» Romance » I Belong with You, Abbie Davis [reading an ebook txt] 📗

Book online «I Belong with You, Abbie Davis [reading an ebook txt] 📗». Author Abbie Davis

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I didn’t know that Catherine had locked herself in this house from it all. I stood up and made my way to the door. I opened it and ran all the way home.

  How could she take safety in HIM? Why would you take anything to him? She’s hurt and wants to feel like someone cares for her. That’s all she wants right. No you idiot she wants you and only you. But she could be trying to guilt you into changing her. Then we would be together and none of this would have happen. But you would be taking her away from her family and loved ones.

 Great I’m at war with myself. I looked forward at the house and stopped in my tracks. Everyone was outside looking at me as if I grown two heads. They’re worry about you and Catherine. That stupid voice is getting on my last nerve but it has a point. I turned on my heels and turned to get to Catherine as fast as I could. I have to see something.

Chapter 3

   I sat there with him as we were on the date Kristen had set up for us. It was a moonlight picnic. It was sweet of her to do this for the two of us. His hand was on my stomach tracing shapes into it as I looked at the stars. They were beautiful and I loved watching them. I heard him sigh as he layed down with me to the side of him.

“She sure knows us more than we think,”He said smiling.

“It’s scary really,”I said looking at him,”But she is a scary person as we all know.”

“Maybe that’s a good thing,”He said kissing my temple.

  I shot up as the memories were the only thing that kept me from it all. I held onto them for dear life but they only made it worse for me. I went over to my music player and put on Come with Me Now by Kongos. I started to walk around as I spotted my camera in the corner. Maybe one Youtube video wouldn’t hurt.

    I went over to it and set everything up to make one of my many WOLF of HOME videos. I took a seat in front of the camera as I restarted the song. Better now or not. I clicked it to started and faked smile into the camera.

“What up guys,”I said,”It’s your girl White Pawed. I haven’t made one of these in a while so let start with the Q&A’s you all have asked me from last time.”

   I reached for my phone as the video played and I singed to the song I was blasting. I moved to it as I was sure people would laugh at me for doing this. I pulled up my question and faced the camera.

“Ok so the first one is ‘White Paw I lost my boyfriend and we been together for three years. What would you do?’”I read off the list,”Well I’m going through this as well and right now I can’t answer you. But stay strong and keep the people you love around you. They can help with it all and if that doesn’t work go to him and see if he will talk to you. Okay so next question is ‘White Paw, Have you ever seen a werewolf before and if so are they really mean?’ First off yes I have and who ever say they are mean it is only a certain kind but the ones I met our sweet and caring. I would say for you to go out and see but just trust me.”

  I went on like that for twenty minutes till I decide that was enough and ended the video. I rolled over to my computer and uploaded my video with my special effects and Centuries by Fall Out Boy playing in the background of my opening credits. I put that the song was their as I had done so many times before. I pushed the button and the video went on for the world to see.

   I rolled myself back to my original spot as there was a knock on my door. I yelled a come in as I set the camera back up to make another one. I heard light footsteps as I was busy getting ready for the next one I was going to do. This would so much easier if Kristen was here to make a crossover with me. I went to roll over to my phone when I saw Kristen standing behind me. I smiled as she nodded to me. We both took our spots as I turned to camera on.

“I’m White Paw,”I said smiling into the camera.

“I’m Venom Striker,”Kristen said.

“And we welcome you to night of terror,”We said together with a laugh.

“So you have asked us to do this video for a while now and I think you will get it,”I said creepy.

“So we are going to tell you the most dangerous times we have faced while we have been alive.”

“I had some bad one Venom.”

“I know Paw.”

“Like when I was attack by a pack of wolves that were not too friendly.”

“You almost died.”

“My life flashed before my eyes.”

  I looked at Kristen as she went on about her sister’s level 18. We both gave terrified faces as we both didn’t like that one. I told them about my recent accident and I turned to Kristen as she held onto me like I was going to leave her any minute. We both laughed and she looked at me as the video was going to end soon.

“Paw here has lost her boy and has been hurting,”Kristen said as I stared at her,”I would love for you to write in the comments below for her to get better and stay strong for all of us. So show the love for her by commenting and it doesn’t matter if they are big or small for she will read them.”

“SO PEACE!”We both yelled at the camera.

   I took the camera and did what I did last time but put it to our tune we both made up. I smiled as the video looked amazing and I posted it to both of our channels. She took a seat on my bed as I rolled over to her. There was a reason why she was here and I had to go through that.

“It’s for Alex,”She said as her smile disappeared,”He wants to know if it is really worth it.”

“What’s worth it?”I asked looking at her.

“Hanging out with Josh.”

“Well yeah it is. He has been the one person who knows what I’m going through right now. He’s family and will always be there for me.”

“I can help you know.”

“I know but this is more than what we regularly go through Kristy.”

“It’s like you have replaced me with him!”

“Kristy I haven’t. I just need Josh here because he knows a lot more about them then you do.”

“Oh so now he’s smarter than me!”

“No he is still an idiot but right now…”

“Then why don’t you hang out with me any more? If you haven’t really change. Then why are you around him so much now? Catherine he is changing you into your mom.”

“No He’s not Kristen!”

“Look then,”She said standing up,”And when you realize what he’s doing to you call me.”

  She stormed out at that one and left me there with tears coming to my eyes. What just happened? One minute your best friends then the next you’re by yourself. I looked out the window as she drove off to her house. I looked out the window as tears started to pour down my face once again. Life hated me. What did I do to get all of this in my once perfect life?

  I fell to my bed as I wanted this all to go back the way it was before. It was unfair to me and everyone I held close to me. I watched as the dark sky shown more now. I went to sit up as the lights went out in the house. Great this is just great. I first lose my best friend, NOW the lights don’t work any more.

  I turned to my window as a shadow was there looking at me. He was the same size as Alex but had a different feel to him. It was like he was what was left of him. As if the world has took him away and left the shell there. The figure walked over to me and laid me down on the bed. I wanted to fight but something was telling me that it was going to be alright. I allowed him to get beside me as the thunder rolled in the distance. The figure held me as if afraid I wasn’t going to be here for long. I sighed as I realized it was Alex.

“My terms are still the same you know,”I said as he sighed,”I just want to be with you.”

“But it’s too dangerous for you in my world,”He said.

“You mean our world.”

“Catherine, I want you safe from it all. I don’t want them to take away the only light I have ever found since I was turned. I don’t want that to happen to you.”

“Alex, I will have you there for me. I wouldn’t be alone when I start. For I know you would be by my side for the whole thing.”

“But then you would have to go against your family.”

“I do that everyday it seems.”

“They would be after you for blood.”

“Blood is thicker than Water.”

“Stop countering my arguments,”He said sitting up to face me,”I’m trying to win this.”

“I got Josh as a cousin,”I said mocking him,”You got to try better than that.”

“How about forget me and life will be fine.”

“You tried that one already and you see where that got us.”

“Maybe you should try harder than that.”

  With that he left out the room as if he was never he in the first place. I sighed as I thought back to what life was like before this madness. The hard thing with that was Alex was always on my mind. I took out my cell knowing I need a friend from my old home here with me. He should be able to help me out with it all.

 I dialed the number as I took out an old picture of my childhood friend. He was about my height and like my twin brother. We knew everything about each other and loved to hang. I listen to each ring as it was about midnight right now. I looked at his natural brown hair with green streaks in it as a very tired voice picked up.

“Hello?”He said.

“Hey it’s me,”I said as a thud happen.

“Chika, What are you doing up so late,”He said as I laughed,”You hate staying up this late.”

“I do,”I smiled,”But my heart is broken and I just lost my other best friend and the boy that I love want do what I had asked him to do. So I thought maybe my twin would help me out some.”

“Frist of all what’s the thing you want him to do,”He said kind of scared.

“I want him to turn me into a wolf.”

“I’ll be there in the LATE morning.”

“Thanks Bro.”

“Your Welcome Wolfgirl.”

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