Lani, Eni L.S. [namjoon book recommendations txt] 📗

- Author: Eni L.S.
Book online «Lani, Eni L.S. [namjoon book recommendations txt] 📗». Author Eni L.S.
“Honestly, I don’t know. He said he wants to be more than friends.”
“Whaaat?” she stops combing.
“Yeah when we went to the nurse. We’re going out on Friday night. The asshole said we should go watch 50 Shades together and I was like whaaat? Seriously man. Who would take a girl on their first date to watch porn?”
Revi laughs out loud. “He already wants to get in your pants. Anyway continue.”
“And then I said no and walked away.”
“You did not! Tell me you didn’t,” Revi exclaims incredulously. I sigh.
“Of course I did. You’d walk away too if it were you.” I hear her mutter whatever. “But he stopped me and said he was sorry and said I can pick a movie. So I said yeah cool. I want to see Fast and Furious.”
I feel her pull at my hair. “Ow!” I screech.
“You lucky bitch! You’re gonna see Fast and Furious? I want to see it too,” she whines.
“You can be a third wheel,” I suggest.
“Oh hell no!” she scoffs making me laugh.
“Oh and we have the pharmacy,” I say in my best Tofiga from the Laughing Samoans voice. We both laugh and water almost went in my mouth. I tell her about how it felt when we first touched and she just ooh-ed and aww-ed. When we are done, we leave the bathroom and change into our onesie pjs. We have bear onsies with different colors. Hers is pink and mine is brown. We do our homework and then go to bed. Before I sleep I log on to my facebook page and mail my mum. I tell her about our flights, the school, how we’re getting on. I debate whether to tell her about my little incident and I decide against it. So I end my mail by sending her and the family my love. I then fall into a wonderful dream with a certain pair of green eyes.
Chapter 6
Today is our first music class. I am so excited. Well mostly I am excited to see Axel again but let’s not dwell on that for now.
Other from Art, music is another one of my talents. Not that Im bragging or anything. I am not. And what’s so cool about it is that Revi and I both share this talent. We love to play whatever instrument we can get our hands on. But what we love the most are playing the piano or a guitar. We also love to sing and dance. Not hip hop dancing but traditional island dancing. We also hate the same things. Which is exercising for one.
Mr. Collins, our music teacher is cool. He asks our class who can play an instrument and of course everyone said yes. So he let us get up one by one to pick any instrument and play something for two minutes. I am so excited to get my turn. We see Miles in class and we go over to sit with him. When it is our turn, Miles goes up first. He picks and electric guitar. He is really good. He plays his own rendition of Bryan Adams’ Summer of the 69. We cheer him on. Revi chooses the piano. She plays one of the music from the music book at the piano. Everyone really enjoyed it.
It’s my turn and I can’t play anything with my injured hand. I ask Mr Collins if I can sing instead and he says to go for it. I ask Revi to play the guitar. I didn’t have to tell her which song to play. She pelts out Rod Stewart’s ‘I don’t want to talk about it’. I start singing solo and when it got to the chorus I nudge Revi’s leg and she got the message. She joins in turning it into a duet. We do the same routine for the next verses. By the time we are done, everyone is clapping.
“That was beautiful girls,” Mr Collins praises.
“Thank you,” we beam at him.
More students went up for their turns and they were all good. This music class is going to rock.
When the bell rings we say bye to Miles and hurry off to our English class. We walk in and sit where we sat yesterday. I see blondie is already there with her minions and she is giving me the evils. I’d be angry if it wasn’t for the fact that there was a bandage on her nose. I turn to my right and smile at Axel. He grins back and mouth ‘later’ when Mr Adams walks in.
“As you all know, I told you to read Act III, Scene I of Hamlet for today’s class.” He walks to the board and writes “To be or not to be: that is the question”. He turns back to the class. “I want a volunteer to read out the soliloquy with this quote. Anyone?”
I look around and everyone is either looking away or pretending to do something. So I raise my hand. Mr Adams’ eyebrows lifts so high with doubt. He tilts his head, “Are you sure?” He still thinks my English is not good.
“Yes,” I answer. “Okay go ahead.” He gestures with his hand.
I take a deep breath and start reading. And to make it more fun, I read with a British accent plus a little theatre voice.
To be, or not to be? That is the question—
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And, by opposing, end them? To die, to sleep—
No more—and by a sleep to say we end
The heartache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to—’tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished! To die, to sleep.
To sleep, perchance to dream—ay, there’s the rub,
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause. There’s the respect
That makes calamity of so long life.
I finish reading and look up at Mr Adams. The look on his face is priceless! I hear a Revi snicker.
“Do my ears play me false or did you just read with perfect English Miss Seve?” Mr Adams asks with a shocked face.
I shrug innocently. “I don’t know what you mean Mr.” He shakes his head and go back to the class. “Does anyone know the meaning behind this quote?” he points to the board.
When no one answers again, Revi raises her hand. “Yes Miss Lesa?”
“Well, like the soliloquy clearly explains, it was Hamlet’s indecision about what to do. He was considering whether to end his misery or shall I say depression by committing suicide. So yeah the quote can be used when you’re trying to decide between two options. For example, if there was a party and you were invited and then you ask yourself, to be or not to be? That is the question. It’s like saying, should I go or not? Or in Hamlet’s case, he was thinking, should I kill myself or not? But when he realised dying wouldn’t be a good option so he didn’t. So yeah. That’s what I think it means.” She finishes with a shrug. I smile and hold my fist out to her and we fist bump. You said it sista!
“You sure pulled one on us yesterday, didn’t you ladies?” Mr Adams chuckles. “That is a very good definition…” I zone out when I start drawing in my notebook. It starts off as a doodle and ends up as a man holding a knife to his heart. It was a little disturbing. I snap out of my funk when something hit my leg. I glare at Revi.
“What?” I demand.
“Pay attention,” she hisses. Uggh whatever. I scoot low on my chair and rest my shoulders on the back of my chair with arms folded in front.
“Now I want you to find a partner and then choose any theme from Hamlet to discuss. I want a written report of 500 words on my desk by tomorrow. Now get to it.” Everyone rushes to find their partners while I just sit there. I turn to Revi thinking we should partner up but that guy Rhett is already chatting her up and I see him move their desks together. I gasp. She just ditched me, the bitch!
“Axel I’ll be your partner of course,” I turn sharply at the sound of blondie’s voice. She notices and she smirks at me. I want to swipe that smirk off her face. I look away waiting to hear Axel’s response.
“Sorry Brit, I already have one,” Axel says. I rub at my chest. Who the hell is his partner?
“Who did you partner up with?” blondies asks. My thoughts exactly.
I sit up quickly and turn my head to him. “What?” I ask with wide eyes. Blondie has a similar expression on her face. Though the bandage on her face makes her look ridiculous. Axel looks at me with a grin. “We’re partners remember?” I just nod totally speechless. OMG he said I’m his partner! I am mentally jumping with joy. I want to scream it in blondie’s face.
“You can’t be serious? I’m your girlfriend! We’re supposed to be partners!” blondie growls at Axel. Girlfriend…what now? She’s his girlfriend? Are you freaking kidding me? The bastard! I’m already killing him in my head.
“No you’re not. We broke up last year,” Axel says. He dated her? How could he have had dated such a bitch? I’m starting to doubt his judgement.
“But we always get back together!” and she stomps her foot. Ooh this is getting more interesting.
“Not this time Brit. Or ever,” he ignores her and turnes to me. “So what theme should we talk about?” He asks as if nothing just happened. Blondie storms off in a huff. Got it? In a huff.
“Um I think you better partner up with blon…”
“No,” he says before I finish. “I want no one else but you.” I am resurrecting him in my mind. Wait, is he referring to us being partners in class or personally? I don’t want to get my hopes up.
“Um okay. So I was thinking mortality. You?”
“I was thinking I should get your number now,” he gives me a goofy grin. He’s so adorable. I move my face closer to his. I touch his tie and pull him closer. I look in his eyes and whisper huskily, “How about, I give you my number after class and we get back to our work now?” I snicker and move back away from him but he holds me closer. “Two can play at this game babe.” He winks. Suddenly it’s getting really hot in the classroom. “I’m better,” I wink back at him. He chuckles and shakes his head. We talk about our theme until the bell rang.
“Hey we both have gym next so let’s go together,” Axel says.
“Oh I was going to go with…” I look to find Revi but it seems she is rather occupied with Rhett. Interesting. “Yeah sure.”
We walk to the gym together and I see girls looking at us and whispering to each other. Suddenly a song pops in my head. They see me rollin. They hatin”. Not that I’m cocky or anything. It was just a random thought. I fish out my phone from
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