» Romance » Unmasking the Truth, faze1315 [that summer book .TXT] 📗

Book online «Unmasking the Truth, faze1315 [that summer book .TXT] 📗». Author faze1315

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up a picture of a beautiful young lady. She had short blonde hair and blue eyes. She stood by the edge of a canyon and had her arm wrapped arm Oz's shoulders.

Fabric was place over my head. I moved my arms around until I found the holes for the arms. I looked down to see a huge shirt on me. It was at least twice as big as me and had the rolling stones logo on the front. "Thank you," I turned around and gave Oz a tiny smile.

He just nodded his head before walking back into the bedroom and bringing out my shoes. I thanked him again and went to the couch to go strap them on. "She is beautiful."

"Yeah," Oz placed the picture where it last was and turned to me leaning on the wall.

"Is she your girlfriend?" I blurted out before I could stop. I looked down at my shoes, blushing. "You don't have to answer that, I was just trying to make conversation."

"No it is ok. She isn't my girlfirend, she is actually my sister."

"Really? You guys look nothing alike."

"Yeah, she got her looks from our father." I stood and followed him out the door. We walked down the stairs and onto a prety street. Trees lined the sidewalks and flowersbeds laid against the buildings. Each building looked the same, a three story made out of red brick. They were all reallly close together, just the way I imangine how my home would have looked if I wasn't busy paying for my brothers mistakes.

"This place is wonderful," I grabbed a cherry blossom from one of the trees and placed it in my hair. "How do I look?" The flower fell from my hair and floated to the ground.

Oz knelt down and picked the flower up. He stood back up, brushing some hair out of my face and behind my ear. He delicately placed the flower in my hair and smiled at what he done. "There, now you look wonderful too."

My knees felt weak and my heart felt like it was about to explode from my chest, but my mouth had to ruin the moment. "What I didn't look wonderful before?" Oz chuckled, turned and walked away from me.

I followed him until we reached a motorcycle. "Here," he gave me a dark red helmet and hoped onto the bike. He started up the bike with a loud vroom and put the kickstand up.

"What about your helmet?"

"Your health is more important than mine," I could just barely hear him over the loud bike. Hestantly I threw my leg over the bike and made sure I was at least a couple inches from him. "You better hold on." The motercycle veered forward and I clucthed onto his waist. Scooting closer to him, I rested my head on his back, so the wind didn't hurt my face.

I told him where to go and finally after ten minutes we drove up to my crappy building. "Thanks," I swung off the bike and handed him the bike. "For everything."

"It was no problem," He placed the helmet over his head and started the bike again.

"Well I guess goodbye," I walked up my steps and unlocked my door. Oz didn't drive away until I was completely in my place and the door shut. I slumped to the wall, oh why didn't I give him my number or asked him if we could meet again. It was stupid of me not to at least ask, even if he wasn't interested in me.

I stood and placed my keys into the glass bowl on the counter. "Hello mother," I kissed the forehead of the picture of my mom and walked into the door. "I am sorry I wasn't home earlier, something happened at the club." I took the flower out of my hair and placed it next to my mother's picture. "I know I shouldn't still be working there, but I have no other way of paying off the bills."

If I didn't know better I would have thought that was the last time I saw Oz.


Chapter Three

I pushed past the line of people circling the club and walked up to the bouncer. "Sapphire. I am here with Sandy," I waited for the bouncer to look through the list before stepping inside the ropes. The club was called Ice, very original, but it did have cool decore.

I felt my way through the club. Ice was a basic club, there was a bar to your left when you walk in that extended through out the whole wall. You walk down a few steps, squeeze your way through the tight spaced tables and you find the dance floor. The tile were techo colored, wihich changed depending the speed of the music.

To the right of the dance floor was a stairway to reach your way to the VIP section, the place I was headed now. Another bouncer stopped me at the stairway, but I was let through when Sally called me over. "Hey girlie!" I tightly hugged Sally before moving over to my other colleges.

There was at least fifteen of us in total, all different, but uniquely beautiful all the same. One of my close's friends Madeline, pulled my arm and gave me a drink. "What is it?"

"How should I know?" She laughed before tugging me to a group of out friends. "Look who I found?!"

"Sapphire!" Three girls screamed all running over to me. "Girl you are late," Fionna lightly hit my arm before going back to sit down.

"No one told me we had to be here at a specific time!"  We all sat back down, enjoying the shadows that protected us from unwanted eyes.

"So I don't know about you girls, but I am finding a man right here and taking him home with me," Fionna giggled into her cup. "Have you seen the meat out there?"

"YES! There is way to many to choose from," Heather laughed.

"What about you Sapphire, you finding yourself a hunk of meat tonight?" I stopped drinking and set my drink down. Find myself a hunk of meat? Images of Oz popped into my mind, making me squirm in my seat. "Not tonight."

"Awww," they all pouted before changing onto the topic of shoes. I love my girls, but they all blondes in the brain. I silently laughed and tried taking a sip, but it was all gone.

"I'll be back," I stooted away from the seat and made my way towards the stairway. Someone grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"Let me get that for you," an arm reach over me taking my cup and led me down the stairs. From what I could tell the guy was very tall, almost 6'2. He had short blonde hair and lanky body. "My name is Jason."

"Saphire," we reached a bar and I fine got to see his face. Nice green eyes, freckles covering his nose, nothing I wouldn't fall over if I didn't already see perfection. "So what made you want to buy me a drink? Is it my beautiful face, my perfect body, or to get the girl in the purple dress and red hair jelouse?"

"W-W-What are you talking about?"

"Oh just how you to have been eyeing reach other for awhile now," I leaned across the bar and got the bartender's attention. "Surprise me?"

"So you have been watching us now?" Jason leaned in, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Yes I was only because I thought it was very stupid of you not to walk over there and grab her fucking hand," I shurgged and leaned my back against the bar. I watched the red headed girl. She was pretty, nothing special, a normal girl, but defianlty pretty. "The only reason she is dancing with that piece of meat is to get your attention, obviously it worked out."

"How do you know so much," he leaned against the bar as well.

"I am a girl," I thank the bartender and took a sip. tequila? I downed the drink and asked for another. "I have been in this situtation before."

"So what do I do?"

"You could ask her for a dance which will bring her great joy or you could dance with another girl."

"Which as better resualts?"

"You get hot steamy sex with your second choice," I down the second tequila and was whisked away to the dance floor. Jason's hands wandered places I would never let them be, but I could feel the girl's eyes staring straight through my brain.

I slid down Jason's body before getting pushed away by the red headed girl. Her face was completely red, with little creases on her forehead. "Get off him!"

"My pleasure," I stood and brushed my bottom off. I slauntered back to the bar. You help a guy out and you end up on your ass? How is that fair? I sat down on a stool and handed the bartender the money I owed him.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"  Oz stood in front of me, his hand clenched in a fist and his eyes squinting. It was very adorable to me. I strugged, turning around knowing I was going to get a reaction out of him. Oz grabbed my shoulders turning me around then pulled me off the stool.

"Do I know you mister?"

"Shut up!" Oz pulled me through the crowds that was trying to get in and and bursted into the cold air. It felt like just like the last time I saw him, us running from Chris and his men. But what were we running from now?

"Oz, let me go!" I struggled against him, almost ripping my arm out of its socket. Oz wrapped his sweaty arm around me waist, instantly warming me.

"Come on honey, don't want to be late now do we?" We walked past the bouncer who looked at us supiously before turning back to the pleading women. I could have yelled out to the hundreds of people that we past, but the feelings of his arms. The way my body reacted near him. I shuddered, cuddling closer to him until we were out of sight.

Oz let me go and pushed me into a alley, "Why were you there?!" His eyes were a dark black before softening into a golden hazel I was use to. The moonlight shone behind him, giving him almost an angelic affect. I brushed back his hair like he did to me and looked down at me heels, blushing.

"I was out with friends, my co-workers to be exact."

"Shit," sirens were heard down the street before coming closer. Oz pressed me up against the wall, so both of us were in the shadows. His arms were on either side of me as I was holding onto the wall to make sure I wouldn't fall.


"Shh," we stood silent for awhile, waiting for the police cars to drive past before I took in an air of breath. "I'm sorry about this."

"No, it is fine," I leaned my head against the wall. Oz pushed himself away and walked back down the alleyway. "Where are you going?!"


"Aren't you going to explain this to me? Aren't you going to tell me why you dragged me out here!" I ran up to him grabbing his arm to stop him.

"Go home."

"Go home?" I walked in front of him and stopped him with my hand. "No fucking

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