» Romance » Unmasking the Truth, faze1315 [that summer book .TXT] 📗

Book online «Unmasking the Truth, faze1315 [that summer book .TXT] 📗». Author faze1315

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are a grown woman. Not that you look grown, you actually look young. I mean not your boobs, your boobs look like an adults. But it wasn't like I was staring... or anything."

I let a little laugh slip before finishing off my icecream. "Come on, I know where we are going next." I grabbed Oz's hand and we ran to his bike. Grabbing his helemt, I strapped it on and hopped onto the bike.

"You look like your suppose to be on a bike," Oz backed up a bit, getting in a better view to look at me.

"Really?" I blushed a little. "Come on, the place we are going closes at nine."

Oz hopped onto the bike and started it. In seconds we were on the road, zooming past cars and trucks. I held onto Oz again, using the excuse of the motorcycle to press my body close to him. Resting my chin on his shoulder, I told him the directions to get there.

"So you come here often?" Oz looked at the guns that was at our exposal. He picked out a pistol, while I grabbed my double barreled shotgun.

"Yes," I clipped a piece of paper on the clip and pressed the button so it could move back. "My father was in the police force before he divorced my mother. We didn't have a lot of money for minuture golfing or movies, but me and my brother came to the Shootout often. I got good at shooting and when my parents divorced, I didn't want to give that up."

"I am sorry to hear that," Oz stood next to me and clipped on a piece of paper too.

"Later on in life, I realized my father was a dipshit and we don't talk anymore. I could care less where he ends up," I put on my mufflers, ending the conversation.

Oz did the same and we both started to shoot. It felt good holding a gun again, since I couldn't come the past month. The feeling that I was holding inside, ran up my arms and into my gun. Pulling the trigger, a beautiful silver bullet flew through the air and hit the target. If you have never used a gun, you would have flown across the room shooting this one, but my vast experince kept me in place.

After an hour we both ran out of bullets and our shoulders were aching. "You are a really talented shooter."

"You aren't so bad yourself," bumping my hip into his we laughed our way outside.

"Hey Oz!" a voice called out from behind us. Turning around a short, slight chubby guy came running towards us. He had dark red curly hair and a stubbly beard. He ran up to us, "Hey I thought you had the day off?"

"I do," Oz's voice held a cool tone to it. The same way he use to talk to me when we first met.

"Then what are you," the man's eyes landed on me and his eyebrow rose. "Sorry for not introducing myself, I am Fredrickson. I work with Oz."

"Oh hi," we shook hands. "I am-"

"Lilly," Oz said my nickname before I could finish.

"That name suits you," Fredrickson nodded his head before turning back to Oz. "Are you two dating?"

"No," Oz snapped.

Hurt, I looked down at my shoes. Well now I know his feeling about me. "Oh, well it was nice meeting you Lilly and I will see you on Monday Oz."

Oz nodded and grabbed my arm, forcing me to follow. "Lilly?" I turned around, shook my arm away and walked back to Fredrickson. "Don't give up on him. He has been a friend of mine for awhile," Fredrickson looked past my shoulder and over to Oz who was angrily kicking dirt. "It would be good for him to hang around a good heart."

"Thanks and I wouldn't," I ran back to Oz and grabbed his hand.

"What did he say to you?"

"Just how it was nice to meet me," Oz looked in my eyes. Seeming sastified he walked me back to the motorcycle.


We pulled up to my house around seven. "This is my stop," I hopped off the bike. "Thank you for today."

"No problem," Oz put his helmet back on and turned his head to the street. My heart broke a little.

"I guess I will see you soon?"


"No you don't," I pulled the helmet off his head and threw it on the ground. "Do not start this with me!"

"Start what?"

"This, your cold shoulder. I have felt it the first couple of days we met and it wasn't fun. I thought 'Hey once we start to know each other than it would go away', but no. I feel it everytime we get close," I kicked the helmet and it skidded in my grass.

"Could you get my helmet?"

"No, not untill you tell what is wrong!'

"Fine," Oz snapped. He got off the bike and picked the helmet off the ground. "Goodnight Lilly."

"No!" I hit his chest. "You can't untill you tell me what is wrong." I could tell my feeble attempts weren't helping, but actually making it worst, but I couldn't stop.

Oz grabbed my fists, "You can't make me stay when I don't want to and nothing is fucking wrong." He said in a deadly cold voice.

"Oz you are hurting me," I whimpered. Oz looked down at my fist in his hands and pulled away. Staring down at his hands, Oz turned away and hopped onto the bike. He startkicked it and was riding down the street. "Fine, who needs you anyways!"

I wiped the tears from under my eyes, "you fucking bastard. I DON'T NEED YOU!" I yelled at his recieding back. "I don't need you."


Chapter Seven


Hearing the soft ring of my door bell, I rose from my comforty seat and put down my book. Padding over the cold floors, I opened the door to a young man holding a boquet of flowers. "Yes?"

"Are you Lilly?"

"That would be me," the young man forced the vase in my hands and walked down the walkway. He stuffed his hands in his pockets, a jump to his step. Turning around, I closed the door and walked to my kitchen. Setting the vase down, I sniffed the beautiful flowers.

I picked up one of the beautfiul orange flowers and went book to my book. Placing the flower in my spot, I closed it pressing the flower. Going back to the vase, I searched for the card that usually went with these and found it at the center of the flowers.

The card had a beuatiful silver lining and blue stars covering the front and back. Opening the card up, I sat in my seat:

Dear Lilly,

I am sorry for how I acted yesterday, I didn't mean to fight with you. If you would give me another chance, I would like it if you accepted these flowers. Beautiful tiger lillies for even more beautifulier Lilly.

From Oz

I closed the card and replaced it from where it was found. I touched my heart, feeling it pound against my chest. He does care for me.

I stood from my spot and emptied the water from the vase. I set the green vase under the faucet and turned the water on. Since it was a old household the water slowly poured from the faucet. Sighing, I went back to the livingroom to read again, but the doorbell rung again.

"Hello?" I opened the door. Oz stood on the porch, his hands behind his back pockets and his face pointing towards the ground. It was a very appoligetic stance and almost brought tears to my eyes. Gosh I was such a cry baby, but the flowers and now this, was to much to handle.

"I'm sorry Lilly, I know I shouldn't have screamed at you like that."

"It was my fault as well, I over reacted. If you don't want to tell me everything, I shouldn't pry. You will open up when you are ready." I stepped forward and gave him a hug. It wasn't anything special, but it got my blood heated and my toes curling.

It was awkward at first, he just stood there rigid. But it didn't take long for his arms to circle around me and squeeze me to him. He laid his chin on my head and sighed, "I really am sory."

"I am too," I pulled away from him, "and hey. Thanks for the flowers."

"What flowers?"

"The tiger lillies. The card said it was from you," I turned to go show him, but he was pulling me off the porch and running towards the motorcycle. "Oz, what are you-"

I was blown from my feat and hit the concrete head on. I blinked repeatly, but the black around the edge of my vision was still there. I pulled myself up and noticed my house. Nothing was there, it was all on fire. Pieces of wood was burning down and my sofa laid feet away from me.

"Sapphire!" A man's voice came at me in a muddled way as if I was under water. I looked around in a haze, wracking my brain to find the owner of the voice. I felt myself shift and I was being moved, but I wasn't using my feet. Or was I? Everything felt numb, if I was shot it would feel like a pinch then.

Looking up, I saw a beautiful man carrying me. He had black hair the curled at his ears and hung in his face. An angel of death, that is what he looked like. A beautiful angel that was taking me far away from the hell behind me.

He looked down at me, tears brimming in his beautiful hazel eyes, "Sapphire, are you ok?"

"Shh," I rose my finger to his mouth. I stroke my finger across his lips, the warm velvet made my fingertips tingle. "Don't cry, it will be all fine."

I could feel the cool sensation of tears fall onto my face and the man turned back to the front. Closing my eyes, I leaned my head against his chest, sucking the warmth from his body. "Sapphire, don't fall asleep."

"I won't," I mummbled in his chest. I could feel the calm feeling wash over me, a dark hole tugging at my mind. It would have been so easy to let go and it was.


I turned my head repeatly trying to shake away the constant  thump in my head. It was always there even when I was asleep. I could here the doctors above me and Oz speaking kind reassuring words to me, but the constant beep was always there. Looming in the back of my mind, waiting for its time.

Closing my eyes tightly I got ready for the blinding white light, the movies and books says would happen. But it wasn't. Instead the first thing I saw was Oz, his hand wrapped around mine sercurely and his head resting on the edge on my bed.

Looking around the room, it had cream colored walls and another bed in the room, which my brother occupied. He woke up when he heard my bed sheets russling. "Morning sister."

"What happened?" I could remember staring in golden eyes or fire, I wasn't sure. My memory was all fogged up, the last thing I could clearly remember was Oz and I standing on the porch, hugging. I blushed and looked down at our fingers entwined together. The feelings that run through me.


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