» Romance » I Belong with You, Abbie Davis [reading an ebook txt] 📗

Book online «I Belong with You, Abbie Davis [reading an ebook txt] 📗». Author Abbie Davis

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smiled as I heard soft snores coming from Kristen. It has been very tiring today.




  Catherine is going to kill me one of these day for all that I put her though. I looked in the mirror to see that she fell asleep in Alex’s lap. He looked so happy seeing her like this and wanted to be with her. But there was something in his eyes holding him back from it though. I looked at Kristen to see that she was asleep as well. I gave a smile as she looked so cute with the natural beauty showing high in the night.

“Dude why are you doing this to yourself?”I asked as he looked at me.

“What do you mean?”He tried to act as if nothing was wrong with him.

“You are easy to read you know. It’s cool how much you and Catherine are so easy to know.”

“You don’t know one thing about me.”

“You lost your mom to her uncle. Then you had to leave and tried to make her forget you but that didn’t work at all now did it. You came back and had a happy reunion but that broke off after your dad passed away from her uncle that tried to get you. You are afraid of her getting hurt but there is another reason as well.”

“I don’t want her to live like this,”He answered honestly this time,”She could get hurt by one of them or worst.”

“Have you seen her take down a grown guy?”

“Does it look like I have?”

“She isn’t someone you take the sun away from. Yes turning her would do that but she would be happy with you. Isn’t that something worth taking a chance on.”

“Would you do that to Kristen?”

“I would if she wanted me to. Maybe you should too.”

Chapter 9

  The first thing I hear when I wake up is Nick yelling at a guy for going to slow. Yep Dallas traffic is the best there is. I sat up to see that Alex was stretched out on the seat with me on top of him. He must have got comfy like that. I was going to go back to the window I was at when I was pulled back down. I looked at him as he was mumbling something to himself.

“Not her,”He said as I listened,”Don’t take My Catherine away. Take me instead.”

  He was having a nightmare about me. I laid my head on his chest as he seemed to have calmed a little bit now. I closed my eyes and heard his heartbeat speed up a little bit by the scare. I tapped Nick’s elbow as he was still driving the car. He knew that meant to stop at a gas station for all of us.

“We talked last night,”He said pulling in to one.

“Really,”I said as I felt the car stop,”About what?”

“I’ll tell you later,”He said as Alex seemed to have woken up.

“Hey sleeping beauty,”I said as he laughed,”Were you having a nightmare about me or something?”

“I guess I was,”He said letting me up,”Where are we?”

“About two miles away from our stop,”Nick said getting Kristen up,”We are making a pit stop then trading out so Catherine can drive some.”

 We got out and got a few refreshment to go with us. I hopped into the driver’s seat as Alex got into the front seat next to me. Nick and Kristen took the back as I pulled out of the station and got on to the road again. I went over to the fast lane and drove from there. I was singing along to the songs as we lost our station of music.

“Nick I need music,”I whinned as he reached forward and plugged in his phone.

“There you go princess,”He joked at me.

  When it began to play Anything But Ordinary by Avril Lavigne was the song that came on. I sanged to the song as they all looked at me. Nick sanged it with me as I saw his house come into view. He told me that we were heading to his house since it was more in the woods and not really in the city part. Mine was about four miles away from his, which was a good thing.

   We all piled out as about six guys and five girls ran up to me. I laughed as I was placed on the shoulders of my two amazingly unique friends’ shoulders. I laughed as they were chanting my name out. It has been forever since I been here.

“Alright put the girl down,”Nick said laughing.

“It has been forever,”Kylee said happily.

“We have missed the Rock Wall,”Joshua said shaking my shoulders.

“We missed her more,”Mickey and Jordan said hugging me.

“I missed you all as well,”I said as arms surround me,”But right now I need air in my lunges.”

  They let me go as we all took the four bags and supplies we brought into the house. I looked at the group as we all took a move. I was being like Crane from Kung fu Panda as we each had a different one. It just turned out of us all laughing our heads off. Alex and Kristen looked at us weirdy as I pulled them both over to the group.

“Gals and guys,”I said as I stared at them,”You have the amazing honor of meeting Kristen and Alex.”

“Why Hello then,”Daylan said.

  The girls of the group are Daylan, Kylee, Marie, Nicole, and Amber. The boys are James, Kane, Mickel, Mickey, Jordan, and Joshua. We were all close and we all were the weirdoes. Daylan and Kane were a thing like Mickey and Jordan. Kane was the brother to both Nicole and Kylee but the cousin to Mickel and Marie. Mickel, Marie, and Amber were family but Amber was adopted. Daylan was Mickey’s sister but she was also the cousin to James. Jordan was just there and we loved him for that.

“Welcome to the big state,”James said,”Now Catherine…” 

Chapter 10

   Why did I allow them to talk me into doing this right now and right here? I looked forward as the store was right in front of me. Why did it have to be me that was chosen to do this? I walked into the store as the group of jerks were in the far corner of the store. Why does it have to be always me? I walked to the clerk as he handed me the things we always get. As I went to walk out, the group blocked my path.

  I looked up at the group of them. The leader was twice my height and was really buff. He had brown hair and deadly brown eyes. To his right was his second in command, Clark. He was the same height as me and looked just like his bigger twin. There was also the Jerk squad of only three people that no one cared about.

“Hello Bufford,”I said looking up and at the tip of my hat.

“Well if it isn’t little Catherine,”He snarled at me,”It’s been a while deary.”

“I’m not your deary,”I hissed at him,”For your information I have a boyfriend and he will kick your butt.”

“Then why are you all alone?”Clark countered.

“For he doesn’t know this part of town like I do boyz,”I countered,”So move out of my way.”

“Or what Girly,”Bufford laughed at me,”You are just a little weak, pathetic girl.”

    He laughed as I took his hand and judo flipped his tail in front of everyone. I ran for it as they all followed behind me. Why me? I tossed the things to James as I ran to the one place I know they got my back. I saw the dojo in front of me as a hand grabbed my waist. They turned me around and had my pinned up against the wall of the building in front of the dojo.

   Bufford had his hip up against mine and had both of his hands on either side of me. No escape for me this time. I looked behind him as Alex was there being hold back by Bufford’s jerk men. I looked at him as he seemed to be fighting to come to my aid. I watched Bufford look at him then back at me.

“Well if it isn’t your boyfriend,”He chuckled as I tried to get him off of me,”Well this should be entertaining.”

  He went to kiss me as I heard a growl come up from Alex’s throat. It caught Bufford’s ears as he turned to look at Alex. I tried again to get him off of me but he faced me and roughly kissed me. My group walked up and seemed frozen in their spot.

  James went to run over to help me but one of the others grabbed a hold of him. Nick was nowhere to be found as Bufford stopped the kiss. I looked up at him as his hand went up my shirt and felt the bare skin. His hand was as cold as ice as it traced over Alex’s name that was scared into my skin.

“What’s this?”He said lifting it up,”Did you get a tattoo while you were away?”

“No,”I cried as Alex was trying so hard to get to me.

“Then who gave you this?”He said trying to seduce me.

  I looked up as he roughly kissed me again and I heard Alex get more vicious by the minute. I looked to the side as Nick and the Dragons showed up. I was still beating on his chest as Nick ran to him. He had no one to stop him and to my relief that was a good thing. He ripped Bufford off me and held me in his arms. I cried as Alex broke free and came over to take me from Nick.

“You’re alright now,”Alex and Nick said at the same time.

“Dragons attack,”Nick yelled at the kids as Bufford laughed at them.

“You think kids can stop me,”He joked.

   The twenty kids from ages of six to twelve went after him. They took turns kicking and just beating the snot out of him and his gang. I stood up as my group ran to me as they surrounded me like they were ready to kick his tail now.

  The kids ran in front of me as I took a few steps forward and held my hand up for them to stop. You always obey your head dragons. I looked at Bufford as he was shaking his head no at me. I grinned evilly as the master walked out and over to me. I had an open hand as they were backing up and closed it as the kids ran after them.

“Dragons come back,”Master said after

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