» Romance » Hard Love, Mis Understood [best story books to read txt] 📗

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purse, inhaled twice then put it back. I put everything in my locker and locked it. Then, made my way to the gym.

 I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing but everyone was in my class. When I say everyone, I truly mean it. The whole crew were sitting on the bleachers. Melanie was next to David with her hand around his arms. David had was leaned forward with his elbows resting on his kness. He was in a deep conversation with Matt who was sitting besides him. Jason was next Matt, with his back against the bleachers and his arms crossed, looking at the boys throwing a football back and forth. Melanies' girls Raine, Victoria, Clarice and Samantha were all sitting next to each other looking at the girls with malevolence, disgust or hatred. They smiled and waved at some girls, but it was all fake. They might have looked friendly to those girls but if you looked closely at them, you could see the hatred leaking out of their eyes. 

'I can't wait until Stacey is here with me'

I looked around, wondering where I should take my seat. Suddenly, I hear my name being called from afar. I turned around to see Lenna running towards me. I smiled so widely at her, I'm pretty sure Mississppi River had nothing on me. 

'Boy am I glad to see her here!'

"Hey Lenna!" I walked up to her.

"I'm so happy to see you here," she mimicked my smile.

"I was just thinking the same thing." 


Unexpectedly, a loud, fimiliar screech made its way through the gym, making most of us wince and some covered their ears. It was the one and only Mr. Link and his infamous whistle. I did not miss that whistle at all. He grinned at all of us. I hope he chokes one day blowing that whistle, if it's possible.

"Okay Guys, today you are going to partner up." He yelled. Lenna and I looked at each other and nodded. 

"Today, I don't feel like teaching and putting up with a bunch of lazy kids,"- Look who's talking - "so you guys will be doing thirty push-up, thirty sit-ups then fifteen laps around the gym."

Many groans and whining were heard but nothing from me. Running fifteen laps were nothing to me. Well not anymore, at least. I went through worse with Kenneth, my counselor.

"I don't care where you start as long as you do everything. I will keep my eyes on all of youse, and Ms. Yung will be as well. If I catch any of you dim-wits fooling around, it's an automatic detention. Understood!?" He yelled.

Everyone answered with a 'yes', 'yeah', 'yup' or 'whatever'. 




Lenna and I finished with our push-ups and sit-ups. When it was time for the run we parted because we were going different paces. I put my Beats on and put on "Rabbit Run" by Eminem. I started walking slowly, then after a while I began jogging. A few minutes later I ran swiftly around the gym, cutting people who were in my way. I breathed in through my nose, then out from my mouth like Kenneth taught me. When I was half way done doing my laps, someone had the audacity to stop right in front of me, almost making me trip. When I looked to see who it was, I put on an inscrutable face. I crossed my arms and stood up straight, that's when I notice how much taller than her.

"May I help you, Melanie?" I gave her an annoyed look.

"Is it Jazielly?" She smiled sweetly.

"Wow, Melanie this has got to be the first time you actually pronounced my name correctly." I spoke to her as if I was very surprised. Which I was.

"What are you talking about?" She shook her head, feigning confusion.

"Cut the crap Mels, you know exactly what I'm talking about." I raised my voice, brandishing a finger in her face.

"I have no cl-"

"But, whatever game you're playing, I will play along and even though you started it Melanie, trust and believe I will finish it." I got in her face my bronze eyes looking straight into her blue ones.

"Is that so Jaz-e-lly?" She smirked.

'And the old Melanie is back guys!"

"It's a promise! Now, What do you want Melanie, I have laps to finish." I crossed my arms again and cocked my hip to the side.

"Well, I'm going to have a little party and I'm invitin' you to come." 

"I can bring company?"

She looked at me as if I had grown an extra head.

"That's if you have any"

I tilted my head to the side and answered. "You'd be surprised!"

With that I put my Beats back on and finished the other half of my laps in less then ten minutes. I was the third one done. Mr. Link gave me a weird look and Ms. Yung patted my back.

"You know Jazielly, you should join track." She smiled

"I'll think about it." I nodded, then went in the girl's locker room and changed back to my normal clothes. I was content, finally I confronted Melanie and surprised Mr. Link. And I haven't even started.



When I made it back home, I was actually happy! It was the first time in years that I made it home with a smile on my face. It was the first time I left school feeling safe, without no one yelling mean names out loud while I walked home.

My mom was in the kitchen cooking dinner. I walked up to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey, baby girl, how was school?" She kissed my forehead.

"It was great!" I smiled so big my cheeks were aching.

I told her about the face Mrs. Hemingway had when she saw me. The reaction that all my bullies and my gym teacher had when they saw me. I told her about my confrontations with Clarice and Melanie. Is was truly a good day.

"That's very good, honey." She nodded, then grabbed and gave it a gentle squeeze. She sighed.

Even though my mom was doing all she can to help me, she didn't like that her little girl was ruined by a bunch of sadistic kids. I can't blame her but what they did was unforgivable. 

I went to my room, put on my pajamas and washed my face. I went downstairs and my mom served me a plate of chicken alfredo. I was eating my last bites when Stacey came in the kitchen.

"Hey Stace," I said with my mouth full. What? I'm at home, I can be unlady-like.

"Hey Elz, what's good?" she sat down next to me, with her own plate of food.

"Nothing just came home from school, do you have facebook?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I do. How come?

"We have to go to a party tomorrow, I need to show you who is who." I explained.

I walked to the gargabe and threw out the left overs.

"I'll go get the laptop." She got up and left to her room.

I was putting my plate in the dishwasher when stacey came with her laptop. I showed her Melanie and described her personality and how deceiving she is. Then I showed her Jason and told her what he did to me that day. Next was Matt, he has his arms around a little girl with his eyes. He looked nothing like the Matt I see at school each day. Stacey's eyes soften at the picture until I told her he's the one who started everything that day in the locker room. I showed her Melanies' girls and explained Stacer their roles. Lastly I showed her David. He was leaning on his black Yamaha R6, with his arms and legs crossed and his Ray Bands on his head. His Jade eyes were bright in the photo. His spikey hair was all over the place. His smile even though it was in a picture made my heart skip. It amazes how straight and white his teeth are. He was so beautiful. But then again, Satan was an angel.

"Jaz!" Stace snapped her fingers in my face.

"Huh?" I shook my head to bring me back into reality.

"That's David?" She looked at him with dreamy eyes.

I nodded.

"Wow! He's mouth-watering. Too bad he is an a-whole! The things I'd do to him." She bit her bottom lip and went off to la-la land. 

'You're telling me, I have to sit next to him in History and smell his heavenly scent.'

I looked at his green eyes once more, shook my head again and then shut the laptop off.

"Hey! I wasn't done fantasizing!" She waved her arms at the laptop, frantically. 

"Boo-hoo, cry Justin a river, I'll be in my room when you're done."

I got up and went upstairs to my room.




"Jazielly?" I looked up to my beautiful mom, her wavy hair was down reaching her belly button. 

"Yeah, ma?" 

"Your dad sent an e-mail of all Stacey's info. All we have to do is print it out. I'm her guardian so tomorrow I'll be at your school."

"Great, this is just ..... just Thank you so much Mom!" I walked up to her and braced her with a huge hug. 

"Anything for you, baby girl. I'd do anything and everything to see you happy." She kissed the top of my head. 

And I really did believe that she'd do anything for me and that is one of the reasons why I love her so much! 




I know it's been forever and I apologize. It's summer so I will be updating more frequent.

I know it is kind of short but I still  like the chapter. The ones after this are going to be amazing. Let me know what you think? Kay? Thanks for reading! (:






Chapter Four: David's Point of View

- Chapter Four: David's Point of View


"But I never told you, what I should've said. No I never told you, I just held it in. And now I miss everything about'chu. I can't believe that I still want'chu. After everything we've been through; I miss everything about you." - Colbie Caillat


People say they don't regret anything they did in the past, because it made them who they are today. That they'd never go back and redo everthing because it defines them and it taught them to make better decisions. Well I think that's total bull shit! I messed up so badly, I don't know how to fix it. I regret what I've done, more than anything in this world. And it's worse that I have nightmares about all the things I let them do to her. It also doesn't help that I have amazing friggin' dreams about her, as well. Even though, I prefer the latter, the ones where I have her in my arms, her body against mine. Where her hazel eyes are looking at my own behind those thick glasses. I could dream about her forever. Holding her, kissing her full lips and making her feel secure. Even though those are the dreams I wish I had more often, I hate the fact it makes my regrets increase ten times more than it did before. It makes me wish fervently that they were real.

I remember in freshman year, how her eyes used to admire me when she thought I wasn't looking.

I remember her cheeks were turn red and look elsewhere, when I'd give her a quick look in class.

I remember she would sit all the way in the back

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