» Romance » Lani, Eni L.S. [namjoon book recommendations txt] 📗

Book online «Lani, Eni L.S. [namjoon book recommendations txt] 📗». Author Eni L.S.

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Chapter 2

 I hear someone calling my name. 

"Lani gofo i luga" (Lani get up), the voice was saying to me. 

"Soia! Fia moe!" (Stop it. I want to sleep), I snarl at whoever was trying to wake me.

"Wake up you bitch! We're late!" 

I jerked up with a gasp. "Late for what?" I groan.

"First day of school you egg.”

"Oh shit. Let me just grab a quick shower," I say rushing to get my bath stuff.

"No time it's almost 8. Just brush your teeth and fix your hair. I already got our uniform ready", Revi shoos me to the bathroom. 

"Ngaww did I ever tell you that I love you?” I croon at her. She rolls her eyes, "Yeah yeah hurry up. Chopchop". 

I got ready in record time. It didn't take long fixing my hair. I only combed it and let it down. It’s great that there’s no rule for girls to always wear their hairs in braids unlike at home. Thank goodness my hair is straight. Well it's wavy but yeah still straight. I’d probably look like a homeless person if it wasn’t or like my mum always says when I don’t fix my hair, a fa’akaulaiku (witch) especially when it reaches the back of my knees.

The school uniforms contains of a navy blue skirt, a white shirt, navy blue tie striped with light blue, and a navy blue blazer. I wore black opaque stockings to cover my malu. It’s a Samoan traditional tattoo that only the women can get. It covers our thighs. Our tattoos must be covered at all times except for special occasions because they are considered sacred. Which is why I’m wearing stockings. I got it last year with my brother who got his sogaimiti (traditional tattoo for Samoan men). Revi wore her black havaiana jandals and I wore my black chucks. I'd wear jandals if it weren't for my stockings. We decided to hold our blazers instead of wearing them cos it looks cooler.

"Damn Revi you look hot", I whistle. She is wearing her hair in a ponytail.

We both laugh, "Girl you look fine too", she says. I shake my head at her.

"Yeah right", I say in disbelief. "This skirt makes my ass look big", I pout. "And my stockings make me look weird. I bet I'm the only one who's wearing stockings with her uniform". 

"That's cos you're fresh like that and you do have a fat ass", she laughs.

"I do not!" I protest.

"Do too!"

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

"Uggh shut up", I growl at her which makes her laugh even more. 

As it turned out, we have the same timetable today. Yay! We got to the building where we have our first class and apparently everyone is already in class. Damn we're so late.

"How about if we pretended to have broken English?" Revi asks. She has that annoying glint her eye every time she has a stupid idea.

"Leai" (no), I say flatly.

"Come on! It's just for our first class. Pleeeaaase", damn she is doing those puppy eyes. Uggh.


"Yayyy", she jumps up and down.

"Ok here's our first class. You knock", she pushes me forward.

"Why do I have to do everything?" I hiss at her.

I knock on the door and open it slowly. I bite my lip and walk in slowly. Shit. My eyes go wide when every head turn to us. Shit shit shit. My hands were getting cold. I can practically hear my heart beat when the teacher glares at us.

"You're late," the teacher clips out. He is wearing thick rimmed glasses and has a receding hairline.

I wince a little, "Sowry we wake late. Jed lack".

"Since you’re new students I’ll give you a pass this one time but don't be late again. Come in and introduce yourselves".

Oh crap. Really? Do we have to?

I turn to the class and they were all looking at us expectantly. Damn we are the only brown people in class. I smile to them and elbow Revi.

"Muamua oe," (You go first) I whisper through my teeth still smiling. She glares at me and then turns and smiles to everyone.

"Hi. I is Revina. We new exjenge studens from Samoa," she introduces herself. I want to laugh so badly.

"Hello. Me nem is Lani. Habby to mit you", I say smiling. 

Some people snickered and others are whispering at each other with their eyes on us. I already know they're making fun of us. A blonde girl with heavy makeup points her red finger nail down at our feet with a disgusted look. She must be the mean bitch.

"Oh.My.God. is she seriously wearing jandals? Is she for real?” she points out. Everyone laughed. We just smiled at her. I really want to say something back but I didn't want to ruin our charade.

"Okay quiet everyone", the teacher tells everyone.

"I am Mr. Adams and I am your English teacher." We nod and smiled at him.

"Now take the two empty seats at the back". Sweet. We walk to the back and take our seats. 

"Okay class I hope you'll all welcome Lani and Revina and don't hesitate to help them with this class," Mr. Adams says. 

Oh damn we even fooled our English teacher. Haha

I bend to get my notebook and pen out of my bag and suddenly the back of my neck starts to prickle like someone was watching me. I look up and my eyes clashes with the most beautiful green I have ever seen. I'd drown in those eyes anytime. Then it clicked that I am staring with my mouth open. I sit up quickly and straighten. I look back and he is still staring and the corner of his mouth lifted.

He was the guy I saw from my window last night. And he is grinning at me. Damn I'm staring again. I look away and I try to focus on the lesson. Class took so long. I tried to listen but my mind keeps wandering back to "hot guy". I look at Revi and she looks bored. 

Damn if only I had my phone. I forgot it in the room. I take out a paper and I write a note to Revi.

Ka faakaga broken English pea se'i o'o i le lunch. Yay? (Let's keep pretending to have broken English till lunch. Yay?)

I grin at her wiggling my eyebrows. She nods and grins back. Sweet. This is going to be fun.

When the bell rang we all stood up to leave but my hair got caught on the chair. Uggh the cons of having long hair. I untangle my hair and gather it on top of my head in a big messy bun. I used my pencil to hold it in place.

"You have pretty hair", a petite brunette says as we walked out. I smile at her, "Fanks". 

Our next class was World History. Thankfully the teacher didn't make us introduce ourselves.

I am disappointed to find that blondie is in our classes. Her name is Britney Moore. She kept throwing insults at us. She once said she thinks I have lice on my hair. Being that I'm from a third world country and probably get lots in my hair. I kept telling myself that karma is a bitch. Karma will kick blondie's ass. It calmed me. Mostly. 

She also commented that I was possibly wearing stolen chucks and that Revi probably couldn’t afford anything other from jandals. When we didn't react to any of her snipes, she laughed and said we probably didn't understand a word they were saying. I almost smiled at that. What pissed me off more was how she keeps cosying up to "hot guy". 

Yes I am jealous. I have never been jealous before. I've had boyfriends but I've never felt the need to smash a girl's face when they talked to them. I am feeling that now with a guy I haven't even talked to. I haven't told Revi about hot guy. I'll tell her at lunch. Maybe.

There were some nice students. Like Sarah and Rachel. They are really nice to us. But we still haven't let anyone know we speak really good English. 

I did notice a guy who kept staring at Revi. He has blonde hair that reaches his shoulders and shocking blue eyes. He’s over six feet tall by the looks of him. He has this expression on his face like he wants to grab Revi and carry her away to his cave and ravish her. Revi, being the clueless girl she is, is totally oblivious to the hotness beside her. I sigh. I'm going to do something about it. She'll thank me later.



 It's lunch time! Finally!!!

We follow Sara and Rachel to the cafeteria. They said we can sit with them at their table. We got our trays and stood in line to get lunch. Yum it was spaghetti for lunch. We got our lunch and walked to their table. There are four other people at the table. Three guys and a girl. The guys are all cute. They are totally drool-worthy material. The girl is pretty. She has red hair and freckles on her nose. We all sit down. Sarah and Rachel sat between the other two guys. I think they're their boyfriends. Lucky them. Revi and I sat facing them.

"Hey guys. These are Lani and Revina. They're new exchange students from Samoa. Introduce yourselves."

"Hi", says the guy next to Sarah. He has blonde thick hair tied at the back of his neck. "I'm Matt". 

"Hey", says the one next to Rachel. This one has black hair which is cut short all around except for the top of his head which is tied in a knot. I want to scream “stop the knot” like in that funny youtube video with these other guys going up to random guys with this hairstyle with a pair of scissors, cut them, and run off. "I'm Ansel".

"Hi girls", says the redhead. "I'm Andy and this is Miles". He also has black hair but his is cut short. "Hey", Miles says.

"Hi", we both smile at them. 

"Well isn't this cute", a snarky voice says behind us. I turn to see blondie standing there with her followers smirking at us.

"You took in the refugees. You should wear hair protectors in case you get lice from that one", she says pointing at me. "And please take care of your properties they just might disappear around them".

"Shut up Bri...” I shake my head at Sarah stopping her. 

I stand up and face blondie.

"The only thing that's going to disappear is your plastic face if you don't back the hell off", I say flatly. I love the shocked look on her face. She is gaping with her mouth open. 

Revi stands up next to me. "What? Didn't you understand a single word Lani said? I'll repeat it for you. You better leave us alone or I'll gladly perform another surgery on your face. It won't be pretty", Revi said sweetly. 

I laugh so hard I had to sit back down. 

I look up at blondie and her face is so red she is probably gonna explode any second. "Blondie you look like a strawberry. You have to breathe. You know how to? Just inhale, exhale and repeat." I say sweetly. She turns even redder. 

"You've just messed with the wrong person. Do you have any idea who I am?" she seethes. 

Revi and I look at each other and crack up. "Is that a joke?" I manage to get out between laughs. 

I look at her with pity, "Honey, you are the joke".

Everyone laughs. 

"Nah man she looks like joker with all that make up caking her face", Revi giggled. I look at Revi while pointing at blondie, "Why sssooo ssseriousss?" 

"Ok I'm hungry. Bye Felicia", I wave blondie and her followers off turning to the table. 

I sit down and start to eat my spaghetti. 

"You're gonna regret this. And my name is not Felicia", blondie snarls at us. Oh my gawsh she is dumb.

I turn around looking at her

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