» Romance » I Belong with You, Abbie Davis [reading an ebook txt] 📗

Book online «I Belong with You, Abbie Davis [reading an ebook txt] 📗». Author Abbie Davis

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they were gone.

“Why do people like trying to make out with me,”I said rubbing his lips off of mine.

“For you are one of a kind,”Alex said,”But you are only mine.”

“How did his name get there anyway?”James asked.

“I was almost rapped and the guy had a knife and put the name there,”I said taking out a soda,”Plus I hate making the runs like that.”

  We all laughed and went back to the house. Alex had his arm around me as if afraid that someone was going to hurt me again. I leaned my head on his shoulder as I really didn’t want to walk now. I looked at him as he nodded his head at me. I smiled and jumped on his back.

  Nick had his hand on my back as I laid my head on Alex’s shoulder blade. I exhaled as he walked and everyone was talking. I closed my eyes as the memory of when I first met Nick showed itself to me.

  It was raining and waking into the preschool building was the hardest thing to do. I looked around to find an empty seat where no one would bug me. I saw one in the corner with a girl that looked upset. So I walked over to her but was stop by Bufford. He was still taller than me but I wasn’t scared of him.

“Hello Bufford,”I said with a smile.

“Well if it isn’t Catherine the lame,”He said picking me up by my collar,”All alone.”

   He pushed me against the wall and went to throw a punch at me. I closed my eyes as I heard it hit someone else. I looked up to see a boy in front of me with the black eye. He had Bufford on the ground and I turned him around. I looked at the boy as he dragged me over to the corner I was going to.

“Are you alright?”He asked me.

“Am I alright are you?”I asked looking at him.

“Yeah I’m Nick Greengrass,”He said holding out his hand,”And you are the most beautiful thing I ever saw.”

“Catherine Clark,”I said shaking his hand.

   I came back to earth as I was now laughing at the memory. Nick gave me a weird look as Alex sat me on the ground again. I turned to him as I was smiling most likely like a mad man. He gave me a confused look as I kept up with my smile.

“Yeah I’m Nick Greengrass,”I said mocking him,”And you are the most beautiful thing I ever saw.”

“Catherine Clark,”He said mocking me with a laugh.

“What just happen?”Kristen asked.

“That’s how the twinship started,”James said,”With him saving her from a punch by Bufford.”

  I laughed as Nick seemed to have blushed at that part. I was told by him that he liked me. But that was the past.

Chapter 11

  I was laid across Alex as the two of us shared a room together. He was on his phone checking up on the pack while I was on the phone with Josh. I forgot to tell him about me hanging out with Nick and Kristen now.

“Look Josh I know I told you that we could today but I’m busy and not even in town,”I said for the tenth time.

“Then who are you with anyway?”He asked.

“An old friends that is like my twin,”I said as I heard Alex on his phone.

“Where are you?”


“Why are you there of all the places you could be at?”

“Let’s just say that I was kidnap then persuaded to go.”

“Who all is there?”

“Nick, Kristen, and…”

“And Who Cathy?”


“Why is he there with you Catherine. He’s the guy that left you. HE is the guy you need to be fighting.”

“No he’s not Josh.”

“Yes he is Catherine. I thought you got that into your big fat stubborn head of yours. You have to destroy Wolves like him.”

“You been using me,”I cried knowing the truth now.

“No Catherine it’s not like that. I…”

   I hanged up the phone as I felt my heart break again. I told him everything and tried to find shelter in him. All he did though was get me to hate werewolves. Why would he do that to me? I cried as I heard Alex hang up on Jacky.

“You alright?”He asked moving me to his lap.

“No,”I answered crying into his chest,”How could he have done that to me.”

“For he doesn’t love you like your dad does,”He said into my hair,”He wanted you to hate me so he could get rid of us. He wanted to have you on their side as a team player instead of against them.”

   I let all the sadness I had right then and there out as Alex told me comforting thing. He was my rock after all of this and still cares greatly for me. The pain in my chest wasn’t there when he was with me. It was pleasant to be with him. He held me like I was the only thing that meant the world to him.

“Alex why are you against it?”I asked still upset.

“I don’t want you to hurt like I have in the past,”He said looking at me,”I don’t want you to fight to survive in the world. You have everything in the world at your fingertips but if I do then that would go away. If I do then you would have to fight against everything that I had ever faced. I don’t want to put you through all of that Catherine.”

“But I would have you and the pack,”I said as he held me close,”I would be by your side through it all Alex. I wouldn’t be alone like how Nick is right now. You would be there with me.”

   He sighed as I closed my eyes to him rocking me. After all of this time he was still there. It was nice to see that he still cared for me. He could have moved away from me again but he stayed near me. It was like he was still thinking about the pros and cons about it.

   You idiot he’s only doing this to show you that you can be strong without him. But then again it shows that he still cares for you and wants you. No it means he has pity for you and wants you to grow up. That’s all wrong for he is here right now taking care of you. But…

“Do you hear voices in your head going back and forth all the time?”I asked knowing they get on my nerves.

“I thought that was only me that had them,”He laughed as he laid us both down,”I’m glad I wasn’t the only one going crazy.”

“They don’t know when to stop,”I said with a yawn,”I guess I should go to bed.”

“See you in the morning,”He said kissing the top of my head.

   I smiled at him as I closed my eyes and went into the world were the good dreams were. I although took the wrong turn and slipped into a nightmare. I was running around and Alex was…




  She looked so peaceful while she sleeps. I got up to turn the lights out as she had that cute little smile on her face. I heard stirring as I reached the switch. It sounded like she was having a panic attack by the way she was acting. She was thrashing all around and the only thing I could do was call for Nick and run to her side.

“Catherine it’s a dream,”I said holding her head in my lap,”Just wake up baby girl. Your fine and safe.”

“Alex behind you,”She cried as it must have to be about me,”Josh don’t.”

 “Catherine Josh’s not here,”I said as Nick ran in,”And I’m right here beside you. I’m not leaving your side.”

“What’s going on?”Kristen asked looking at her.

“We need to get her to the couch,”Nick said picking her up,”Alex I want you to stay by her side. Kristen I need you to go into the bathroom and find three towels. Wet one of them and bring them back here. I’ll be right back.”

“What’s happening to her?”I asked as he placed her on the couch.

“Let’s just say the nightmare monster is here,”Was all he gave me before running off.

  I took her hand as I heard water running and the sound of cabinets being opened and closed. Catherine was still thrashing around as she repeated my name over and over. It was like she was being tortured by something in her dream. I took a deep breath as they ran back in.

   Nick had rubbing alcohol, pain killers, and a bowl of something with him. He placed it on the ground as Catherine began to scream her head off. He put his hand over her mouth and she bite him. He grabbed mine and placed it over it. I watched her as she was still screaming her head off but you could barely hear it now.

“What’s the Nightmare Monster?”I asked as he went to work on the thing.

“When we were little the both of us would have these dream that seemed real,”He said putting the wet towel on her frame,”They were your worst nightmare put into one dream that was sent there to hunt you. Every so often when she stayed here we would have them.”

“The twin thing started like that,”Kristen said as he nodded.

“I was always alone but the neighbor heard the two of us one night and came to our aid. She made this mixture and it helped the two of us to wake up. She taught it to us and I never thought we would have to use it again till now.”

  He finished the thing and put a towel into it. He told me to remove my hand and popped the painkillers into her mouth. She shut up and seemed to have been in pain by it. He put the mixed towel on her face as she was still thrashing. He counted to six before removing it and looking at the calm face. We all waited as her eyes shot open and she gasped for air.

“Catherine you’re alright,”I said as she sat up.

“The Nightmare monster,”Was all she said.

  She was shivering from the whole thing and she looked up at Nick. He gave her the other towel and wrapped her in it. She seemed to have calmed down more now. I looked at Nick as he took a seat next to her.

“Well I know not to go to sleep now,”He said as she chuckled,”Let me call Mrs. Singley to see if she’ll come over here and watch us for signs of Nightmare Monster.”

“Attack one had happen,”She said looking at me.

   She threw herself into my arms as she was still terrified by it. I caught her as Nick went outside and next door. I could feel how scared she was by just holding her there. I took a deep breath out as her body seemed to be trembling still.

“Can you explain what the monster is?”I asked as she sat up.

“He is what strikes fear into the sweetest kids,”She said as if in a trance,”He is the guy that even Josh is scared of and will not mess with. The Nightmare Monster takes you away from what is good a keeps you in his prison till someone comes to save you. As you get older more powerful the dreams are. They controls your body and

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