» Romance » Beyond, Santosh Jha [cheapest way to read ebooks .txt] 📗

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you play your music being absolutely free of all external situations of realities of stage, audience, critics, media etc. This means, you evolved your readiness and thus added novelty of purposes and worthiness into probabilities. However, you are still playing within the prescription of the traditionally learnt formats and grammar of music. I don’t know how one can still play meaningfully, if emancipated from grammar and syntactic rules of musical communication. But; one can say, there is always a probability of you playing some music which you don’t dress up but present in perfect nakedness. I don’t know, if someday, you are left all alone in deep woods and sit calmly, witnessing the gush of the river water and music happens. If this music is not the grammar but a painting of the woods, rivers, mountains and the serenity of solitude; how would it be like and could we call it a novel and alternative dimension of musicality. I was there and I heard, you broke into some melody, after you banged your violin. I had clapped twice not for you banging the violin but for the rhythm you exited with.’

‘I don’t remember what I did then but I have the feel that what you are saying is probably possible and may very well be the alternative dimensionality of musicality. This probably is how dimensions must be approached. I had once met a very senior and hugely popular Indian vocalist and when I asked about his music, he had told me, he sang and practiced till his singing began to feel perfectly in tune with his own sense of symmetry. He told me, grammar is for language of personal exchanges. For poetry, the grammar is restrictive dimensionality. Poetry requires expression of emotions and feelings. Poetry belonged to communication of consciousness, where grammatical and syntactic appropriateness is not judged. Rather, its worthiness is judged by how poetry perfectly falls in same shape and dimensions of what the consciousness is filled with. He told me, he sang in this way. He accepted his music as good, if it fell in perfect shape with his own consciousness.’

‘This is where the predicament starts. Ascribing worthiness as symmetry with consciousness is also somehow restrictiveness. The musician you are talking about must have very evolved and optimized consciousness as he practiced his art for decades. What could match his consciousness had to be very sublime and almost perfect. However, as we talked earlier, mediocrity of consciousness and its inferior artistry may feel happy and in sync with bad and mundane music. Mediocrity stands in self-validation of mediocrity. Beyond always means more and above the existing reality. The dimensions need be not only novel but also artistically superior. No doubt, poetry must emancipate itself from the appropriateness of grammar but then, there always is bad, good and great poetry. Poetry too is judged this way and therefore is also amenable to restrictiveness of culturally aligned purposes. Therefore even great poetry and music shall have to emancipate themselves from the restrictiveness of bad, good and great. What we are talking about is the dimension of beyond, which is not even defined and decided by the benchmarks of dimensions and beyond.’

‘You have a very valid point. This means, even artistry of consciousness and idea of dimensions and beyond have to be liberated from the processes of appropriates and righteousness. This means; nakedness in its absoluteness is still eluding us. So, where do we stand now?’

‘Why should we be bothered about our stand? We are only journeying and not even thinking about where we stand and what we accept as good travel. What I am currently feeling is only in terms of journeying beyond the marked and decided paths. I feel, when you told me that you want to journey the dimensions of beyond, what came naturally to me is a natural progression of consciousness in novel and alternative territories. The journeying with this resolve to unlearn and learn, without restrictiveness of anything; whether great or mediocre; itself is the innate process, which truly falls in sync with reality of time and space. I don’t know whether this metaphor is right or not but we can say, we journeyed from class nursery to the finality of our PhD in long years. Every stage of the journey shaped up its beyond in progression automatically. However, we could not have thought of something beyond PhD at the class five or six. For that stage the beyond could have been class 10. The journey itself opens up dimensions. The readiness is also dialectical; in sync with time linearity. We are talking about probabilities beyond PhD now but could it be right and true; even possible when we were in nursery classes? You have to journey a distance, with optimal readiness and every stage itself opens up the dimensions of beyond. Somehow, we stop and become repetitive. Our repetitiveness becomes habitual and this suffocates. This then seeks natural emancipation. Emancipation cannot be a ritual. It only has to happen in journeys ahead. As I said earlier, mediocre people are happy at habitual repetitiveness. They stay there and feel, there is no reason to journey beyond. Naturally, there is no suffocation and no seeking emancipation. It is all about how your consciousness seeks the utility or futility of journeying. We just have to journey; keep seeking beyond; keep experimenting with novelties and never sync with habitual repetitiveness. We shall keep expanding and adding dimensions of beyond, till we meet our nothingness in mortality.’

‘This seems very true. I think you are very right with this metaphor of journeying and readiness of stages. You have almost taken me to the state of clarity. I accept we just need to keep journeying and keep evolving our readiness. I have no reason not to accept that probably I had become repetitive and even habituated with my own consciousness and that is why the suffocation happened.’

‘Somehow, we also need to emancipate from this dualism of generic and specific. There can be some generic idealism and pathways for beyond and we may talk about it. However, we are into specifics, as our situation, reality and consciousnesses present specificity of demands from us. For we, as our situation of life demands, the dimensions and artfulness have to be very much in sync with our current reality. We sure have this advantage of being at a stage of age and attainments, where we may not accept even the grammar of life-living. We have had enough of regularities and exactitudes. It is like once you finish up with your PhD, you are also finished with institutional learning grammar and patterns. Then you enter life-living, which is a larger landscape and journey. Here you have to break free of your past patterns of institutional appropriates and enter novelties, which life-living situations demand. Our journey beyond may not even accept the usual interpretation of journeying, as institutionalized by populist structures. We have the physical as well as mental wherewithal to even engender our own paths and our very own, novel and alternative directions. We can afford not to travel any roads but venture into deep woods and experience dimensions that have not been realized. Who knows; may be beyond has dimensions, we cannot see right now but as we shall journey, without this intent of traversing beyond; even this beyond opens up the portals of something wider and deeper. May be, it shall open up novel cognitions to our collective consciousness. May be, few years from now; we probably shall realize, what truly is beyond. We are already beyond so many dimensions. Our togetherness has no external needs. Together, we are self-sufficient. Our journey shall be absolutely naked. We may approach beyond with this nakedness of not needing any fabric of attainment. What we may get journeying beyond shall add dimensions only to our nakedness.’

He cannot ask for anything more. He feels, he has almost been validated. He feels things beyond are simple and very precisely procedural. After talking with her, he is sure; simplicity and honesty is innate situation for optimality of consciousness. He feels growing up in confidence as the togetherness with her has shaped up the landscape of his beyondness. They talk past mid night. She also questions him and he answers her in similar honesty and innocence. Both of them realized; while sharing their thoughts and feelings; they journeyed beyond their own consciousness. This is the magic of mutuality. Intimacy and innocent togetherness works like a catalyst for journeying of consciousness. Music works this way. Emergence works this way. When rhythm happens, when sonorousness happens in looped cyclicality, between man and woman, between complementing entities; the elements are unraveled in multiple dimensions. Emergence happens. This is journeying beyond…


Early morning; as the faint light transcends through the windows, he wakes up to witness the epiphany in fullness and perfectness. It is painted all over. The music is ambient. She lies in misty nakedness, inches close to him. He watches her, holding his breath, so that she could not wake up. In her, he sees the bright and emergent imagery of reality, where all his conflicts wither away. He can see, unbelievably, in absolute nakedness of life; there are no fabrics and frills of dualism and contradictions. He can see; life is innately simple and soft; very much like a just born child in arms. Nakedness is perfect probability. He understands and also accepts; nakedness is truly multidimensional. Only an untouched canvas can bear the novelty and marvel of a painting. He shall paint. He shall bring in the untouched and unblemished canvas. He shall emancipate and reload childlike inquisitiveness to unleash a novel and alternative learning of the artfulness; the aesthetics of dimensionalities…

He begins to breathe. Few warm gushes and she quivers, gently. He is in two minds. Should he wake up his potential and stamp the first novel definitiveness in his alternative journey? Should he not touch the probabilities and let it traverse its own journey. How could he decide? The woman has to. She has the primeval and privileged authority to stamp finality. She wakes up and smiles. He gently brushes his lips on her eyelashes. She slides into his arms. The decision has been made…

Holding her firmly in his embrace; their nakedness merging perfectly; he tells her what he was thinking just before she woke up and now he has made his decision. The nakedness was perfect for the darkness of night and as the dawn breached the appropriateness of night; it is appropriate time and space to shine up the probability with the silkiness of fabric of intents of definitiveness.

‘I was initially in two minds but I decided that I am ready for my first milestone of definitiveness on the road to journey novel and alternative probabilities. When I say I am ready; I mean to say my readiness is for learning the art and artistry of the new music of my new life. My readiness is not with the mastery of the music but I assure you; my readiness is perfect for learning it. I am not worthy of you right now. But my readiness is hundred percent to attain this probability of worthiness; as I seek you, in my life, in my consciousness, in my destiny and in my final journey to inevitable mortality.’

‘If you are ready; I am ready too. I am already in my home. I am also ready for journey with you in your new life, which from now on is our life. It is truly a blessing that this is happening at a time and situation, where we can look at everything afresh; even our relationship and union. There are going to be two journeys from now on, on road to novel and alternative probabilities. One is our life ahead, till we meet our mortality. Second is our togetherness; our collaboration as man and woman. Both journeys shall have common processes of appropriates and righteousness. The trinity of Suffocation-Emancipation-Beyond shall

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