» Romance » Deafening Silence, _dream_ [brene brown rising strong .txt] 📗

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I smirked, “maybe she gave up on all that crap- like she should of after the incident with Dalton.” They both chuckled darkly at the memory. See a few years back when we were around the age of 7 this kid Dalton came here after being sent away from a nearby foster family. Sara introduced Dalton to everyone and everything was fine and dandy till he met Damien. Damien was one of our old friends here that left only 2 or 3 years back- him being older than us and being thrown out earlier than the rest of us- Lucky prick. Anyway, when Dalton saw Damien; he started cursing and yelling that Chris was a vile mistake of god – you see Damien is black and apparently Dalton was a tight-belted catholic kid. After about 30 seconds of him yelling in Damien’s face- let’s just say nobody talked about that morning ever again.

I snorted, “but that’s probably the least likely scenario- you know can you imagine a kid just going up to Sara and saying’ yea I don’t really even want to be here so if you could just stop cramming this ‘family’ and ‘respect’ shit down my throat it would be great!’”

This sent all of us into fits of laugher. Don’t get us wrong –the woman is as sweet as candy and we love her but- insult her family and it’s WWIII.

After our laugher died down we continued the game. And another. And another. When the clock reach noon we decide to emerge from the basement, onto the ground floor and into the kitchen- to tell Sara we were leaving. After that we head outside in the rain where it was to loud to continue a conversation and into the jeep. When in the jeep we headed out of town to go to work. Unlike most kids our age we didn’t flip burgers- we flipped people. I was a fighter and Chris and Billy are my manager and trainer. Every night I put my life on the line fighting people twice my size for a few minutes of the thrill and a few hundred to even a thousand.

"Hey dreamy!” Chris called from outside the car banging his fist on the window, “come on we got a training to do."

Another day in hell, I thought grimly walking out of the car and towards the bar. luckily my days are numbered.

Deafening Silence - Chapter 3

Hunter’s pov

Jack, Jim, and Brandy. Those were the only other real friends I have - besides Chris, Billy, and Damian of course. Sad but true- but I am happy that way. I don’t give 2 fucks what anyone thinks about it. It’s just the way I am, and nothing gonna change it.

Hunter’s pov

It’s 1 o’clock in the morning and we are just getting back from the fight. Everything went as per usual – meaning that I won. I never lose. Never have never will- it’s just the way things are. Ever since my very first fight I’ve won them all.

On our way back home, Chris was gushing over how well I did last night.

“One of your best,” He complimented as we drove the long way back home.

We pulled it to the silent neighborhood, and drove up the driveway and came to a abrupt stop in front of the house.

Hopping out of the car and lazily walking up the path laughing loudly at something that Billy just said- knowing all too well that everyone in the house was already nodded off to far, to wake up – stumbling up the steps, Chris drawled out the keys from his pocket.

“Are you guys gonna head upstairs?” he asked unlocking the door and stepping in, whilst pulling his coat off. ”Seeing as it is a school night.”

“Dammit,” I cursed, “that’s tomorrow?” I asked and he nodded.

I paused- thinking about it for a moment.

I shrugged, “hasn’t stopped us before.” I laughed and the chuckled in agreement.

Taking another swig of whiskey, and heading to the living room before a voice stopped me-

“And what exactly do you think you are doing boys!” Sara’s clipped tone coming out of the door frame.

We jumped and turned around to face her.

“Hey Sare Bear!!” I chirped happily swooping down and catching her in a bear hug. The guys grinned and joined me in squeezing the living day lights out of her.

“Get off of me!” she cried, swatting at us with her hands. Finally after a moment we let her go and ducked out of reach of her flying hands.

She huffed and fixed her hair that we had ruffled up, whilst we had been hugging her.

“I’ll be dammed if either of you 2 finishes school- being as immature as you are!” she said waggling her finger at Billy and I.

Suddenly her chiding was stopped by the soft sound of feet coming down the stairs.

We all turned our heads to the stairs when we saw a figure come to the bottom of the stairs.

Rubbing her eyes and looking in-between Billy, Sara, Chris and I- Calla looked more innocent than the children currently sleeping upstairs. She was wearing a long sleeved Black t-shirt – like the one she was wearing at breakfast- and knee length shorts. Her hair was knotted and mess atop her head- but she looked like she didn’t care. Most girls would be fixing, or running their hand through their hair to try and fix it- but she just left it.

Sara gasped, “I’m sorry Hun!” she exclaimed. “Did we wake you?”

Now this is the funny part- any normal girl would say no, or say that she was already awake. Calla just gave her a flat look saying ‘No I was just riding my purple unicorn in my room and herd you down here’.

I couldn’t help but snicker softly under my hand.

Violet orbs looked at me questioningly when Calla’s head turn towards me. I couldn’t breathe. When I said that she looked innocent before, it was nothing compared to how innocent she looked right now- when I was looking at her. In her odd violet eyes you could see nothing. They were unreadable- but she had such a breakable vibe. Like even if you looked at her she would break- let alone if you touched her. Her black hair fell like a curtain in front of her eyes, hiding her dull purple eyes- that were blank of any emotion let alone happiness. It was then in that moment whether I knew it or not- I was forever trapped in a sea of violet.

Calla’s pov

A quite laugh brought my attention to a man with dark black hair and bright blue/green eyes. The man stood about a foot or so taller than I, with a black shirt and jeans on- along with a leather jacket. The shirt outlined the muscles that hid underneath, and for a split second I imaged what it would feel like to run my hand along the contours of his chest. Quickly snapping out of my thoughts I chided myself internally, someone like him would never want someone like you, I told myself bitterly as I looked up into his eyes that seemed to be deep in thought until I look at him. His eyes then showed curiosity and something else that I had never seen someone look at me like before. Probably disgust, the voice inside my head told me.

Fighting tears that had found themselves in my eyes somehow- I turned to Sara and gave her an apologetic look and walked back up the stairs trying not to run. As soon as I reached the door to my new room- I let out a sob. Nobody deserves me, I thought brokenly as I opened the door and was greeted by darkness. I crawled under the cold blankets on my new bed and stayed there. I didn’t sleep but I also didn’t stay awake. I was somewhere in-between just like I had always been. Not being able to sleep soundly through the night- yet too tired to stay awake. Always stuck in-between.

Deafening Silence - Chapter 4

Calla's pov

A few days later-

Getting up in the morning I remembered that today is the first day of school. Sigh. Climbing out of bed I sulked towards the closet. Quickly grabbing a pair of skinny jeans, and black tank top, along with a massive black jumper. Placing the clothes on my bed, I hopped in the shower and took my time washing my long hair. Exiting out of the shower- trying not looking at my reflection in the mirror- I wrapped a navy towel around my waist and another for my hair. After dressing I slipped on my black ankle boots and wandered into the deserted hallway. Walking down the rickety stairs and peeked into the kitchen, only to see all the children laughing, talking, and eating around the room. Creeping by the mess of people, and swiftly grabbed a green apple, from the fruit basket on the island. Just as I was about to walk out the front door I was stopped by Sara.

"Hey Calla? Do you mind if I talk to you for a minute?" Her voice was hesitant and hopeful.

I sighed, shut the door and nodded. Turning around to face her - only to find that she wasn't alone. Behind her were the boys from last night. The one with the black and blue streaked hair flashed me a bright smile.

The man standing next to him gave me a smirk.

“Hello there, gorgeous," he purred making me shiver in disgust.

"Easy there Chris," warned a deep and masculine voice. I glanced out of the corner of my eye and saw the man with the black hair and Caribbean blue eyes that made my body shiver with

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