» Romance » Unmasking the Truth, faze1315 [that summer book .TXT] 📗

Book online «Unmasking the Truth, faze1315 [that summer book .TXT] 📗». Author faze1315

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house exploded. Apperently there was a bomb in the flower vase," he threw his legs over the bed and sat down at the other chair besides me. "He is pretty cool guy," Derik motioned at Oz to change the subject.

"Yeah he is," I played with his thumb, twirling his large fingers with mine. "I thought you hated him."

"I did, but he showed me I could entrust you to him. He stayed by your side through all the nights you were here, even if the doctor told him to go home."

I wanted to ask more question, extract every detail of what he said and did from my brother, but I played it cool, "How long was I in a coma?"

"Five days. The doctor said it was a mixer of stress and the cracking of your skull," he pointed to my forehead. I reached my fingers to my head, feeling the cotton wrappings around my head. I could feel the pulse of my headache grow slightly fom the knowledge of the source. "You can leave as soon as you recover, your head is going to need to be wrapped for another few days."

"Thanks," I yawned and closed my eyes. "If Oz wakes up, tell him to wake me up." But that didn't happen, I didn't wake up for another two days. My headache decreased a couple of notches.

I woke up again and searched the room for Oz. I closed my eyes, a deep sadness overwhelming me. I was expecting Oz to be sitting next to me, like he did the last time, but it seemed like he not here at the moment. Closing my eyes, I wanted to fall asleep for another couple of days and try again, but before the sleep settled in, the door was opened.

I bolted up and almost ran out of the bed to hug Oz, but I was held in place from the dark circles that were under his eyes. His skin wasn't the usual color of caramel, but a slightly pale verison. But what held me in place was his eyes. The deep emotion that stirred inside the hazel color. A storm that knocked the breath out of me and caused the emotions inside me to stir as well. Grief. Surprise. Overwhelming happiness. And lust.

"Sapphire," he made a slow steps toward me and fell to his knees by the bedside. "Sapphire," he kissed my forehead and pulled me into a huge bear hug. The memory of his carrying me away from the house, popped into my mind and I pulled him closer. It was the first time I have seen him cry and probably will be the last. "You scared the crap out of me."

I chuckled into his chest and pulled back resting me head onto the pillow. My head was killing me and anymore of these emotions would make it explode. Thankfully the doctor came in at the correct moment for me to distracted myself.

"It in nice to see you are awake Ms. Banks."

"Nice to be awake," the doctor was a tall lady. She had the curvy figure, the dirty blonde hair, and the large green eyes. She held herself like she knew what she was and what she was going to be. A confident woman. "When will I be able to leave?"

The doctor looked at my clipboard, flipping pages, "It says we need to do a few more tests, than you will be able to leave with your fiance."

"My fiance?"

"Yes, honey. Remember I am your fiance," Oz gave me a wink when the doctor was not looking and a look that said I will explain later. Nodding my head I turned my attention back to the doctor.

"Let me refresh your bandages and I will leave you two," she doctor came towards me, slowly unwrapping the bandages from my head. "Would you like to see the damage?"

"Not yet," I closed my eyes, waiting for her to finish up and leave me and Oz alone again. When the doctor left I turned to Oz my eyebrow raised, "fiance?"

"It was the only way I could stay all night," he scooted me over and laid down in the bed next to me.

"Is this even allowed?"

"They can't say no to the man who almost had his fiance blown to pieces now could they?"

"Well to bad, I am not your fiance and was not almost blown to pieces. A bit over exagervated."

"Just let me enjoy a real bed, your brother is a hogger," he rested his head next to mine on the pillow and wrapped his arms around me to prevent from either one of us to fall off. I played with the fabric of his shirt, feeling the smooth texture run across my fingertips. The smell of Oz was over powering, almost like citrus fruits. "How is your head?"

"It feels like it wants to split my brain in half. All I want to do is sleep," I laid my head on Oz's shoulder. "The feeling of complete calm wash over you, is the best feeling in the world."

"Then fall asleep."

"But I don't want to. This is the first time I have seen you in days," I blushed and looked down at the small gap between us. "I just want to spend time with you."

"Lilly," Oz tilted my head up towards me, running his fingers down my chin to the back of my neck where he played with my hair. "You need your sleep."

"Not as much as I need you," I mummbled. Even though I didn't want to I closed my eyes a third time. "Oz?"


"Will you be here when I wake up?"

"As long as you want me, and maybe even if you don't. I will stay by your side."

"That is reassuring and kind of creepy."

Oz chuckled and placed one of his arms under my neck, so my head was in the crook of his shoulder. "You are the one who asked." He kissed my forehead again and stroked my arm, "Goodnight Lilly."

Chapter Eight


Playing with the strings of my dress, I pushed the tears away from my face. My hair was in loose curls around me and makeup and lightly applied to my face. Even though I protested, I gave in when Kelsey's mom said, "This is what Kelsey would want."

"Now Lilly, Kelsey's best friend, would like to say some words.

I stood from my chair and climbed the steps to the stage. We weren't in one of the nicest churches I have seen. It was more of a room, with a stage, benches, and crosses hung on the walls. Kelsey's mom was broke, so the beautiful funeral that my best friend should have had was instead being held in the worst neighborhood in our city.

"My best friend loved the saying, I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be. Our friendship pretty much sums that all up. We both hated each other with our souls when we both met. I, the nerd of the herd and she was the most loved person in school."

"When we first met, we were throwing pies at each other," I silently laughed and wiped a tear away. "In life you expect something to happen and the excact oppisite happens. Kelsey's death has ripped my heart to shreds like so many others, but we will have pick ourselves up. Because why dwell on the past when we have so much more to live for."

I turnd around placing my hand on the coffin, "Kelsey went where she was needed and beyond. She got things done and lived her life to the fullest. I think we should take example from Kelsey. She will always be in mine heart and everyone's she met. Love you Kels." I turned around and felt the soft hand of my brother's soft hand rest on my shoulder.

"It will be ok, Lilly," Derik showed me off the stage.


The cracks on the floor reminded me about Kelsey's funeral. After the good night of sleep, Oz took me to the police station so I could tell my statement. It was weird when we walked in, everyone greeted Oz like he came here often. Maybe Oz saved hundreds of distressed women every year.

A ping of jelousey shot through my blood.

Sitting on the bench, I waited for my name to be called. Looking over at Oz, he stood by the counter taking to the lady at the counter. He was leaning on one side and giving the petite blonde lady heart warming smiles. That bastard.


I stood, but realized it was only Fredrickson. "Oh hi! What are you doing here?"

"Didn't you know this is where I worked?"

"At the police station? You are a police officer?"

"More like an undercover dective, but don't tell anyone," he put his finger to his lips and smiled. "I have to turn in some paperwork, but I will talk to you later."

I watched Fredrickson walked down the stairs, carrying a stack of files. If Fredrickson was a undercover dective than that meant... I shifted my eyes over to Oz, ready to go consult him, but a lady called out my name. "Lilly Banks, you may go in now."

I stopped midtracks, I wasn't sure if I should keeping going or just turn around. Oz met my eyes and gave me a reasurring smile. It made her skin prickle with goosebumps and it made me sick. I turned around and made my way to the room.

It was like you saw in dective shows. A grey room with a mirror-window and a grey metal table and four chairs. I knew what I was suppose to do, but instead I paced the room, my thoughts distracted me momentairly.

A dective walked into the room, a crisp grey suit with a blue shirt, navy blue tie and black sued shoes. I sat in the chair and glared up at the man, "Hello Lilly Banks. It would be easy if you just tell us what happened and you could leave in minutes."

"I would like to talk to Dective Oz."

"He is... busy at this moment."

"Then I will wait here untill he comes."

Anger flaired underneath his eyes and he took a step back. He ran his hand through his hair, "It would just be easier if you write down what happened and you could leave."

"Not untill I speak to Oz."

A low buzz came from the ceiling and the dective walked out with a angry grunt. I could hear some shouts through the window and soon the door reopened.

Oz slowly walked into the room, his eyes on the ground. "Hi Ms. Banks, you called for me?"

I jumped up my hands on the table. "You know why I called for you. Why the fuck didn't you tell me you were a undercover dective?'

"Well the point of the undercover dective is for me not to tell anyone. I couldn't compromise the mission I was on."

"Was it to become my friend, make me fall for you, and destroy the trust I had for you? Or was it to get information out of me about the strip club."


"Then what?"

Oz casted his eyes nervously to the ground and back to her fiery blue eyes. "I needed to know information about Chris, Derik, and how you were involved." With that I launched myself across the table and grabbed onto Oz's hair. Before I could do any real damage, I was pulled away and

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