed twenty and he just said it as if it was normal. Jerk. we continued to shoot our way through and out of the hotel. Once outside, The three guys that were competing earlier started to tackle each other.

"Uh, thanks for helping me" I stared at my watch. Damn it I only had one hour to get ready.

"Scott!" huh. I turned around to see the fourth guy on the ground. Wait, did he just say Scott? Mate GO to Mate! This can't be happening! We are reunited once more. Why, why did this have to happen now? The smell of blood hit my nose as I searched for the wound. A hand touched mine making sparks go through my body.

"I...n-need...blood from my mate." His weak voice broke my heart to pieces. Concentrate. This is not the time or place to be all sentimental.

"We need to get him to a safe location as fast as possible or we're going to be dinner for the undead."

"Where are we going to go and the pack house is really far away and did I forget to mention that there is a group of vampires on our trace?" Could that be Damon?

"I saw an empty house on my way here. Damon, can you carry Scott all the way there?" It actually didn't seem like a question. confusion crossed his face for a second before recovering himself and nodded.

chapter 2: Why me?

After arriving to the old house, Damon layed Scott on an old couch that was covered of dead leafs. We had to move fast because Scott's injury were getting worse by the minute. And he needed to drink blood. As I started to rip his shirt, blood was pouring out in a negative way. Think Jen, think.

        "We'll leave you two" Brandon was the one that spoke as heavy footsteps echoed.

        "Wait. Where are you guys going?" They always have to leave on the moment that Scott needs them. Brandon stopped at the door or where there used to be a door once.

        "Scott needs blood from his true mate and I doubt that Maleena would give him blood. The truth is that we all know your his true mate and that you would do anything for him even if it means to leave him. But now you must come back and fix all this before it's too late for the two of you and for the pack." Then he left the room leaving me in the silence.

        "Why me?" I said as I searched for a knife to make a cut in my wrist. Hopefully this can help him. The reason that I left the pack was because of Scott. You see, as you may have noticed by now Scott is my mate and I would kill for him not to know that we're mates because I would then become Luna. But that's not the worst part. The worst part is that nobody knows how I look in human form or what my real name is. I had to keep this a secret in order to keep my family safe and to keep my mate and pack away from me. I always had to reject my family making my parents wonder what was going on with me but the worst thing is my little sister. Before all this happened, we were always together it was as if we were connected in someway that I can't explain but she is the only member in my family who knows about me being a werewolf. We always go on runs together and during the day I would always reject her making me feel bad and making her lonely.

        Drops of blood traced Scott's thin lips as my wrist made contact with his pink lips. At first my hand just stayed still until a hand reached for my wrist and started to suck on it. Sweet feelings crossed my mind as our skin came into contact. A moan escaped my lips making his eyes shut open and drop my hand.

Scott's POV

        A sweet and warm liquid filled my mouth as a reached in the darkness for something to grab onto. Something soft and small was near me. It was the source where the warm liquid came from , making me yearn for more of that liquid. I pressed it harder into my mouth until a seductive moan made me open my

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