» Romance » Hard Love, Mis Understood [best story books to read txt] 📗

Book online «Hard Love, Mis Understood [best story books to read txt] 📗». Author Mis Understood

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My First Book

Hey Guy/Gals,

This is the first book I've ever put online. I would like for the people that read this book to point out my mistakes. Please, I'd appreciate it if you're not so rude about it. You respect me, I'll respect you! You know the saying "treat people how you'd like to be treated?" Well yeah think about that when you're going to write an inappropriate comment. Oh and if you'd like me to read a book let me know. I can only read Spanish and English. ( I love romance and supernatural!) Also, if you spread the word about my book, I'll return the favor.

Another thing, if you see anyone stealing my book let me know please and if you don't like my book, move on to another one. If you have any advice for me - because I'm a newbie -  I will gladly take it! If you recognize any T.V shows, Logos, Stores, Cars, etc. I  don't own them. Hope you enjoy. And remember, if you give respect, you'll receive it! Thanks.

I want to let you know I love it when people tell me what they like and dislike about my story (only when they say it nicely) and I love long feedbacks. So leave me comments and let me know if you liked it. Criticism helps me out. I want to improve my writing and with your support, I know I'll be able to do that (: .. Let me know if you would like me to read one of your stories too. Okay? Well, Goodbye!


Also, one last thing:

I changed the title to my book. It was previously called "First Comes Revenge, then Comes Love". It's now called, "HARD LOVE". I did send everyone the reason why; I know some people don't like checking their messages. The reason why is because if you knew me in person, you'd know I hate violence. So it's still all the same, but I feel I focused too much on revenge, not Love. There's still going to be anger and revengeful feelings. The question is, will Jazielly succeed her "mission"? If you have any confusions, questions or comment; feel free to message me! Thanks for your support!!!! (:


Sincerely, Mis. Understood!


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"I am a little bit of insecure, a little of unconfident 'cause you don't understand I do what I can and sometimes I don't make sense. I am what you never wanna say but I never had the doubt, it's like no matter what I do, I can't convince you for once just to hear me out" - Linkin Park


"There she is, that little rat. Get her!" The school's most popular girl Melanie Raposa hollered. She was the school's cheerleading captain and Junior president. She was beautiful but plastic. Fake breast, fake butt, fake lips and fake hair. She was as synthetic as a barbie, actually she looked like a barbie: blonde hair, blue eyes and the body of one.

I ran as fast as I could but I had something called Respiratory Arrest, it is similar to asthma but it's worse, I could stop breathing in any hour, any minute, any second of the day. Running can increase these risk but I'd rather run for my life. After minutes of running around the hallways, I was feeling fatigue and having a hard time breathing. I jogged into the girl's locker room and hid inside the random red, thin and long locker.

"I know she's in here Mel, I saw her run in here," a voice I recognized said. Her name was Samantha Pacheco. She was tall, skinny as a tooth-pick. She had jet black hair that was short, it reached up to her chin. She was not beautiful but she was not ugly either. She was on the girl's soccer team and she was very damn good at it too.

"Find that thing! Now!" You could hear the venom in Melanie's voice.

"Yes Melanie," Samantha and another fimiliar voice said. The other voice belonged to Clarice Souza. She was an average sized girl, her skin color was almost a caramel color and she had dirty blonde hair with brown eyes. She was captain of our school's softball team. Samantha and Clarice followed Melanie everywhere and obeyed her every single command. There two more in her little group but these were the main two.

I heard running, their stomps matched the rythym of my heartbeat. I was panting, looking anywhere and everwhere for a little breeze, a little something... ANYTHING! But not even the little holes that were on the locker was giving me enough oxygen. My hot breath was making the air thick. The stomps were approaching and the click-clacks from Melanie's heels were just a few feet away from the locker I was hiding in.

"You know Jaziel or Jaz-e-elly, whatever you call yourself, it is meaningless anyways."

I can picture her examining the tip of her manicured fingernails.

"You can run, but you can't hide. Remember Jaz-e-elly," she said my name in a curt manner. "I always win, and you always loose. You are worthless, you are a good for nothing."

The click-clacks from her heels were inches away from my locker.

"YOU! "

She was close.


She was in front of my locker.


I give up, she caught me. I don't know why I try. I am weak, I am unintenable. I AM A  NOBODY!

"NOBODY!" Melanie yelled.

She opened the locker I was in, grabbed me by my hair and pulled me out. She slapped me across my right cheek causing my head to whip to the side. It stung but it's not like it's something that I cannot handle.

"I am a somebody, the captain of the cheerleading team, the Junior President, the most well-known girl in this school. This school needs me and my money without it they'd be nothing, just like you. I am strong and  I am valuable," she smirked. Then she got so close to my face, and even though she was making my life a living hell, I didn't look down, I looked at her straight into her fierce blue eyes. Her smirk grew wider and then she spit right in my face. The warm liquid made me want to gag and it dripped slowly down my cheek. I stayed quiet, I always did but I listened cautiously to every word she or her friends would say and I'd remember them. I was attentive to every move she or her friends made. 

"Samantha, Clarice, make her suffer," with that, she grinned at me, turned around and walked away.

Why didn't I fight back? It's useless, I'm indefensible. Samantha and Clarice hit me repeatedly in the stomach, I felt every blow. It felt like someone was hammering the inside of my stomach. Every kick took my breath away. All I can think about is how ugly my tummy was going to look tomorrow and how sore I was going to feel. I heard the doors open and few seconds later, the doors closed. The last two girls in Melanie's group appeared, Raine Turner and Victoria Martins.

Raine was the thickest girl out of the four. She had orange-colored hair, freckles decorated all over her nose and cheek. The color of her eyes were a dull green. She looked so innocent but she was the contrary.

Victoria was about five feet five, flat-chested, her butt was as flat as a pancake, too. Her chocolate brown hair reached up to her shoulders and had hazel eyes. She was almost as beautiful as Melanie, if she had more curves.

"Look who we have here," Raine sneered.

I was coughing up blood, my stomach hurt like hell, it felt like it was on fire. The pain was unbearable.

"We need you to hold her down," Clarice said to Raine.

"It'll be my pleasure."

Clarice took hold of my feet and Raine took hold of my hands. Samantha was guarding the doors, while Victoria was straddling me, she took her bagpack off her shoulders, she opened it and took out a pocket knife. My eyes widened. They weren't going to kill me right? I mean, they wouldn't go that far, I thought.

"Shhh Jazielly, we're just going to have some fun," Victoria said putting the knife near my belly. I closed my eyes, but then I opened them. I didn't want to miss anything they did to me. 

Turns out, they were just cutting my shirt and my baggy pants up. After, they threw my clothes in the garbage.

"Not so bad, huh?" Victoria smiled. I gulped.

She then took off my thick glasses off, without them I couldn't see a thing.

"P-pl-please not th-th-the glass-ss-sses," I begged, but it was too late because that's when I heard the glass part of my specs break.

"You know Jazielly, you have beautiful eyes, gorgeous long thick eyelashes and almost golden color eyes, bronze maybe?" she said, tilting her head to the side. I don't know if she was being serious or sarcastic. I didn't cave in though, I was just wondering why she wasn't being so... rough.

"Is she ready?" a deep voice said, sending shivers down my spine and not the good kind. I knew that voice. Matthew McCurdy, it was his voice. No, he wasn't the quarter back, but I'm sure he was somewhere around here. Matthew, also known as, Matt was the running back of the football team. He was also best friend's with the quarter back and very good friends with Melanie. He was the average height of a young adult, lean and muscular with brown and light brown eyes. He had a stubble as if he hadn't shaved in a day or two.

"Yes, you're just in time," Victoria got off of me.

"Great!" He said. He clapped his hands then rubbed them together. I knew what was coming. Even though, I didn't have my glasses, I was absolutely positive that he had that malicious smirk on his face. I knew his eyes were full of lust and poison. And I definitely knew he's been waiting for this moment since that time. I prayed that him and his group wouldn't go all the way, I was begging.. NO! Supplicating that they wouldn't take my complete innocence.

Matt got on top of me and began to kissing me from my lips, to my jaw then to my neck savagely and roughly. His stubbled cheek scratched my skin in the most uncomfortable way anyone can think of. It was disgusting, I felt disgusting! He kissed my shoulder, between my breast, my abdomen, everywhere. Hot, angry tears escaped the corner of my eyes. I squirmed under his body weight, I wanted to dissappear!

"Pl-pease, stop, please!" I cried. They've done an abundance of things but this? This was over the top.

"Why? Don't you like it?" He whispered in my ear. I shook my head, not being able to speak.

"Jason, wanna go next?" Jason Williams was the full back in the football team. He was very handsome, tall, brown hair with grey eyes. But he was an immature, arrogant and disresectful jerk!

"Eh why not?" He responded.

"No please! NO!" I sobbed.

"It's too bad Jaz; that is your name right? Anyways you have a beautiful body, it is ashamed it was wasted on you with your hideous face!" He got off of me and then Jason got on.

Why me?

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