» Romance » Hard Love, Mis Understood [best story books to read txt] 📗

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Why did I do to deserve this? Was I really not that good enough that I had to be tortured by them all the time? Why do they torture me? What did I ever do to them? Why was this happening to me? All these question were floating in my mind, over and over and over again. Unknown they will remain.

I felt his chapped hands exploring my body. I weeped, it felt sickening. I have never felt so worthless in my life until this moment.

"Please, please stop"

They all laughed, they love seeing me cry. They like to hear me scream, they enjoy seeing me in this agonizing pain.

"No, please, I beg you.. s-stop!"

Jason's hands went behind mid back to unpluck my bra. Yup, this is it! They're really gonna do this, I thought.

"NO, NO, NO" I kept repeating, hoping that they realize they are going way too far, hoping that they will finally listen to me!

"That's enough!" a voice full of authority roared, it was David Veveiros's voice. It was deep and strong. HE was the quarter back. In the beginning of freshmen year, I had the biggest crush on him. Who wouldn't? He was tall, six feet two, had the best six packs in the whole universe, he even had the happy trail. His smile and his sparkly white teeth made girls go crazy, especially his killer smirk. And his eyes were the most brightest green color ever. You could get lost in them and it would be improbable to find your way back. His hair was that messy 'I-Dont-Care' hair that made him look like a complete bad ass. All you want to do is run your fingers through it.

But then the bullying started and I lost my interest in him, because HE was the bystander. He would be there most of the time they tormented me. He never insulted me and he never participated. He would just stand on the corner, in the back of the room, with his arms crossed, observing all the messed up things they'd do to me. He would laugh ocassionally but it almost seemed forced. Or maybe it was my mind playing tricks on me. He is the one that would stop them when they went to far. Like now...

"Why david? I was just getting started," Jason said playfully.

"Because I said so, All of youse, Leave NOW!" David yelled.

Jason got off of me and then I heard shuffling and then a moment later I heard the sound of the doors shut.

I cried thinking I was alone.

"Are you okay?" David's deep voice startled me.

I glared at him but didn't answer him. Really? Was I okay? After that whole scene he really thought I was going to turn out just dandy? Seriously!?

"Okay that was a stupid question. Umm, do you have any extra clothes?"

"Why do you care?" I spat at him. He has witnessed almost everything they have done to me, not once had he spoken to me and he never stuck up for me!

"I don't," he shrugged. He turned around, he then looked over his shoulder and said, "I suggest you get dressed and leave, before they come back."

With those last eleven words, he walked away. I went to my gym locker, got extra clothes, got dressed and then I jogged out of the school building.

I ran home, once in a while I would stop to catch my breath then ran again without looking back. I made it home in less than twenty minutes and yelled out for my mother. Seconds later, she came out of the kitchen, confusion was written all over her face.

"Honey... What are you doing here?" She asked, she scrunched her eyebrows together, making a crease between them.

"We need to talk," I said out of breath. I sat on the stairs.

She looked at me waiting for me to speak up.

While running home, I made my mind up...

I will tell my mother everything. From the beginning, to the middle and the end. Making my way back there was only one thing I thought of, one thing I desired, one thing I wanted,  one thing I needed, one thing I dreamed of..




( A/N ) : So, what did you think? Did you like it? What didn't you like? Melanie is so evil huh?




Chapter One: Transformation

- Chapter One: Transformation -


"And who am I? Without a name dropping it, I'm Someone who saw the top and didn't stop, he just climbed. Someone who get money without dropping a dime Transform to your leader and my optimus prime"  - Fabolous


***** One Hour Later *****

My mom hugged me tightly, silent tears rolled down her tan cheek. The motherly love I was receiving is exactly what I needed. Her warmth stopped my chest from heaving and she stroked my long, curly hair. It made me feel something I've been missing since my daddy left... love. Not that my dad left my on purpose, he works every day and his job was hours away from where we lived. I'd be lucky if I saw him more than once in a month. Words can't explain how much I miss him and even though he works so much, I can't help but be so proud of him!

" I.. I don't understand why you didn't tell me sooner, sweety," mom said, then she kissed the top of my head.

I pulled away and examined my hand, as if they were the most astonishing thing in the world. I opened my mouth to speak, but then it closed it, not knowing what to say. I fidgeted my fingers and sighed.

" I g-guess, I was a-afraid," I stuttered. Brand-new tears rolled down my olive skin. My mother layed her palm on top of the back of my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. I lowered my gaze.

"Afraid of what honey?" Her soothing voice asked.

I shrugged.

"Do you want me to call the school?"

I shook my head.

"Your dad?"

Again, I shook my head.

"Then what do you want? I'll do anything," she asked desperately.

A smirk formed in my mind. My hazel eyes met her dark green eyes. Three words formed in my head.

"I want revenge," I announced, meaning it from the bottom of my heart.

Her face went from disbelief, to confusion, then to bewilderment. By the look on her face, I knew she was in deep thought. The way her eyes appeared to be in a different world. She was thinking of what to say. She was most likely going to yell at me, saying how stupid and pathetic my desicion was. Then she would probably ask me if I was crazy, if I have gone mad, or if I've lost my mind. I wouldn't blame her if she did. Her innocent, chaste, quiet daughter wanting revenge, one word: crazy!

Then I caught something, the corner of her lips curled up. My mother was smirking!

"I've got a plan."


****************Three Hundred sixty-four days later **********************


When my mom said she'd do anything for me, she was being one hundred honest with me. My mom called a teacher, a beautician, a make-up artist, a counselor and hired them.

My teacher was in her late forties. She was extemely stricked and often very cranky. Her face aged from frown lines, her hair was auburn with white streaks. She was always so hard on me! I think she was going through menopause. Thank the Lord that yesterday was my last class with her!

My make-up artist, Stacey, who lived here, did a huge make over on me. My thick, squared glasses were replaced with contact lenses. My teeth are now free from train tracks, which I sort of miss. I feel weird without them. I sometimes use my glasses, I still need to get use to my contacts. She gave me a cream to make all the pimples that decorated my entire face fade away. Now my face is healthy, smooth and pimple-free. She also taught me how to walk in stilettos. After months of training, I can now run in high heels... literally- trust me it is possible. She is also the one who taught me how to dress appropriately and act like a lady.

My beautician was a year old thirty man named Tony. He was Dominican, he had an accent which was very attractive. Now that I'm going to school, he is being paid to do my hair in the morning. The once frizzy, dead, nappy hair I had three hundred sixty-four days ago was silky, smooth and shiney. I had volume now and my curls were more outstanding.

Last but not least was Mr. Leo, also known as, Kenneth, my counselor. Not only that but he is also a good friend of mine. He's twenty-five. I think he's young to be a counselor but he is very good at his job. He helped me to boost my self-confidence. Which was easier said than done. In my eighteen years of living, this has been the most complex thing I've ever achieved. It was more complex than learning the periodic table and that... was very hard.

From all the insults I've gotten from Melanie, Matt, Jason and so on, I actually believed that I was a worthless looser, a good for nothing, "the most hideous thing in the whole solar system" as Jason once said. But that didn't stop him from violating me. Thanks to Kenneth, I can say that I am beautiful without having a little voice in my mind telling me that I wasn't. I can actually look at myself in the mirror without feeling appalled and ashamed of myself.

I know I am not perfect and that I am not the most beautiful girl in the world. I can admit that I have flaws, but I do know that I am beautiful. I'm not that girl that used to hide in her thick rims, kinky hair and clothes that were ten times bigger than  her size. I am not that weak, unattractive, and scrawny girl that I once was. I'm not that girl anymore! I am beautiful and confident. I learned how to defend myself too. I'm far from that girl that couldn't even form a correct fist. And I don't stutter anymore unless I am super nervous.

"So, what's tomorrow?" Stacey asked.

Currently, we are laying down on my king-sized bed, staring at my baby blue ceiling.

"My first day of school, as if you didn't know," I responded.

"Yeah but why specifically November sixteenth? Why didn't you start in September like everyone else?" She questioned.

I sighed. Sometimes she asked too many questions. But that's what made her so... her! Plus, she is my best friend. She's twenty one, we're not that far away in age. So, I guess I can tell her.

"Last year, it was on a wednesday, November sixteenth, the 'Queen Bee' of the school chased me into the girls locker room, she hit me repeatedly and insulted me. Then, when she was done she left me with her group of girlfriends and they... they kicked and punched me, one after another after another," waterfalls rushed down my face, "They took off my clothes and called the football team in. They violated me.. I felt so useless," I sobbed, more miserable tears slid down my face. "I ran home and told my mom all the horrible things they've done to me," I wiped my tears away with the back of my sleeves, "It scarred me so badly, that was the day I promised I would get

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