» Romance » Mates forever......Or Maybe Not, Jas Reyes [best books to read in your 20s txt] 📗

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blood begins to boil and then rage emerges from me and I imagine the death of that teacher and their blood on my hands. That's the bad thing about it but anyway I was sitting the entire gym period because my "dad" wrote that I have really bad asthma problems and that's why I was excused but I still had to wear gym clothes. I watched as my friends played volleyball then my body went stiff as all five of the guys were getting ready to play. I crossed my fingers and prayed that nothing strange happens. Please,please,please let this day go fast and I'll be good to the animals and stop hunting them and drink their blood. "Um, Jennifer right?" I opened my eyes at the sound of my name and a pair a beautiful brown eyes were staring right at me but nothing compared to Scott's baby blue eyes. Don't get me wrong this guy is cute and to tell you the truth, I have a crush on him ever since middle school but I never did get a chance to tell him since he is always on his phone whenever I try to get near him so I gave up but we still have some classes together even though we never talk. He stood in front of me waiting for my answer, could it be that he has finally realized that I have a crush on him? "Yes, that's me" how lame can I be. He smiled his perfect smile and i smiled too. Mr. Crow wants me to get the equipment out. Can you help me?" Here was my opportunity to have a normal conversation with him. "Sure, lead the way" he stepped aside so that I could walk next to him. I could feel the tension rise as we got closer to where the guys were playing but I tried to calm myself and concentrate on Max. We talked about how he didn't want to be this straight A students that everybody thinks is perfect. We talked about our likes and dislikes and I found out that we had a lot in common like favorite foods, movies, actors, and sports. We grabbed all of the equipment from the closet and went back to the main gym. The moment that I turned my head to ask Max where I would be putting the bag when our lips touched and his warmth was peaceful and just like that it was gone. I stood still replaying the events that took place when a girl screamed for help. I turned around and saw that Stefan was holding max's arms behind his back while Damon kept on punching his stomach until max began to spit blood. My vision began to turn red at the simple sight of blood and that's thanks to the vampire gene that was given to me. I do drink blood just like Scott and his brothers but we don't drink blood to live but to heal whenever we are hurt or try to heal a human being By using our blood. By the time i reached Damon and Stefan, max was already on the ground and curled up in a ball What is wrong with the two of you! I mind linked them trying to send them the anger and furry that I was feeling at that exact moment. I bent down and grabbed Max's arm and put it across my shoulders and began to walk very slowly to avoid any more pain then what he felt right now. When we arrived at the nurse's office I explained what had happened and the nurse gave me a pass to head on to class. I was going over the events that happened and wondered why Damon and Stefan were acting like that? It's none of their concern who I talk to... Or kiss but why are they even here? When I arrived to math class, a delicious smell entered my nose it was a mixture of forest and mint. The simple scent made my mouth water wanting to find the source of that scent and licked my dried lips. "Mis Brown what is taking so long for you to find your seat?!?" Mrs. Mic is an angry old mole that always had to scream at me for every little thing i do. I remember one time when my phone rang because my mom wanted to know If I was going to stay after school and I ended up having detention for one week ! "Now that miss Brown has the pleasure of arriving to my class I would like to present to you a few new students." She looks around, "could you come to the front of the class and present yourselves." The kindness that she put made me wanna throw up. Gggrrrrr wolves gggrrrr be careful they're alphas my wolf warned me as I looked down at my desk not wanting to see them but my curiosity got the best of me and I cursed a million times at my curiosity, " I'm Scott and these are my brothers; Stefan the oldest, Damon the second oldest, Duncan my twin brother, Jocelyn my twin, and lastly my youngest brother Brandon." They talked about their life's and how difficult it was to try and fit in to their previous schools that they decided to come to this school and be together since they all went to private schools. When they were walking between the desk some of the guys whistled and the whores would make cat noises. The rest of my morning wasn't easy but I got over it and when it was time for lunch I went to Mrs. Genthe's life class to wait for my friends. Mrs. Hen the was cool with me entering her class since I never disturbed her class. My two friends were cleaning up their table that was covered with white stuff from head to toes. Chloe was yelling at Daniella for not being careful with the glue and how this wouldn't happen if she had stopped fooling around. Those two always make my day especially if I'm not in the mood but they always bring the best out of me. I was always shy and antisocial even now but with them I feel like I can tell them anything their like my big sisters that I never had but always wanted. Daniella had long brown hair and brown eyes that you might think that if you look at them for too long, they will swallow you. Chloe was a red headed girl with a sweet smile that could bring happiness to everyone she offers a smile to and had that biggest heart in the world where hatred, anger, and envy never did and will exist. she also had, as the boys would call her "dangerous curves" that makes her perfect girlfriend material. She sometimes acts like our mother than a friends and that's what I like the most about her that even if she knows that your right or wrong she will make you see the right thing to do. "So have you seen the new guys?" Daniella asked as she grabbed her bag. We always headed to my locker since it was right across the hallway. "Uh yeah i have them in some of my morning classes" they both screamed with excitement and they kept on asking questions about how they look, what they wear etc. "well they're tall, great body, maybe an eight pack of abs, some of them have jet black hair and have dark brown hair, they all have brown eyes except for Scott who has blue eyes, and the girl is a blonde" they both looked shocked even when I waved my hands at their faces they didn't budge I followed their gazes and the exact expression that my friends had I also had. All six of them were coming our way in a V line formation with Scott in the center, Jocelyn at his left holding his hand and the rest behind them. "Hey there" Jocelyn said with a face that I wanted to slap at that moment. Both Chloe and Daniella poked my arms wanting to be introduced. "Guys these are my friends Daniella and Chloe" pointing to each one "Chloe, Daniella these new students;Stefan, Damon, Scott, Duncan, jocelyn, and Brandon who were leaving now" trying to give them the idea that i didn't want to be anywhere near them." we need to talk. Alone."Scott said with a very strong authority that made my wolf shiver. And that manly voice that made my stomach fill up with butterflies. Mate mate mate! My wolf leaped around my head causing a temporary headache. I know.

I began to walk next to Scott and Jocelyn while the rest of the guys stayed behind talking to Daniella and Chloe. "We have a problem" Scott was the first to break the silence. "Fix it yourselves. I'm tired of doing all the dirty work for you!" Tried putting out the point. "Father wants the A Team back like it used to be before you ran off." Pause. Me! It was their fault that I was 'kicked out' because of them! Rrrrr! "Why don't you tell Alpha John to look for someone else to do it. Maybe Jocelyn since it's all she does is bark orders around like a Luna" the last few words hit them straight where I wanted, their ego.

i left them and called my friends so that we could go to lunch. "What happened?" Chloe is always the one that worries the most especially coming from her friends. That's what I like about her the most. "oh nothing, they were just wondering where a good restaurant was. Hey how did the project go?" I didn't want to talk about anything that had to do with them especially if gonna see them everyday. "It was actually really fun, the kids loved the game and Mrs. Williams was find with it ." she deserves an A she worked her butt off with that project and she was happy. Just made my day. Once we sat at our corresponding seats we began to eat and talk with some of our friends that were already there when we arrived. I liked to think that we were the invisible 6 because we always had each others back and our two rules were that , one protect and help one another no matter what and second to always be friends no matter what happened. It was the first year meeting them and I was attached with them by the second day of school. I did have friends don't get me wrong but those friends just lasted a year and the when I saw them they acted like they didn't even know me. Story of my life, I was always left alone and isolated from the rest of the world. "J don't turn around but you might wanna see what's coming this way" Daniella rod me since she was sitting opposite of me. I turned around and saw that Stefan was coming this way while the others were standing at the entrance of the cafeteria. "uh- I'll be right back" I stood up quickly and past Stefan giving him an emotionless face, he nodded and waited a few seconds before following me. We acted like we were waiting in line to buy something, "What is it with you guys and following me around?" I didn't face him. "We just follow orders from father just like you but right now we came by our own choice. There is something wrong, we received an anonymous letter saying that if we don't give the baby to them then there will be consequences. Father thought that it was just a job and ignored it but after that three days later the pack was attacked by rouges." What!?! "That's impossible! Rouges aren't allowed to pass the territory -" we reached

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