» Romance » Beyond, Santosh Jha [cheapest way to read ebooks .txt] 📗

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no approval; no applauses; not even benchmarking of successes. Journeys seek no expressions; no self-validation either. They happen; like life happens and they unchain, unfetter, unreason and emancipate. Processes pathway everything…

Emancipation is tough; that’s why required! To unleash…! Big Bang must always happen; in cyclicality and perpetuity. Potentials must never be baptized and assigned to ritualistic routines of righteousness, appropriates and successes. Why? Probably because, the very nomenclature and reality of ‘Must’ is a possible slavery! Why life ‘must’ happen? Why purpose ‘Must’ happen? Why success ‘Must’ happen. Even probabilities ‘Must’ not always happen! Mortality happens; even when everyone seeks, it ‘Must’ never happen…

Potentials are probabilities and they blossom in the innate milieus of honesty, innocence, affection and compassion. Freedom and liberty are not the right expressions. Compassion has the potential for emancipation. Emancipation also carries the burden of ritualism and egoism. Compassion also unconsciously seeks validation and commerce of bartered exchanges. Journeying is alighting, the burden and travel with bare basics. Journeying itself is a universe of causalities. Life itself is a cosmos of probabilities of causalities. Journeying and life need no external and cognitive causalities of human cultural commerce.

Nakedness is the causality; it does not require the external, cultural, expressional, ritualistic causality of ‘Without Clothes’. Causalities are not witnessed this way. Outcomes do not shape up the cause. Unclothing cannot define nakedness; should not. Innate cannot be shaped up by definitional ritualism of negation of synthetic realism. Nakedness cannot be seen from the perspective of fabrics and its negation. Negation cannot be emancipation…

Nakedness is not un-wearing. Emancipation from clothing is not nakedness. Nude is innate availability. Nothingness is not lack of somethingness or freedom from everythingness. Nothingness is innate availability. You do not do anything for nakedness of nothingness. It is what it has always been. Effort for attainment is enterprise in egoism and ritualism.

Culturally, unleashing has to begin with ritualism of egoism. Unleashing begins as an enterprise as, since childhood, every action and behavior have been trained to be energized by egoism of unconscious and subconscious. Emancipation; unleashing cannot escape the ritualism of egoism. The consciousness has to exercise its protagonistic attitudes to ensure emancipation. Nakedness has to be processed; un-wearing has to happen; consciously, clothes have to be put off. Consciousness, as a media, ‘Must’ at least announce; it intends unleashing! The ritualism of stage performance and encore must happen; habitually; procedurally.

Habituality is preferred slavery of humanity – unconscious, subconscious; even willfully conscious. Brain design is in deep infatuation with habituality. It is the primeval causality to optimize survival. But then, brain and mind consciousness is no way restricted to evolve and diversify love and look beyond habitual romance.

Life itself becomes a habit. The guardians of cultures tell you to make success as habit. You Must never be; naked and nothing. As a habit; some purpose and some occasion to ‘dress up’ is always present. We always wear so many purposes and very innately, the consciousness has a full and overflowing wardrobe; different shades and styles of marvelous fabrics, to suit all occasions. Successes and approvals; as habitual rituals; have to follow. Slavery is habitual; egoism seeks successes of slavery. Ritualism ensures; audiences never go home, before applauding…


… The Big Bang has happened. Emancipation was decided and it has begun to happen. The process is well at place. The probabilities are now waiting in the wings. So are the rituals of freedom and unfettered-ness. The smashed violin, late at night after his last performance, has been heard by all. As he slept the night in complete nakedness; the media worked in full might to dress it up with all probabilities of attributions and shades of meanings. As he shall wake up; the world shall also, with the heralding of the insinuations of his smashed violin. He however shall wake up to his own consciousness. He shall greet the dawn with nakedness of nothingness. He slept with this resolve. The rituals and probabilities however, he could not frame up. It shall unravel as the day shall progress. The Sun is preparing its march and shall be out in an hour.

For the last 45 years of his life, since he landed on the cradle, he has been with this instrument. Applauds and standing ovations have been part of his life for the last 25 years as he remains the most acclaimed violinist of the world. Success has been a habit and approvals have been ritualistically available. Life however is always a mixed bag. People love his music. The critics and media have never spared a chance to find fault with his personal life-living and run him down for what they felt, he hasn’t achieved; therefore not to be a great as yet! The external perspective always finds the missing ‘Must’, which someone has not yet pocketed and therefore, is yet to sit settled on the pedestal of prominence.

The Big Bang was his staged ritualism for announcing his emancipation; not to the world but himself. Somehow, the 25 years of slavery of purposefulness had necessitated it. Necessity however, is not always the prime energy of actionability. Ultimately, something has to happen not because it is necessary to happen. It happens because consciousness becomes breathless and the suffocation of clumped energies themselves seeks emancipation. Nothing can happen in definitive certainty if consciousness is habitually in blissful drift of energies. The blocked, clumped energies smother consciousness and make it breathless. The Big Bang happens to emancipate consciousness from definitive death and smash away all suffocating energies of purposes to allow and invite novel probabilities. Nakedness of nothingness is the primary need; probabilities may not happen; they automatically rush in to fill in the void.

Dawn is not truly the beginning of the day. It may actually be an anticlimax of the initiation of the design of the night. Time is intuitively designed this way for human cognition. It is another slavery of habituality. Essentially, light is innately antagonistic to the reality of nakedness. The darkness and improbabilistic lap of night is true theatre of nakedness to unleash its beauty, grace, poise and purposelessness. Dawn and its golden lights are invite to dressing up of purposes. The wardrobe is full of them but tragically enough; all the dresses adorning the wardrobe is a gift by someone, expecting you to wear them to make you look what they thought you should. Nakedness is innate and wholly personal wardrobe. The skin we wear is no gift.

Nothing internal is easy to be attained if externalities are out in the open and in luminosity of the day, to barge in. Causalities are always neutral. They present equal and full faces of both utility and futility. It is about, which side of the information of reality, your consciousness aligns with. When externalities are exited, their habitual acoustics are subdued or fully unworn; the dimensions inside present alternatives. Nakedness ain’t ritual but initially; it has to be consciously manufactured to ensure freedom from externalities…

He still lies in his bed. Years back, he has understood and accepted the futility of enterprise to stop the brain. Slavery of milieus and its causalities is what brain is designed for. It simply cannot accept stoppages. The very emergent and incessantly actionable mind mechanism and its optionlessness, is what he has unraveled after loads of still and leisurely inactionability. He knows; it took him more than a decade to master his craft of musicality; especially the instrument he played; to align to his imagery of realities. He accepts; it shall take him long, before he innately masters the artistry of nakedness and nothingness. The mind consciousness may attain freedom overnight but its deep and habitual slavery shall go away only gradually and that too with conscious enterprise. He is in no hurry. He has at least witnessed the space beyond timeliness feel. He knows how to be on the better side of ritualism of time.

With his coffee mug in his hands, he sits watching the blue sky, which stretched from his window to infinity. He can see; there is probabilities beyond the sky intuitiveness. The wind, clouds, rains, light, dust, storms, etc, he has lived out for years. He intends to see, feel, live and sustain beyond them; into the vastness of probabilities of space. Within; the landscape of his consciousness and life-living; he has lived out tears, smiles, successes, failures, adulations, condemnations, awards, etc. He knows; there are probabilities; precarious though; and he is definitely journeying them; as he has unleashed the process of Emancipation. The rituals have to fall in place…

Probably, the primary ritual, he begins to think; should be emancipation from the sky and landscape of Time. Lighting a cigarette, inhaling thick cloud of smoke inside his chest; he asks himself – How do I actually feel the 45 years of my life? What exactly is the singular metaphor of 45? In music, he has always created metaphors for every single note he played. He created a mental imagery of how a specific note of music would look like, if it stood in front of him in flesh and blood. He asks, ‘How would 45, the feel of it, look, if it stood in front of me, in physicality and tangibility?’

Probably; he begins to think; the ritual of emancipation must commence with tearing apart and throwing away the ‘dresses’ and make the Time stand in perfect nakedness in front of him. He asks himself, ‘Why bother what 45 should look, if it stood in front of me. Better that I strip it nude and then visualize, how it should look up now and beyond.’ He smiles! Confronting your own stupidities and prejudices can do nothing but make you smile; if you have the courage to accept them…

He smiles as he knows; he has this preferred penchant for nakedness. Nakedness itself is a limiting sky for most. He was blessed; he could see and journey beyond this limitation. Nakedness for him was not an expression and communication of sensuality and sensuousness. Nakedness brings him skin close to his own eventuality, fragility, transience and mortality. Nakedness roots him; makes him feel real and true. The usual utility of nakedness and its blissfulness is always there to imbibe and be grateful to. He smiles; he decides, this ritualism may itself be against the very idea of emancipation. He cannot undress Time and stand it naked. He wishes to journey an un-trodden path.

He has to compose a novel ritual to create an alternative metaphor of Time, as he stands to visualize ‘45’ and; beyond. If Time is a stage, full of frills of extremities of successes and failures and love and hate; he visualizes it as a mathematical proposition of 5+40. First five years of his life; as formless and purposeless child; he distinctly remembers, could stand out as one Time sky. Rest of the 40 he feels is almost like a passing second; or a canvass painted only with one red color, with no undulations and dimensions. The ‘40’, after the first ‘5’ almost stands equal as two separate and solid block of time. The 5 was formless and probabilistic. The 40 was formidable but deterministically flat and definitive. Either he was a child or a musician. Time was two different persons; equally successful or failed; equally precious or redundant.

Both 5 and 40 succumbed to the externalities of realities. The five surrendered to slavery of his father’s determination to make him a great musician. The 40 remained enslaved to public expectations, critics’ insinuations and worst; the domineering diktats of the musicality itself. He hates to see 5+40 = 45 into an imagery of a person in chains but wearing a long golden robe, bowing happily to applauding people; with his mind already beyond; on the next morning newspapers’ reviews. He, for sure, needs a fresh, novel and alternative imagery of 45…

Elements of causality have to be understood and unraveled. Suffocation has to be understood to unravel the existential probabilities of Emancipation. This 5+40=45 reality seems like an expression of suffocation, which

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