» Romance » Lani, Eni L.S. [namjoon book recommendations txt] 📗

Book online «Lani, Eni L.S. [namjoon book recommendations txt] 📗». Author Eni L.S.

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Note from the author

Excuse the grammar, spelling, change in tenses, etc. You'll know what I mean if you read on. Actually excuse everything. 


I'm a newbie so bear with me. 


But please leave a comment after about what you think of the story and the writing.


Fa'afetai lava.

Chapter 1

"Hey bitch!"

I look up from my desk to see my best friend, Revina, walking in. She is smiling as she swung her school bag from her back and onto her desk. She is quite a firecracker. Most people underestimate her because of her size. She is petite. She is only 5ft tall.  I love walking with her because she makes me feel tall and I tell her that all the time.  She is beautiful and curvy for someone so small. 

"Hey hoe!" I grin at her. She takes a seat next to me.

"So how about I finished reading the Telesa book! OMG it was amazeballs! Daniel Tahi is sooo hot!" she said fanning her face with her hand.

I chuckle, "Oh really? I told you he was hot and you said "no he's not." Now keep your filthy mind away from my man." She pokes her tongue at me and we both laugh. 

The bell rings signalling the start of our first period just when our teacher Miss Savealii walks in. She took the roll call and then looks at me and Revina.

"You two go to the principal’s office. Mr. Taeao wants to see you."

We look at each other nervously and then back to the teacher. "Umm why? Are we in trouble or anything?" Revina asks.

"Just go to the office," she says to us. We get up and walk out of class. I am so scared that I keep chewing my lower lip which I do often when I'm nervous or scared.

"Why do you think Mr. Taeao wants to see us?" I ask Revi.

She shrugs, "I have no idea. I hope it's nothing serious though. Cos my mum will kill me."

"Oi! What if it's about that thing we applied for?" I look at her with wide eyes.

Last week, there was announcement about an exchange student program. Two applicants will be chosen to be exchange students to America at this other boarding school called The Elite High School. The chosen students get to complete their final semester there. We were both curious and thought, why not? It's a great opportunity to go study overseas. 

"Maybe it is", Revi says.

We got the principal’s office and I knock on the door. The secretary greeted us and said to go straight in.

We walk in slowly.

"You asked to see us Mr. Taeao?" I ask nervously.

"Oh yes. Lani and Revina. Take a seat." We did and look at him with confusion clearly showing on our faces.

"So girls, I am happy to inform you that out of all the applicants for the exchange students program we have chosen the two of you to be our representatives. You will be there for a total of three months," Mr. Taeao says with a smile.

O.M.G. My heart is beating so fast. My mouth is hanging open. I look at Revina and she looks at me mirroring my expression. We start to scream and jump up and down hugging each other.

"Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!" Revina repeats over and over excitingly.

"Girls! Calm down!" We look back at Mr. Taeao and he is still smiling at us.

"Are you for real Mr?" I ask.

"Yes, Lani. You and Revina are the best options we have".

"So what do we have to do?" Revina asks.

"You just need to get your parents' approvals and bring in your passports. We'll take care of the rest. You are set to leave in two weeks. Now that is all. You can go back to class now."

"Thank you Mr. Taeao!" we both say rushing out the door. We stop outside the office grinning at each other and start to scream again jumping up and down.

"We're going to America!"

"We are totes going to rock this. Who knows? Maybe you'll get a palagi (Samoan word for white people) guy". We both laugh and walk back to class.

This is officially the happiest day of my life! I am going to be an exchange student in America and my best friend is coming with me too. We couldn't stop smiling the whole day.



 2 weeks later.


"I am so nervous", Revina whispers.

"Me too", I whisper back.

The car has just entered the gates and wow. Just wow. The buildings look ancient. It looks like the ones in the movie "Wild Child" with Emma Roberts. So boarding schools do look this. We come to a stop in front of a large building. There is a woman standing in front waiting. She is wearing a dark brown dress that looks like her grandmother's. Her hair is twisted in a tight French bun. Her face is bare of makeup. She looks to be around her thirties. She'd look really pretty if she'd smile often.

"She looks scary", Revina whispers and I shush her. 

We get out of the car and the woman walks forward greeting us with a smile. I was right. She is pretty when she smiles. 

"Hello. I am Mrs. Rogers. I am the principal and I am happy to welcome you to Elite College." She stretches out her hand and I shake her hand.

"Hi Mrs. Rogers. It's really nice to meet you. I am Lani Seve. I am so grateful for the opportunity to attend your school". I say with a smile.

She turns to Revina and shakes her hand too. "I'm Revina Lesa and thank you for having us", Revi says.

"We are happy to have you also dears. Now follow me I will take you to your room. You will sharing a room for the time you will be here. Don't worry about your bags. Mr. Diggs will bring them in". She says turning towards the entrance. I look back to see the driver carrying our bags. So that's his name.

We follow Mrs. Rogers inside. I had to stop and admire the view. It's so beautiful. There were stairs that reminds me of the Harry Potter movies. 

"You're on the third floor", Mrs. Rogers tells us. 

Uggh for real? I hate stairs. I look at Revina and she also does not look happy. We both hate stairs. I wonder if there are any elevators. "Fesili ai pe iai gi lifi?" (Ask if there are any elevators), I whisper to Revi. She gives me a "no way" look. "Fai ai oe" (You ask). Alrighty then.

"Mrs. Rogers, Revina was wondering if there's an elevator?" haha take that bitch.

"Sorry girls there are no elevators. Just good old stairs. Don't worry you'll get used to it", Mrs. Rogers says smiling.

We are breathing hard by the time we reach the top floor. What? Don't judge. I don't do exercises. We follow Mrs. Rogers to the end of the hallway. She walks to the room at the end and she takes out a key and opens it. 

We walk in first. Nice. The room is quite spacious. There were two beds, two closets, two dressers, two shelves, and two desks with lamps. There was a door on the right and I’m guessing it’s the bathroom.

"So this your room. Just make yourself at home. You have your own bathroom,” she gestures to that door. I was right it is a bathroom. Sweet we have our own bathroom. “On your desks, you will find a set of rules that you'll need to follow and also you class timetables with a campus map. Your room keys are also there. School will start tomorrow," Mrs. Rogers informs us.

"Cool", we say at the same tie.

"So girls, I will leave you to rest and get ready for tomorrow. Goodnight now", Mrs. Rogers walks out.

"Thank you!" we call out to her as she closes the door. 

We each walk to a bed and collapse on it.

"I can't believe we're actually here", I say looking at the ceiling. 

"I know", Revi says.

"I just can't believe it", I muse.

"I know", Revi replies.

I grab a pillow and scream into it. 

"Are you done? “Revi asks laughingly. "Yeah I'm done", I reply.

"Can you grab the rules? Read them out will ya", Revi asks me. 

I look at the desk then back at the ceiling. "It's too far" I groan. 

"Just get the damn rules you lazy bitch", Revi snaps. "Then why don't you get it yourself?" I snap back at her.

"Because you owe me for lying to Mrs. Rogers about the elevators you ass", she yells at me.

I crack up. "Ok, ok. Calm your ass down". I stand up and walk to the desk and grab sheet of paper off it and walk back to the bed.

"Okay. Umm...Rule number one, do not kill". "What?!" Revi screeches, jumping out of bed and jumps on me. "Hahaha I was kidding!" 

She stops her assault and let me start reading the rules again. 

"Keep your rooms cleans. There will be weekly inspections".

"Breakfast is at 6:30a.m. Lunch is at 1p.m. Dinner is at 6p.m."

"Curfew is at 10p.m. Students are not leave the campus at any time except for weekends."

"I guess that's why I haven't seen anyone around. They're probably off-campus", Revi says.

"Oh this is a good one. No fraternizing on school grounds", I read out laughing. "You heard that Rev? You better not fraternize with anyone," I joke. She hits my face with a pillow. "Oww!" I yell at her. "That's what you get", she smirks at me. 

"Okay...uhmm yada yada blah blah female should be in the male dorms after curfew and vice versa. Hmm wow apparently you can get expelled for that" I look at Revi. "Cool", she shrugs getting of my bed. 

"I'm gonna sleep now. I'm dead on my feet. I'll unpack later", she says getting in her bed.

"Yeah same here", I say putting away the rules.

It didn't take long before I hear her quiet snoring. I couldn't sleep so I walk to the window and look out. I see an expensive looking car stop in front and a guy got out. He has really black hair. It looks messy and sexy. Suddenly he looks up. Swoon! He is hot. Just imagine Chris Hemsworth with black hair. He looks to be at least 6’2 and he looks like he works out a lot. Nice. 

Oh shit I'm staring. I almost ducked under but I do not want to make it obvious. So I step away from the window slowly. I walk back to bed and I can't take his face out of my head. I lay there thinking about his face and wondering what he's like. I eventually fall asleep with his face in my head.

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