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By Santosh Jha


Copyright 2021 Santosh Jha


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What is Worst? When you don’t bother to look Beyond; Consciously negating all Probabilities...

What is Best? When you lead your Potentials to create Landmarks, as you journey through Probabilities…


Romance is opening the closed gate of Consciousness, to welcome Innocence of childlike Simplicity. People can’t truly be romantic. Often; they promptly trade innocence to barter Success. One needs to Fail his or her Ego, to make romance Triumphant; journey Beyond… But; it is deemed bad commerce. People succeed, romance fails; love is traded profitably…


Familiarity innately aligns with Similarity. Consciousness is wired to feel deep intimacy with Repetitiveness of preferred Reality. Continuity breeds security of familiarity. Blissfulness is often; a Perpetuity of similarities. Only Suffocation of slavery of repetitiveness can install painfulness for Emancipation. Blessed are those, who romance with idea of Pain as Portal of novelty for alternative probabilities. They journey Beyond…


Eyes asked the ears, ‘Do you see, dark clouds are coming; it shall rain?’ Ears replied, ‘I don’t hear any thunders; it cannot rain!’ The ears asked, ‘By the way, can you hear how beautiful music someone is playing?’ The eyes replied, ‘I can’t see anyone around; there cannot be any music!’ The ears are blind; the eyes are deaf. Both are geniuses; of Single Dimension; of solitary suitability. Multidimensionality is always around; if ever, Self-Validation could look and listen Beyond! But then; Self happens; can subconscious self-validation not happen…?


I can’t appreciate what I don’t understand. I don’t understand; not knowing is no culpability. Ignorance and its prompt denial is innate; visceral. However, conscientious criminality is in flamboyantly Showcasing the personal stupidities as public wisdom of ultimate order and ridiculing others for not appreciating its ‘embedded’ worthiness. Most people unconsciously Advertise their ignorance this way. Solipsism is a Software, which comes pre-loaded with the Hardware and operating system of body-mind. The journey Beyond beckons. Novelty of probabilities engenders knowledge. But; people don’t journey; they squander potentials of probabilities…


Love what you do; do what you love. This visceral intelligence of Habitual cyclicality is brain’s design for safety of sustenance of Survival optimization. This, however, is euphemism for Unconscientious slavery. Excellence too comes through this cyclicality. Brilliance is also therefore, Slavery of consciousness. Emancipation doesn’t differentiate between Best and Worst; good and bad. Freedom of consciousness seeks journeying Beyond all habitual cyclicalities…


The wise and visionary say, conflict and contradiction; its suffocation of stagnation, is essential for novelty and alternative pathways to open up. This is how journeys Beyond happen. Anyways; conflict and its probable painfulness are neutral and innate situations of reality; as it stands. We assign value of ‘unease’ into it. If we could see the utility and worth of conflict, we may very well welcome it; to lead our potentially prospective journeys Beyond…


Beyond is a precious; probably also a dangerous idea. Beyond is an invite to probabilities, where one’s readiness may not be right. Instinctively, definitiveness is preferred over probable precariousness, as nobody wants unnecessary journeys on untrodden paths. A famous philosopher said, ‘A thinking man is a depraved animal.’ Thoughtfulness adds possibilities Beyond singular exactitude. Thinking opens up the gates for precariousness of alternative possibilities; hence the risks. Naturally, compromising safety of survival is akin to depravity; in populist perception of majority.

However; if thinking engenders the chains of depravity of incertitude to enslave a person; it also emancipates by devising probabilities of breaking free from the slavery of habitual regularity. Depravity is not in mechanism and processes. It seems; it is in the purpose humanity laces an intent with. No sword ever seeks blood; human depravity however always blames it on externalities. Shamefulness of consciousness is human. Purposes; their stagnated and stinking intents and their fixed habits, therefore, also need to journey Beyond…

History tells us; this thinking man has been at the forefront of humanity’s long and precarious journeys to excellence and unprecedented rewards. Sadly; this thinking man however has always been lonely; majority of people not only desert him, rather also put hurdles in his already tough journey. But then; humanity’s romance with probabilities has been brilliant and the prime energy behind marvels of civilizations and cultures. This romance is mesmerizing, as it instinctively leads men and women to journey Beyond; into more and better information. This creates probabilities; which in turn engender potentials…

Humanity has unraveled and deciphered big mysteries of Reality only because it journeyed the potentials of probabilities, Beyond the comfort and safety of definitude of presentness. Beyond is infinite. Contemporary humanity is incessantly into this journey of Beyond…

People however, love to thrive in the certainty of familiarity of ambient tangibility. But then; Beyond is everyone’s inevitable journey. Those who stand in denial are essentially negating Reality itself. Life itself is probabilistic. Metaphorically though; Time also travels in probabilistic linearity of futuristic incertitude. The ephemeral and transient Reality of Time and Space is embossed on everything humanity is muffled with. Definitivenes is slavery of mind; a fixation of failed romance with Reality. Reality is unraveled only en route journey into probabilities of Beyond.

This story is about this journeying. It is a romance with Beyondness. There sure is a man and he is blessed to have a woman in his life, who complements him and consciously paves pathways for him. They understand and jointly nurture the artistry of the magicality of mutuality. There is brilliance of romance between them. However, this story of man and woman is not primarily about their romance. It is about their combined romance with probabilities. They journey, Beyond…; in absolute and perfect nakedness; in prized possession of innocence, honesty and simplicity…



Essentially, there ain’t anything like a story. There are pieces of truths; when you join them, in certain specificity; story happens. Something has happened; Beyond that; something you wish, should have happened; you say that; story happens. Anyhow; heart gets soaked, filled up; story happens… Words become too heavy, like tears, they tumble down; story happens… The void and nothingness inside, begins to speak; story happens. Probabilities; in perfect nakedness; align with innocence of consciousness; they fall in love; romance happens; story happens…!

The emotions and expressions in this fictional eBook have not been planned. They probably couldn’t be. They happened; as story happens. If there could be a perception and cognition of reality; Beyond popular acceptances; this eBook may have the reflection of it. Often; reality seeds up, in the soil of unconscious; the subconscious nurtures them. Unawaringly; the seeds germinate, blossom up. The conscious only displays the flowers they bear to people and milieus. Reality happens; story happens. Writer is just a stupid media to showcase; with whatever little ability he or she has, what the reality and story engenders...

However; what has been planned and intended; in this fictional work, by this writer, is writing in ‘Woman-Centric’ sensitivities. For a man; probably; the primary ‘Beyond’ has to be the domain and dimension of womanlike cognition. Innately; everythingness; even Beyond, is dedicated to feminine grace, poise and purposes. May they lead sanity, system, sensitivities and Beyond. The nature; energies of evolution works this way…



Thanks For Your Magnanimity; Beyond Begins To Shape Up Now...

The Orchestra Has Stopped. The symphony has been played out. All musicians have left the stage, one by one. Audience has cleared the aisle and on their way to parking. Lights are off. Only reflections of luminosity from outside have created the faint visibility of the stage. The audience area is darker. In the fullness of emptiness of darkness and vacuity, probability is gaining readiness. Rhythm is set to unleash; something catalytic; yet loaded with potentials of cataclysmic propensity.

The sole violinist, sitting on the floor of the stage, is still holding his instrument, clasping his hands around it, hugging to his heart. The warmth of the strings hasn’t faded yet. He looks up very casually, stares at the darkness of the hall. At the last row, on the farthest seat, there seems a shadow and it is not moving. It doesn’t matter to him…

Taking a last look at his violin, resting it for a while on the red satin; he smiles. Bowing down to the strings, he kisses the instrument gently. A hard bang on the concrete floor and the violin is smashed into pieces. The strings fly off and land beneath with one last sound of zing. He stands up. A heavy but low pitch humming sound follows into the high notes and he breaks into a song and sings it with his hands swaying up…

As he chooses to ignore the stage exit and steps down to walk towards the farthest exit meant for audience, he keeps singing but lowers his tone. The shadow on the farthest seat of the last row moves; claps twice, gently but firmly, as he makes his exit out of the hall…


Emancipation…! Is it the right expression? Is expression the true communication? Is communication the reality of actuality of emotions? Are they anyway needed? Nothingness; as it sways its ambience of musicality in every speck of beingness; is no emancipation! Is It? Emancipation is not even a probability; it is a mirage people chase, very much like life; never there, in substance but always standing tall, in front, in feel of expressions, communication; enticing somethingness; everythingness…!

The Big Bang was primeval emancipation…? May be…! Energies, matter, mustn’t be too heavy; too warped. Purpose, outcomes, reasons, eventualities; they are all too heavy and clumped realities. Big Bang has to happen; it must; to emancipate, free, release, unfetter, unleash, unwarp and unwind… It unchains the incarcerated; trapped-clumped energies and initiates the processes of probabilities to unleash dimensions of realities…

Big Bang has to happen… Galaxies have to happen; stars have to shape up, planets and lives have to acquire dimensionality. The cosmos has no purpose; but it probably has processes. The processes are innate, embedded, entrenched. The matter happens; anti-matter follows… Electron happens; positron follows… Black Hole happens; White Hole follows… Conflict and contradiction are processes. Attainment happens; emancipation must follow…

Probabilities need to journey novelty of pathways; in unreasoned and unpurposed causalities. Causalities too need be emancipated of outcomes; especially the preferred, benchmarked ones. Freedom, like life, seeks myriads of expressions to install its substantiality and then; the corruption and mediocrity of outcomes seed up. Processes pathway everything…

It takes so much time; billions of years. Journeying of probabilities is a long; very protracted one. Life is too fragile; too miniscule, ephemeral! Billion realities and their zillion probabilities line up for staging their symphonies within a few years of life; living! Every passing hour is squandering millions of probabilities. The slavery; fettered consciousness, itself inviting the diamond studded thick chains to clamp around existence!

The purpose, outcomes; reasonability and attainments are so crippling and incarcerating. The audience; applause, encores and approvals are out to negate probabilities. The ever-culpable and failed romanticism with trepidation, apprehensions, unsettledness and a never-ceasing yearning for wearing, flaunting the jewelry of successes; especially the benchmarked populist ones, stands as the big bulky sentinel of self-validation, on the portals of novel-alternative probabilities of realities. Slavery is subconsciously purchased; at un-measurable costs. Journeys, however, need

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